

Research on System、model and Potential of Mineral Resources Integration in Henan Province

【作者】 汪松

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 矿产资源是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。近二十年来,我国国民经济快速发展,以“中国制造”为代表的现代工业更是蜚声海内外,而作为现代工业基础的矿业一方面实现了矿产资源刚性需求的重要保障,支撑起了经济的腾飞;另一方面,在部分地区因为矿业管理不善等原因也引发了一些发人深思的问题,例如矿产资源开采秩序混乱、矿山布局不合理、资源开发利用粗放、生态环境破坏、矿山生产事故等。这些问题引起了国家领导人和各级政府部门的高度重视。为此,专门出台了《国务院办公厅转发国土资源部等部门对矿产资源开发进行整合意见的通知》(国办发[2006]108号)、国土资源部等12部门《关于进一步推进矿产资源开发整合工作的通知》(国土资发[2009]141号)等文件,推动我国矿产资源整合工作。矿产资源整合是集中解决矿山开发布局不合理,从源头有效治理矿业秩序混乱的基础性工作,是淘汰落后产能、改善安全状况、提高矿产资源利用率、减少地质破坏和环境污染的有力措施,有利于调整矿产资源开发利用结构、提高矿产资源保障水平、整顿矿业开发秩序、加快产业转型升级、实现资源规模化和集约化开发、促进矿业经济发展方式转变,对建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和走新型工业化道路均具有重大意义。然而,在矿产资源整合的实际工作推进中并非一帆风顺,有时甚至困难重重,以河南省为例,自2004年开始进行矿产资源整合,到2011年资源整合工作进入常态化管理阶段,积累了不少成功经验,但是仍然存在以下一些问题:①矿产资源整合工作缺乏一套科学的分析系统。以往的整合工作主要以政府的行政指令来推动,整合工作缺乏客观依据。而矿产资源整合工作作为一项关系到经济社会持续发展和资源有效合理利用的系统工程,需要一套科学合理的分析系统,并结合经济发展和生态环境保护需要,针对当前矿产资源开发中存在的问题,综合分析矿产资源整合潜力并判断其整合必要性。②缺乏一套适合当地矿产资源整合的模式。河南省矿产资源资源分布广泛、种类繁多、大部分矿床矿种组合复杂、共伴生矿产所占比例较大。每一种矿产都有各自的资源特点,相对应的矿业发展情况也各不相同,不能照搬一套整合模式来对所有矿种、所有矿区的进行资源整合。③整合方案制定不尽合理。当前的矿产资源整合主要从整顿开采秩序、调整当前矿山企业结构的角度入手,而没有考虑区域成矿规律和找矿潜力等因素,故缺乏前瞻性,难以从资源综合利用等高度来科学制定矿产资源规划和整合方案,有效地指导矿产资源整合工作。④没有形成矿产资源整合常态化协同工作体系。矿产资源整合需要相关部门协作配合,目前的矿产资源整合工作,严格意义上讲是一项专项活动,整合协作小组都是临时由相关部门抽调骨干人员组成,整合工作结束后小组成员各回原单位,整合过程中形成的各种规范、制度及工作流程等难以维持长效机制。因此,本文以河南省矿产资源整合潜力为研究对象,以系统论为基础,通过规范与实证相结合的方法构建了矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,比较分析了不同矿产资源整合模式的特点,结合河南省主要矿产资源特点及产业发展情况,构建了河南省煤炭、铝土矿、钼矿铅矿和铁矿等主要矿产资源整合模式的,并对矿产资源整合常态化协同工作体系提出建议,研究主要分为以下四个部分:第一部分构建了矿产资源整合潜力分析系统。通过总结河南省矿产资源整合情况,针对整合中存在的问题,综合运用区域成矿学理论、资源勘查理论、产业经济学理论和系统论等理论知识,构建矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,从成矿系统、生产系统、市场系统三个层面对矿产资源整合潜力进行分析,使矿产资源整合工作从过去静态的单一行政指令模式发展到动态的科学分析模式,并根据分析结果将整合潜力分为成矿主导型、生产主导型和市场主导型三种不同类型。第二部分以河南省煤炭资源和河南省栾川钼(钨)矿重点开采区为例,从矿种和矿区两个不同角度对矿产资源整合潜力分析系统进行了验证。煤炭是河南省最重要的矿种,河南省栾川钼(钨)矿重点开采区是国家和河南省两级矿产规划的重点开采区,文章分别从矿种和矿区两方面来分析资源整合潜力,验证矿产资源整合潜力分析系统的科学性和可操作性,探讨矿产资源整合潜力分析系统应用的广泛性。第三部分构建了河南省主要矿产资源整合模式。河南省矿产资源资源分布广泛、种类繁多、大部分矿床矿种组合复杂、共伴生矿产所占比例较大,每一种矿产资源特点都不一样,相对应的矿业发展情况也不尽相同,不能照搬一套整合模式来对所有矿种、所有矿区进行资源整合。通过分析国内典型的矿产资源整合案例,总结了三种模式:以侧重于政府规制的行政主导整合模式、以侧重于市场配置资源的市场主导整合模式、以侧重于产业链结构关系的产业链主导整合模式,进而运用SWOT分析方法,对煤炭、铝土矿、钼矿、铅矿和铁矿等河南省主要矿产资源的发展情况进行分析,构建适合于河南省的主要矿产资源整合模式。第四部分构建了矿产资源整合常态化协同工作体系,从健全法律法规保障、完善整合程序、实施矿业权设置制度、深化整合保障机制四个方面构建矿产资源整合常态化协同工作体系,形成矿产资源整合常态化的长效机制。论文各章节主要研究内容如下:第一章绪论。系统的梳理本文研究的背景、目的及意义,通过研究国内外研究现状,提出本文研究思路、方法及创新点,为论文的研究奠定基础。第二章研究理论基础。总结区域成矿学理论、资源勘查理论、产业经济学理论和系统论等理论知识,为矿产资源整合潜力分析提供理论依据。第三章河南省矿产资源整合现状分析及问题研究。首先通过研究河南省矿产资源、勘查和开发现状,分析勘查开发中存在的问题;其次立足于河南省矿产资源整合现状,总结成效,剖析问题。第四章矿产资源整合潜力分析系统构建。运用系统论与系统分析方法,从成矿系统、生产系统和市场系统三个层面,构建矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,对各子系统的内容、机理、作用进行逐一分析,根据具体研究对象的分析结果,找出整合潜力的主导影响因素,划分整合潜力类型。成矿系统层面着重从成矿地质过程的角度,通过研究成矿系统类型、成矿区带和资源禀赋来分析矿产资源整合潜力;生产系统层面是从矿产品生产的角度,通过研究矿产资源勘查、矿产采选、矿产深加工、矿山开发布局、矿山安全生产、矿区环境治理六方面分析矿产资源整合潜力;市场系统层面是研究矿产品在市场系统中相关产业间的运行关系,从产业链的角度,通过研究产业发展的横向和纵向结构关系来分析矿产资源整合潜力。从成矿系统、生产系统和市场系统三个层面分别对研究对象的资源整合潜力进行分析,找出整合潜力的主导影响因素,划分整合潜力类型,分别为成矿主导型整合潜力、生产主导型整合潜力和市场主导型整合潜力,进而分析不同整合潜力类型的主要特征,以及在进行整合时着重考虑的关键问题。成矿主导型整合潜力是指研究对象的成矿系统整合潜力较大,生产系统和市场系统整合潜力相对较小,主要指在生产开发方面较为成熟完善,市场发展较为稳定的矿业企业,但是从成矿系统来看,成矿系统类型相同,成矿区带一致,资源禀赋条件较好,通过资源整合能进一步提高资源利用效率和资源利用水平,在整合过程中同时需考虑综合利用技术、矿山开发环境代价、经济效益等方面存在问题;生产主导型整合潜力是指研究对象的生产系统整合潜力较大,成矿系统和市场系统整合潜力相对较小,主要是指在生产系统层面存在问题较多,市场销售较好的矿山企业,在整合过程中需要通过提高勘查、采选、深加工等技术水平,优化开发布局,加强安全生产和环境治理,同时需要考虑地质勘查风险、市场风险问题;市场主导型整合潜力是指研究对象的市场系统整合潜力较大,成矿系统和市场系统整合潜力相对较小,主要是指在产业链延伸度有限、同类产品市场占有率较低,但是在生产开发方面较为成熟的上游矿业企业,在整合过程中以产业链整合为主,同时考虑地质勘查风险、综合利用技术、矿山开发环境代价等问题。第五章河南省矿产资源整合潜力分析。煤炭资源是河南省最为重要的矿产资源,栾川钼(钨)重点开采区是全国和河南省两级矿产规划的重点开采区。运用矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,对河南省煤炭和河南省栾川钼(钨)矿重点开采区进行资源整合潜力分析,并对整合潜力结果进行分类,分析结果为河南省煤炭为成矿主导型整合潜力,河南省栾川钼(钨)矿重点开采区内钼钨矿资源为成矿主导型整合潜力,铅锌矿资源为生产主导型整合潜力。