

【作者】 林清

【导师】 梅子涵;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 关于动画电影的研究可以有各种角度。本研究以经典动画电影为样本,借助儿童文学、中国传统戏曲和电影叙事学理论,分析中国动画电影讲故事的艺术及其成因。真正意义的动画电影是从讲故事开始的。如何讲好故事,动画电影在创作原则上与儿童文学非常相似。结合儿童文学讲故事的总体构思技巧,探究动画电影讲故事的艺术将带有互益性质。这里所说总体构思主要包含:结构(故事的谋篇布局)、角色(人物的形象塑造)、情节(事件的安排与处理)、改编(再创造的原则与形式)。经典的动画电影,让我们感受到前辈们对中国传统艺术、传统文化那种由衷地喜欢。中国动画独树一帜的民族风格正是在这种自觉和熟练运用中,成长起来的。此外,本研究还将追本溯源,深入探究中国动画形成和发展的原因。第一部分从分析中日美三国第一部动画电影长片入手,寻找彼此的血缘关系以及它们对后世的影响,分析各国动画电影成长土壤的异同,希望通过比较研究能对中日美三国动画传统的形成过程有一个清晰地认识与深入地把握。第二部分,即论文的第二章至第五章,借鉴传统和现代的观察视野与分析思路,对中国动画电影进行探究:“结构”部分借鉴经典电影结构模式和中国传统戏曲结构模式,分析中国动画电影的开端、发展、高潮、结局的得失及其合理性;“角色”部分主要借鉴中国传统戏曲“生、旦、净、丑”四个行当,分析中国动画角色组合的特色。另外从传统礼仪中跪拜礼这一角度,分析中国动画电影角色塑造的宝贵经验,让我们对中国动画电影角色民族化、时代性和丰富性有了理性的认知;“情节”部分研究中国动画情节模式与传统文艺、与儿童文学的关系,探讨中国动画的可贵之处和需要弥补的缺憾;“改编”部分梳理中国动画电影的改编形式,总结动画电影改编的三大原则,即一要得到社会认可,二要故事动画化,三要抓住主流价值观。

【Abstract】 The researches on animation movie could be varied in different perspectives. This research analyzes the art of story-telling in Chinese animation movie and the causes of its formation, based on the classic animation movies as samples for analysis and in the light of theories of children literature, traditional Chinese opera and cinematic narratology.Animation movie in its true sense starts from telling stories. And it is in principle quite similar to children literature in how to tell a good story. Combining the story-telling skill of general plotting in children literature, our research of the story-telling art in animation movie would be mutually beneficial. The general plotting mainly includes:structure (plot planning of story), character (character image-building), plot (event arrangement and management), recomposition (recreation principle and format). The classic animation movie gives us a feeling of the heartfelt love our ancestors had for Chinese traditional art and culture. The unique national style of Chinese animation has grown up through such consciousness and skillful operation. In addition, this research will also probe into what caused the origin and development of Chinese animation.The first part, through the analysis of the first animation movie made respectively by China, Japan and America, tries to find out their origin connections and their later influences, and analyze the differences of growth environment for each country’s animation movie in the hope to provide a clear and deep understanding about the formation procedure of Chinese, Japanese and American animation tradition through comparative analysis.The second part, that is from the2nd Chapter to the5th Chapter, researches on Chinese animation movie with both traditional and modern perspective of observation and analysis methods:the Section of Structure analyzes gain and loss of the outset, development, summit and ending of Chinese animation movies and their rationalities in the light of the structure mode of classic movie and Chinese traditional opera. The Section of Character analyzes mainly in the view of four main characters in Chinese traditional opera "Sheng, Dan, Jin and Chou", the features of character combination in Chinese animation. On the other hand, it also analyzes the valuable experience of character image-building in Chinese animation movie from the angle of kneeing ritual in traditional Chinese etiquette and provides a sensible perception of nationalization, time sprit and richness of Chinese animation character. The Section of Plot analyzes the correlation between the plotting mode of Chinese animation movie and traditional literature and children literature, discussing the merits and defects of Chinese animation. The Section of Recompostion assorts the forms of recomposition in Chinese animation movie and summarizes the three recomposition principles of Chinese animation movie: that is to obtain acknowledge of society, animate stories, and maintain the mainstream value.
