

Study on the Moral Education of Lei Feng Spirit for Modern College Students

【作者】 高翠欣

【导师】 张锦高;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在21世纪新的历史时期,思想政治教育面临着严峻的考验。如何在国际国内形势深刻变化的情况下,进一步加强和改进思想政治教育,为中国特色社会主义培养合格建设者和可靠接班人是时代的重大课题。雷锋精神是一面永不褪色的旗帜,是中华民族的宝贵精神财富,是思想政治教育珍贵资源。在新的历史时期,开展大学生雷锋精神教育研究对进一步加强和改进思想政治教育、进一步促进大学生德、智、体、美全面发展,从而为实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”提供充分的智力和人才支持,具有重要理论意义和现实意义。论文研究的主题是雷锋精神教育,教育对象是大学生,历史阶段是21世纪的新时期。论文详细回答了对新时期大学生开展雷锋精神教育“是什么(基本概念、基础理论)、为什么教育(价值、意义)、教育什么(目标、内容)和怎么教育(方法、路径)”等基本问题。论文遵循归纳问题-分析原因-提出对策的研究思路,采用文献研究、比较分析和问卷调查等研究方法,对雷锋精神教育的基础理论、基本历程和现实意义、新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的现状与影响因素、新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的理论基础以及新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的目标和内容、方法和路径等进行了全面、深入、系统的研究。论文共分四个部分:第一部分是第一章绪论。论述了论文的选题原因、研究意义,综述了国内外相关研究状况、研究趋势和研究存在的不足,随后说明并介绍了论文的研究思路、研究方法和研究创新。本文认为,新时期大学生雷锋精神教育研究有两个方面的意义:一是论文对雷锋精神、大学生雷锋精神教育概念的界定,雷锋精神形成的社会历史条件、思想渊源、基本特征的归纳,大学生雷锋精神教育基本历程与现实意义的探讨,新时期大学生雷锋精神教育现状与影响因素的分析以及新时期大学生雷锋精神教育目标与内容体系、方法与路径体系的构建等可以丰富新时期思想政治教育研究内容;二是,论文提出的新时期大学生雷锋精神教育内容、教育目标、教育方法和教育路径,可以丰富和创新新时期思想政治教育的实践经验。论文归纳了国内关于雷锋精神教育的研究特点,考察了关于本选题的研究现状,包括雷锋精神概念、内涵、本质(实质)和核心、特征、思想渊源、时代价值、弘扬路径以及大学生雷锋精神教育,还检索了国外关于志愿精神培育的研究现状。作者认为,学术界对新时期大学生雷锋精神教育还缺乏全面、系统和深入研究。迄今为止,还没有一部关于新时期大学生雷锋精神教育方面的专著。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,遵循归纳问题-分析原因-提出对策的研究思路,综合运用哲学、教育学、伦理学和社会学等学科的相关知识,采用文献研究、比较研究和问卷调查等方法研究新时期大学生雷锋精神教育问题,其研究成果是对雷锋精神教育研究的补充和深化。第二部分是论文的基础理论和逻辑前提部分。主要包括第二章和第三章。第二章概述了雷锋精神教育基础理论。主要包括:界定了雷锋和雷锋精神等关键概念;讨论了雷锋精神形成的社会历史条件、思想渊源以及基本特征并确定了雷锋精神内涵、辨析了雷锋精神与思想政治教育、雷锋精神与志愿精神等几对概念。本文认为,雷锋精神就是以共产主义战士雷锋的名字命名的、以雷锋的言行实质为基本内容并在社会主义实践中不断丰富和发展、概括化和系统化的雷锋式先进群体言行的理论总结。它具有实践性、先进性、群众性、时代性和人本性五个特征。马列主义毛泽东思想、中华民族传统美德和中国共产党人的优良传统是雷锋精神的三大思想渊源。社会主义基本制度和良好的党风、民风、社风是雷锋精神形成的社会历史条件。最后对大学生雷锋精神教育概念进行了界定并辨析了雷锋精神与志愿精神、雷锋精神教育与思想政治教育等几对概念。第三章主要论述了雷锋精神教育的基本历程和现实意义。雷锋精神教育的基本历程可以提供历史的借鉴,雷锋精神教育的现实意义是本论文的逻辑前提。第三章遵循从历史到现实、从宏观到微观的思路,总结了雷锋精神教育基本历程的三个阶段:社会主义建设时期、改革开放时期以及新世纪,归纳了雷锋精神教育历程中表现的三个主要特点:教育理念上由单向利他的“以他为本”转向互利共赢的“以人为本”、教育内容上由单一层次纯粹的“学雷锋做好事”到多层次生活化的学雷锋以及实践方式上由简单模仿雷锋的外在行为转为努力学习其内在的精神实质。在此基础上,归纳了准确把握雷锋精神的内涵和实质、与时代特点和时代精神紧密结合、不断创新内容和形式以及加强领导、创新体制机制等四个历史启示。最后还从宏观和微观两个角度论述了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育对于社会发展和大学生个体发展的现实意义。论文认为,新时期大学生雷锋精神教育具有对社会发展四个方面的现实意义:培养中国特色社会主义可靠接班人、培育国家创新型人才、构建社会主义和谐社会以及实现中国社会可持续发展等。在微观角度,论文认为新时期大学生雷锋精神教育具有培养个体政治素质、构建个体精神家园、养成个体德性和实现个体可持续发展等大学生个体发展的四方面现实意义。第三部分是论文的主体部分,遵循归纳问题-分析原因-提出对策的逻辑思路,全面考察了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育现状与影响因素、理论基础、目标与内容以及方法与路径。主要包括第四章、第五章、第六章和第七章。第四章是现状调查和分析部分。在这一部分,论文从历史角度和实证调研的角度全面考察了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的现状与影响因素。从历史上看,大学生是历次学雷锋活动的主体,充当着急先锋的角色,同时,学雷锋活动也促进了大学生的成长,造就了数以百万计的新中国的建设人才。从实证调研的角度,分析得出如下结论:新时期大学生对雷锋精神的认同心态复杂;存在对雷锋精神价值、雷锋精神内涵和作用认知模糊和消极状况;在突发事件中表现慎重和犹豫。论文也总结了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育中途径多样、课堂讲授途径发挥重要作用以及公益活动的载体创新等三条成功经验并归纳了教育资源整合乏力、方法途径单一和长效机制缺失等三个主要问题。论文分析新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的客观和主观影响因素认为,客观方面的影响因素有社会主义市场经济的弱化性、道德环境的制约性、网络的冲击性和传统学雷锋活动的局限性等;主观方面的影响因素有大学生心理的未成熟性、趋功利的价值观和随波逐流的认知倾向等。第五章,阐述了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的理论基础。包括马克思主义的有关理论、中国化马克思主义青年教育思想和当代中国思想政治教育理论。马克思主义人学理论的观点有:人的本质是“一切社会关系的总和”;人生价值是人的本质的外化;人是社会历史的主体、人民群众是历史的创造者;人的自由全面发展是“每个人”、人的社会关系、人的活动和能力以及人的个性的自由全面发展等。马克思主义灌输理论认为:“工人本来也不可能有社会民主主义意识。这种意识只能从外面灌输进去。”马克思主义灌输理论还系统阐述了灌输的理论指导、灌输的主客体、灌输的主要内容以及灌输的手段方法等。马克思主义榜样教育理论则认为,榜样教育要从“现实的人”出发,遵循对立统一规律、发挥榜样的引领和激励作用等。中国共产党在长期革命、建设中,在继承马克思、列宁主义的有关理论的基础上,探索、归纳、形成了包含青年教育目的、青年教育原则、青年教育内容和青年教育方法等的中国化青年教育思想。结合中国特色社会主义建设实际和当代中国思想政治教育理论的发展,论文分析了主体与客体范畴并提出了实现主体间性思想政治教育的交往实践思想政治教育模式,其要点主要有以人为本的教育理念、民主平等的对话关系、回归生活的教育内容以及对话沟通、情理交融的教育方式等;分析了思想与行为范畴并从思想政治教育过程、思想政治教育设计和教育对象自身三个角度讨论了思想与行为这对范畴对提高思想政治教育实效的要求;分析了个人与社会范畴并阐述了其对思想政治教育阶级性、功能和教育目标的规定。这些理论、观点和思想为新时期大学生雷锋精神教育提供了理论指导,共同构成了本文研究的理论基础。第六章构建了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的目标与内容体系。根据新时期社会发展需要和大学生个体发展需要,论文首先讨论确定了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育意识形态性和非意识形态性相统一、整体性与层次性相兼顾、传承性和创新性相结合等三条原则,这是选择和确定新时期大学生雷锋精神教育目标和内容的基本法则。在充分考虑时代特征、社会需求和新时期大学生身心特点等确定新时期大学生雷锋精神教育目标的现实根据的基础上,论文构建了包含总体目标-具体目标-个体目标三个层次的新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的目标体系,并论述了三层目标的具体含义。结合社会主义核心价值体系的建设,以大学生优良品质生成为出发点和落脚点,论文从思想观念与思想认同、政治观点与政治情感、道德品质与道德践行以及敬业奉献与创新创业教育四个维度把新时期大学生雷锋精神教育内容归纳为雷锋精神内涵和生成过程、马克思主义世界观、为人民服务的人生观、集体主义价值观、政治立场、政治情感、社会主义荣辱观、社会参与、职业素养和创新创业教育等十项。