

【作者】 王翠

【导师】 黄纯艳;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 自唐末纷乱,五代诸强均未能统一中国,唯赵宋王朝完成相对统一并延续国祚三百年。赵宋能有此成就,原因之一在于对各地的有效整合。诸多层面的整合中地域观念的整合占据了一席之地。观念本身是一个过于抽象的概念,因而本文以一个相对具体的问题为依托,对赵宋王朝所推行之地域观念整合过程进行考察,即北宋前期三朝中央官僚地域构成的演变。本文从宋初三朝中央官僚之籍贯入手,首先考察了三朝不同时期中央官僚地域构成的变化,进而对引发诸变化的原因进行了梳理、分析和考证;其次对不同时期中央官僚的主要升迁途径、当时最普遍的入仕方式及造成各种现象的原因进行了考察;最后针对不同时期中央官僚地域构成中所表现出的若干特点做出深入剖析。自宋太祖到宋真宗三朝,中央官僚的地域构成变化极大。宋太祖时代北人独大,基本没有南人参政;宋太宗时代,中央官僚的主要来源地依然是北方,但以降官及其子弟为主体的南人逐渐以不同方式进入中央官僚之列;宋真宗时代,北方中央官僚群体渐呈衰落之势,南人则有崛起之状。上述变化不仅是各地域间通过中央官僚规模这一具体表现形式所进行的博弈,更是国家对不同地域势力吸收和整合过程的体现。换言之,即北宋从外在形式上统一各地后,在内部进行了更深层次的整合与统一。正是因为北宋较好的完成了精神、文化与权力等更深层次的融合与统一,其统治在某些层面才‘更加稳固与持久,没有重蹈此前五代王朝之覆辙,立国不久便被取代。就此层面而言,本文之研究具有现实的借鉴意义。此外,本文从历史时段和地域空间两个角度,对宋初三朝中央官僚群体形成与存在的历史背景、现实环境等进行了总体考察和分析,并针对一些具体问题进行了考证,这些工作可能对于某些历史事实的考订有所裨益。最后本文以传统的历史学、文献学研究方法为基础,侧重于史料的选择与甄别、历史过程的阐述与再现,探讨宋初三朝中央官僚群体在籍贯、升迁、地域集团等诸多层面发展变迁的历史进程及原因,在此基础上结合社会学和人类学理论,力图从实证中提取观点和认识,努力“于史实中求史识”,以求对宋初三朝中央官僚群体的若干变化、及当时若干地域观念的流变与地域整合的过程有所认识。

【Abstract】 China was in the division form late Tang to the Five dynasties. The establishment of Song dynasty marked the end of the chaotic situation of Late Tang dynasty and the government ruled for three hundred years. The government lasting one reason that different regions were closely linked together at different levels. The integration of regionalism was one of that. Concept is so abstract that in this paper we have to take a specific problem for example, Central officials’ district composition in the early Northern Song.In this paper, the change of these central officials’ district composition are investigated during the early Northern Song, and the reasons lead to the change are discussed. Then, tow questions that how to promote and how to join the bureaucratic group are noticed. Finally, the features of central officials’district composition in different time are analyzed.Form Song Taizu to Song Zhenzong, there is a great change on central officials’ district composition. In the age of Song Taizu, all central officials come form the north of China, almost no one is form the south of China; In the age of Song Taizong, there are still most member of central officials come from the north of China. But unlike in the past, some member of the group who used to be ten states’officials are form the south of China; In the age of Song Zhengzong, the number of northern significantly reduced, more and more southerner take into central officials group.The change is a game multi-between different parts on strength. And this indicates that the government of the Northern Song is absorbing different forces. In other words, after boundaries of unified, the Northern Song dynasty want to have a more in-depth and broader rule. With the fusion of the deeper, the Northern Song gets a longer-rule than the Five dynasties. On this point, this article has practical reference.In addition, from the perspectives of the historical period and geographical Pace, this paper analyzes the overall historical background and policy environment of central officials’ district composition in the early Northern Song. At the same time, some specific issues are discussion. These efforts may be useful to historical research.Finally, based on the traditional historiography research methods, and focusing on screening the historical materials, the paper emphasizes the historical process and the reasoning behind the central officials’district composition, promote in the early Northern Song. Based on this theory, and the combination of sociology and anthropology, the paper come to a conclusion based on empirical study. I don’t plan to"reconstruct history as the real one occurred in the past,"but I still make every effort to"search for the historical view from the historical evidence".I hope that this study will provide some new answers to the change of central officials’ district composition, the change of regionalism, the process of regional integration in the early Northern Song.

  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【下载频次】144