第六章矿产资源整合模式研究。通过研究国内典型的矿产资源整合案例,总结了行政主导型、市场主导型和产业链主导三类矿产资源整合模式。运用SWOT分析法,对河南省煤炭、铝土矿、钼矿、铅矿、铁矿等主要矿产资源的发展情况进行分析,构建适合于河南省的主要矿产资源整合模式。第七章矿产资源整合常态化管理协同工作体系构建。本章从协同作用的角度,以健全法律法规为基础,以完善矿产资源整合程序为抓手,以全面实施矿业权设置方案为核心,以深化矿产资源整合保障机制为支撑,立足于构建矿产资源整合常态化管理协同工作体系,形成矿产资源整合常态化的长效机制。第八章结论与展望。本文构建了矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,摆脱了以往行政指令式的整合模式,使矿产资源整合工作更有效率性和科学性,并以河南省为例,通过对煤炭资源和河南省栾川钼(钨)矿重点开采区整合潜力进行分析,验证该系统不仅适用于矿种的资源整合,还适用于对矿区的资源整合,展望未来,可以在其他矿区进行推广,能有效指导矿产资源整合工作,不仅有利于资源的保护与利用,还有利于矿业企业的市场竞争力的增强,市场占有率的提高,甚至有利于矿业企业走向世界,提高国际竞争力。本文研究下一步的工作,可以从完善分析指标体系和定量化分析入手,进一步完善矿产资源整合潜力分析系统,使系统更具有科学性和可操作性。综上所述,本文以河南省矿产资源整合潜力为研究对象,力图在以下两个方面有所创新和贡献:1.运用区域成矿学理论、资源勘查理论、产业经济学理论和系统论,构建了矿产资源整合潜力分析系统。该模型从成矿系统、生产系统、市场系统三个层面对矿产资源整合潜力进行综合分析,使得矿产资源整合工作从过去静态的单一行政指令模式发展到动态的科学分析模式,完善了矿产资源整合工作的科学内涵和技术支撑,并以河南省煤炭和河南省栾川县钼(钨)矿重点开采区资源整合潜力分析为例,进一步阐明了该模型的科学性和可操作性。2.运用SWOT分析方法,对河南省煤炭、铝土矿、钼矿、铅矿和铁矿等主要矿产资源的产业发展情况进行分析,构建适合于河南省主要矿产资源整合模式,为下一步河南省不同矿种的资源整合工作,有针对性的提出整合建议。

【Abstract】 Mineral resources is an important material base of human survival and development. In recent20years, with the fast development of our national economy,"made in China" become the representative of modern industry,becoming renowned at home and abroad, mining,as a modern industrial base, on one hand, it realizes the rigid demand of the important guarantee of mineral resources, supporting the rapid development of economy; on the other hand, mismanagement and other reasons also raised some thought-provoking questions in parts of mining, such as unreasonable mining order, extensive development and utilization of resources, ecological environment destruction, mine production accidents, etc. These problems had drawn high attention of national leaders and government departments at all levels.Therefore, our country issued the notice of the office of the state council on forwarding the ministry of land and resources to integrate the opinions of mineral resources development notice (The office of the State Council issued [2006] No.108), the ministry of land and resources and other12departments concerning the further advance of the development and integration on mineral resources(ministry of land and resources issued [2009] No.141),etc,in order to promote our country’s mineral resource integration work.Mineral resources integration is concentrated solution to unreasonable mining layout, the important means of reaching intensive development of resources, the groundwork for effective governance mining order. It is helpful to adjust the structure of development and utilization of mineral resources and raise the level of mineral resources security and consolidation of mining development order, thus to speed up the transformation and upgrading of industry and promote the transformation of economic development patterns, eliminate backward production capacity, improve safety, improve the utilization rate of mineral resources, reduce geological measure of destruction and pollution of the environment and to build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society and take a new industrialization road. However, mineral resources integration in practical work is not plain sailing, sometimes becoming even difficult. Taking Henan province as an example, mineral resources integration has begun since2004, and has entered into the phase of the normalized management of resources integration in2011, it accumulated many successful experiences, but there are still some problems:﹎ineral resources integration work is lack of a scientific analysis of the system. The previous work of integration is mainly under the government’s administrative instruction, lack of objective basis. Mineral resources integration needs a scientific and reasonable analysis system, to meet the needs of economic development and ecological environment protection, as a relationship to the economic and social sustainable development and effective and reasonable utilization of resources system engineering, in view of the current problems existing in the exploitation of mineral resources in order to analysize the potential mineral resources integration and the necessity of integration.