

【作者】 崔慜知

【导师】 齐沪扬;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于语言象似性理论谈论现代汉语动词重叠,在语言象似性所具有的基本概念基础上,探讨关于汉语单音节动词重叠的问题,所讨论的内容包括:第一、动词复数问题及动词重叠基本语义;第二、瞬间动词的重叠问题;第三、动词重叠“看看”和动词“看”的语义关系模式以及之间的语义复杂性;第四、“V一V”是否是重叠形式的问题;第五、动词重叠的词汇化趋向;第六、韩语副词“jom”和动词重叠共有的语义功能。第一章是绪论。首先明确本文的研究对象及研究意义,然后简介前人动词重叠研究的概况和本文的主要理论背景——语言象似性理论,最后对创新点、存在的困难予以说明。第二章主要关注的是汉语动词重叠具有的语言象似性现象,我们讨论动词重叠的语义是从数(number)的概念出发的。动词所具有的的数范畴和动词重叠之间存在密切的关系,通过动词的数特征,我们可以得出汉语动词重叠所具有的基本语义功能。我们可以把动词重叠的语义分成两类:内部语义;外部语义。第三章着重谈论的是瞬间动词不可重叠的原因。现代汉语中瞬间动词为按时间概念分类而来的一个动词小类,我们再把瞬间动词分成复数瞬间动词和单数瞬间动词,瞬间动词和时间因素有密切关系。我们通过时体的搭配及时间副词的分析挖掘出两个不同的瞬间动词所具有的特征。然后通过事件意义和轻动词的区别得到瞬间动词和动词重叠不相容的原因。第四章考察“看看”所具有的语义变化,首先考察动词“看”的语义特征,正是因为“看看”是动词“看”的重叠形式。虽然“看看”经历了一些嬗变,但是我们还是把它的基本功能视为重叠,即表示动作复数。通过分析“看看”和“看”的语义特征,把“看看”分为四种:看看1;看看2;看看3;看看4。第五章基于语言象似性理论讨论“V一V”所具有的的特征。我们先通过考察“V一V”和同形动量词组合“V一V”特征比较,得出“V一V”不是动量组合的结论。还有将“V一V”和单音节动词重叠“VV”相比,认为“V一V”也是动词重叠形式之一。第六章探讨的是动词重叠的词汇化现象,通过重新分析,动词重叠词汇化了。动词重叠承担两个词分别都具有的功能,这样动词重叠才能完全表达自己所具有的的语义,同时也具有完整的功能。动词重叠的词汇化导致外部和内部都发生了变化,又引导了象似度的变化。第七章为从类型学的角度考察其他语言的动词重叠,有的学者认为汉语动词重叠具有非象似性,还有其语义是汉语具有的个性。但是通过其他语言中动词重叠的语义分析,我们挖掘出这不只是在汉语发生的语言现象,其他语言也有类似现象。我们还通过不存在动词重叠的韩语分析,更确定汉语动词重叠的基本语义确实是具有象似性的。在韩语当中的副词“jom”可以表示汉语动词重叠语义,而且韩语“jom”蕴含我们所谓的动词重叠的基本语义。第八章为结论。

【Abstract】 This dissertation discusses monosyllabic verb reduplication in modern Chinese,based on the Iconicity Theory. Especially we focus on the problems which have notbeen easy to solve or research. The subjects of this dissertation explored consist ofsix sub-programs:1) the verbal plural number and the core semantics of the verbreduplication.2) the reduplication phenomenon of the Instantaneous verbs.3) Thesemantic relation model of Chinese verb “Kan” and “kankan” which is thereduplication form of “kan”.4) one of the verb reduplication form “VyiV”.5) thetendency of lexicalization of Monosyllabic Verb Reduplication.6) mutual semanticfunctions between Korean adverb “jom” and the verb reduplication.Chapter1is anintroduction. Firstly, we make sure the goal and the importance of the research, andthen summary of previous research, also present the major theory, namely iconicityof languages.Chapter2focuses on the iconicity of the verb reduplication. The mainassertion is that the core semantics of verb reduplications is related with verbalnumber. Based on this opinion, the core semantics represent verbal plural numberand it works as the verbal plural number mark. Moreover, the semantics can bedivided into two categories, namely interior semantics and externalsemantics.Chapter3discusses the reason why some of the instantaneous verbs cannot have the phenomenon of the reduplications at all. The Instantaneous verbs arebased on the event semantics and those are the section in the verb class. It can bedivided into plural instantaneous verbs and singular instantaneous verbs. Theconception of the instantaneous verbs is from the time factor. For this reason, weresearch on the match tense and adverbs of time with the instantaneous verbsrespectively and then unearth the features two part of instantaneous verbs had. Alsothe difference of the event semantics and light verbs shows us the reason why thesingular instantaneous verbs are incompatible with the reduplicationphenomenon.Chapter4presents the changes of the semantics in terms of “kankan”.It is based on the semantic features of “kan”, it is because “kankan” is thereduplication form of “kan”. Though “kankan” experienced meaning changes in some extent, it has steel belonged to the reduplication of “kan”, namely itindicates verbal plural number. It is grounded on the semantic features “kankan” and“kan” that “Kankan” be divided up into “kankan1”,“kankan2”,“kankan3”,“kankan4”.Chapter5talks about features of “VyiV”. There are two kinds of opinions in terms of“Vyi V”, which are the verb reduplication form “VyiV” and a verbal quantifiersstructure “VyiV”. Throw the comparison between the former and the latter andbetween the former and typical verb reduplication form “VV”, it has come to theconclusion that “VyiV” is one of the reduplication forms.Chapter6researcheslexicalization of monosyllabic verb reduplication in modern Chinese. This chapterstudies a phenomenon of lexicalization of monosyllabic verb reduplication in modernChinese. We find out the examples, which have been changed to lexicon from themonosyllabic verb reduplication, in the Modern Chinese Dictionary (the sixth edition)and then explain the process how it has been changed from sentence structure tolexicon by reanalysis. In addition to this, we recognize that iconicity is one of theappropriate methods order analyzing monosyllabic verb reduplication in modernChinese. It is also worth attaching importance to the fact that there are somechanges of the iconic degree during the lexicalizing process.Chapter7is founded onTypology. There is a point of view about the core semantics of the verb reduplicationthat the verb reduplication in modern Chinese does not have any iconicity especiallyin terms of the quantity of iconicity. Although there is the predominant opinion, westrongly believe that the core semantics is “plural events”. By this we mean, thereduplication corresponds with iconicity. We find out the core semantic functionaround many languages, the result is the basis of our opinion. In order to get theother basis, we discuss the language which do not have the phenomenon of verbreduplication, for instance Korean. We investigate the reasons why verb reduplicationcan be translated into Korean “jom”. There are always common features betweenverb reduplication and Korean “jom”, the common thing could be a reasonableevidence of our opinion.Chapter8is a general conclusion of this dissertation.
