

Study on Comprehensive Function Regionalization of National Spatial Territory

【作者】 金贵

【导师】 王占岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 国土空间指国家主权权利管辖下的地域空间,是国民生存的场所和环境。随着人口增长和城市化发展,国土空间利用类型之间的竞争关系逐步增强、空间问题日益严重。在人口资源环境可持续发展的大背景下,国土空间规划成为统筹区域国土空间禀赋及开发利用、经济与社会活动、生态环境治理与保护三者关系的总体方案,对改善国民生活质量、管理资源、保护环境、平衡地区间发展等具有重要作用。国土空间综合功能分区是国土空间规划的的核心内容和重要支撑,涵盖土地资源、人口、社会经济和生态环境等不同主题要素。分区成果既服务于国土空间规划编制,也有利于加快建立生态文明制度,健全国土空间开发体制机制,促进国土空间可持续发展。武汉城市圈地处长江中游,位于湖北省东部,是中部崛起的核心城市,城市圈以武汉、黄石、鄂州、孝感、黄冈、咸宁、仙桃、天门和潜江等9个城市及其腹地构成的区域联合体。圈内的国土面积、常住人口和地区生产总值分别占湖北省国土总面积、常住人口和地区生产总值的31.2%、53.0%和62.4%。近年来,武汉城市圈城市化进程加快,2011年该圈域的城市化率突破了50%,城市化的快速发展也引发了区域内发展失衡、空间发展无序、资源低效利用、生态环境恶化等空间问题。文献分析显示,国内外学者对国土空间分区开展了广泛的研究,包括分区评价单元、分区指标体系、评价模型、分区方法等方面的内容。当前我国的空间分区多以单一主题分区为主,综合分区的评价单元划定、指标体系构建和分区方法仍处于探索阶段,主体功能区划分是一种突显主体功能的综合分区形式,但目前仍缺乏明确的法律地位,同时对多主题融合和多尺度集成表达考虑不足。因此,本研究尝试从国土空间功能的角度出发,统筹国土空间多主题要素,开展能够满足不同尺度研究需求的国土空间综合功能分区的理论和实践研究,具体如下:(1)国土空间规划及分区体系重构国土空间规划及分区体系重构包括横向和纵向两个层面。横向层面,确立国土空间规划为综合性上位规划地位,城乡建设规划、国民经济发展规划、土地利用规划、基础设施规划和生态环境规划等5类规划作为国土空间规划的专项规划。主体功能区规划与地貌区划、气候区划、水文区划等作为国土空间规划的基础依据。专项规划的分区形式应该与国土空间综合功能分区进行有效的衔接,其中,生产功能区对接土地利用现状分区和基础设施建设分区,生活功能区对接城乡发展分区和经济发展分区,生态功能区对接生态环境分区。纵向层面,从规划编制和实施的层级来看,自上而下分别为国家、省级、市级、县级、乡镇和村级等6级。在国家和省级(区域)层面,规划机构只编制上位规划和5类专项规划。在市、县、乡镇层面,以全国和省级的上位规划为法律依据,编制土地利用规划、国民经济发展规划、城市建设规划、基础设施规划、生态环境规划等,同时出台更加详细的专题规划,如城镇控制性详细规划、矿产资源规划、电力发展规划、防沙治沙规划等。村级尺度的规划重点为农村土地的整治规划,包括农村居民点整治和农田整治两方面的内容。(2)建立国土空间三生分类体系国土空间三生分类以主体功能区分类为基础,以国土空间功能特征为依据,同时充分衔接土地利用分类和城市用地分类的成果。结合国土空间规划和综合分区的要求,建立分层次控制的国土空间综合功能特征分类体系,按照国土空间体现的功能进行划分和归类,主要体现可持续和均衡发展思想,同时满足国家层面和省级层面的国土空间现状调查、规划编制、建设管理和国土统计等科学研究的需求。国土空间三生分类采取二级分类形式,保证了分类的系统性、完整性和连续性。一级类包括:生产空间、生活空间和生态空间3个类型;二级类包括8个类型。其中,生产空间包含耕地生产空间、林园地生产空间、草地生产空间和工矿生产空间,生活空间包含城市生活空间和农村生活空间,生态空间包含水域空间和其它生态空间。(3)国土空间标准地域单元划定本研究以省级(区域)层面国土空间分区为为例,阐述最低层级国土空间标准地域评价单元的划分机制,高层级地域评价划分以此类推。从省级(区域)国土空间分区评价单元划定机制中可以看出,省级(区域)国土空间分区首先将全省(区域)范围内N个县级行政单位预划分为N个评价单元,然后根据人口等现状因素进行县级评价单元之间初始组团的划分,再结合保护区、特殊政策区、管理重要性等导向性先验知识对组团进行修订,最后综合县域、县域组团等确定国土空间分区评价单元。从全国层面来看,国土空间标准地域单元共分三级,一、二级标准地域单元主要服务于国家层面的国土空间规划和分区,而三级标准地域单元是省级(区域)国土空间规划和分区的基本评价单元。结合武汉城市圈行政区划和国土空间现状,界定出单个三级标准地域单元的人口规模不能小于40万,最终武汉城市圈共划分出40个三级标准地域空间评价单元,其中,34个单列行政县,6个县级行政单元组团。(4)国土空间综合功能分区指标体系构建国土空间分区的指标体系以土地、水、矿产、生态环境、社会经济等国土空间各要素数据为基础,按照影响国土空间分区的要素一致性特征和不同地域、不同类型国土空间要素差异性特征,将国土空间的不同主题要素以指标的形式转移到地域空间功能表达上来。国土空间综合功能分区评价指标体系分为生产、生活和生态3大类,共包含38个评价指标。生产空间的指标体系包括农产品供给因素、工业产品供给因素、服务产品供给因素、林产品供给因素、畜产品供给因素、水产品供给因素、矿产资源供给因素7个方面,生活空间的指标体系包含城市居住功能和农村居住功能2方面因素,生态空间的指标体系包括生态调节要素。(5)国土空间综合功能百分比表达传统的分区方式是在指标层对省级(区域)的每一个评价单元都构建评价指标体系,然后全省(区域)进行统一计算分析,而这种方式不利于从功能空间进行多主题融合和多尺度集成表达。本研究从武汉城市圈三级标准地域评价单元开始构建多功能表达形式,每个评价单元都有10种空间功能,只是功能有强弱之分,功能的强弱直接用百分制进行描述。通过这种国土空间综合功能的表达方式,实现了以指标数据为基础从标准地域单元层面的多功能表达到武汉城市圈9个市多功能表达的传递,可以满足不同尺度的研究需求,能有效解决国土空间规划中存在的多尺度集成问题。(6)国土空间三生功能评价本研究以国土空间综合功能表达分析为基础,充分利用国土空间综合功能百分比成果,并结合专家的知识经验,确定生产功能的训练样本为42I018、42I034和42I036,生活功能的训练样本为42I001、42I012、42I021和42I024,生态功能的训练样本为42I005、42I032和42I040,引入BP神经网络模型对国土空间标准评价单元分别开展生产功能、生活功能和生态功能评价,得出武汉城市圈国土空间三生功能评价结果值。从精度检验过程和样本数据评价的结果值可以看出BP神经网络应用在本案例中是科学合理的。(7)基于双约束聚类的国土空间综合功能分区空间和属性双重约束下聚类分析需要明确聚类的指标属性值、空间距离、距离权重和属性权重。其中,指标属性值即是BP神经网络计算的标准地域评价单元三生功能值;空间距离是以国土空间标准地域评价单元的质心位置作为评价单元坐标点的距离测算得出的;距离权重包括空间距离权重和属性距离权重2个方面,通过分析本研究实验数据特点和形式,并进行多次运算尝试最终确定空间距离权重为0.3,属性距离权重为0.7;属性权重是在空间功能百分比的基础上,进行专家经验修正,计算出生产、生活和生态功能的属性权重值分别为0.186、0.405和0.409。继而在Matlab平台下,编写双约束聚类算法,将研究区的国土空间划分成江汉生产生活区、圈东北生产生态区和圈东南生态生活区等3个一级区,圈东工矿与林地生产生态区、大别山林地生态生产区、圈东南林地生产生态区、桐柏山农地与林地生产生态区、梁子湖水域与农地生态生产区、江汉城市与农地生活生产区和江汉平原农地生产生活区等7个二级区。二级综合功能区分配了“重点保护”、“一般保护”、“一般开发”和“重点开发”4类政策导向,并与湖北省主体功能区进行衔接,区域政策的执行可以保障武汉城市圈国土空间的健康、有序发展。该成果不仅有助于深化、完善学科理论体系和指导区域国土空间优化配置,而且对国土空间规划编制和其他区域的实证研究具有示范效应,同时对不同国土空间发展的政策制定具有实践意义。