②the lack of suitable models of mineral resources integration for the local. Henan province’s mineral resources are widely distributed, phyletic and various, most of the mineral deposit combination complex, large proportion of associated minerals. Each mineral has its own resource characteristics, the corresponding mining development is not identical, we cannot copy a consolidation pattern to the mining area of all minerals, to all resources integration.③integration solution set is not reasonable. The current mineral resources integration is mainly from rectifying mining order, adjusting the view of the current mining enterprises structure, without taking into account factors such as regional metallogenic regularities and prospecting potential, so the lack of forward-looking, comprehensive utilization of resources such as highly difficult to come from the scientific development of mineral resources planning and integrated solutions to gudie the work of mineral resources integration effectively.④the lack of system about the collaborative and normalization work of mineral resources integration.Mineral resources integration requires collaboration among the relevant departments. The current mineral resources integration work, strictly speaking, is a special activity. The integration of collaborative team is temporarily transferred from backbone personnel by related departments integration. The team member get back to the original unit after work, the system and work flowed during the process of integration is difficult to maintain a long-term mechanism.Therefore, the research based on the system theory, takes the integration potential of mineral resources in Henan Province as the research object, building a potential analysis system of integration of mineral resources through the combination of normative and empirical Methods and comparatively analyzing of the characteristics of the integration of different mineral resources modes. Meanwhile, with the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, the paper has done a research on the integration mode of main mineral resources of Henan province coal, bauxitemolybdenum, lead and iron, and puts forward some suggestions on normalization cooperative work system about the integration of mineral resources, the research mainly divided into the following four parts:The first part constructs the integration potential analysis system of mineral resource. Through the summary of the integration of mineral resources in Henan Province, in view of the problems in the integration, the research comprehensive uses regional metallogenic theory, resource exploration theory, industrial economics theory and system theory knowledge to analyse the construction of system integration potential of mineral resources and carry on the analysis of mineral resources potential from the mineralization system, production system, market system in three layers. So that the analysis model of mineral resources integration can develop from the past single static administrative instruction mode to the dynamic development of science, and according to the analysis results, the integration potential will be divided into three different types as mineralization oriented type, production oriented type, market oriented type, and then analyses the different features of the integration potential types, as well as the