从内容性质看,雷锋精神内涵和生成过程教育是总纲,是对雷锋精神的全面认知和个体品德形成过程的方法借鉴;马克思主义世界观、为人民服务的人生观、集体主义价值观、政治立场、政治情感、社会主义荣辱观、社会参与、职业素养和创新创业教育等则分别从政治素质、职业素质等侧面进行了详细论述。这十项具体内容相互支撑、相互渗透,共同构成了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的内容体系。第七章构建了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育的方法与路径体系。根据社会发展变化,论文首先确定了新时期大学生雷锋精神教育方法和路径构建的新观念:教育思维观念方面主要包括关系思维、系统思维和开放思维;教育对象观念方面主要有实践观念、情感观念和过程观念;教育价值观念方面主要有社会价值和个体价值的统一观念。这些创新的观念是构建适切的新时期大学生雷锋精神教育方法和路径的基础。在内容上,雷锋精神教育属于思想政治教育范畴,能够适用思想政治教育的所有方法,但新时期大学生雷锋精神教育与传统思想政治教育的最大不同在于时代的不同和大学生这一教育对象的不同,要取得好的效果,方法和路径的适切性是非常重要的。为此,论文提出了直接教育与间接教育相结合、教育和自我教育相结合、显性教育与隐性教育相结合以及共性教育和个性教育相结合等四种教育方法,在坚持传统思想政治教育直接教育、教育、显性教育和共性教育的基础上重点强调了四对教育的相对平衡,这是在对新时期大学生身心特点和雷锋精神本身特点深入分析的基础上精心选择和构建的:论文还根据雷锋精神本身的实践性、新时期大学生生活的社会空间特点以及时代对创新人才的呼唤等设计了实践-认识-实践、现实-虚拟-现实、课堂-课外-课堂以及问题-解答-问题-解答等四条具体路径。第四部分是论文的结尾部分。包括结语、致谢、参考文献等内容。

【Abstract】 In the new historical period of the21th century, the ideological and political education is facing a severe challenge. With the profound changes of the international and domestic situation, it’11be a major task in this era to further strengthen and improve the ideological and political education and train qualified builders and reliable successors for socialism with Chinese characteristics. Lei Feng Spirit is our valuable spiritual wealth as well as precious resources of the ideological and political education. In this new time, conducting moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students is of great significance, which can continue to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education, thereby enabling college students to make an all-around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education. In addition, education on Lei Feng Spirit will guarantee intelligence and talents both for our modernization of socialism and for our nation’s great "Chinese Dream". Therefore, this dissertation is of great theoretical and realistic importance.The paper centers around the moral education of Lei Feng Spirit, mainly targeting on college students in the new historical period of the21st century. It elaborates on three fundamental questions concerning the development of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, involving What (basic concept and theory), Why (value and significance), Which (goal and contents) and How (ways and means). The research involves three phases:problem-identification, reason-analyzation and suggestion-proposition. The methods adopted in this paper include literature review, comparative study and questionnaires. So the author firstly locates problems, and then analyzes causes before finally raising countermeasures. With the above research methods and approaches, the paper has carried out a comprehensive, in-depth and systematic research, involving basic theories, main course and realistic significance of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit, current situation and influencing factors of moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, and its theoretical bases, goal and contents, ways and means in this new times. The paper is divided into four parts:Chapter One, the first part, is a preface. It introduces reasons for the topic selection and research value, and then reviews related research findings at home and abroad as well as the problems existing in the research. Afterwards it explains the research plan, methods and innovations of this paper. In this paper, the author concludes that there are two significant meaning in the study of Lei Feng spirit in this new era:1)this paper defines the meaning of education on Lei Feng spirit, summarizes the social and historical condition and causes and characteristics of Lei Feng spirit, and also discusses the historical and practical meaning. What’s more, the author confirms that the analysis on present situation and factors affecting college education on Lei Feng spirit and construction of the objectives, educational system, approaches and methods can enrich the contents of our present ideological and political education.2)in this paper, the authors provides contents, objectives and possible approaches on Lei Feng spirit which can provide new perspectives for our ideological and political education. And the author tries to analyze the characteristics about education on Lei Feng spirit. Literature review studies the concept, connotation, core, causes, time value, approach of spreading, education of Lei Feng spirit for college students and education on volunteers