

【作者】 王琛

【导师】 赵长茂;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界经济持续低迷,中国经济也放缓了增长速度,本文认为应更关注国内经济放缓的原因到底是“周期性”的,或是“结构性”的。相关数据显示,认为是结构性占48%,已经是2008-2009年的4-5倍,当时仅有10%的观点认为是结构性因素导致经济放缓。所以,当前的国内政策更应注重改革和转型中的结构性问题。这些问题包括中国的人口红利优势渐渐退却,劳动力成本在不断上涨,“三驾马车”中的出口与投资的不利形势,使国内的经济增长更得依赖扩大内需。如果说未来的改革是中国的最大红利,那么改变目前传统的城乡二元结构便是当务之急。依上所述,要想扩大中国经济增长空间和改变增长结构,“城镇化”就是振裘持领的答案,而农业转移人口市民化之于城镇化问题,如洞见症结。本文以基于利益相关者视角农业转移人口市民化研究为题,在论述农业转移人口市民化问题上,引入了利益相关者理论。虽然西方国家都经历过农业转移人口市民化过程,国外的学者在此问题上的研究也浩如烟海,其中不乏诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者,但是如果直接套用西方经济学模型来解读2.6亿中国农业转移人口,一定会造成模型的严重变形。而利益相关者理论在企业的分析上已经非常成熟,本文将此理论引入到农业转移人口市民化的过程就是试图从利益相关者的视角来解析中国农业转移人口市民化的难题。归根结底,市民化的过程就是利益分享机制的再造过程,就是不仅仅要从生活消费习惯、理念等的市民化,更是相关利益主体利益格局重新分配以及寻找平衡点的过程,这一过程既包括上面提到的顶层设计,还涉及到公共服务的均等化、财税体制以及干部考核评价制度的改革。这里提到干部考核评价制度的改革,是因为怎样能使设计与制定政策制度法律的人能不局限于眼前的利益,不做表面文章,不热衷于搞形象工程,政绩工程,不唯GDP视瞻,而能真正的以民生需求为导向,使农业转移人口真正的实现人的城镇化,使他们真正的享受到改革与经济发展带来的福利。真正地让改革的红利惠及到那些为追求幸福而常年奔波于城乡之间的人们。所以,在论文中,在对国内外劳动力流动理论和利益相关者理论进行分析和借鉴之后,我首先分析了在农业转移人口市民化过程中的各个利益主题的利益诉求和优势,然后建立了这几个主体的数学函数模型,进一步证明这几个利益主体的相关性,然后明确了影响这几个利益相关者的因素,论文第三章就是对这些因素的阐述与解析,通过数学模型和理论分析,清晰地表明,农业转移人口的迁移不管是对转移者本身,还是其家庭来说,都是福利的改进,进一步支撑了农业转移人口市民化的思路。数学函数又为这些利益相关者的博弈过程,寻求协同区间,三个试点地区数据的引用,给政策、制度的制定提供成功的可资借鉴的经验。在以上的思路引导下,论文分为六个部分在导论部分,论文首先提出问题,分析了为什么要研究农业转移人口市民化,阐释选题的背景与研究意义。接下来,对农业转移人口市民化研究的相关文献作了一个系统的总结性回顾与述评。导论部分还指出论文的主要观点和创新之处、论文研究方法及整篇论文的结构安排。论文的第二部分是研究的理论基础。首先阐释什么是利益相关者理论,以及中西方学者的相关研究成果,为后续研究奠定基础。然后分别从理论视角阐述与农业转移人口市民化息息相关的五个利益相关者:农业转移人口、中央政府、地方政府以及企业。全面深入探讨各利益相关方在农业转移人口市民化进程中的利益诉求,相互关系,发展走向等。论文的第三部分分析农业转移人口市民化的各利益相关方:农业转移人口、政府、企业等目前正面临的困难与约束以及本文研究的难点。论文的第四部分为地方实践分析。从全国选择几个试点进行分析,总结比较其在农业转移人口市民化进程中的做法、经验、成效与不足,增强论文写作的现实感。论文的第五部分是从顶层设计、企业、政府与个人层面研究利益相关者视角下有序推进农业转移人口市民化的战略举措,提出相关的思路。论文的第六部分是破解农民工市民化的难题过程中的相关制度与政策的变革与完善。认为有序推进农业转移人口市民化的制度症结在于公共服务制度、土地制度、财税制度等。论文认为,农业转移人口市民化是一个深刻影响中国经济社会变革的重大课题,它将引导中国从“农村中国”向“城市中国”转型。论文仅是利益相关者视角对这个“宏观”问题的“微观”探索。