emphatically considered problems in the integration.In the second part, this paper takes the coal resources in Henan province and Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten) Mining District as examples, and verifies the integration potential analysis system of mineral resources from two different angles of minerals and mining. Coal is one of the most important minerals in Henan province, Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten) Mining District is the key mining area in Henan province and the national of mineral resources planning. Respectively from the two aspects of minerals and mining, the research of this part analyses the integration potential of mineral resources, verifies the scientificity and operation of the system on integration potential of mineral resources, discusses extensive application of the integration potential analysis system of mineral resources.The third part constructs the integrated models of main mineral resources in Henan province. By analyzing the domestic integration typical case of mineral resources, the research sums up in three modes:executive-led integration mode with focusing on government regulation, market-driven consolidation mode with focusing on market allocation of resources, the industry chain-led integration model with focusing on the relationship between the industrial chain structure. Furthermore, with SWOT analysis, the development of coal, bauxite, molybdenum, lead and iron ore and other major mineral resources are analyzed to construct the main mineral resources integration modes which are suitable for Henan Province.The fourth part, we will build the normalized collaborative work system of mineral resources integration from four aspects:safeguarding the laws and regulations、improving the integration program、deepening the integrating mechanism and establishing the integration scheme, then forwards the security of mineral resources integration effect of long-term mechanism.The main research content of the thesis chapters are as follows:The first chapter is introduction. It sorts out the background, purpose and significance systemic, and then studies the investigation status at present, puts forward the research ideas, methods and innovations, for lading a solid foundation for the study in this paper.The second chapter is theoretical basis. It is including regional metallogeny theory, resource exploration theory, industry economics theory and system theory, in order to provide theoretical basis for mineral resources integration potential analysis.The third chapter is the situation analysis at present of mineral resources integration in Henan province. First of all, studying the present situation of mineral resources in Henan province on exploration and development, analyzing the problems existing in the exploration and development; secondly based on the status quo of mineral resources integration in Henan province, summarizing the results,and analysing the problem.The fourth chapter is that building the mineral resources integration potential analysis system. Using system theory and system analysis method,from three aspects:mineralization system, production system and market system,to construct a analysis system of mineral resources integration potential, in order to research the relationship and operation rules between mineralization, production and market.In the surface of mineralization system, the research focuses on the perspective of the ore-forming geological process,through the study of mineralization system types, mineralization zones and resources endowment to analyze mineral resources integration potential; In the surface of production system, the research focuses on the perspective of the commodity production, through the