

【作者】 魏建国

【导师】 王伟光;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在马克思的理论构想中,自由是社会主义的本质规定和价值理想。但社会主义实践过程中理论与现实的反差,突显了社会主义自由问题研究的必要性和紧迫性。社会主义自由是一个复杂而又宏大的理论与现实问题。本文主要依据马克思主义经典著作家的自由思想,结合科学社会主义的发展历史,坚持理论逻辑、历史逻辑和实践逻辑相统一的视角,深入研究社会主义自由问题。研究社会主义自由问题,有着重要的理论与现实意义。从理论价值上看,可以深化对社会主义的认识,深化对马克思主义自由思想的认识,深化对社会主义核心价值观的认识;从现实意义看,对探索社会主义实践过程中自由的实现有重要启示意义,对树立科学的自由观有着重要的意义。本文主要分为六个部分,框架结构和主要内容如下:导论部分主要归纳、总结、分析、评价目前关于社会主义自由问题的研究现状,发现目前关于社会主义自由大多从哲学、政治学、法学角度研究,而马克思主义理论视角下进行的问题研究相对较少,理论性的研究较多,而具启发性、实践性、解释性的研究成果较少。在此基础上阐明了本文的研究意义,还明确了本文研究的相关问题,即自由是社会主义的本质规定,自由在社会主义实践中有着重要的意义。第一章主要分析社会主义自由思想的形成及主要内容,阐释了社会主义自由的逻辑形成、基本内容、主体构成、主要特征、评价标准等问题。自由是人类社会的理想目标,社会主义自由思想的形成有着深厚的思想渊源和理论条件,社会主义自由思想是以马克思主义自由学说为理论基础,在社会主义实践过程中进一步丰富、发展、形成的;社会主义自由不是抽象的、空洞的口号,而是具体包括了主体自由、社会自由、自由个性;社会主义自由的主体是个体主体、群体主体、族类主体的有机统一,社会主义自由的主体在不同的语境和场域中有着不同的涵义;社会主义自由有着现实的评价标准,即自由时间、自主活动、人的全面发展;社会主义自由具有历史过程性、阶级规定性、实践全面性、现实相对性等特征。第二章主要分析社会主义条件下自由实现的制约因素及其成因。主要从历时态和共时态两个维度展开分析。从历时态总结传统社会主义模式中的自由问题,即计划经济单一化对人的生存发展的局限,政治体制集中化对人的政治权利的限制,文化体制公式化对人的精神活动的制约;从共时态出发分析社会主义现实发展中自由实现面临的挑战,即物质生产力发展对人的需要满足的限制,精神文化问题对人的发展的限制,政治制度不完善对人的权利的限制,社会秩序不稳定对人的自由实现的限制。最后分析了社会主义条件下自由实现制约因素存在的原因,即客观社会历史条件的限制、社会主义发展阶段的制约、社会主义本质属性的认知。第三章主要探讨社会主义市场经济发展与自由的实现问题。主要从市场经济与自由的内在关系出发,对市场经济的形成及发展进行历史哲学的分析,论述市场经济的自由属性,评价市场经济在人的自由实现中的作用及问题,提出社会主义市场经济是人的自由实现的新途径。从社会主义市场经济对自由实现的重要意义出发,提出社会主义市场经济发展有助于促进人的自由发展,促进自由精神的培育,促进自由时间的充裕,促进自由主体的生成;最后,提出发展社会主义市场经济促进自由实现,即要坚持市场经济和社会公平的统一,促进市场经济运行和人的现代化的统一,实现市场经济发展和人的需要满足的统一。第四章主要论证社会主义民主法治建设与自由的实现问题。首先分析了民主法治与自由的内在关系,提出民主法治是自由实现的基础,自由是民主法治的衡量尺度,自由是民主法治的价值目标;接着提出要发展社会主义民主保障公民的自由权利,要实现社会主义民主与人的自由权利的统一,要实现社会主义民主与人的自由意识的统一,要促进社会主义民主的制度化法制化。最后提出要通过法治建设保障公民的自由权利,提出要通过立法建设规定公民的自由权利,要通过严格执法保障公民的自由权利,要通过法治宣传培育公民的权利意识。第五章主要分析人民主体性的保障与自由的实现问题。该部分首先分析人民主体性与自由的内在统一,提出人民主体性反映社会主义自由的内在属性,人民主体性是社会主义自由实现的内在动力;该部分提出要通过民生改善彰显人民价值主体性,认为关照人的生存条件是社会主义的本质规定,要改善人的生存发展条件促进自由的实现;该部分提出要通过社会建设彰显人民的社会主体性,实现社会建设和人的自主性的统一,实现社会和谐与个人发展的统一;该部分提出要通过文化建设提升人民自主性,通过培育社会主义核心价值观保证自由发展的方向,通过培育中国特色社会主义文化促进自由的实现。本文仅尝试对社会主义自由问题有一个基本的总体把握,并为社会主义条件下自由实现提供一个基本思路。社会主义自由问题是一个庞大而又复杂的课题,仅仅通过一篇学位论文解答所有疑惑是不可能的。因此,社会主义自由问题的研究有待于进一步深化和拓展,许多问题都需要今后在理论和实践中进一步解决。

