

Research on Automated Processing Technology of Precious Metal Bead and Chain Jewellery

【作者】 李晶

【导师】 袁心强;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 宝石学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究了珠类和链类贵金属首饰加工的现代工艺和自动化技术。随着贵金属首饰市场的持续繁荣和人们消费水平的不断提高,贵金属首饰加工技术早已开始逐渐从传统的手工制作工艺向现代化自动加工技术方向转变。但因贵金属首饰件本身的结构、制作工艺的特殊性和复杂性,以及消费市场对首饰造型和款式创新需求的激增速度远大于本行业生产技术的革新速度和新型加工设备的研发速度,以致目前的加工技术水平滞后于生产和市场需求,给首饰制造业的发展造成瓶颈;尤其是各种珠形贵金属首饰件和链类贵金属制品因其加工量大,费时费工,各大公司的生产线对这两类首饰件的生产技术改进和革新的需求尤为强烈。而实际的生产环节中,由于劳动力培养成本高、难度大,当前工艺设备的操作难以快速掌握,加工流程难以控制,首饰件的加工精度不稳定、成品率低,技术改进和研发投入成本高,本行业的技术保守性强,可借鉴的成熟加工技术和资料欠缺,以及国内针对首饰加工工艺开发的较为专业化的研究机构和技术研发人员太少等诸多原因,致使国内首饰制造业的规模、发展速度和成品质量等均受到限制。论文调研了国内大型珠宝首饰企业,跟踪研究了贵金属首饰产品企业化生产的工艺流程,分析总结适应现代化大批量生产的工艺要求,对珠、链类贵金属首饰的机械化、自动化、智能化加工技术有了较为具体和深入的认识:根据企业的生产需求,充分运用跨专业多学科交叉的理论知识研发了:(1)全自动锤珠机及冲压加工方法,能够完成珠形首饰件的自动化冲压加工;(2)基于实时定位原理的蝴蝶链自动冲压机,能够完成将十字链二次成型转变为蝴蝶链;(3)元宝链的自动化车花系统,能分步完成元宝链的无人干预自动车花工艺。进一步阐述如下:各种圆珠形、橄榄珠形贵金属零部件在各种首饰品设计、加工中应用较广,而该类零件的加工目前还是以工人的手工冲压成型为主。本文创造性的提出并研发了一种用于圆珠形、橄榄珠形首饰零件冲压加工成型的自动化设备,采用了基于嵌入式控制系统的现代设计理念,对其进行了系统完整的构思、设计、加工、装配。最后完成的设备能够代替手工,自动化加工以圆球形和椭圆球形为主的呈中心对称形状的首饰零件。本文对珠形首饰件的自动化加工工艺进行了系统的理论研究和实际加工设备的开发,主要做了以下几方面的工作:构思了用机电一体化技术实现用机器设备代替手工加工珠形首饰零件的总体结构模型,并对整个模型的模块组成及功能进行了深入分析和具体化研究。将整体设备的模型按照不同性质的结构和部件划分成机械部分、电子控制部分和控制程序部分三大块组成,这三大部分也是研发工作的具体内容和逻辑结构。三大部分存在逻辑上的三层关系:机械部分为底层结构,电子控制部分为中间层结构,控制程序部分为顶层结构。参照实际加工的工序流程,根据机械部分的功能设计了三部分实现机构,完成了升降机构、旋转机构、进料机构三大总成的机体构造和零件组成、装配、调试。在机械部分装配完成的基础上,对机械部分原动机的控制和整个设备所需电器的功能进行研究,分析得出电子控制部分的组成功能模块。选用了合适的微控制器和其他电子元器件,运用现代电路系统设计技术,分别设计了微控制器系统和键盘输入模块、液晶显示模块、电机驱动模块、冲压控制模块、警报器模块。在完成底层机械部分和中间层电子控制部分的基础上,参照机械部分的步进电机运行状态的控制要求和电子控制系统各模块的功能要求和实现方法,以微控制器为载体,采用面向过程的结构化程序设计方法,分别设计了升降机构、旋转机构、进料机构驱动步进电机的控制程序、薄膜矩阵键盘驱动程序、继电器控制程序、警报器控制程序以及液晶显示器的显示和控制调用程序。论文研究了一种基于实时定位系统的首饰用蝴蝶链自动成型机器的研制,详细阐述了蝴蝶链自动冲压机的设计原理、组成部分、操作方法,及最后投入工厂的实际生产检验。本蝴蝶链自动冲压机运用实时检测定位的原理,在嵌入式系统的控制下能够协调整机的走链机构、检测机构、冲压机构等协调工作。整套设备至少包括冲压机构,安装架,检测机构,定位机构,收链机构,台架及控制箱。冲压机构含有冲头、电磁离合器及冲压模具,电磁离合器作为辅件安装在冲床上。冲压机构主要用以提供瞬时冲力,使冲头快速挤压链环完成锤锻工艺。检测机构由红外检测器构成,红外检测器可以准确检测到多方向链节的位置,实现一次性加工完整链条的效果,而无需重复多次走链来加工不同方向的链节,减少材料磨损,避免破坏已加工好的链。定位机构由进料导管、减振通道和检测端定向导孔及收链端定向导孔组成,2个定向导孔安装的位置在竖直方向可调;其间隙尺寸也可调,以适应不同规格的链条。收链机构安装于收链端竖板上,收链机构含有步进电机、收链轮以及收链轮刮板,已加工好的链节被收集入收料孔。控制箱内安装有控制电路,控制电路包括微控制系统、冲压控制电路、信号检测电路、电机控制电路以及电源转换电路、信号指示和工作状态报警电路。除蝴蝶链自动成型机器的结构介绍外,文章还详细介绍了蝴蝶链自动冲压机的操作方法,其中人工只需少量简单操作,即装入待加工链并对正冲压点、打开冲压机构开关。本蝴蝶链自动冲压机在正常加工生产时可利用红外检测和软件程序控制技术,实时协调各电路模块按设定好的逻辑功能有序运行,可以智能检测到任意时刻走链位置,并根据实际链节长度确定进给量,以最大准确度将需要加工的链节点送达冲压位置,能有效克服链节长度不同造成的进料误差。本蝴蝶链自动冲压机经组装、测试,能够准确定位,自动压制出整条蝴蝶链。经反复实验及工厂实际生产检验,所加工的蝴蝶链制品尺寸精准,外形美观,废品率低,已经达到工厂期望的规模化自动加工标准;工人操作简便,可一人同时看管多台机器运行,生产效率高,使用效果良好,已成功服役于贵金属首饰加工企业的生产车间。论文也对元宝链加工工艺自动化进行研究,元宝链作为一种新款饰链,因其独特的造型和外观特征而深受热销市场。元宝链通过复杂的车花成型工艺造就了其每个链节有4道线槽、2个弧形凹刻面、4个三角形小刻面和2条保留棱线的完美造型。文章中详细研究了毛坯链的整链模型和独立链节模型,并分析了车花过程的详细加工刀法和工艺流程,根据其关键性工序特征研制了自动化的加工方法和成套设备,实现了元宝链车花的半自动化生产流水线。通过建立毛坯链及其单独链节单元的模型,定义了相关的形位属性。首先确定了整条元宝链毛坯链中的两个相邻链节正交连接,依据笛卡尔坐标系定义了两个相邻链节的坐标系原点O和坐标轴X轴、Y轴、Z轴以及坐标平面A_SIDE平面、A_TOP平面、A_FRONT平面。随后分析了毛坯链的单个链节,确定了独立链节由链环和正四棱柱状的链芯两部分复合而成,依据笛卡尔坐标系建立了柱节链的独立链节单元模型,定义了链节在模型中的坐标原点O、X轴、Y轴和Z轴以及SIDE平面、FRONT平面和TOP平面;分析得出中心轴和X轴的重合关系,SIDE平面内的正方形投影边所对应的FRONT_UP面、FTONT_DOWN面、BACK_UP面、BACK_DOWN面是被加工面,FRONT平面内的链环棱是被加工棱线,TOP平面内的链芯角是被加工角。分析了元宝链车花加工工序,解析并在独立链节单元模型中模拟了三种工序的不同刀法对链节造型的改变。划面工艺是对链芯侧面的加工,需要选择不同的回转轴线对四个加工面分别车花,最终形成平面沟槽;铲棱工艺是对两条链环棱的挖除,在棱线位置形成两个内凹圆弧面;削角工艺是对四个链芯角的切削,在棱角位置形成等腰三角形小平面。根据三种车花工艺的特点和实际加工过程的可操作性,分析设计了对应于面、角、棱三道工序的详细加工步骤和具体实施的工艺流程。根据对元宝链的相关模型和加工工序的分析,研制了元宝链的自动车花系统,包括机械结构的设计、控制系统电路的搭建和控制程序的编写等三个主要部分。设计了包括走链机构、测链机构、夹链机构和车链机构在内的机械构造,能够完成元宝链的传动、测试、夹持和车花等一系列的流水线加工动作。以结构的封装性和功能的透明性设计理念搭建了车花机的电子控制系统,能够为车花机运行提供电力,以主控芯片为控制核心实现各机械部件的电机驱动控制,采集链节形位参数,判断加工状态并发送走链、夹链和车链等指令信号。