【Abstract】 The national spatial territory is defined as a region governed by national sovereignty and sovereign rights, a site where citizens reside. With increasing population and rapid urbanization, the argument about various competitive usages of national territory space is escalating along with the increasingly serious spatial problem. Within the overall context of sustainable environment and population resources, the planning of national spatial territory becomes an overall scheme to coordinate the relationship between developing and utilizing the endowment of regional territory resources, socioeconomic activities, and the ecological environmental management and protection. It acts as an important role to improve the quality of life, manage resources, protect the environment and balance the development of regions. The comprehensive function of regionalization of national spatial territory is a core content and an important foundation for spatial planning on national territory. Furthermore, it is also a superior form of regionalization, which includes major factors such as land resources, population, socioeconomics and ecological environment. It can integrate multi-themed elements from different characters and different data sources on function perspective, accomplish comprehensive function by the regionalization of national spatial territory, and serve the complication of national spatial planning and implementation of relevant policies.Wuhan metropolitan area, one of the core cities of the rising central China, is located in the middle reaches of the Yangzi River and the east of Hubei province. Take Wuhan as center, the metropolitan area has regional cooperation with Wuhan city and the cities within100kilometers from Wuhan such as Huangshi, Ezhou, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Xiantao, Tianmen and Qianjiang city. The agglomerations of these areas account for31.2per cent of the overall land area of Hubei province, and the permanent resident population of the area is approximately53.0%of the total in Hubei province while the regional GDP has a62.4%share of the regional GDP in Hubei province. The urbanization rate of Wuhan metropolitan area is at50per cent. However, the level of development in every individual city varies, resulting issues such as unbalanced development of regions, disordered spatial development, inefficient resource utilization and deteriorating environment.After analyzing the references, it shows that domestic and overseas scholars have carried out extensive researches about the regionalization of national territory space, including the evaluation unit, indicator system of regionalization, evaluation methods and model, and approach of regionalization. The research achievement contains abundant system of regionalization, based on the single theme regionalization, and currently the division on evaluation unit of comprehensive regionalization, establishment of index system and approach of regionalization are still at developing stage. The major function-oriented zoning is the origination in China; it is a form of comprehensive regionalization that can feature the main function. So far, it still lacks specific legal status and consideration of the multi-themed integration and multi-scale amalgam. Therefore, the research attempts to coordinate the multi-themed factors from the functional perspective of national territory, and develop the theory and practice research of comprehensive function of regionalization of the national spatial territory, which can meet the demand of different scales. The result of research mainly contains:(1) Reconstruction of the national spatial planning systemReconstruction of the national spatial planning system includes the horizontally layer and vertical layer. In horizontally layer, the national spatial planning consists of higher comprehensive planning. The five types of planning are urban and rural construction planning, national economic development planning, land-use planning, and infrastructure planning, ecological environmental planning are seen as the specialized planning of national territory spatial planning. The higher planning clearly determines the responsibility and content of various specialized planning. The planning of main functional area, geomorphologic division, climate regionalization and hydrological regionalization become the basis of the national spatial planning. The five specialized forms correspond to another five regionalized forms including urban and rural development regionalization, economic development regionalization, and land-use regionalization, infrastructure construction regionalization. The production function