

【作者】 甄文东

【导师】 门洪华;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 外交学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国际战略研究历来是国际研究界关注的重点。历史一再表明,任何大国的崛起无不需要一套科学完备的国际战略理论为其保驾护航。改革开放以来,中国崛起的进程加快,世界格局经历深刻变化,中国国际战略理论研究的重要性愈发显著。伴随着中国综合国力的攀升和中国国际影响力的上升,中国亟需构筑一套行之有效的国际战略理论体系,以适应进一步发展的需要。换言之,中国国际战略理论体系的构建已经提上议事日程。20世纪80年代以来,中国国际战略研究的成果大体分为四类:现实问题研究、领导人国际战略思想研究、国际战略学科建设和国际战略理论研究。总体上,学术界对前三类问题的研究较多,对国际战略理论进行的研究则相对较少,而对中国国际战略理论体系进行的研究则明显匮乏,并且,现有研究成果尚不足以构建一个科学完备的中国国际战略理论体系。本文以中国国际战略理论的渊源为开端,按照历史与现实、内在与外来的综合逻辑思路,从中国传统、当代实践、西方经验和马克思主义指导等角度全面把握中国国际战略理论的渊源;按照历史脉络,分析总结中国国际战略理论在改革开放初期发生的嬗变,以及冷战结束后特别是进入21世纪以来中国国际战略理论的重要突破。作为一项具有重要意义的研究课题,本文最后对中国国际战略理论体系的建设展开系统思考。本文总共八章,除了导论之外,正文共七章。第一章主要是梳理分析国际战略的概念和构建本文的研究框架;第二、三、四、五章分别从理论渊源、实践基础、指导思想和有益借鉴四个方面分析和总结中国国际战略的主要构成;第六章主要是总结中国国际战略理论的嬗变与突破;第七章主要是展望中国国际战略理论体系的构建路径。第一章主要是构建本文的理论研究框架。从战略观念的分析入手,首先确定国际战略这一本文的核心概念;然后探讨理论分析和框架分析对中国国际战略的重要意义;最后,简要分析中国国际战略理论发展历程,总结各发展阶段的关键因素,从而勾勒出中国国际战略理论的发展进程图,即本文的分析框架。第二章分析作为中国国际战略思想理论源头的传统战略思想及其当代价值。首先分析和概括中国传统战略思想在政治、经济、文化和安全上的主导理念,然后探索中国传统战略思想在国家主权观念、共同利益观和尊重多样性的文明观以及防御性现实主义的安全观上的当代价值,最后概括新中国成立六十多年来中国国际战略在实践中如何继承了传统战略思想的精髓,并延续着中国传统战略思想的生命与活力。中国传统战略思想是当代中国国际战略的理论根基和哲学源头。第三章分析当代中国国际战略实践经验,以便生成坚实的实践基础。通过梳理新中国成立以来中国国际战略六个阶段的发展历程,在此基础上总结中国国际战略制定和实施的基本经验,最后从核心目标、精神动力、基本前提和思想根基等方面形成理论认识。作为中国国际战略理论的实践基础,梳理和总结中国国际战略实践具有重要意义,它是中国国际战略理论来源的当代部分,也是中国特色国际战略理论的主要成因。第四章总结马克思主义国际战略思想对中国国际战略理论发展的指导意义。第一节总结马克思主义国际战略思想的基本内容,包括关于国家、国际合作、世界历史、战争与革命以及国际主义与民族的相关理论;第二节主要探索马克思主义国际战略思想的指导方法,包括历史唯物主义方法、唯物主义辩证法、实践方法以及批判的方法。第三节总结出马克思主义国际战略思想对中国国际战略理论的贡献主要集中在对价值观、方法论和实践的指导上。通过这些指导,中国国际战略理论在宏观层面(理想与目标)、中观层面(主要理论的研究方法)以及微观层面(问题领域的实践探索)形成了较为全面的指导体系,为中国国际战略理论体系的充实和完善奠定了原则性基础。第五章分析西方国际关系理论和战略思想对中国国际战略理论的借鉴意义。首先简要梳理西方国际关系理论和战略思想的历史沿革,掌握其理论动向;然后从方法论的角度对西方国际关系理论的三大流派——现实主义、自由主义和建构主义进行剖析;最后总结西方国际关系理论和战略思想对中国国际关系理论的三点借鉴意义。作为中国国际战略理论的渊源之一,西方国际关系理论提供了理论体系构建所必需的基本范式,包括概念体系和基础层面的方法论体系,而大战略思想则为中国国际战略理论的宏观架构提供了重要启示。第六章探索中国国际战略理论在新时期出现的嬗变和突破。首先从格局变动、发展需求和观念变革角度分析总结中国国际战略理论发展的外部、内部和观念因素,然后总结中国国际战略理论在时代主题、指导思想、战略路径和战略文化等方面的嬗变,最后概括中国国际战略理论的最新突破:和平发展道路的提出、新安全观的提出和落实、国际秩序建设的新构想、互动共赢的开放战略、促进世界和平发展的新构想以及逐步完善的共同利益理论。第三节分析当前中国国际战略理论的一大特色——共同利益观。通过分析共同利益在当今世界形成并不断扩大的现实基础和中国的共同利益实践,我们认为共同利益的理念已经融入中国国际战略理论,随着中国国际战略实践的持续开展和中国国际战略理论体系的不断完善,共同利益将彰显在实践和理论中的重要作用和价值。第七章探索中国国际战略理论体系构建的重要意义。第一节从现实角度出发,以国际政治、国际经济和中国自身为视角,分析当前中国国际战略面临的机遇,同时从全球性问题、国际力量制约和周边形势变化等角度总结中国国际战略面临的挑战,最后提出战略对策。第二节主要探讨未来中国国际战略理论体系的五个分支理论(经验理论、规范理论、理性理论、预测理论和实用理论)的发展现状和未来设计。第三节归纳构筑中国国际战略理论体系的重要意义。这种意义主要体现在:中国国际战略理论体系的构建,丰富和发展了马克思主义国际战略思想,增强了国际战略理论研究的系统性,提升了中国国际战略的境界,开阔了中国国际战略的视野,同时有助于中国国际战略抢占道德制高点。总之,通过按照历史发展脉络进行纵向分析,同时分阶段进行横向剖析的研究方法,构建了一个综合的理论研究框架,从而较为全面地囊括了中国国际战略理论体系的主要构成部分,形成了对中国国际战略理论较为系统的认识。作为理论的集大成者,中国国际战略理论体系将中国对外关系层面的所有因素统筹协调并形成规律性认识,为中国国际战略提供了前所未有的分析框架和理论视野,同时塑造了其更为开放包容的心态和高瞻远瞩的境界。

【Abstract】 International strategy studies have always been the focus of theinternational relaitons field. History repeatedly shows that any rise of powerneeds a set of scientific and complete theory of international strategy for theescort. Since China’s reform and opening up, the process of China’s rise isaccelerated, the world is undergoing profound changes and the importance ofChina’s international strategy theory study is increasingly significant. Alongwith the rise of China’s comprehensive national strength and China’sinternational influence, China needs to build an effective system ofinternational strategy theory to meet the need of further development. Theconstruction of China’s international strategy theory system has been on theagenda. Since the1980s, China’s international strategy researchachievements can be divided into four categories: the real problem, leaders’international strategic thought study, discipline construction and internationalstrategy theory. Overall, the academic study more of three types before, andthe study of international strategy theory is relatively small. The study ofChina’s international strategy theory system is obviously insufficient, and theexisting research results would not be enough to build a scientific andcomplete system of China’s international strategy theory.This paper is beginning with the origin and development of China’sinternational strategy theory. Grasp the origin of the Chinese internationalstrategy