

【作者】 宋双双

【导师】 刘德喜;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 2012年,党的“十八大”报告首次提出建设海洋强国的战略目标。海外移民是中华民族最早认识、开发和利用海洋的实践者。从海洋经济看,海外移民的发轫与航海贸易的产生和发展密切相关,并随着海外贸易网络的扩大而遍布世界;从海洋政治来看,对海外移民的政策构成了国家海洋战略的重要组成部分,对海洋移民的借重又成为中华民族危难之际的重要依托;从海洋文化来看,海外移民不仅象征一种拼搏向上、开拓进取、开放交流的海洋精神,更承接着中华文化海外传播和中外文化交流的重要媒介。海外移民是中国海洋文明的重要组成部分。相比于其他国家的海外移民,中国的海外移民因其对中华文化的“认同”始终与祖国命运紧密相连,他们不但在历史上对中国革命和社会发展起到特殊作用,更在于迄今仍是中国最重要的海外资源,是中华民族复兴的主动力之一。因此,本论文拟以海外移民为切入点,深入挖掘分析中国海外移民与海洋强国建设的关系,从海外移民的角度研究提出如何加强海洋强国建设,从而丰富海洋强国建设的规划和实践。本论文主要围绕海外移民与海洋强国建设之间的关系进行展开。力图在阐明两者关系的基础上,将中国海外移民的力量和国际影响力与化解中国建设海洋强国的现实挑战和困境联系起来。本论文主体部分共分为六章。第一章系统阐述海外移民和海洋强国建设的概念、内涵和理论。通过对海外移民和海洋强国这两大概念进行界定,梳理海外移民的发展历程和中华民族认识、经略海洋的发展脉络,在此基础上提出海外移民对于建设海洋经济、海洋政治和海洋文化强国的意义:海外移民是吸引海外投资、发展海洋经济的重要支撑;海外移民是打击台独分子、维护国家和平统一大业的重要力量;海外移民是解决海洋纠纷、维护海洋安全的有效支撑;海外移民是实现海洋外交、发展多双边友好关系的纽带;海外移民是提升中华海洋文化、实现民族复兴梦的传播者和开拓者。第二章和第三章分析了海外移民对建设海洋强国的内在原因和外在推力,引入心理学的“认同”和“认知”要素,从海外移民的主观认同和客观利益和中国政府的认知两个角度对海外移民建设海洋强国进行了分析。把海外移民的认同解构为:“变”—家乡认同、民族认同、国家认同和“不变”—文化认同,通过对海外移民认同“变”与“不变”以及现实企业、个人、和家庭利益的分析,探讨海外移民在认同下对中国国家利益的贡献。明清时期,中国封建统治者出于对异己势力的防范和戒备,对海外移民逐渐形成一种根深蒂固的认知模式:凡“下海通番”或“遁居海外”者皆为“盗贼”或“叛逆”,在此认知模式下制定的政策对海外移民极为不利。改革开放以后,中国政府从双向的角度积极认可海外移民作用并制定了正确的侨务政策,对海外移民持欢迎和鼓励态度。这两章拟从海外移民不变的文化认同、现实利益和改革开放以来中国政府对海外移民正确认知和政策的角度分析海外移民建设海洋强国的动因。第四章论述了海外移民与海洋经济的关系。主要体现在早期海外移民的发轫与航海贸易的产生和发展密切相关,海外移民自宋元以来结成的数百年华商网络以及海外移民对于中国海岸带经济建设发展的投资和支持三方面。在分析指出当前海洋经济发展现状和不足的基础上,提出统筹海外移民,建设海洋经济强国的政策建议。第五章论述了海外移民与海洋政治的关系。主要体现在对海外移民的不同认知影响国家海洋战略,海外移民与两岸统一和海外移民与中国海岛权益维护三方面。并分析指出中国海洋政治建设的状况和突出问题,在此基础上,提出统筹海外移民,建设海洋政治强国的政策建议。第六章论述了海外移民与海洋文化的关系。主要体现在海外移民与海洋精神、海外移民与海洋宗教民俗和海外移民与中外海洋文化交流三方面。并分析指出中国海洋文化建设的现状和不足,在此基础上,提出统筹海外移民,建设海洋文化强国的政策建议。最后,对全文进行总结,指出整合海外移民资源,建设海洋强国的三个基础:文化认同、血缘亲缘关系和共同利益,并提出具体整合海外华人资产、整合华商网络、整合海外人才的战略举措,希冀在整合海外移民力量的基础上实现中国的海洋强国梦、实现中华民族伟大复兴梦。

