

【作者】 赵杰

【导师】 郭建平;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在国际经济全球化的推动下,跨国公司日益成为重要的国际行为体之一。一个国家全球知名跨国公司的多少也成为综合国力的重要象征之一。进入新世纪以来,中国政府正在迅速适应世界潮流,不仅继续重视吸引国外直接投资,也越来越重视和鼓励中国企业的对外投资。2001年12月11日中国正式加入世界贸易组织,此后,中国的对外贸易迅速增长,伴随着中国产品迅速走向世界,中国企业也在加速进入世界经济全球化的浪潮。2003年10月,党的十六届三中全会通过了《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制的若干重大问题的决定》,指出:“继续实施‘走出去’战略是建成完善的社会主义市场经济体制和更具活力、更加开放的经济体系的战略部署”。胡锦涛主席在党的十七大、十八大报告中明确指出:“把‘引进来’和‘走出去’更好的结合起来。”“加快走出去步伐,增强企业国际化经营能力,培育一批世界水平跨国公司”。由于中国长期实行社会主义计划经济,国有企业得到长足发展,经济实力较强,民营企业则经济实力较弱,并且和西方的众多知名跨国公司动则上百年的海外经营相比,中国企业成立的时间相对较晚,走向海外的历史则更是短暂。首先“走出去”的中国企业大多都是国有企业,在论述中国企业海外发展所取得的成就时大多列举的是国有企业。众所周知,中国国有企业的海外发展过程中,受到中国政府的大力支持,更多的是购买国民经济可持续发展的战略性资源,并不是纯粹的企业发展战略。例如:中石油和中石化近年来在海外大举收购海外油气资源,不仅仅是企业在最求利润最大化,也在某种程度上是为了保障中国的能源安全。民营企业对外投资占我国对外直接投资存量的比例非常小。我国社会主义市场经济的性质要求国有企业和民营企业在对外直接投资要均衡发展,国有企业对外直接投资总量的比例过高,以及民营企业对外直接投资总量的比例过低都是不合理的。民营企业对外投资的规模太小,从长远来看不利于中国对外直接投资的良性发展。在竞争中求生存,在竞争中促发展,是每一个企业发展的必由之路。但是,根据笔者六年多以来的亲身经历,中国企业在对外直接投资过程中频频出现恶性竞争,已经成为中国企业海外发展的“恶性肿瘤”,既损害了企业自身的经济利益,也损害了中国企业的整体形象。当某国成为国际直接投资热点、而我国最先进入该国的企业能够得到较好的收益时,常常出现国内一批企业蜂拥而至的现象,在获取投资项目的过程中甚至出现了相互拆台、自相残杀的情况,使东道国政府或其企业坐收渔利。许多国家在国际工程承包的招标中故意争取两家、甚至多家中国公司同时投标,往往引发中国企业进行血拼。其结果就是中国公司中标以后,由于合同价格过低而面临种种困难,甚至导致项目的失败。日本和韩国企业的经验值得重视。因为它们相信,即便是本国竞争对手在海外竞争的失败,也是自身的失败,因为这是一个国家民族产业的失败。这是一种成熟市场竞争环境下企业良好心态的体现,很值得中国企业效法。在中国企业整体实力和品牌影响力还远落后西方企业的现状下,任何一个企业所代表的都是中国企业的整体品牌,需要中国企业共同维护。同时,国家相关政府部门和行业协会应尽快在充分调查的基础上采取适当的措施,避免中国企业在海外的恶性竞争。随着新兴市场经济国家的迅速发展以及欧洲和美国陷入金融危机,世界经济重心东移趋势明显,以中国为代表的新兴市场经济国家在国际政治经济格局中的地位不断提高。中国企业经过改革开放三十多年的迅速发展和现代企业制度的建立,具备了对外投资的资本和科技实力;随着中国产业结构的调整和劳动力成本的迅速提高,中国企业产生了对外投资的强烈愿望;而西方发达国家金融危机的不断加深,又急需中国的资金帮助西方世界摆脱经济发展的困境;发展中国家发展经济急需的资金由于西方资本的撤出而陷入困境,中国不带任何政治条件的投资日益受到热烈欢迎。有利的国内外环境是中国对外直接投资迅速增长的主要原因。本文提到的中国企业对外直接投资过程中面临的机遇和挑战都是相对的。如果中国企业能够吸取西方发达国家企业、其他发展中国家企业以及中国企业自身对外直接投资过程中的经验和教训,中国企业就能把海外发展面临的挑战转变成机遇。同样,如果中国企业不能吸取其他国内外企业海外发展过程中的经验和教训,机遇也将不复存在,中国企业的海外发展之路也将充满荆棘。我们有理由相信,在中国经济迅速发展的趋势下,国有大型企业将继续积极进行海外投资,中小企业也将纷纷加入海外投资的浪潮。随着越来越多中国企业走向世界,中国最终将实现从“世界工厂”的生产大国向制造业超级大国和“世界市场”的转化,即实现从粗放工业模式向创新的后工业模式的转变。届时中国这个全球商品生产国、技术进口国将转变为新技术输出国和商品进口国。