study of mineral resources exploration, mineral acquisition, mineral processing, mining development layout, mining safety production, mining area environment to analyze the mineral resources integration potential; The market system, focuses on the minerals operation relationshipin related industries, the research focuses on the perspective of industry chain, through the study of relationship between horizontal and vertical structure industry development to analyze the mineral resources integration potential.Through aggregate analysing among mineralization system, production system and market system, we can find out the dominant factors influencing the integration potential of research objects, partitions integration potential types, as mineralization oriented type, production oriented type,market oriented type, then we can analysis of the main features of the different integration potential, and the key problems which we should consider through integration.Mineralization oriented type of integration potential refers to the mineralization integration potential of the research object is strong,and the production and market integration potential are relatively petty, mainly refers to the enterprise which production is sophisticated, and market is steady,but from the prospect of mineralization system, there are many advantages, as the same type of mineralization system, the consistent metallogenic belt, the better resource endowment conditions, so through the integration of resources it can further improve the efficiency and the level of resources utilization, in the integration process to be considered synthetical utilization technology, mine development and environmental costs, economic and other aspects of problems; production oriented integration refers to the production integration potential of the research object is strong, and the mineralization and market integration potential are relatively petty, mainly indicates the enterprise has many problems in the production system but better marketing of mining, so through the integration of resources it can improve the level of exploration, mining, processing and other technical aspects, optimize the development layout, strengthen production safety and environmental governance, it also need to consider the geological exploration and market risk issues; Market oriented integration potential refers to the market integration potential of the research object is strong, and the mineralization and prosuction potential are relatively petty, mainly refers to the upstream mining enterprises which have limited extension of the industrial chain, the lower market share of similar products and mature production and development, through integration processes mainly to the integration of the industry chain, and taking into account the problems of geological exploration risks, utilization technology, mining costs and other development environments.The fifth chapter is integration potential of mineral resources in Henan Province. Coal resources is the most important mineral resources in Henan Province, Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten)Mining District is the key mining area in Henan province and the national of mineral resources planning.Using the analysis of integrattion potential system of mineral resources, to analyze the integration potential of coal resources of Henan and Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten) Mining District, and classify the potential types. The results are that Henan coal is mineralization oriented integration potential, in Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten)Mining District, the mineral resources of Molybdenum (Tungsten) are mineralization oriented integration potential, lead-zinc resources