area of the comprehensive function regionalization of national spatial territory corresponds to the regionalization of present situation of land-use and infrastructure construction regionalization, the residential function area reflects the urban-rural development regionalization and economic development regionalization, whilst economical function area mates the ecological environment regionalization. In vertical lay, it has6levels that are national level, provincial level, and municipal level, county level, township level and village level from top to bottom based on the tier of establishment, implementation and assessment on planning. At national and provincial (regional) level, it is necessary to define the higher planning status of national spatial planning, and the planning agencies in addition to the upper level planning and special planning is no longer prepared to establish the more detailed planning. In the city, county and township level, establishing the land-use planning, economic development planning, urban planning, infrastructure planning and environmental planning based on the legal basis of higher national and provincial planning, while introducing a more detailed thematic planning such as urban regulatory detailed planning, mineral resources planning, power development planning, and the desertification planning. The planning of village scale currently in China is still in the exploratory stage; this level should focus on the consolidation planning of rural land, including the renovation of village residence and agricultural land remediation.(2) The function of classification system "production-living-ecology" on national territory spaceThe classification of national territory space is based on main functional areas, in terms of national spatial functional characteristics while connecting the urban land classification with land use classification. In order to fulfill the requirements of national spatial planning and integrated zoning, the national territory space builds a classification system of integrated function that features hierarchical controlling from "Production-living-ecology" perspective. According to the division and classification of the national territory space functions, it mainly reflects the methods of sustainable and balanced development while meeting the demand of scientific research about national territory status survey, planning, construction management and national territory statistics at both national and provincial level. In order to ensure a good classification of system, integrity and continuity, classification of national spatial territory takes forms in two categories. A class includes three types:production space, living space and ecological space; B class contains nine forms, which includes arable production space, woodland and orchard production space, grassland production space, mining production space and traffic production space; the living space includes urban living space and rural living space; the ecological space contains water space and other ecological space.(3) The Nomenclature of territorial units for statisticsThe research takes the provincial (regional) level of regionalization of national spatial territory as an example to explain the lowest division mechanism of Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics. From the division mechanism map of provincial (regional) valuation unit of national spatial territory, it can be seen that the division of provincial (regional) national spatial territory firstly pre-divides several county level administrations around the whole province (region) into several valuation units, then divides the initial group among the county level valuation units according to population and other current factors. Combining the prior knowledge such as protected areas, special policy areas and management of the importance to revise the group; finally integrates the county, county groups and protected areas to identify the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics. After determining the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics, in terms of the different stages