以面向过程的结构化程序设计方法,编制了元宝链自动车花工序的操作步骤和流水化生产的控制程序,能够按照程序设计的思路自动完成整条元宝链的一体化加工流程。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the modern technology and automatic production line of bead and chain precious metal jewelry processing. With the precious metal jewelry market being prosperous and people’s consumption level Constantly improving, the precious metal jewelry processing technology has already shifted gradually from the traditional manual process to the modern automatic processing technology. But because of the structure of the precious metal jewelry, the particularity and complexity of craftsmanship and the speed of consumer market demand for modeling and design innovation being greater than that of technological innovation, new processing equipment research and development level, the current processing technology lags behind the production and market demand which restricts the development of jewelry manufacturing; especially all kinds of beads and chains precious metal jewelry have a big processing capacity and cost more time and large work, which makes the production lines of large companies have a strong desire for Improvement of production technology and innovation of them. While the actual production, owing to the high cost of labor force training and the difficulty of the current process equipment operation is difficult to quickly grasp; the machining process is difficult to control and the processing of jewelry pieces has an unstable precision and low yield; the R&D cost is high and this industry has a strong technical conservation and a lack of mature processing technology and data that can be drawn lessons from; the domestic specialized research institutions and related personnel of jewelry processing technology development is too little. It is so many reasons that the size of the domestic jewelry manufacturing industry, development speed and quality of the finished product is limited.The author devotes to technical innovation and automation equipment research and development of the jewelry processing industry, researches the domestic large-scale jewelry enterprise, tracks all the process and details of the precious metal jewelry production enterprise, summarizes technological requirements of modern mass production, and researches specifically and deeply mechanization, automation and intelligent processing technology of the beads and chains precious metal jewelry; with positive communication with technical workers and managers in the production line, the author is committed to improve the traditional production process which restricts the development of the beads and chains jewelry manufacturing technology, and find and solve the technical key problems existing in the current industry; the dissertation uses multi-disciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical results and does some practical research and development for the industry development. The research results have been successfully transformed into actual productivity, and good results and practical application are achieved at the scene of the large modern enterprise of production. Automatic molding process of bead jewelry piece is studied and a fully automatic hammer bead machine and stamping processing method is developed, which is able to complete automatic stamping processing of bead jewelry pieces; Chain products automation molding process based on real-time positioning system is studied and a kind of the butterfly chain automatic