

【作者】 王海腾

【导师】 宫力;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究新世纪以来的中国对美公共外交活动。探讨的核心问题是,在中美交往过程中对美公共外交可以对两国关系发挥什么样的作用?在当前中国和平崛起和构建新型大国关系的背景下应如何开展对美公共外交?随着全球公民社会的兴起、外交社会化趋势的加强以及科技传媒手段的发展,国家间社会层面的交往越来越频繁和密切,针对他国公众的公共外交活动成为各国外交的重要内容,在世界范围内广泛兴起、蓬勃发展,同样也成为中国新世纪以来开展对外交往和发展外交关系的重要形式和主要内容。中国公共外交的发展经历了在理念上不断提升、在机制上不断完善、在实践中不断丰富的发展过程,现在已经同世界上大多数国家建立了密切的公共外交关系,并取得了积极的成效。而对美公共外交则因为中美关系的重要性和复杂性而处于重要地位,发挥尤其突出的作用。中国的对美公共外交经历了一个由起步到形成、不断发展完善的过程,中美两国打开交往的大门就缘起于著名的乒乓外交。建交后的八九十年代,两国不断拓展在经济、文化、社会层面的相互交往和人员往来,对美公共外交在这些实践中开始起步、逐步形成。进入新世纪以来,对美公共外交开始走向正规化的发展轨道,通过首脑外交中的公共外交行为、孔子学院的建设、对美文化交流、对美传媒外交、经济领域的公共外交等形式多样、内容丰富的活动,在中美关系发展中发挥重要作用。首脑在出访中与美国公众的互动是对美公共外交的传统活动,国家领导人的形象和魅力为美国社会提供了了解真实中国的最有效途径之一。为推广汉语和传播中华传统文化而设立的孔子学院在美国风生水起,其担负的公共外交使命仍需在实践中不断完善。文化交流是对美公共外交最重要的组成部分,对外传播中的文化内涵需要在实践中进一步明确。传媒在美国常常被称为“第四权力”,如何与美国传媒打好交道并最终服务于对美公共外交,也是对美公共外交的重要问题。经济领域的公共外交常常被忽略,随着中美经贸往来的持续上升和在美企业的增加,经济领域的公共外交需要得到重视。本文对中国对美公共外交的必要性与作用进行了剖析。公共外交的目标在于夯实中美两国关系发展的社会基础,因此必须明确公共外交致力于发展国家间社会关系的重要导向。在当前国际格局深刻变革和新兴国家群体崛起的背景下,中国提出构建新型大国关系的理念,这对如何建立中美之间的良性互动以及推动国际社会和平发展颇具启示,而公共外交在这个过程中可以发挥重要的作用。国家的真正强大和国际地位的提高,必然伴随着国际新理念新规范的提出,文明多样性如何在实践中实现而不仅仅是一句口号,中国对美公共外交可以有所作为。新世纪以来对美公共外交在许多方面取得了一定的成效,两国公众的往来与沟通进一步加强,美国公众的中国印象得到一定程度的改善,两国关系在曲折中不断向前发展。但不可否认的是,当前中国对美公共外交仍然存在诸多困境,原因是多方面的。既包括两国公众固有的价值观和政治观念的差异,也包括部分媒体的误导和歪曲等因素。当前对美公共外交存在的困境主要有两国话语体系存在差异,以及对美公共外交的影响力有限等。本文最后提出了中国进一步加强对美公共外交的对策建议。文章指出,中国对美公共外交还处在发展的初级阶段,未来还有许多工作要做。公共外交的理念需要进一步革新,对美公共外交要切实推动两国社会交往,完善立法与机制建设,加大民间力量的参与范围和程度。公共外交的公众导向需要进一步明确,对美公共外交要针对不同的社会群体,明晰重点群体的重要特征,对于不同交往对象区分不同交往方式。公共外交的效能需要持续提升,对美公共外交要重视“心灵政治”层面的沟通,形象塑造和观念传播要贴近美国公众,交往方式和交往内容都要遵循双向性和互动性原则。此外,公共外交研究需要不断加强,对美公共外交要自觉推动软实力的提高,无论是弘扬传统文化还是介绍当代中国,都要向世界说明一个真实的中国,只有拥有文化自觉和文化自信,中国才能实现全面的、真正的崛起。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. in the21thcentury. The main theme is about how dose Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S.reshape the relationship between the two countries? How to build effective Chinesepublic diplomacy in the U.S. during the process of China’s rise and the process of“building new relations between great power”?This dissertation argues that with the rise of global civil society, the socializationof diplomacy and the development of technology and media, social interactionbetween different countries becomes more and more frequent and close. Publicdiplomacy towards foreign public becomes the important part of diplomacy. Publicdiplomacy rises quickly and widely in the whole world and becomes an important partof Chinese diplomacy and interactions with the other countries. Chinese publicdiplomacy is developing, the ideas, the mechanism, and the practice of which are allpromoting now. China has established close public diplomacy relations with mostcountries, and get good result. Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. is importantespecially because of the importance and complexity of the sino–US relations.Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. has experienced a long and progressiveprocess. The two countries began to contact with each other owing the Ping pangDiplomacy. The economic exchanges, cultural exchanges and social interactionsbetween China and U.S. continuously expanded in the1980s and1990s, and fromthen Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. began to starte and develop gradually.Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. formed offcially in the21th century; it plays animportant role in sino–US relations by way of public diplomacy in summitdiplomacy, confucius institute, cultural diplomacy, media diplomacy and publicdiplomacy in economy. Interactions with American public in summit’visit istraditional activities in Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S., and the image andcharm of the summit is one of the best way for the American public to know the realChina. Confucius institute is developing quickly in the U.S. in order to popularizeChinese language and spread traditional culture, and the public diplomacy mission ofconfucius institute needs continuous improvement in the practice. Cultural exchangeis the most important part in Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S., and the essence ofthe Chinese culture needs to be cleared in the practice. Media is called the forth power in Amercica, and how to contact with the media and to help public diplomacy, is animportant issue. Public diplomacy in economic field is often ignored. But with thedecelopment of sino–US economic and trade relations and the increase of Chineseenterprise in U.S., public diplomacy in economy should be pay more attention.The thesis also analyses the necessity and function of Chinese public diplomacyin the U.S.. The objective of public diplomacy in the U.S. is to strengthen the socialfoundation of sino–US relations. It is very important to clear that the object of publicdiplomacy is to develop social relations between different countries. China has raisethat China and U.S. should “build new relations between great power”, which is veryinspiring to good interaction between China and U.S. and peaceful change ofinternational society, especialy in the process of profound changing in theinternational situation and the rising of great power. Chinese public diplomacy in theU.S. can play an important role in this process. The rise of great power can inducenew international ideas and norms. In the process of achieve “the diversity ofcivilizations” in practice, Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. can make a difference.Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. in21th century is productive in many ways.Social interactions between public of the two countries is reinforced; China’s image inAmerican public is improved; sino–US relations is developing forward despite twistsand turns. But it is undeniable that Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. has somepredicament. For example, there is big difference between discourse system of thetwo countrise; and the influence of Chinese public diplomacy in the U.S. is verylimited. The reason of that is multifaceted; some due to the inherent difference invalues and political ideas between the two, and some due to misleading andmisinterpret of the mass media report.In conclusion, the thesis puts forwards some suggestions about how to improvepublic diplomacy in the U.S.. The article points out that Chinese public diplomacy inthe U.S. is still in the primary stage, and there is still so much work to do. The ideas ofpublic diplomacy needs reform, and public diplomacy in the U.S. should promotesocial ineractions between the two countries, establish law and mechanism, andintensify participation of the whole society. The public-oriented principle of publicdiplomacy needs clear, and public diplomacy in the U.S. should distinguish differentpublic group, clarity the main feature of the important group and unfold differentforms of interaction to different group. The efficacy of public diplomacy in the U.S. needs elevated, and public diplomacy in the U.S. should pay attention to thecommunication of “spiritual politics”, and image-shape and idea-spread should beclose to American public, and the way of interaction should follow the bilateral andinteractive principle. Besides, the research on public diplomacy needs valued, andpublic diplomacy in the U.S. should pay attention to the promotion of the soft power.We should illustrate an real China to the whole world, regardless in the process ofspreading traditional culture or reporting modern China. China will rise to be an realgreat power only when he has cultural self–consciousness and culturalself-confidence enough.

  • 【分类号】D822.3;D871.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】4161