

【作者】 巫胜禹

【导师】 严耀中; 侯冲;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在佛教研究领域,以往对佛教思惟像的关注不多,未能进行充分的研究。本文对佛教思惟像进行专题研究,挖掘印度、中国的图像资料,以及汉译佛经、诗歌中的相关材料,对之进行认真解读,考察研究了印度和中国的佛教思惟像的渊源与流变,调查了思惟菩萨像的造像组合,着重分析了太子思惟像,并在更广阔的视野下,比较了西方、印度和中国的思惟像以及文献资料,对佛教思惟像进行了新的探索,提出了如下重要观点:一、佛教思惟像是佛教中以手臂和手的姿势为关键特征,头的位置和面部表情为辅,表示“思惟”的一种宗教艺术形象。这种形象的特定姿势是思惟手,即思惟手是认定思惟像的关键。二、佛教思惟像的分布区域非常广泛,作为一种艺术造型,在印度,任何尊格的造像都可以被塑造成思惟像,思惟像的广泛存在反映了公元一至三世纪犍陀罗地区佛传故事以及释迦牟尼佛信仰的兴盛。在中国的佛教造像中,思惟像固定于太子和菩萨。不同的思惟像在不同的场景中表示的意义并不相同。另外,作为一种外在的艺术造型或人的姿势,有些头枕着脸颊的姿势并非“思惟”,而是表示休息或悠闲的神情。三、比对西方的“思惟”造像,西方的这种造像渊源有自,反映了人的一种心理——忧愁、抑郁。从年代的对比以及最初的意义来说,印度的佛教思惟像造型来自于古希腊。佛教思惟像在中国慢慢变少的最基本原因是文化背景的不同。四、太子思惟像表示的意义从忧思、悲伤到慈悲、思惟修行成佛,其间的转换反映了图像和文学作品之间的互动以及不同地区信仰的变化。佛菩萨思惟像的出现是对某些戒律的突破,反映了佛教历史上的关键变化——大乘佛教的兴起以及菩萨的救世思想。

【Abstract】 In the field of Buddhism research, Buddhist Siwei Icons were not given fullattention in the past. Now diging into correlation and differences of the images fromIndian and Chinese, and the Chinese Buddhist literature and the literature of thepoetry, researching the Indian source of the Siwei Image and the deformation inChinese, investigating the combination of the Siwei Bodhisattva images, andanalysing the Siwei Prince Siddhārtha Images and the literature, comparing the SiweiImages and documents between Western, India and Chinese cultures in anextensively field of view, This paper probes into Buddhist Siwei Image newly, andthen advances the following important views:1. Buddhist Siwei Icons are the religious statues of the Siwei hand. Thehand lifts near the head or the one side of the cheeks, the head slightly tilts towardthe raised hands. Sometime the figure gently touches the right cheek with his one ortwo fingers or palm of his right or left hand. the specific gesture is the key toidentifying the Siwei figure.2. This image has a wide distribution. Many statues has the pose of Siweihand in India. This reflect the cult of Sākyamuni Buddha and the prosperous of theliterature of Sākyamuni Buddha in India. And in China, the statues are only PrinceSiddhārtha, Bodhisattva. Different statues have different means in different plot. Inaddition, the pose of the head resting on the hand represents the break or leisure.3. Comparing with the image of the Greek, both are the same modelling. Inrespect of the time and original meaning, The posture of Buddhism could come fromthe Greek. The basic reason of the less Siwei figure after Tang Dynasty in China is thedifferent Cultures.4. The image of Prince Siddhārtha implies sorrow, pensiveness, karunā-cittaand dhyāna under the bodhivrksa(Boddi Tree),then attaining Buddhahood. Thisreflect the relation between the image and the literature of Buddhism. Theappearence of Buddha and Bodhisattva Siwei figures is a breakthrough to some ruleof Vinaya, and the symbol of the change of Mahayāna and the thought of salvation in Buddhist history.

【关键词】 思惟手忧思思惟菩萨像戒律
【Key words】 Siwei-handkarunāSiwei-BodhisattvaVinaya-pitaka
  • 【分类号】J19
  • 【下载频次】358