

【作者】 樊欣

【导师】 叶庆丰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 列宁是伟大的马克思主义者,是俄国无产阶级政党的缔造者。在帝国主义与无产阶级革命的新时代,列宁把马克思恩格斯党内民主思想同俄国具体实践相结合,同各种机会主义流派作不调和斗争,把马克思恩格斯党内民主思想推进到了新的历史阶段,形成了独具特色的列宁党内民主理论。列宁党内民主理论是无产阶级政党的行动指南。列宁党内民主理论内容丰富,几乎涉及党的建设各个环节,涉及党内生活的各种关系。列宁提出了许多精辟论点和重要论述。概而言之,党内民主是一种精神;党内民主是一种原则;党内民主是一种权利;党内民主是一种制度;党内民主是一种作风。党内民主的显著特点有:党内民主是一种非国家形态的民主;党内民主以党务公开为前提;执政党内民主与国家形态民主不可分割;党内民主是相对的;党内民主是具体的历史的。党内民主是维护党的团结统一的重要前提;党内民主是党的生命活力的源泉;党内民主是党的科学决策的重要条件;党内民主是党密切群众的重要基础。执政党党内民主是国家民主的核心。列宁党内民主理论主要包括党内民主的一般理论、党内民主集中制、党代表大会制度、党内监察思想及制度和坚持党内民主防反官僚主义等重要思想在内的有机联系的理论体系。列宁把民主原则与集中原则有机地结合来,首创民主集中制的科学概念,并详细论述这一科学概念。列宁把民主集中制当作无产阶级政党的根本组织原则。民主集中制是无产阶级政党区别资产阶级政党的显著标志。党代表大会制度涉及党内民主的一系列重大问题。列宁把党代表大会制度作为党的根本制度。这一制度为坚持党内民主,确保党的高度团结统一提供了最根本保障。列宁确立全国党代表大会的最高地位,中央委员会是其执行机关。根据民主集中制原则,在全国党代表大会闭会期间,中央委员会是最高领导机关。中央委员会下设政治局、组织局和书记处。中央检查委员会是党的最高检查机关,中央监察委员会是党的最高监察机关。列宁坚持党代表大会年会制,每年召开一次党代表大会。监察监督是民生的基本内容。列宁首创了无产阶级执政党党内监察思想和监察制度。党内监察思想的核心在于吸引广大党员,特别是工农党员参加管理。党内监察制度的科学性在于确保监察机关的权威性和独立性。党内监察重点是监察各级党政机关,包括党政最高领导机关和主要领导干部。列宁把防反官僚主义当作党内民主建设的一个重要内容。列宁认为官僚主义是剥削阶级的上层建筑,同无产阶级政党的性质、宗旨和使命相违背。列宁所谓的“共产党员的官僚主义”,是指“官僚主义积气”、“官僚主义习气”和“官僚主义恶习”,主要是一种工作作风与工作方法。列宁论述了官僚主义复活和蔓延的深刻的社会历史根源,防反官僚主义是一项长期的斗争任务。列宁认为“需要有千百个措施”防反官僚主义。列宁党内民主理论是一个科学的理论体系。充分发扬和保障党内民主是坚持无产阶级政党的先进性、宗旨和完成党的历史使命的重要基础。历史和实践证明,坚持列宁党内民主理论,社会主义事业就会乘风破浪。不坚持列宁党内民主理论,社会主义事业就会遭受重大曲折。因此,我们在新时期推进党的建设伟大工程和中国特色社会事业伟大进程中,必须以列宁党内民主理论为启示,把党內民主建设推进到一个新阶段。

【Abstract】 Lenin is the great Marx nationalists, is the founder of the Russian proletariatpolitical party. In the new era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, Lenin putMarx Engels inner-party democratic thoughts with the specific practice, with variousopportunistic genres uncompromising struggle, Marx Engels inner-party democraticthoughts into a new historical stage, forming the unique Lenin inner-party democratictheory. Lenin inner-party democratic theory is the guide to action of the proletarianparty.Lenin inner-party democratic theory is broad, involving almost all aspects of theconstruction of the party, the various relationships involved party life. Lenin putforward many incisive argument and discussion. In a word, the inner-party democracyis a kind of spirit; inner-party democracy is a kind of principles; inner-partydemocracy is a kind of right; inner-party democracy is a system of democracy withinthe party is a kind of style. Significant characteristics of Inner-party Democracy:democracy within the party is a kind of non governmental democracy; inner-partydemocracy is the premise to open party; inner-party democracy largely as members ofthe party affairs equal participation; the ruling party democracy and nationaldemocracy form inseparable; inner-party democracy is relative; the democracy withinthe party is concrete and historical the. Inner party democracy is an importantprerequisite to maintain the unity of the party; inner-party democracy is the source ofvitality of the party; inner-party democracy is an important condition for the scientificdecision of the party; inner-party democracy is an important foundation for the partyto close the masses. The inner party democracy to promote democracy.Lenin inner-party democratic theory includes the theory of democracy within theparty generally, the democratic centralism within the party, party, Party inner-partysupervision idea and system and adhere to the important thought of inner-partydemocracy organically linked anti bureaucracy, theoretical system. Lenin put theprinciples of democracy and concentration principle organically, the first democraticcentralism scientific concepts, the concept and details. Lenin took the democratic centralism as the basic organizational principle of proletarian political party. Thedemocratic centralism is the significant mark of distinction of proletarian politicalparty of the bourgeois political parties. The Party Congress system involves a series ofmajor issues of democracy within the party. Lenin put the Party Congress system asthe basic system of the party. This system for adhering to inner-party democracy,ensure the high degree of unity and solidarity of the party provides the mostfundamental guarantee. The supreme status of Lenin to establish the National PartyCongress, Central Committee is the executive organ. According to the principle ofdemocratic centralism, session at the National Party Congress, the Central Committeeis the highest leading organ. The organization Bureau and the Secretary, under theCentral Committee of the political bureau. The central inspection committee is thehighest organ of the party’s inspection, the Central Committee is the highestsupervisory organ of the party. Lenin insists the party congress annual meeting system,held a Party Congress every year. Supervision is the basic content of people’slivelihood. Lenin created the supervision and monitoring system of thought theproletariat ruling party. The inner party supervisory thought is to attract the majorityof Party members, especially the party members to participate in the management ofworkers and peasants. Scientific inner-party supervision system is to ensure theauthority and independence of supervisory organs. Inner party supervision issupervision on party and government organs at all levels, including the highestleading organs and leading cadres. Lenin put the anti bureaucracy as an importantcontent of democracy within the party. Lenin believes that the bureaucracy is theexploitation of superstructure, contrary to nature, purpose and mission with thepolitical party of the proletariat. Lenin called the "Communist bureaucracy", refers tothe "bureaucracy gas","bureaucracy" and "bureaucratic abuse", is a kind of workingstyle and working methods. Lenin discusses the rise and spread of bureaucraticprofound social and historical roots, anti bureaucracy is a long-term mission. Leninbelieved that "the need for a thousand measures" anti bureaucratism.Lenin inner-party democratic theory is a scientific theoretical system. Develop andprotect the inner party democracy is an important foundation to advance of proletarianparty, tenet and complete the historical mission of the party. History and practice haveproved, adhere to Lenin theory of inner-party democracy, socialism will ride the wind and waves. Do not adhere to Lenin theory of inner-party democracy, socialism willsuffer great twists and turns. Therefore, we advance the great project of the partybuilding and Chinese characteristic social cause in the new period great process, mustto Lenin inner-party democratic theory as the enlightenment, to promote inner-Partydemocracy construction to a new stage.

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