in the west. And the author concludes that studies on Lei Feng spirit in China is far from enough, and those studies are not comprehensive or systematic either. There’s not even one book on education of Lei Feng spirit for college students in21st century. So, based on dialectical and historical materialism, follow problem-identification, reason-analyzation and suggestion-proposition sequence, the author, with the help of philosophy, education, ethnics and sociology, studies college education on Lei Feng spirit and this research would complete and deepen the present study at home.The second part, Chapter Two and Chapter Three, contains basic theories and its logical premise. Chapter Two summarizes the basic theories of moral education on Lei Feng Spirit, in which it mainly defines three key concepts of Lei Feng, Spirit and Lei Feng Spirit, discusses the social and historical conditions as well as the ideological origins that contribute to the forming of Lei Feng Spirit, fixes the principle contents, basic characteristics and connotation of Lei Feng Spirit, and also distinguishes several pairs of concepts, such as Lei Feng Spirit and the Ideological and Political Education, Lei Feng Spirit and Volunteer Spirit. This paper holds that Lei Feng Spirit is named after Lei feng, a communist solider, and is constantly enriched and developed in the practice of socialism based on the essence in Lei feng’s words and deeds, which is the theoretical summary through generalizing and systematizing the words and deeds of the advanced groups of Lei feng type. It has five features:practical, advanced, public, epochal and humanistic. It originates from three ideological ideas, namely, Marxism Leninism and Mao Tsetung Thought, the traditional virtues of Chinese nation and the fine traditions of Chinese Communists. Basic social system and communist party conduct, ethical and social conduct are necessary social conditions for the form of Lei Feng spirit. The final section of Chapter Two defines the concept of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for college students and also distinguishes several pairs of concepts, such as Lei Feng Spirit and voluntary spirit, Lei Feng Spirit and the ideological and political education.Chapter Three chiefly expounds the main course and realistic significance of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit. The main course of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit can offer historic references. Meanwhile, the realistic significance of moral education on Lei Feng Spirit acts as the logical premise of this paper. Chapter Three follows the thought that is from the past to the present and from macrocosm to microcosm, and thus summarizes three phases of the main course:Socialist Construction Period, Reform and Opening-up Period and the New Century. Furthermore, Chapter Three generalizes three major features reflected in the course of moral education on Lei Feng Spirit:the change in education connotation from the others-based at one’s own expense to the people-based win-win situation, the change in the education content from a single-level of " learning from Lei Feng by doing good" to a multi-level of " learning from Lei Feng by relating to life," and the change in the practical method from easily imitating Lei Feng’ s external behavior to diligently learning its internal spiritual essence. Based on the above, this paper generalizes four historical implications:accurately grasping the connotation and essence of Lei Feng Spirit, closely bonding the characteristics of the times with the spirit of the times, constantly bringing forth new forms and contents, intensively strengthen the leadership and creative system and mechanism. At the end of this chapter, the paper also, from both micro and macro point of view, discusses the realistic significance of the moral education of Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students for the development of society and every college student. In this paper, the author concludes that there are four great meanings that college moral education on Lei Feng spirit can have on the development of our society:cultivation of successors of Chinese socialism, of innovative talents for our country, of harmonious society and sustainable development of our nation. And in a micro-prospect, it can nurture college students’quality on politics, personal spirit, ethnics and personal