theory according to the history and reality, internal and externalintegrated logical train of thought, from point of view to Chinese tradition,contemporary practice, western experience and guide of Marxist. According tothe historical context, analyze Chinese international strategy theory evolutionhappened at the beginning of reform and opening up, and the importantbreakthrough of China’s international strategy theory at the end of the cold war, especially since the21st century. As a significant research subject,construction of China’s international strategy theory system will be discussedsystemly.This paper has seven chapters besides the introduction. The first chaptermainly analyzes the concept of international strategy and builds a researchframework of this paper. The four chapters followed analyze and summarizemain components of China’s international strategy respectively from the theoryorigin, practice basis, guiding ideology and the beneficial reference. The sixthchapter mainly summarizes China’s international strategy theory transmutationand breakthrough. Chapter7is mainly analyzing the path of constructingChina’s international strategic theory system.Chapter1aims to build theoretical research framework of this paper.Determine the concept of international strategy which is the core concept ofthis paper. And then discusses the significance of theoretical analysis andframework analysis to China’s international strategic. Finally, analyze China’sinternational strategy theory development course briefly, summarizes keyfactors at different stages, so as to draw the outline of the developmentprocess of China’s international strategy theory, which is analysis framework ofthis paper.Chapter2aims to analyze traditional strategic thought which is source ofChina’s international strategic thought theory and its contemporary value.Firstly, analyze and sum up the dominant idea of the Chinese traditionalstrategic thought on the political, economic, cultural and security; and thenexplore the contemporary value of the traditional Chinese strategic thought inthe concept of national sovereignty, common interests, respecting the diversityof civilization and defensive realism on the security; finally summarize newChina how to inherit the essence of the traditional strategic thought in practiceof China’s international strategy, and continue the life and vitality of Chinesetraditional strategic thought. Chinese traditional strategic thought is thefoundation and philosophy source of contemporary China’s international strategy theory.Chapter3aims to analyze the practice experience of contemporaryChina’s international strategy, so as to generate the solid foundation ofpractices. Through combing the six stages of development since the foundingof new China, it summarizes the basic experience of China’s internationalstrategy formulation and implementation; and finally, it forms the core target,spiritual motivation, basic premise and the base of thought form the theoreticalknowledge. As the practice basis of the China’s international strategy theory,combing and summarizing China’s international strategic practice is of greatsignificance. It is a contemporary part of China’s international strategy theorysource, and the causes of international strategy theory with Chinesecharacteristics.Chapter4aims to summarize the guiding sense of Marxism internationalstrategic thought to the development of China’s international strategy theory.The first section summarizes the basic content of the Marxism internationalstrategic thought, including country, international cooperation, the history of theworld, war and revolution, the international and national related theory.Thesecond section mainly explore the guidelines of Marxism international strategicthought, including the historical materialism method, materialist dialectics,practical method and the method of criticism. Section3summarizes thecontribution of Marxism international strategic thought to the Chineseinternational strategy theory, and it mainly focus on the values, on theguidance of methodology and practice. Through this guidance, China’sinternational strategy theory