

【作者】 孙海霞

【导师】 高兆明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 伦理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文在中西交汇尤其是在对近代德国理性主义哲学反思的比较视野中,努力呈现唐君毅的道德人格思想,考察他在对传统儒家伦理道德思想的继承、发展和现代性新生转进中的努力。唐君毅围绕着“为什么应该成为有道德的人”和“如何成为有道德的人”两个核心问题,从人之好善恶恶的性情出发,探讨道德人格及其实现的人性根据,并由此建构“感通”这一主客融一的新型认知方式,为道德人格的实现探寻可能的现实路径。具体来说,即是首先通过“己己感通”,在生活中进行内在的反省、体验,建立道德自我,重申人的主体性;其次,通过“人己感通”,与他人同情共感,因时、因地制宜,在承认、关爱他人中,实现“自我”精神境界的扩大;最后,通过“天人感通”,尽性立命,在家庭责任、社会责任和国家政治责任的勇敢担当中,逐步实现个体特殊价值与社会普遍价值的统一,达至人格最高之天人合一的自由境界。同时,由于个体心灵秩序的重塑与社会客观秩序的建构具有重合性,道德人格的实现与社会伦理的构建不可分割,因而,在道德人格实现的真实性与现实性的意义上,唐君毅谋划了和谐的人文世界,阐发了体现仁道精神的正义原则。心灵感通的历程是仁心本体呈露、自我超越、知行合一的过程,同时也是唐君毅道德理论构建内在逻辑推演的理路呈现。唐君毅突出道德的实践性本质,强调人们正是在日常生活和社会伦理生活世界的实践中成就道德人格的,道德人格的实现即是一个改变、创造社会生活世界的实践过程。在感通中成就的道德人格即是洋溢着现代公共精神气质的公民人格。唐君毅以道德人格为中心构建伦理思想体系,为今日实现传统道德文化的现代新生转进提供了虽不完美但却可敬亦可供借鉴的现实路径。

【Abstract】 This paper would try to present Tang’s thoughts on moral personality in the comparable perspective of intersection between Chinese and western, especially in the reflection of modern German rationalist philosophy, to observe and study Tang’s works on inheriting, developing and modernizing the traditional ideas of Confucian ethics.Around "Why ought to be a moral person?" and "how to be a moral person?", Tang Chun-i explored the basis of human nature from the Emotion, and constructed a new kind of cognitive style named "Gan-Tong" which embodying the identification between Subject and Object to explore the possible path of realizing the moral personality. Specifically, the first is, through establishing senses between body and mind in oneself, to set moral-self up by reflecting and experiencing life to reaffirm subjectivity; The second is, through establishing senses between the self and the others, to expand self-spiritual-horizon by empathizing with others and caring for others timely and locally; The last is to achieve the highest personality horizon by undertaking bravely responsibilities from family, social and nation, through establishing senses between heaven and man. Meanwhile, Due to the coincidence between remodeling mind order and constructing social order, and the indivisible between modeling moral personality and building the social ethics, Tang Chun-i planned a harmonious culture word, and elaborated his principles of justice embodying the spirit of humane authority.The process of "Gan-tong" is a process of appearance of conscience, and is also a process of identification of Acting and Knowing, presenting the logical route of Tang’s moral theories. Tang Chun-i stressed the practical nature of the moral. He emphasized that people need to practice in daily life and social ethic life to possess the moral personality, and achieving moral personality is a practical process of changing and creating the life word. The moral personality through "Gan-tong" is the citizen’s personality permeating with the modern public spirit. Basing on the center of moral personality, Tang’s ideological system of ethics provided a respectable, though not perfect path for reference for realizing modernization of traditional moral culture.
