

【作者】 洪巧英

【导师】 郝永平;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 社会心理困境随着人类社会历史的发展一直延续至今,是关系着人与社会存在、发展的极为普遍又非常重要的问题。从步入社会发展的转型期以来,我国社会心理困境日益呈现上涨趋势。社会心理困境的日益严重对个人、群体以及社会的发展都会造成严重的危害。本文试图从马克思主义社会交往理论的视角出发研究社会心理困境及其调适问题。通过对国内外社会心理困境及其调适理论材料的整理与研究,运用历史与逻辑一致法、比较法、系统分析法,从本质维度、系统维度与发展维度出发对社会心理困境及其调适进行研究。根据马克思主义社会交往理论,笔者按照本质维度、系统维度与发展维度这三重维度对马克思主义社会交往理论进行了梳理。从人与社会交互作用的角度提出三重维度中本质维度的互动性与自主性特征,系统维度的多样性与独特性特征,发展维度的连续性与阶段性特征。本质维度中社会交往的本质取决于生产与分工的发展,社会交往是人的存在方式与本质规定,其发展推动了人的发展。社会交往是主体间交互关系与对象化活动的统一。系统维度中的社会交往作为系统的有机体,具有系统的各种特点,有自己的要素、结构、功能。发展维度中的社会交往就发展时间而言是从蒙昧野蛮时代进入到文明时代的交往,就发展空间而言是从地域交往扩大到世界交往,就人的发展状态而言是从依赖型交往发展到全面自由型的交往。社会交往的发展决定了社会心理的发展。从本质维度、系统维度与发展维度方面,从人与社会交互作用的角度审视,社会心理在本质维度上具有调节性与自持性,在系统维度上具有复杂性与指向性,在发展维度上具有累积性与变易性。根据社会交往与社会心理的关系,本文对社会心理困境及其调适进行了逻辑上的建构。首先解释了社会心理困境的涵义,指出社会心理困境的一般表现及其正反两方面的影响,主要阐述了负面影响所带来的危害。其次从社会交往与社会心理的关系角度探讨了社会心理困境形成的原因及其调适途径。本文将社会心理困境界定在社会心理的亚健康状态和异常心理状态。心理健康是一个相对的、富有伸缩性的、不固定的区间。不科学的思维结构、片面的人格特点与过度的情绪变化都是社会心理困境以及进一步恶化的征兆。笔者对传统社会中的三种社会形态:原始社会、奴隶社会和封建社会的社会心理困境及其调适进行了尝试性的概括梳理。对于社会心理困境的典型表现主要涉及到每种社会形态中人群的思维方式、人格特点和基本情绪表现。从社会交往的本质维度、系统维度与发展维度分析了社会心理困境形成的原因,揭示了三种社会形态各自调适社会心理困境所采取的主要途径。通过对原始社会、奴隶社会和封建社会的社会心理困境及其主要调适途径的梳理,笔者归纳了传统社会中社会交往与社会心理困境之间关系的异同点。现代化背景下,西方社会心理困境表现出与传统社会明显的不同。笔者对现代西方社会心理困境从思维方式、人格特征与基本情绪表现方面进行了概括。从本质维度、系统维度与发展维度方面,对现代西方社会交往活动中的问题进行了探讨。从心理实践应用方面、社会制度方面和理论研究方面对现代西方社会心理困境调适进行了考察和评价。希望通过对现代西方社会心理困境及其调适的研究,观照中国社会转型期的社会心理困境及其调适途径的特殊性,得出在现代化背景下调适社会心理困境的某些启示。通过研究,对中国社会转型期进行了有针对性的界定。从思维方式、人格特征和基本情绪表现方面指出转型期中国社会心理困境的突出表现。从社会交往角度分析了社会心理困境形成的深刻缘由。鉴于中国社会转型期对于社会心理困境及其调适途径的理论及实践缺乏,调适途径薄弱等问题,笔者从本质维度、系统维度与发展维度对社会心理困境的调适与社会交往活动的改善根据其各自的特征进行了途径的探讨。社会心理困境既是心理之内的问题,也关乎心理之外,体现了社会心理、社会交往、社会与人发展的内在的历史与逻辑的一致性。社会心理困境的研究是一个非常复杂的问题,仅凭一篇文章难以面面俱到。本文仅就社会心理困境的核心问题进行宏观探讨,突出理论基础——马克思主义社会交往理论与社会心理及其困境的内在逻辑关联,从理论基础出发建构调适社会心理困境的理论途径,为调适现实心理困境提供理论上的指导。鉴于研究内容的复杂性,文中仍有很多理论空间值得深入探讨。发展中的问题仍然需要在发展中解决。笔者坚信中国正确的道路、先进的制度、科学的理论将能保障社会心理困境日益消解于社会的科学与可持续发展之中。社会心理困境的调适也需要每个人自主意识的提高,调适能力的增强。自主意识的提高、调适能力的增强有赖于创新的思维、科学的发展、人文的关切、责任的承担。因此,我们不仅要以科学的态度探索知识的真,也要以人文的态度优化关系的善,更要以创造性的活动完成在生活中美的栖居。