punching machine and stamping processing methods are developed, which is able to complete automatic processing that can make orthogonal chains secondary forming into butterfly chains or other similar types of chains; The current popular diamond faceting of sycee chain is further studied, the processing model for this kind of chain is established, a kind of automatic diamond faceting system of sycee chain is developed and the diamond faceting process of sycee chain without human intervention can be finished step by step. Further elaborated as follows:A variety of bead-shaped and olive-shaped precious metal beads are widely applied in the modern market. And processing of such parts is still hand-stamping based. This dissertation proposed and developed a creative one for bead-shaped and olive-shaped bead jewelry stamping forming automatic equipment, in which embedded control systems based on modern design concept is used. The finished device can replace the manual work and automatic process of the round ball and oval-based centrosymmetric spherical shape of the jewelry components. In this dissertation, bead jewelry pieces automation processing system was theoretically studied and practically developed. The main tasks are as follows:The idea of using electromechanical integration equipment to replace manual processing with bead jewelry part of the overall structure of the model is achieved. The model of modules and functions are in-depth analyzed and specifically researched. The whole model of the device according to the different nature of the structure and mechanical parts are divided into three parts. The three most important R&D work is the specific content and logical structure. This three-part exists three logical relationships: the underlying structure is the mechanical parts, electronic control portion is the middle layer and the control program portion is the top structure.Reference to the actual processing of the process flow, according to the functional design of mechanical parts, the three body structures are achieved, designed lifting mechanism, rotating mechanism and feeding mechanism of the body structure, assembled the three component parts, and completed the processing of parts. Based on the completed assemble of mechanical parts and the original motivation for the control of mechanical parts and the equipment, it is required for the function of electrical research and analysis part of the composition of the obtained electronic control modules. The appropriate micro-controllers and other electronic components are chosen. Modern technology of circuit design and application is used to design the micro-controller system, the keyboard input module, the liquid crystal display module, the motor drive module, the press control module and the alarm module. Upon completion of the underlying mechanical and electronic control part of the middle layer, based on the state of the stepper motor control requirements and the electronic control system functional requirements of each module and method, the micro-controller is served as a carrier to control the lifting, rotating and feeding mechanism driven stepper motors, and to drive the auxiliary devices such as the matrix keyboard, the relays, the alarm and display control system, using the procedure-oriented structure programming method.This dissertation introduces the research and production of an automatic molding machine for butterfly chain in jewelry based on real-time positioning system; detailedly introduces the