

Fracture Mechanism and Analysis of Rod Glued into Structural Glued Laminated Bamboo

【作者】 张秀标

【导师】 江泽慧;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 木基复合材料科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 竹质工程材料是我国具有特色且具有良好发展前景的建筑工程材料。在木材等传统建筑材料供需矛盾日益突出的情况下,开发新型竹质工程材料具有重要意义。在竹结构建筑中,其节点连接技术也一直是亟待解决的难点之一。针对上述问题,本研究提供了一种新型竹质工程材料-胶合竹的制备方法。并结合胶合木植筋连接技术重点开展了胶合竹植筋连接技术研究。该研究对于解决竹质工程材料节点连接技术难题具有一定指导意义。论文开展了胶合竹的设计、制造及性能研究。采用连续拼接及连续热压工艺制备出胶合竹层板。通过对胶合竹层板进行应力分级,制备出强度和模量满足设计要求的胶合竹产品。探讨了边距、植筋杆直径和植入深度等几何参数对胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度的影响,分析了胶合竹植筋连接的主要破坏模式。研究结果表明(1)边距对胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度无显著影响,但影响植筋破坏模式。边距过小,容易导致胶合竹开裂;(2)长细比是影响胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度重要因素。随着长细比的增大,植筋连接抗拔强度增大。当长细比达到某一个值时,即存在一个临界植入深度。当植入深度大于该临界值时将发生植筋杆的屈服破坏;(3)胶合竹植筋连接主要表现出三种破坏模式,即胶合竹开裂,植筋杆拔出和植筋杆屈服。这与胶合木植筋连接破坏模式相似。揭示了胶合竹植筋连接剪应力分布规律,并建立了胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度预测方程。Jensen在Volkersen剪滞模型的基础上推导出胶合木植筋连接理论。本文以Jensen理论为基础,采用应力分析法和线弹性断裂力学研究胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度。结果表明:(1)对于拉-拉模式,植筋连接剪应力沿植入深度方向的分布是不均匀的,表现出两端大,中间小的趋势;(2)以线弹性断裂力学分析胶合植筋连接抗拔强度是可行的。其中断裂能是影响胶合植筋连接的一个重要参数。测定了胶合竹植筋连接体系的能量释放率。理论基础是Griffith和Irwin断裂理论,采用的是柔度法。这为预测胶合竹植筋连接抗拔强度提供了一种方法。论证了胶合木植筋连接相关理论及模型对胶合竹植筋连接的适用性。研究结果表明胶合竹植筋连接与胶合木植筋连接并无本质区别。由于实验方法及试验材料的差异,不同预测模型给出的连接强度的设计值不同。其中以GIROD项目给出的模型其理论值与胶合竹植筋连接试验值有极好的相关性。

【Abstract】 Engineering bamboo products are such materials with Chinese characteristics and have avast application prospect. Especially in recent years, wood and other traditional buildingmaterials are in the case of shortage, developing new engineering bamboo products are of greatimportance. Also, in bamboo structures, the connection method is always one of the difficultproblems to be solved.This study provides a method for manufacturing a new engineering bambooproducts–structural glued laminated bamboo. This paper focus on the pull-out strength ofthread steel rods glued into structural glued laminated bamboo, the experimental results havecertain instruction significance to solve the connection problems in bamboo-based materials.This paper studies the design and manufacture process of preparing a new engineeringbamboo products-Structural glued laminated bamboo referring to design and manufacturestandards related to glulam and the physical and mechanical properties of structural gluedlaminated bamboo were also studied. The experimental results showed that the strength andmodulus of structural glued laminated bamboo meet the design requirements.The influence of geometrical parameters, such as edge distances, rod diameter andembedded length on pull-out strength were studied. The main failure modes were also analyzed.The results showed that:(1)The edge distance has no effect on failure load but has effect onfailure mode. when the edge distance was too small, It would result in structuralglued laminated bamboo being crack, accordingly, the failure load was decreased;(2) Theslenderness ratio has significant effects on pull-out strength. With the increasing of theslenderness ratio, the pull-out strength was also increased. When the slenderness ratio reaches acertain value, there exists a critical embedded depth. The yielding of the rod was occurredwhen the embedded length reaches the critical depth;(3)Three failure modes were observed in this study. There are splitting failure, a shear failure along the rod and yielding of the rod.These failure modes are similar to glulam glued-in rods.The shear stress distribution was revealed and the pull-out strength of structural gluedlaminated bamboo prediction equation was also established based on Jensen theory. Thistheory was built on the shear lag model created by Volkersen. The stress analysis method andlinear elastic fracture mechanics were used to analyses pull-out strength of structural gluedlaminated bamboo. The results showed that:(1) the distribution of tensile shear stressis notuniform along the embedded length. In pull-pull loading mode, the shear stress was big at bothends and small in the middle;(2) linear elastic fracture mechanics could be used to analysespull-out strength of structural glued laminated bamboo. The fracture energy is an importantparameter in glued in rod connection.Fracture toughness of glued in rod system was menstruated by means of compliancemethod based on Griffith and Irwin fracture theory. This method provides a new way forpredicting the pull-out strength of thread steel rods glued into structural glued laminatedbamboo.This study demonstrates the applicability of glued in rod in glulam relevant theory andmodels on structural glued laminated bamboo. The experimental values were compared withdifferent design values calculated from rod glued into glulam design models. The resultsshowed that there are no essential differences between rod glued into the glulam and structuralglued laminated bamboo. Glued-in rod technique is applicable to structural glued laminatedbamboo. The results showed that values calculated from design modes given by GIRODprogram have excellent correlation withexperimental values in thread steel rod glued intostructural glued laminated bamboo.