sustainable development.The third part is the main body of this paper, which follows the logical thought of firstly locating problems and then analyzing causes before finally raising countermeasures. It makes an all-around study of the current situation and influencing factors of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, and its theoretical basis, goal and contents, ways and means in the new times. The third part mainly includes Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six and Chapter Seven. Chapter Four focuses on investigation and analysis. This chapter comprehensively investigates the current situation and the influencing factors of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students from the perspectives of history and positive research. Viewing from the history, college students act as the main body in all previous learn-from-Lei Feng activities. Meanwhile, all these activities have promoted the growth of college students. Viewing from the practical research, this paper draws some conclusions through analysis. Modern college students have complicated attitudes towards Lei Feng Spirit, performing vague perception and negative state upon the value, connotation and effect of Lei Feng Spirit. Afterwards, they show caution and hesitation when emergencies happen. The paper also summarizes three effective methods of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, involving various educational ways, teaching in class and carrier innovation of public service activities. Moreover, it generalizes three serious issues, which are weak integration of educational resources, single method and the lack of long-term effective mechanism. Through analyzing the influencing factors of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, the above results are due to objective and subjective causes. On the one hand, the objective factors refer to the weakening of Socialist Market Economy, the conditionality of the ethical environments, the impact of the internet and the limitation of the traditional learn-from-Lei Feng activities. On the other hand, the subjective factors include college students’ immature mentality, utilitarian values and cognitive disposition without their own opinions.Chapter Five elaborates on the theoretical bases of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, which involves the related theories of Marxism, the educational thoughts of Marxism in China to young people and the theories of the ideological and political education in modern society. There are some theories about the humane studies of Marxism. For example, human essence is "the sum of all the social relations." The value of life is an externalization of human essence. Human is the main body of social history. The people are the makers of history. People’s free and comprehensive development is that of "everyone," people’s social relations, people’s activity and ability, and people’s individual personality. The inculcating theory of Marxism holds that it’s not possible for workers to have social democratic consciousness at first and such consciousness can only be inculcated from the outside. The inculcating theory of Marxism also systematically demonstrates the theoretical direction, subject and object, main content and methods of inculcation. While the model education theory of Marxism believes that model education should start from the "actual people," follow the law of unity of opposites and then fulfill models’roles as leaders and motivators. During the long-term revolution and construction, the Communist Party of China, based on the related theories of Marxism, has explored, summarized and finally formed the unique educational thoughts for Chinese young people which include educational purpose, principle, contents and methods. With the combination of Chinese unique socialism construction and development of contemporary moral educational theory, the author analyzes subjects and objects and constructs a moral education model for inter-subjectivity communication. This model mainly contains such ideas like the person-centered educational idea, equal relationship, close to daily life, dialogue for disputes and mingling of emotion and reason. In this paper, the author also analyzes idea and behaviour and discusses the efficiency of moral education influenced by idea and behaviour for the process, design and subjects of moral education. Besides, the