are production oriented integration potential.The sixth chapter is the research of mineral resources integration models. By studying the integration of domestic mineral resources as typical cases, summed up the three types of mineral resources of executive-oriented, market-oriented and industry chain-oriented models, and then using SWOT to analyze the development of coal, bauxite, molybdenum, tungsten ore and other major mineral resources of Henan province,and construct the integration models of main mineral resources of Henan Province.The seventh chapter is to build normalized collaborative work system of mineral resources. Laws and regulations should be revised continuously,the improvement of mineral resources integration program should be continued, the research of mineral resources safeguard mechanism should be deepened, the mining right system remain to be implement fully, these four ways should be suggested to deepen integration normal management of mineral resources, to build in long-term integration of mineral resources mechanisms.The eighth chapter is the conclusions and prospects of the research. The integration potential system of mineral resources is constructed, the system is getting rid of the previous administrative command-style, which make the integration work of the mineral resources more efficiently and scientific. Then take Henan province as an example, analyze the integration potential of coal resources and Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten)Mining District, to verify that the analysis system is not only applicable to mineral resource integration, but also applies to the integration of resources for mine district. As for the research prospects, the measures can be popularized in the nation, guide the work of mineral resource integration efficiently. They are not only conducive to the protection and use of resources, but also help to enhance the market competitiveness of the mining enterprises and increase market share, and even benefit to the mining companies to the world, to improve international competitiveness. In this paper, the next step can be analyzed starting from the sound system and the quantitative analysis of indicators, to further improve the integration potential of mineral resources of the system, making the system more scientific and practical.In summary, the object of the research is integration potential of mineral resources in Henan Province, trying to be innovative and contribute in the following two ways:Ⅰ. Using regional metallogenic theory, resource exploration theory, industrial economics theory and system theory comprehensive to construct the integration potential analysis system of mineral resource. In this system, the integration potential of mineral resources is synthesis analyzed by mainly from mineralization system, production system, marketing system, and it makes the integration of mineral resources from a static single administrative command mode to the dynamic development of scientific analysis model, and improves the scientific content and technical support for the integration of mineral resources. Also, the research take the coal resources of Henan and Luanchuan Molybdenum (Tungsten)Mining District, as examples, to further clarify the scientific and operability of the system.Ⅱ. Using SWOT to analyse the industry development of coal, bauxite, molybdenum, lead and iron ore and other major mineral resources in Henan province, to construct the main mineral resources models which suitable for coal, bauxite, molybdenum, lead and iron ore and other integration, the models pave the way for the integration of different minerals resource in Henan province,and we can put forward suited integrated suggestions to different minerals resource.
