

【作者】 杨海

【导师】 杨信礼;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在全球化与现代化相互交织的时代条件下,人类社会实践与社会发展的广度与深度日益延展,发展仍然是当今世界的主题。由于发展与实践的二重性,实践深化、社会变迁与风险的扩张犹如“孪生姊妹”形影相随,风险社会正以全景观的方式涌现出来。什么是风险、社会风险、风险社会?风险并不等同于社会风险,同时,风险社会的风险不同于自然风险、传统风险、阶级社会的风险,而是全球化与现代性背景下人为的、潜在的、不确定的,带有系统性破坏的文明风险。如果用贝克的话说,它只是出现在物理和化学方程式中的风险。风险社会是一个全球性的概念。本文中所指涉的风险社会,就是“世界风险社会”。在现代风险社会,这种潜在的、不易被人察知的风险以“温水煮青蛙”的方式,悄无声息地作用并袭扰着人类生活的各个领域与诸多方面。在现代网络社会背景下,现代科学受技术理性支配,扮演着资本主义市场经济“忠实仆人”的角色。当现代科学承载着自身一手“浇灌”出来的“爆炸性”的现代风险并使之席卷全球之时,人们的风险意识已经开始觉醒:各种现代性风险正在精准地打击着关乎全人类生存与发展的致命的“神经”。现代风险“有如悬在人类头顶的达摩克利斯之剑,现代社会发展模式本身就是一个巨大的自杀装置。”①由于资本主义制度本身所固有的矛盾与缺陷,现代资本主义国家在风险社会到来之时只能采取饮鸩止渴式的风险治理术应对风险社会突如其来的文明风险,从而使现代风险成为资本主义风险治理政治决策中的“烫手山芋”。资本主义政治无法跳出在演绎实践——风险——新的实践——新的风险这一风险治理怪圈中内生的“反我”、“异己”悖谬的“窠臼”。现代风险治理遭遇“伤口撒盐”的苦楚进而陷入进退两难的发展窘境。尽管风险在现代社会有时被视为生命发展的机会,并能唤醒人类的责任意识,从而使人们在风险来临的时刻创新人生,但风险的两面性理论告诉我们:风险社会的风险对人类所带来的空前的、系统性破坏的损害性影响足以让整个人类有可能走向毁灭!这种“启示录”般的警醒使人类感觉到人的本体性安全开始摇撼,人们生活在一个“除了冒险别无选择的”[1]风雨飘摇的世界。“问题是时代的格言”,问题也是时代的声音。马克思主义哲学对当代现实问题的思考源于时代的呼唤,是对现代社会发展悖谬的理论回应。因此,马克思主义哲学扮演着黄昏时起飞的“猫头鹰”与黎明前报晓的“高卢雄鸡”的双重角色,使其成为“时代精神的精华”。在新旧全球化时代大转换的风险社会语境下,现代风险困境为马克思主义哲学提出了新的研究课题。全面把握因时代、空间等因素而导致马克思主义哲学出场形态的深刻变革,是科学理解马克思主义哲学出场学的永恒主题——“出场与差异”的内在要求。从历史语境、出场路径与出场形态三者相互作用的关系中深度解读马克思主义哲学从当年向当代出场的差异逻辑,是科学理解建构现代“风险话语”体系何以成为马克思主义哲学出场学为适应当代主题转换而做出必然选择的理论前提。国外不同流派的风险社会学家们用社会学方法披露了风险社会的基本问题。在仔细研读国外风险社会理论,马克思、涂尔干以及韦伯等对现代性问题著述的基础上,通过综合运用比较与分析方法、批判与建构方法、理论联系实际的方法以及跨学科综合研究等方法,用马克思主义哲学世界观与方法论透视、分析现代风险社会景观,对现代西方风险社会、风险文化等理论全面考察与分析,在此基础上建构本论文的理论体系——是本文研究的主旨。本文从风险、风险社会的内涵与特征入手,从资本的逻辑、科层制的“知识”语境以及现代性“文化霸权”的角度,剖析了风险社会生成的现实性根源,指出资本主义社会是实践二重性风险效应的制度性总根源;从风险的社会放大的理论架构与动力机制,跨域风险的社会放大的基本原则与路径选择深入分析了现代风险如何被社会因素放大,特别是针对资本主义政治在风险的社会放大的动力机制中所产生的作用予以了披露;并从生产力指数式增长与人的风险发展的相悖、结构进化与风险扩张的相悖、科学理性与社会理性的相悖、财富分配逻辑与风险分配逻辑的相悖、阶级地位与风险地位的相悖等维度,阐发了内含于风险社会中的结构性悖论;从阶级分化的贫困风险——公平正义问题,全球“类性”风险的“心性”内治——责任伦理问题,技术精英侵占民主特权——民主政治问题,发展与风险形影相随——发展代价问题,个人利益同公共利益的博弈——利益分裂问题,对“三重关系”的突围——人的解放问题等维度,进一步透视了与风险社会结构性悖论相伴随的“整体转型”所面临的主要问题;跨越风险社会,不仅要重塑风险价值观、应对“有组织地不负责任”、重建信任机制、在风险文化中规制风险、解析全球治理的悖谬,更应该把变革资本主义社会制度——向自由王国的飞跃作为铲除风险社会生成机制的根本出路。在本论文中,贯穿着马克思对现代性及其资本主义的深度批判,这集中体现在马克思把资本主义社会基本矛盾视为风险社会生成的“罪魁祸首”。从这一意义上说,风险社会的哲学研究其实也就是对资本主义风险逻辑的现代批判。论文运用马克思主义实践观、真理观、价值观、生产力观,过程观、矛盾观、社会异化与世界历史学说等基本原理,揭示了现代资本主义发展方式的内在困境与悖谬是风险社会生成的最终根源,为破解风险社会寻求出路奠定基础;从马克思主义的人学向度,系统论、认识论、正义观、利益观,经济伦理与社会发展规律及其可能——现实,必然——偶然等相关哲学范畴分析了风险社会产生、发展与消亡的必然趋势。“压缩的现代化”交织出了一个由历时性向“共时性”转变的社会风险景观。在当代中国,我们要规避风险社会对中国产生的风险影响,必须把握我国社会风险的主要特点与应对的着力点,坚持以马克思主义中国化的最新成果——中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,发展和完善中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,有效化解社会风险结构性困境,促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展与人的全面发展,实现社会和谐稳定和国家的长治久安。

【Abstract】 In the era when globalization interweaves with modernization, humanbeings’ social practice and social development have extended both in breath and indepth, while development remains to be the theme of today’s world. Because of theduality of development and practice, risks also expand while practice is deepened andsociety changes, the three matters always being together. And risk society comes tothe fore in a panoramic way.What are risks, social risks and risk society? Risks are not equal to social risks;meanwhile, different from natural risks, traditional risks and risks of class society, therisks of risk society are man-made, potential and uncertain civilization risks withsystematic destructiveness. In the words of Beck, it only appears in physical andchemical equations. However, risk society is a global concept. The risk society in thispaper refers to “world risk society”. In modern risk society, such a kind of potentialrisks, which are not easy to be perceived, is acting on and harass various fields andaspects of human life with “frog-boiling effect”, silent and secret. Under the socialbackground of modern network, modern science is dominated by technologicalrationality and plays a role of “man Friday” of capitalist market economy. While theexplosive modern risks produced by “Modern science” have swept across the globe,human’s risk awareness