design principle, components, operation method of the automatic punching machine for Butterfly chain; and finally tests the machine by putting it into factory actual production. This machine works on the principle of the real-time positioning; under the control of the embedded system it can coordinate the whole machine in chain institutions, testing institutions, stamping institutions etc. The whole equipment at least include stamping institutions, installation shelf, testing agency, positioning agency, chain collecting institutions, bench and control box.Stamping institution includes punch, electromagnetic clutch and stamping die, the electromagnetic clutch is installed on the punch as a auxiliary part. This institution is mainly used to provide instantaneous momentum, which drives the hammer to fast extrude the chain link to complete the forging process. The testing agency consists of infrared detectors, which can accurately detect the locate direction of the link, realize one-time processing the chain completely without repeated processing chains in different direction, thus reducing material wear and avoiding destroying the processed chain. The positioning agency consists of feeding catheter, damping channel and testing port fixed guide hole and closed chain port fixed guide hole. Location of these two fixed guide hole is adjustable in vertical position; hole sizes are also adjustable to adapt to different specifications of the chain. The chain collecting institutions are installed on the closed chain port vertical plate, includes stepper motor, taking sprocket and chain scraper, processed chain are collected into the collecting hole at last.This dissertation also introduces in detail the operation method of the automatic molding machine for butterfly chain, in which just a few simple operations need human handle, namely the loading for unprocessed chain and align the pressing point, the open the stamping mechanism. This machine uses infrared detection and software program control technology to realize real-time coordinating each circuit module operation according to set logic function orderly; detecting chain position at random time intelligently. Make sure feeding amount according to the actual length of the link to maximize the accuracy when sending the unprocessed chain to pressing point, which can effectively overcome feeding error caused by different link length.Automatic molding machine for butterfly chain can posit precisely after been assembled and tested; yield whole butterfly chain. Repeated experiments and practical production in factory showed the butterfly chain products could have precise size, beautiful shape with low rejection rate, which has reached the automatic processing standards in factory. This machine is easy to operate by workers, one can watch many running machine at the same time. With high efficiency and good effect, the machine has successfully served in production workshop in precious metal jewelry processing enterprises.The dissertation describes a way that diamond faceting for sycee chain can achieve assembly line production. Sycee chain as a new chain, due to its unique shape and appearance characteristics, is favored deeply by the consumer market. Complex diamond faceting molding process creates a perfect shape of sycee chain that each link of the chain consists of four trucking, two arc concave facet, four small triangle facets and two ridges. This dissertation studies the whole link model and independent model in detail, and