【Abstract】 In Marx’s vision of theory, the values of freedom is the essence and provisions ofsocialism. However, the theory and practice of socialism during the study highlightsthe necessity and urgency of contrast between the reality of socialistfreedom. Socialist freedom is a complex theoretical and practical problem. In thispaper, based on Marxist classic thought of freedom, combined with the history ofscientific socialism, adhered to the logical perspective of the unity of theoretical logicand history logic, go on a further study of socialist freedom. The study of socialismfreedom has important theoretical and practical significance. Judging from thetheoretical value, we can deepen our understanding of socialism, Marxismfreethinking, socialist core values of freedom as the basic elements; Bythe prospect of practical, we can explore the process of socialist practice offreedom and it is important to achieve enlightenment on establishment of a scientificconcept of freedom. This paper is divided into six parts, the frame structure and maincontents are as follows:Introduction part concludes inductive, summarize, analyze and evaluate of thecurrent status of research on the issue of freedom of socialism, socialist liberal wasmore studied from points of philosophy, political science, law research, and studiesconducted under the prospect of Marxist Theory relatively less, there are moretheoretical studies, and less research inspiring, practical, interpretive results. Based onthis the significance and research framework of study are illustrated, and come into aclear logical premise of this study that freedom is the essence of socialism, freedomhas an important significance in socialism practice.The first chapter contains the formation of socialist development, the basiccontent of the main structure, main characteristics, evaluation criteria and otherdimensions of in-depth study and discuss of the basic theory of socialismfreedom. Modern Western bourgeois freedom, freedom of utopian socialism, Chinesetraditional freedom was the important historical source of socialist freedom, freedomof and Marx and Engels, Lenin freedom thoughts, freedom of Chinese Marxism markthe formation and development of the theory of socialist freedom; socialist freedom isnot an abstract and empty slogan, but specifically including the main freedom, socialfreedom, freedom of individuality; main socialist of freedom is organically constituted by individual, group, family, the main socialist of freedom have different meanings indifferent contexts in the Field; socialist freedom has realistic evaluation criteria,namely free time, loco motor activity, the comprehensive development; socialistfreedom has historical process, class prescript, comprehensive practice,realities andso on.The second chapter analyzed the causes of freedom of socialist practice. Themain analysis was conducted from two dimensions, diachronic and synchronicstate. Diachronous summary of freedomcontact with the traditional socialist model,namely planned economy. The unity limits people’s survive and development,centralized political system suppress people’s political rights, cultural institutionsformulaic constraints the human spirit activity; synchronic summary of social freedomrealize the reality of the development of doctrine challenges, namely the materialproductive forces behind the restrictions on human needs, spiritual and cultural issuesrestrictions on human development, restrictions of flaw of political system on humanrights, restrictions of social instability on human freedom. Analyze the reasons ofproblems and challenges arising from the freedom that limitation of objective socialand historical conditions, restriction of the development stage of socialism, thecognition of the socialist nature.The third chapter focuses on the implementation issues between the socialistmarket economy and freedom. This section mainly from the formation anddevelopment of market economy, and expounds a new stage of socialist marketeconomy that aimed at achieve freedom; starting from the importance of whatfreedom means to the realization of the socialist market economy, the development ofsocialist market economy will help to promote human freedom, promote thecultivation of the spirit of freedom, promote plenty of free time, promote thegeneration of the body of freedom; Finally, from the need to meet people, to respectpeople’s ability to achieve social justice perspective, through the development of thesocialist market economy, we can promote socialist implement freedom.The fourth chapter exposed the implementation issues of socialist democracy andthe rule of law and freedom. This section presents the essence of socialist democracyis freedom provisions, noting that freedom is the core essence of socialist democraticpolitics, measure, lofty goal, is a way to achieve socialist liberal socialist democraticpolitics throughout practice; raised that achieve civil liberties and rights through the development of social democracy, and pay attention to the building of democracy andthe freedom of people to achieve unity, through paying attention to institutionalizedemocracy and rule of laws, to protect the freedoms and rights of citizens throughdemocratic reforms; and protect citizens’ rights to freedom through the rule oflaw,and establish the scientific concept of human rights, standardize legislation andstrict law enforcement.The fifth chapter pose the implementation issues of the dominant position ofhuman security and freedom of demonstration. The first part of the analysis indicatethat People subjectivity is the inherent requirement of socialism to achieve freedom,and analyze the inherent unity of the people and the dominant position among freepeople; proposed to take care of people’s living conditions to highlight the value ofpeople’s attention established in the social situation of the people of the community,caring people in the world who inspire autonomy creativity.The paper only expounds the issues on socail liberty,aiming at having a generaloutline of the topic and providing basic ideas. The issues on sicail liberty is complited,and it is impossible to solve all the problems clearly in the dissertation. So it leavessome space for further study in he futuristic development if theory and practice.

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