【Abstract】 To build China a sea power was first put forward in The18thNational Congressof the Communist Party of China in2013. Chinese emigrants are one of the earliestpractitioners and creators of Chinese people who knew, explore and utilize the ocean.From the perspective of marine economy, Chinese emigrant’s origin was closely linedwith emergence and development of marine trade and distributed around the wordalong with expanding overseas trade web. From the marine politics, policies of hostileattitudes and being on guard against Chinese emigrants adopted by china’s feudalregime were an important part of national marine strategy. Chinese emigrants becamemain relying forces during China’s national crisis and war. From the marine culture,Chinese emigrants stand for a marine sprit of fighting pioneering and opening. Theyhave been playing an enormous role in transmitting Chinese culture and cultureexchange between China and foreign countries. In a word, they are important part ofChinese marine civilization. Compared to other countries’ emigrants, the uniquecharacteristic of Chinese emigrants is its Chinese culture identity which bonds itsdestiny closely with China. Historically, they supported and helped to their best forChinese revolution and social development. Nowadays, they still are one of China’smost important overseas resources and driving forces for the great rejuvenation ofChinese nation. Therefore, this paper researches into the Chinese emigrants andpropose policy suggestions on the basis of analyze the relations between Chineseemigrants’ and building a marine country, which will rich the practice of building amarine country.This paper mainly research into the relations between Chinese emigrants andbuilding a marine country, connects the power and international influence of Chineseemigrants with the solving the plights and crisis in building a marine country to find aeffective way to build Chinese marine country with the help of Chinese emigrants.This paper consists of six chapters.The first chapter studies the concepts connotation and relative theories ofChinese emigrants and marine country. Though the history development of Chineseemigrants and Chinese people’s knowledge to oceans and ocean practices, the textmeans to explore the historical and realistic factors of building marine country and proposed the significance of building marine country by Chinese emigrants. Chineseemigrants are important resources to invest marine economy, significant force to fightagainst “Taiwan Independence” to safeguard Chinese peaceful unification, link torealize marine diplomacy to establish friendly relations with other nations andambitious pioneer to upgrade Chinese marine culture, realizing the Chineserejuvenation dream.The second and the third chapter analyze the internal cause and external push. Inthese two chapters, two psychological term identity and cognition are introduced andtwo causal relations that “identity-interest” and “cognition-policy” are constructed.In the second chapter, the identity of Chinese emigrants is divided into homelandidentity, ethnic identity and national identity which belong to change factor, whilecultural identity unchanged factor. Through analyse of Chinese emigrants’s identityand realistic interest of enterprise, individual and family. The reason why Chineseemigrants have made great contributions to Chinese nation is their cultural identity. InMing and Qing Dynasty, Chinese feudal regimes have a deep-rooted idea that anyonewho emigrate its country for overseas trade will be labeled as rebel or treason.Therefore, the policy against such idea will be detrimental to Chinese emigrants.These two chapters will analyze the reason why Chinese emigrants can be relied on inbuilding a sea power.The right cognition and rational policy made by Chinesegovernment since the reform and opening policy is the great push force that stimulatethe Chinese emigrants’ support China’s development.The forth chapter is mainly about the relations of Chinese emigrants and marineeconomy. Their relations are displayed in sea trade, overseas Chinese businessnetworks and Chinese emigrants’ investment in china coastal zone. Then the textanalyzes the current development of China’s marine economy and proposes somepolicy suggestions according to the problems in the reality.The fifth chapter is mainly research the relations of Chinese emigrants andmarine politics. Their relations are reflected in three aspects as different cognitions toChinese emigrants will affect national seas strategy, Chinese emigrants’ supportreunification between mainland and Taiwan and Chinese emigrants’ role insafeguarding China’s marine rights and interests. Then the text analyzes the currentstatus of China’s marine politics and proposed some feasible suggestions according tothe problems in the reality. The forth chapter is mainly about the relations of Chinese emigrants and marineculture. Their relations are displayed in sea spirit, sea religions and folklores andcultural exchange between china and foreign countries. Then the text analyzes thecurrent development of China’s marine culture and proposes some policy suggestionsaccording to the problems in the reality.Finally, the paper gives the conclusion, advances three bases of cultural identity,kinship and common interest to integrate Chinese emigrants’ enormous resources tobuild marine country, put forward the specific strategic measures to integrate overseaChinese assets, business networks and overseas talents, hoping to build china into agreat marine country to realize the dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  • 【分类号】D820
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