analysis detailed processing knife method and technological process of diamond faceting process. According to the characters of the key working procedure, automation processing method and corresponding equipment is developed to achieve automatic assembly line production of diamond faceting for sycee chain.This dissertation creates a shape of blank chain and each link of the chain, and defines the related shape and location. First of all, it makes sure that two adjacent links in the whole blank sycee chain are in orthogonal connection, and defines coordinate system origin0, X Y Z axis, coordinate plane, A_SIDE plane, A_TOP plane and A_FRONT plane of two adjacent links according to Cartesian coordinate system. Then it analyzes a single link of blank chain, and determines that a single link consists of catenary ring and regular quadrangular chain core. According to Cartesian coordinate system, it creates a unit model of single columnar link, and defines coordinate system origin O, X Y Z axis, A_SIDE plane, A_TOP plane and A_FRONT plane of a single link in the model. The analysis shows the coincidence relationship between the central axis and the X axis; a square projection sides in the SIDE plane which corresponds to FRONT_UP plane、FTONT_DOWN plane、BACKUP plane、BACK_DOWN plane is Faces To Cut; the link edge in the FRONT plane is processed ridge; the core chain angle in the TOP plane is processed angle.It analyzes the diamond faceting manufacturing procedure of sycee chain, and explains how analogue different cutting of three kind of working procedure in the unit model of single link changes the link model. Row surface process is the side processing of core chain which needs to choose different axis of revolution to facet four machine faces to form plane groove; Shovel edge technology is to excavate two link edges to form two concave arc surfaces in the ridge; Cutting angle process is to cut four chain core angle to form isosceles triangle facets in the angular position. According to the characteristics of three kinds of diamond faceting technology and the operability study of the actual machining process, detailed processing steps of three processes are designed, which correspond to facets, edges and angles specific implementary process flows.According to the analysis of related model and manufacturing process of sycee chain, automatic diamond faceting system for sycee chain is developed which includes the design of mechanical structure, the construction of the control system circuit and the preparation of the control program. The mechanical structure includes rolling chain mechanism, measuring chain mechanism, clip chain mechanism and faceting chain mechanism, which can finish the assembly processing actions of sycee chain, such as drive, test, clamping and faceting. According to the encapsulation of the structure and the transparency of function, it constructs electronic control system of diamond faceting machine which can provide electricity for diamond faceting machine, achieve motor drive controller of all the mechanical part with main control chip as the core control, collect shape parameters of the link, judge processing status and send the command signals, such as rolling, clamping, and faceting. With structured programming method for process, it compiles operating steps of automatic diamond faceting process of sycee chain and control program of assembly production, which can complete the whole integration process of sycee chain according to the design program.