of development and policies, different units can be given with different functions and policy point, while requiring a stable regionalization unit with changeable function and policy. From a national perspective, territorial units can be divided into three levels. The first and second level of territorial units serve to the national level of spatial territory planning and regionalization, the third level of territorial units is the basic valuation unit of planning and regionalization of provincial (regional) spatial territory. Combined with administration division of Wuhan metropolitan area and current situation of national territory space, divided a standard geographic unit based on the county administrative unit, and delimited the territorial units of Wuhan metropolitan area according to the correlation between population and economic activity. With the basis of socioeconomic development analysis of Wuhan metropolitan area, the population scope of a single third level of standard unit can be delimited not to be less than400,000. Thus, Wuhan metropolitan area generally divided into40valuation units of the third level territorial units, including34single-row unit of county administration,6group form of counties unit and1unit of ecological preservation area.(4) Index system of identification for the comprehensive function of national spatial territoryIndex system of national spatial territory regionalization is based on data of national spatial territory factors, including water, mineral resources, ecological environment and social economy and so forth. According to the characteristics of the element’s consistency, which is affected by national spatial planning, and different characteristic among different regions and different types of national spatial territory elements, index selection will belong to functional expression of regional space. Build targets of index system expresses the connotations of three fields, which are quantity, structure and quality embodying various subject data, including land use, water resources, mineral resources, ecological environment investigation, social economy and other data. Evaluation index systems of comprehensive regionalization of national spatial territory are divided into three major categories:production, life and ecology, including38evaluation indexes. Index system of productive space includes seven factors:supply of agricultural products, supply of industrial products, supply of serving products, supply of forest products, supply of livestock products, supply of aquatic products. Index system of living space includes two factors:urban residence function and rural residence function. Index system of ecological space includes one factor:ecological adjustment. (5)Comprehensive function of national spatial territory expressed as a percentageThe traditional method of regionalization is build evaluation index system for each evaluation unit of the province (region) in index layers, then unified calculation and analysis throughout the whole province (region). However, this method goes against the multi-themed integration and the multi-scale fusion according to functional space, this research builds multifunctional expression form started from standard regional unit, and every unit has10expressions on functional space. The function merely has division of the strong and the weak; this situation is described by centesimal system. In order to achieve the transmission and transition between national spatial planning in different scales, this study expresses the spatial function of standard regional evaluation units as a percentage, only from the perspective of the functional data of national spatial territory. Although this description form seems biased towards quantification, it actually is a qualitative expression of national territory function, and that is due to the expression form as a percentage of national territory function does not adequately reflect relation between these10types of secondary functions of national territory space, productive, living and ecological space, but reflects the distribution of national spatial territory function to an extent, enabling the transition of scale in planning more easily.