formed a relatively comprehensive system ofguidance in the macro level (ideals and goals), medium level (main theoryresearch method) and micro level (the problem in the field of practiceexploration), enriching the system of international strategy theory and laid thefoundation of principle.Chapter5aims to analyze the reference value of western internationalrelations theory and strategic thought to China’s international strategy theory. Firstly, briefly card the history of the western international relations theory andstrategic thought, and grasp its theoretical trends. Then from the Angle ofmethodology, three major schools of western international relations theory-realism, liberalism and constructivism are analyzed. Finally, it summarizesthree points of reference value of western international relations theory andstrategic thought to China’s international strategy theory. As one origin ofChina’s international strategy theory, western international relations theoryprovides a basic paradigm to build the theoretical system, includes the conceptsystem and basic methodology system, and grand strategic thought providesan important revelation to macro architecture of China’s international strategytheory.Chapter6explores changes and breakthrough of China’s internationalstrategy theory in the new era. Firstly, analyze to summarize the developmentof Chinese international strategy theory of external and internal factors andideas from the perspective of international structure change, developmentneeds and ideas change. Then summarize the transformation of internationalstrategy theory in the era theme, the guiding ideology, and the change ofstrategic path and cultural aspects.Then sum up the latest breakthrough ofChina’s international strategy theory: putting forward the path of peacefuldevelopment, and carrying out the new security concept, new ideas for theconstruction of international order, interaction and win-win opening-up strategy,new ideas of promoting world peace and development, and graduallyperfecting the theory of common interests. Finally, analyze one features of thecurrent China’s international strategy theory—common interests. The thirdsection explores the practice of common interests of China’s internationalstrategy. Through the analysis and summary, we believe that the concept ofcommon interests have been integrated into the Chinese international strategytheory. With China’s sustained international strategic practice and the constantimprovement of China’s international strategy theory system, the commoninterest will reveal important role and value in practice and theory. Chapter7explores the significance of the construction of China’sinternational strategy theory system. The first section mainly discusses fivebranches (experience theory, gauge theory, rational theory, prediction theoryand practical theory) of China’s international strategy theory system theory inthe future. In the second quarter, from the moral perspective of China’sinternational strategy theory, explore how to achieve the moral risesuccessfully under the premise of China’s improved national strength.The thirdquarter aims to sum up the significance of constructing the system of China’sinternational strategy theory. The significance is mainly reflected in: theconstruction of China’s international strategy theory system enriched anddeveloped Marxist international strategic thought, enhanced the systemictheory of international strategy, improve the level of China’s internationalstrategy, open the vision of China international strategy.All in all, by the research methods of longitudinal analysis and horizontalanalysis at the same time, we can build a comprehensive theoretical researchframework, which contains the main part of China’s international strategytheory system, and form a systematic understanding of China’s internationalstrategy theory. As a master of China’s international strategy theory system, itcoordinates all of the factors of Chinese foreign relations and forms regularunderstanding, provides unprecedented analysis frame and theory field ofvision for China’s international strategy, and shapes more open mentality andvision.