author also analyzes person and society which regulates the hierarchy, function and objectives of moral education. The above ideas and thoughts, the intercourse-practice theory of the ideological and political education in contemporary China and the combination of theory and practice, all of these provide theoretical guidance for the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students, which collectively compose the theoretical bases for the research of this paper.Chapter Six establishes the system of objective and content for the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students. In accordance with the developmental needs of modern society and individual college students, the author confirms the unity of ideology and non-ideology, the balance between the whole and different levels, the combination of inheritance and innovation which are the major principles to choose moral educational objectives and contents for college Lei Feng spirit. On this basis, this chapter dissertates and constructs the objective system of overall objective-specific objective-individual objective in three levels. Based on forming the excellent qualities possessed by college students, ten specific contents are summarized from four dimensions including college students’cognition, emotion, will and behavior, which are the educations of connotation on Lei Feng Spirit, generation process on Lei Feng Spirit, Marxism values, outlook of serving the people, political emotion, political identity, political position, occupation accomplishment, social participation and creational concept. According to contents, the connotation and process of its coming-into-being of Lei Feng spirit is the general outline. And this is both an overall view of the spirit and good way for personal morality. Marxism world values, outlook of serving the people, collectism value, political identity, political emotion, socialism pride and insult, social participation, occupational accomplishment, creational quality and innovative education explains political quality and occupational quality of moral education. All of these contents support and permeate with each other, which collectively compose the content system of the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students.Chapter Seven builds up the system of ways and methods for the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students. In the light of social change and development, the new concepts are determined. The concept of educational thinking mainly includes relative thinking, systematic thinking and open-minded thinking. As for the concept of the educational object, there are practical concept, emotional concept and process concept. The unity of social value and individual value is called the concept of educational value. These innovative concepts act as the bases of constructing appropriate educational ways and methods. When it comes to the content, the education of Lei Feng Spirit belongs to the ideological and political education, which shall apply to all the means of the ideological and political education. However, the biggest difference between the moral education on Lei Feng Spirit for modern college students and the traditional ideological and political education, is that of era and educational objective-college students. It is very important to find the accurate ways and methods of achieving good results. Therefore, the paper puts forwards four educational methods involving the combination of direct and indirect education, that of education and self-education, explicit and implicit education and that of common and specific education. Based on traditional moral education which emphasizes on education itself and also on direct, explicit and common education, the author puts weight on comparative balance among those four pairs of education, which is constructed by concise analysis of characters both of modern college students and of Lei Feng spirit. Meanwhile, with specific analysis of social community of modern college students and need for innovative talents of our era, the author also designs four specific ways:1) practice-cognation-practice,2) reality-virtual world-reality,3) curricular-extracurricular-curricular and4) question-solution-question.The fourth part includes conclusion, acknowledgments and bibliography.

【关键词】 新时期大学生雷锋精神教育
【Key words】 ModernCollege StudentsLei Feng SpiritMoral Education