

【作者】 张丽琴

【导师】 常欣欣;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科社, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 劳资关系——市场经济中最基本的社会关系,它的和谐稳定直接影响到整个国家经济和社会的和谐与稳定。劳资关系的一个核心问题是如何确定劳方与资方的收入分配,简而言之,就是如何决定工人的“工资”。因此,对工资决定方式进行区分就成为一个自然而然的出发点。在欧洲,很多国家的工资决定主要依靠集体谈判,但集体谈判在各国的发展状况却各不相同:一些国家工人的工资由企业雇主单独决定,工人处于完全竞争的状态(如英国);一些国家工人的工资由工会与雇主通过行业谈判来决定,在那里,有自由的、合法的工会组织(如德国);而在其他一些国家,工人的工资由中央谈判决定,工会的力量非常强大,资方对劳方的态度也相对温和(如瑞典)。为了更好的认识集体谈判,总结集体谈判的经验和教训,本文主要关注三个内容:首先,以劳动力商品化和去商品化为线索,全面考察了集体谈判在欧洲的发展历程,将其概括为“三个阶段两个拐点”,三个阶段即产生、发展和衰落;两个拐点即19世纪末20世纪初从个体谈判到集体谈判的转换和20世纪70年代末从集体谈判到个体谈判的转换。力求从事实和证据中总结和归纳欧洲集体谈判的经验和教训,提高对集体谈判的整体性和系统性认识。其次,对2008年金融危机以来集体谈判在欧洲的发展状况进行深入分析。通过对比金融危机中,各国工资水平、税收楔子、政党竞争等,证实集体谈判并不必然出现工资增长、福利增加、税收减少的局面;相反,劳动力被再商品化,出现了节制工资、缩减福利、增加税收的情况。这就颠覆了之前人们普遍认为集体谈判必然导致工资上涨、福利增加的传统认识。再次,比较了中国和欧洲在集体谈判发展上的区别和联系,指出劳动力商品化程度是推动集体谈判发展的源动力,集体谈判就是在劳动力“去商品化”的过程中逐步展开的。自20世纪初以来,欧洲劳动力商品化程度逐渐下降,是其劳资冲突趋缓的根本原因;改革开放后,中国劳动力商品化程度显著提高,不可避免地出现了劳资矛盾激增的趋势,这就需要更加注重劳动保护机制特别是集体谈判机制的建立,否则一旦劳动力商品化的程度超过了临界值,而社会保护机制又不健全,社会很可能陷入混乱和动荡。

【Abstract】 Industrial relation,the most basic social relation in market economy,directlyaffects the harmony and stability of the entire national economy and society. The corequestion in Industrial relation is how to distribute the benefit between workers andemployers. Therefore,to distinguish the ways of wage decision becomes a naturalstarting point.In Europe,the way of wage decision mainly relies on collective bargaining inmany countries,but the developments of collective bargaining in these countries arevary:it is determined by employers alone,and workers are in a state of perfectcompetition in some countries,such as the UK;it is determined by trade unions andemployers through negotiations,where freedom and lawful trade union exist in somecountries,such as Germany;it is decided by the central government negotiations,wherethe power of the unions is very strong and the attitude of the management to labor isrelatively mild in others,such as Sweden. In order to understand the collectivebargaining better and summarize the experiences and lessons,this thesis focuses on thefollowing three contents:First of all,the thesis comprehensively investigates the historical process of thecollective bargaining in Europe,taking the commercialization and decommercializationof the labor as the clue. The thesis sums it up as “three stages and two inflectionpoints”,“three stages” means the formation,development and decline;“two inflectionpoints” means the transformation from individual to collective bargaining negotiationsduring the late19th century and early20th century,and the transformation fromcollective bargaining to individual negotiation in the late1970s. The thesis strives tosummarize the experiences and lessons of the European collective bargaining from thefacts and evidence,to improve the integrity and systematic understanding of it.Secondly,the thesis carries on a thoroughly analysis on some current situationswhich have taken place in Europe since the financial crisis in2008. By comparing thecompetitive wages,tax wedge,parties,and so on,the thesis confirms that collectivebargaining does not necessarily results in wages increase,welfare improvement and taxdecrease. On the contrary,the crisis leads to a trend of commercialization of the laborII force,including sobriety wages,reduced benefits and tax increases,etc. It is overturnedthe traditional understanding that the rise in wages and welfare necessarily goes after acollective bargaining.At last,the thesis compares the differences between China and Europe in thedevelopment of collective bargaining, then points out that the degree of laborcommercialization is the driving force to the development of collective bargaining,andcollective bargaining gradually appeared in the process of labor“decommercialization”.European labor commercialization degree gradually has declined since the beginning ofthe20th century,which would be the root cause of easing the labor disputes. While inChina,the labor commercialization degree has increased significantly since reform andopening up,we witness a rapidly increase in labor conflicts in inevitably trend. So itneeds us to pay more attention to labor protection mechanism,especially a collectivebargaining mechanism,otherwise,once the labor and social protection mechanism arenot sound,the society is likely to be thrown into chaos and instability.