【Abstract】 The world economy is lingering in the low tide and China’s growth has been slowed.Whether a “soft landing” or “hard landing” is still in doubt, however, maybe morefocus should be put on the causes of China’s slowing-down, are they “periodical” or“structural”? That’s what the thesis tries to solve.Data shows that48%thinks the character of the slowing is “structural”,4to5times ofthat in the year2008to2009. At that time, only10%thinks it is structural factors thatlead to the economic slowdown. Indicating that in the process of reform andtransformation, domestic decision makers should put more concern on structuralproblems, such as the gradual decline of China’s demographic bonus, continuouslyrising labor cost, the adverse situations of export and invest, two factors of the “threewagons” pulling the economy, which put the economy growth intensely relied ondomestic demand.If, as predicted, future reform will be China’s biggest bonus, then the deciding partshould be the adjustment to the current urban-rural dual structure, which bringsurbanization as a key method to expand the growth space or adjust the structure.Furthermore, the agriculture population transformation should be of great importanceto urbanization.The thesis uses the stakeholder theory to discuss the agricultural populationtransformation. The western world has experienced the above transformation andbrought forward numerous academic achievements, no lacking of Nobel prize winners,however, it would hardly be convincing to apply western economic models to acountry of260million agriculture population. Hence the thesis draws into thestakeholder theory, a fully matured theory on the usage of enterprises analysis. It’s theauthor’s innovation to apply the theory to economy field. It will not only discover themain factors constraining agriculture population transformation but also spot theacting points of reform. And, as a result, the bonus of reform can truly benefit people,who, in pursuit of their own happiness, rushing year after year between towns andcountries.So, in this thesis, after analysing and drawing on the experience of the labor flow theory and the stakeholder theory both at home and abroad, I first analyzed theinterestsand strengths of each stakeholders in the agricultural populationtransformation, and then establish a mathematical function model of these subjects,proving the the correlation, and then clear the effect factors of several stakeholders.The third chapter is the description and analysis of these factors, the mathematicalmodels and theoretical analysis, clearly show that the migration of agriculturetransformed population, whether to transfer themselves, or their families, it is welfareimproving, it is a further support of the urbanization process of agricultural populationtransformation. Mathematical functions seek synergy intervals for the game process ofthese stakeholders. The reference data of three pilot regionsprovides successfulexperience for the formulation of policy.The thesis is composed of six parts based on the above ideas.In the introduction part, the thesis firstlyproposes the question, analyses the reasonswhy doing the research of the urbanization of agricultural population transformation,explains the background and research significance of topic. Next, the relatedliteratures on the study of the topic is reviewed and summarized. The introductionpartalso introduces the central idea,the research methods the innovation, and thestructure.The second part of the thesis is the theoretical basis of the study. It firstly explainswhat is the stakeholder theory, and related research achievements of western scholars,lays the foundation for the follow-up study. Then expatiates the five related interestswho are closely related with agricultural population transformation from the angle oftheory: agriculture transformed population, the central government, local governmentsand enterprises. The interest expressions, the correlations, the development trends arefully discussed in the agricultural population transformation process.The third part of the thesis analyses the difficulties and constraints of the variousstakeholdersof agricultural population transformation urbanization, including theagricultural population transformation, the government, theenterprises. It alsointroduces the difficulties in study.The fourth part of the thesis is the analyses for the local practice. From the analyses ofseveral pilots, the practices can be compared, and the experiences can be summarized, which enhance the realitysense of the work.The fifth part of the thesis is the research of promoting strategic moves from theperspective ofthe top design, enterprises, the government and individuals, puttingforward relevant ideas.The sixth part of the thesis is about the problems appear in the reform andimprovement of the migrant workers’ urbanization. That the system crux of fashioningagriculture transformed population orderly is in public service system, land system,fiscal and taxation system.The agriculture transformed populationis an important issue that makes profoundimpact on Chinese economic and social change, it will lead the transformation from"rural China" to "city China". This paper is only a "micro" exploration of the "macro"problem from a stakeholder perspective.

  • 【分类号】F323.6;F299.21
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1066
  • 攻读期成果