has also risen: various kinds of modern risks are strikingprecisely the fatal “nerve” that matters to the existence and development of the wholebody of mankind. Modern risks are “like Damocles’ sword that hangs over the top ofthe head of human beings, and modern society’s development pattern itself is a hugedevice for human beings to commit suicide.”1Because of the inherent contradictionsand drawbacks of capitalist system, modern capitalist countries have no choice but totake temporary risk government measures, which will result in disaster, to deal withprecipitate civilization risks from risk society, and thus, modern risks have become“hot potatoes” in the political decision-making of the risk government of capitalism.The politics of capitalism cannot jump out of the preposterous set pattern of“self-opposition” and “self-alienation” hidden in the vicious cycle of the riskgovernment:“practice一risks一new practice一new risks”. Suffering“salt-upon-wounds”, the government of modern risks falls into a crag-fast dilemma.Although risks are sometimes regarded as opportunities for life’s development andcan rouse human beings’ sense of duty, thus making people create a new life, the dual-aspect theory of risks tell us that the unprecedented andsystematically-destructive effect brought about by the risks of risk society canpossibly drive the whole body of mankind to destruction. Such a kind of warning,which is like “the Apocalypse”, makes mankind feel that their ontological security hasstarted to shake; people live in a turbulent world in which they have no alternative butto take risks.[1]“Problems are mottos of eras”, as well as voice of eras. Because of the call of theera, Marxist philosophy reflects on modern realistic problems, which is a theoreticalresponse to the development of modern society. Hence, Marxist philosophy plays tworoles, one being “an owl” taking off at dusk, and the other being a “La Coq gaulois(namely a Gallic rooster)” announcing the arrival of dawn, both of which make itbecome the “quintessence of the spirit of the times”. In the social context of the globalera transiting from the old to the new, modern risks pose new challenges and newresearch subjects to Marxist philosophy. We should comprehensively grasp the deepchanges of Marxist philosophy’s appearing form resulted from time factors and spacefactors, for this is an inherent requirement to scientifically understand the eternaltheme of the appearance study of Marxist philosophy, namely “appearance” and“difference”. A deep unscrambling, from the perspective of the relationship ofhistorical context, appearing path and appearing form, of the difference logic thatexists in the period when Marxist philosophy appears in the contemporary era’s fromthose years is a theoretical premise of scientifically understanding how theestablishment of a modern system of “risk discourse” becomes an inevitable choicefor the appearance study of Marxist philosophy to adapt to the change of modernthemes.The sociologists from different schools abroad make public the basic problemsexisting in risk society. On the basis of reading carefully foreign theories on risksociety and works by Marx, Durkheim and Webber on modern problems, throughcomprehensively applying methods like the method of comparison and analysis, thatof criticism and construction, that of combing theories and practices and that ofmaking interdisciplinary comprehensive researches, this paper utilizes the worldoutlook and the methodology of Marxist philosophy to get perspective on and analyzethe panorama of modern risk society, as well as investigates and comprehensivelyanalyzes theories on modern Western risk society, risk culture and so forth. Starting from the connotation and the characteristics of risks and risk society, from theperspective of capital’s logic, bureaucratic context of “knowledge” and modern“culture hegemony”, this paper dissects the realistic source of risk society and pointsout that capitalist