【Abstract】 During globalization of international economics,transnational corporations arebecoming important international actors. The number of famous transnationalcorporation has becoming an important symbol of comprehensive national power.When it comes to the new century, Chinese government not only continues to absorbmore foreign investments, but also attach importance to improve Chinese corporationsto invest worldwide.Since China becomes an official member of WTO on December11th,2001,Chinese foreign trade increased rapidly, Chinese corporations started joining the waveof globalization of world economy. In2003, Decision of the third session of the16thNational Congress of CPC said the strategy of “going out” is part of building socialistmarket economy system and building a more activate and opened economic system.In2007, Report of the17th National Congress of CPC said it’s necessary toadhere to “going out” and “bringing in” policy for it’s involved in the formation ofnew advantages in international economic cooperation and competition duringeconomic globalization. In2012, Report of the18th National Congress of CPC saidwe had to accelerate the pace of “going out”, enhance the ability of internationaloperations and foster a number of world-class transnational corporations.Since China has long history of socialist planned economy, State OwnedEnterprises(SOE) is stronger than private enterprises. Compared with westerntransnational corporations which have more than one hundred years of history,Chinese enterprises were established very late. The history of overseas investment iseven shorter. So, at the beginning stage, most of enterprises going out are SOEs. Aswe all know, the Chinese government supports the foreign investment by SOE. TheSOEs foreign investments are executing the Chinese government strategy.Since China has long history of socialist planned economy, SOE is stronger thanprivate enterprises. Compared with western transnational corporations which havemore than one hundred years of history, Chinese enterprises were established very late.The history of overseas investment is even shorter. So, at the beginning stage, most of enterprises going out are SOEs. As we all know, the Chinese government supports theforeign investment by SOE. The SOEs foreign investments are executing the Chinesegovernment strategy.Private enterprises foreign investment is much slower compared with SOEs. Thenature of socialist market economy requires balanced development of SOEs andprivate enterprises. It’s not reasonable if the SOEs accounted for too much of the totalforeign direct investment, or the private enterprises accounted for too little of the totalforeign direct investment. In the long term, small scale private enterprises in China’sforeign investment are not conducive to the healthy development of China’s foreigndirect investment.Surviving in the competition and developing in the competition is the only wayfor development of every enterprise. According to the author’s personal experience ofmore than six years, vicious competitions among Chinese enterprises appear fluently.Vicious competition has become a “cancer”for overseas development of Chineseenterprises. It not only harms their own economic interests, but also harms the overallimage of Chinese enterprises.The experience of Japan and Korean enterprises worthy of China Enterprisesattention. They believe that even their competitors failed to compete overseas is alsotheir failures. Because it means a failure of their country’s national industry. This is amature competitive market environment reflecting good business mind and worthy ofChinese enterprises following. The overall strength and brand influence of Chineseenterprises is far behind the Western companies under the status quo. Any Chinesebrand is a representative of the overall brand of all the Chinese enterprises and shouldbe safeguard jointly. Meanwhile, the concerning government departments andindustry associations should take appropriate measures on the basis of fullinvestigation as soon as possible to avoid overseas vicious competition of Chineseenterprises.With the rapid economic development of emerging market economies and thefinancial crisis in Europe and the United States, the eastward trend of the worldeconomy is obvious. The position of emerging market economies, especially China, inthe international political and economic structure continues to increase. After morethan30years of rapid development, Chinese enterprises have been established modern enterprises system, have the capital and technological strength for overseasinvestment. Favorable domestic and international environment is the main reason forthe rapid growth of China’s overseas direct investment.Opportunities and challenges of Chinese enterprises in the process of foreigndirect investment are relative. If Chinese enterprises can learn lessons from theenterprises of Western countries, other developing countries, Chinese enterprises willbe able to transform challenges into opportunities, vice vers.As more and more Chinese enterprises will join the wave of overseas investment,China will eventually realize the transform from the “world factory”model of theproduction power to “world market”.

  • 【分类号】F832.6;F279.2
  • 【被引频次】4
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