【Abstract】 With the development of human social, the psychosocial difficulties continuetoday, are very common and important issues related to human and social existenceand development. Since entering the development of modern society in transition, ourpsychosocial difficulties is increasingly showing rising trend. Excessive developmentof the psychosocial difficulties for individuals, groups and social development willcause serious harm. Therefore, from the perspective of Marxist social interaction, westudy the psychosocial difficulties and approach of adjustment problems. Throughstudying the psychosocial difficulties and approach of adjustment problems ofdomestic and foreign, and using historical and logical consistency, comparison,systems analysis, the author carry out the psychosocial difficulties and approach ofadjustment problems from the natural dimension, the system dimension and thedevelopment dimension.According to the content of social interaction of the Marxist theory, the authorstudies the social interaction of the Marxist theory according to the natural dimensions,the system dimensions and the development dimension. From the perspective ofhuman and social, the author studies interaction and self-made interactive of theessential dimension, diversity and unique characteristics of the system dimension, andcontinuity and phase characteristics of the development dimension. From the naturaldimension, the nature of social interaction depends on the development of productionand the division of labor. Social interaction is the human existence, is the essence ofhuman requirements, and promotes human development. Social interaction is theinteraction between the interactive relationship of two subjects and objectificationactivities. Form the system dimension, social interaction as organism system, has avariety of features of the system, and its own elements, structure and function. Fromthe development dimension, social interaction is not only the space to expand frombarbarism into civilization, the space to expand from regional exchanges to worldexchanges, but also in terms of human development from dependent interactions fromfull and free development of the type of interaction.Development of social interaction determines the development of socialpsychology. From the natural dimensions, the system dimension and the developmentdimension, from the perspective of the interaction between people and society, social psychology has regulatory and self-sustaining nature of the natural dimension, thecomplexity and directionality of the system dimension and cumulative and various ofthe development dimension. According to the relationship between social interactionand social psychology, the article caries out the construction of logic on thepsychosocial difficulties and approach of adjustment. First the author explains themeaning of psychosocial difficulties, pointing out the general performance ofpsychosocial distress and both positive and negative impacts, and mainly on thenegative impact of hazards. Then from the perspective of social interaction and socialpsychology, the article explores causes of the formation of psychosocial difficultiesand their approaches of adjustment from the respective of the relationship betweensocial interaction and social psychology.This article will define psychosocial difficulties in sub-health state and abnormalmental state of social psychology. Mental health is a relative, full scalability, not fixedintervals. Unscientific thinking structure, one-sided personality characteristics andexcessive emotional changes are psychosocial difficulties and the transition signs offurther deterioration. The author combs the social psychological difficulties andapproach of adjustment in three traditional society social forms: primitive society,slave society and feudal society. A typical example of psychosocial difficulties mainlyrelated to the way of thinking, personality characteristics and performance of basicemotions of people every form of society. From the natural dimension, the systemdimension and the development dimension of social interaction, the article analyzesthe causes of the formation of psychosocial difficulties, and reveals the main approachof psychosocial adjustment difficulties taken for each of the three social forms. Fromthree social forms, the author combs the psychosocial difficulties and approach ofadjustment and summarizes the similarities and differences between social interactionand psychosocial difficulties of traditional society.In modern context, Western social psychosocial difficulties show significantlydifferent from the traditional. The author has been summarized from the way ofthinking, personality characteristics and performance aspects of basic emotions of thepsychosocial difficulties of modern Western society. From the respective of thenatural dimension, the system dimension and the development dimension, the authordiscusses aspects of modern Western social interaction problems. Through theapproach of modern Western psychosocial difficulties, the article investigates and evaluates practical application of psychological, social systems and theoretical studies.The author hopes to contemplate the particularity approach of psychosocialdifficulties in Chinese social transformation through the study of modern Westernsociety, providing some inspiration of the approach of psychosocial difficulties in themodern context.Chinese social transformation is targeted defined. From the way of thinking,personality traits and the basic emotion, the article points out outstanding performanceof China psychosocial difficulties in transition and causes the formation of social andpsychological difficulties from the point of view of social interactions. Given China’stransition to the lack of theoretical and practical approaches on approach ofpsychosocial difficulties and weak adaptation approaches, the author discusses thepathways of the adjustment psychosocial difficulties and improvement on the socialinteraction activities in accordance with their respective feature from the respective ofthe natural dimension, the system dimension and the development dimension.The psychosocial difficulties are problems both within psychology and beyondpsychology and reflect history and logic of consistency on the social psychology,social interaction, and the development of social and human. The psychosocialdifficulties are very complex issues. An article alone is difficult to cover everything.This article can only discuss the core issues of the psychological difficulties from amacro perspective, highlight the internal logic of association between the theoreticalfoundation–the social interaction theory of Marxism, and the social psychology andits difficulties, construct theoretical approaches starting from the theoretical basis foradjustment the psychological difficulties in reality providing theoretical guidance.Given the complexity of the research, the paper is still a lot of theories of spaceworthy of further exploration. Development issues still need to be addressed indevelopment. The author firmly believes that China right path, advanced systems,scientific theories will be able to protect that the psychosocial difficulties increasinglyaddressed in sustainable development among the social sciences. The adjustment ofpsychosocial difficulties also needs to improve the plight of everyone’s self-awarenessand enhance the ability of adaptation. Improving self-awareness and enhancingadaptive capacity depend on innovative thinking, the development of science,humanities concerns, and responsibility. Therefore, we must not only discover the true scientific attitude for knowledge, but also optimize the humanistic attitude of goodrelations, but also enjoy the beauty of perching on life with the creative activity.

  • 【分类号】C912.6
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