society is the general source of the duality and the risk effect ofpractice; besides, this paper, from the perspective of the theoretical framework and thedynamic mechanism, the basic elements and the path choice of risks’ socialamplification, makes a deep analysis on how modern risks are amplified by socialfactors, and especially, this paper discloses the effects produced by the politics ofcapitalism in the dynamic mechanism of risks’ social amplification; in addition, thispaper, from dimensions such as the inconsistence between productivity’s exponentialgrowth and social rationality, that between the logic of wealth distribution and thelogic of risk distribution, that between class status and risk status and so forth,explicates the structural paradox contained in risk society, and meanwhile, this paper,from the perspective of the poverty risk produced by class polarization—the problemof equity and justice, from perspectives such as that of the “temperament”endotherapy of global “categorized” risks—the problem of the ethics ofresponsibility, that of technological elites’ encroaching on democratic privilege—theproblem of democratic politics, that of the simultaneous development and risks—theproblem of development cost, that of the gambling between personal interests andpublic interests—the problem of interests division, and that of the breakthrough ofthe “ternary relationship”—the problem of human liberation, gets a furtherperspective on the problems faced by the “overall transformation” accompanied bythe structural paradoxes of risk society. To step over risk society, we need to reshaperisk value, to deal with “organized” irresponsibility, to reconstruct credibilitymechanism, to regulate risks in risk culture, to analyze the paradox of globalgovernance, and even to take the transformation of capitalist social system into arealm of freedom as a fundamental way to eradicate the generative mechanism of risksociety.This paper is penetrated with Marx’s deep criticism on modernity and itscapitalism, which is indicated from the fact that Marx regarded the basic contradictionof capitalist society as the “chief culprit” that generated risk society. In this sense, thephilosophy research on risk society is, in fact, modern criticism on capitalism’s risklogic. Through applying fundamentals such as Marxism’s view of practice, view of truth, view of productivity, view of process, view of contradiction, theories of socialalienation and theories of the history of the world, this paper reveals the fact that theinherent dilemmas and paradox are the ultimate sources that generated risk society,laying a foundation for us to find the way to break risk society. Moreover, this paper,from the angle of Marxism’s humanology, system theory, epistemology, viewpoint ofjustice, view of interest, economic ethics, law of social development, its relationshipbetween possibility and reality and that between necessity and occasionality, and otherrelated philosophical categories, makes an analysis on the inexorable trend of thegeneration, development and extinction of risk society.“The compressed modernization” has led to a social risk transforming fromdiachronism to “synchronicity”. In modern China, we should mitigate the risksbrought about by risk society, we must grasp the main features of the social risks ofour country and grasp the key points to deal with these risks, and we must take thelatest achievements of the localization of Marxism in China一the theoretical systemof socialism with Chinese characteristics一as the guideline to develop and perfectthe socialism with Chinese characteristics, to promote the modernization of ourcountry’s governance system and governance capacity, to effectively resolve thestructural dilemma of social risks, to boost the comprehensive, coordinated andsustainable development of the economy and the society, and finally to realize theharmony and stability of the society and the lasting political stability of the country.