(6)Evaluation function of production-living-ecology in national spatial territoryThis study is based on expression analysis for the comprehensive function of national spatial territory while making full use of the percentages of the comprehensive function of national spatial territory, and combined the expert’s knowledge and experiences. Therefore, determine the productive functional training samples are421018,421034and421036, living functional training samples are421001,421012,421021and421024, and ecological functional training samples are421005,421032and421040. BP model of neural network is introduced in this study to give an approach on evaluating national spatial standard evaluation units of productive function, living function and ecological function, and then determine the evaluation results of these three national spatial territory functions in Wuhan metropolitan area. According to the process of the accuracy inspection and the evaluation results of sample data, it is observed that BP neural network applied in this case is scientific and legitimate.(7) Comprehensive function of regionalization of national spatial territory based on dual-constrained clustering algorithmWhen using the spatial and attributive dual-constrained clustering analysis methods, we need to confirm the indexes attribute value, the spatial distance, the distance weights and attributive weights of clusters. Therefore, the attributive value of index is exactly the functional values of evaluation unit of production-living-ecology in standard area, which is calculated by the BP neural network; the spatial distance is calculated in terms of taking centroid of national spatial territory evaluation unit in standard area as coordinate point of evaluation unit; the distance weights include2categories:spatial distance weight and attributive distance weight. By analyzing the study’s characteristics along with the forms of experimental data and making several attempts of calculation, the spatial distance weight and attribute distance weight are calculated as0.3and0.7respectively in the end. According to the percentage of spatial function and with the amendment of experts’experience, attributive weights values of productive, living and ecological functions are0.186,0.405and0.409respectively. The values are then followed by dual-constrained clustering algorithm under a Matlab platform, divide national spatial territory of study area into3regions, including Jianghan productive and living regionalization, Northeast Wuhan metropolitan area productive and ecological regionalization and Southeast Wuhan metropolitan area ecological and living regionalization, are divided into7sub-regions:East Wuhan metropolitan area productive and ecological regionalization of mining and forest, Dabie Mountain ecological and productive regionalization of forest, Southeast Wuhan metropolitan area productive and ecological regionalization of forest, Tongbai Mountain productive and ecological regionalization of agricultural land and forest, Liangzi Lake ecological and productive regionalization of waters and agricultural land, Jianghan living and productive regionalization of urban and agricultural land, Jianghan Plain productive and living regionalization of agricultural land. Each integrated functional sub-region is assigned four types of policy-orientation, which includes "Key Protection","General Protection ","General Development"and "Key Development",and engages with main functional regions of Hubei Province, the implementation of regional policy can guarantee the healthful and ordered national spatial territory development for Wuhan metropolitan area.The results will help not only deepen and improve the theoretical subject system, and are helpful to provide guidance for optimal allocation of regional national territory space, but also have a demonstration effect to the preparation of spatial plans and the empirical research of other regions, meanwhile have a practical significance for policy choice of different national spatial territory development.
