

【作者】 蒯定

【导师】 曹旭;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 作为主要记述魏晋上层社会人物“言”、“行”的承载体——《世说新语》,它向接受者开启了一扇“窗”,透过此“窗”,我们可窥知《世说新语》所涉人物之较为真实的“存在”。本文尝试从“人学”角度全面、深入地解读《世说新语》,对其中所涉的人物之生存状况、人伦、人性、人生观,进行深度挖掘与系统阐述。全文共包括五个部分,主要内容如下:绪论部分,对本文开展研究前的研究基础作出说明。其一,对论文的选题,进行释解;交代本文的研究价值,逻辑构架;以及本论文所引《世说新语》及其注解的文本,进行必要之说明。其二,对《世说新语》研究的已有研究成果,进行述论;梳理大陆地区相关的主要博士论文,台湾地区硕、博士论文,以及相关的代表性专著。其三,交代本文拟解决的关键问题、研究方法及章节的架构。第一章,对《世说新语》中人的生存状况,作总体考察。本章的考察涵盖“世说人物”之生存相关的典型方面,当然这个探讨范围也有一定限制,是以《世说新语》记述的内容为主要的材料库。本章所论,涉及与人生存相关的自然需求层面、社会层面、精神层面的内容,是一个较为全面的研讨。本章重点考察《世说新语》中所涉人物的生存状况。从《世说新语》中人的生存之特征来看,有:“物质生存资料的困顿与奢靡”,“充斥暴力的生存”“个体‘失范’的生存之态”,“‘世说人物’精神的困厄”,“世说人物’之间的‘内斗’”,“不缺席的‘闲逸’”,诸种特征。接着,论文阐述了《世说新语》中所涉人物之生存状况的成因,主要有:“人祸”与“天灾”,导致“世说人物”物质之困顿与奢靡;缺乏制衡力的“社会关系”,让“世说人物”之生存充斥暴力;思想之多元,促使个体“失范”生存之态的凸显;个体人物自身深层的不安全感,导致“世说人物”精神的困厄;利益的纠葛,导致人物间的“内斗”;“世说人物”内心积郁的自发纾解,要求“闲逸”之生存。最后,此章节讨论了《世说新语》中所涉人物的生存“展示”之意义,可概括为:其一,便于接受者深度理解《世说新语》之内蕴;其二,引发接受者对自身生存状况的反思,不断提升个体之生存体验。第二章,主要从人的社会属性方面来谈《世说新语》人学研究之中牵涉到的人伦问题。本章着重讨论人学研究视野下的《世说新语》中的人伦问题。从《世说新语》中所涉的人伦关系来看,主要有以下特征:重视君臣之人伦;倡导孝敬父母之人伦;门第化的婚配之人伦;夫妇之“深情”人伦;母子之“情深”人伦;朋友间的“信义”人伦;不乏“失范”的人伦。而从《世说新语》中人伦之成因来看,可归结为:其一,社会发展对基本人伦秩序的要求;其二,个体对人伦秩序的自发维护,这两点是构建《世说新语》之人伦关系风貌的两大基本成因。最后,本章讨论了《世说新语》中人伦“展示”之启示:其一,人伦为人类生命更好地存在,构建了良好的屏障;其二,对构建现今社会所需的和谐人伦关系,有积极的启示意义。第三章,对《世说新语》所涉的人物之人性“风貌”,进行探究。就《世说新语》所涉的人学内容而言,人性内容的探讨,倾向于从人之自然属性的层面来探讨。当然这部分内容也不完全是“自然层面”的,就此部分的整体内容构架而言,探讨人自然属性之中的人性内容所占的比重较大。本章着重讨论“世说人物”的人性。从《世说新语》所承载的内容来看,该书为接受者呈现一个纷繁复杂的人性图景,其中有“光辉”人性之展示,有“灰暗”人性之书写。从《世说新语》中述及的有关人物“光辉”人性特征来看,有:“人性之善”,“品性高尚”,“乐于赞美别人”,“求美之人性”,诸种特征。而《世说新语》中的“光辉”人性之成因,主要有:“世说人物”之觉悟与理智,促人性之善;品性高尚,源于良好本性;寻找精神“标杆”,赞赏他者;爱美之天性,促人求美。本章亦讨论了《世说新语》中“光辉”人性“展示”之启示,其一,人性之光辉,改善了“世说人物”的生存之态;其二,人性之光辉,让“世说人物”共享和谐之生存环境;其三,人性之光辉,符合“世说人物”之根本利益。本章还讨论了《世说新语》中所涉人物的“灰暗”人性。就“世说人物”的“灰暗”人性之特征来看,可概括为仇恨、狡诈、嫉妒、暴戾、放纵、贪婪,诸种特征。而从《世说新语》中灰暗人性之成因来说,有以下原因:其一,特定的社会生存现实使然;其二,繁杂社会关系网的“纠葛”;其三,个人趋利自保的秉性驱使。最后,本章还讨论了《世说新语》中“灰暗”人性“展示”的意义,主要有:其一,作为承载先人真实人性的文字“化石”;其二,启示个体“重新审视”自身人性之弱点;其三,拓宽了志人文学发展之途。可以说,《世说新语》给我们打开一扇“幽深”的人性之窗,我们在探寻与研读该典籍的同时,也加深了接受者对自身人性的思索。第四章,对“世说人物”的人生观方面的内容,进行探讨。当然,本文各章节的内容讨论,或有交叉,这也是相关内容的牵涉造成的。本章重点讨论《世说新语》中所涉人物之人生观。就“世说人物”人生观之特征而言,有“世说人物”积极地入仕求官,企慕“惬意”的人生之态;亦有及时为乐者,他们对生活有着虚无感,试图在“行乐”中获得人生的快意。“世说人物”中的主张“入世”者,在“入世”之中,确证个体生命存在的意义,发挥人生之价值。《世说新语》所涉人物亦有提倡“闲适”生存者,他们的自我意识强烈,十分关注人自身与自然之美,常感叹人生之无常,生命之短暂,试图让今生过得充足,增加生命宽度、厚度。而就“世说人物”的及时行乐观而言,多与个体自身之因素有关,或另有“隐情”;他们所倡导或暂时沉溺于及时行乐中,是对人生之无常的抗拒。当然,《世说新语》中的各类型人生观的展示,亦渗透着编纂者刘义庆的复杂人生观念。第五章,结语部分,对全文之研究,进行总体性概述。综而言之,《世说新语》人学研究,展示了“世说人物”的生存之态,深究了“世说人物”的人伦状况,揭示了“世说人物”的人性“风貌”,探索了“世说人物”的人生观。在研究之中,我们解答了诸多关于《世说新语》、《世说新语》所涉人物、编纂者、接受者相关的疑问;而对相关问题的探索,依然空间较大,富有价值,充满着诱惑。

【Abstract】 As the main description of the upper class people "character","row" carrier--"Shi Shuo Xin Yu", it opens the "window" to the receiver, through this "window", wecan see that "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the character more real existence ".This article attempts from the "human" angle comprehensive, in-depthinterpretation of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu", the survival condition, the character of human,human nature, outlook on life, on the depth of excavation and system. The thesisconsists of five parts, the main contents are as follows:The introduction part, explanation of basic research before the study carried outin this paper. First, the thesis topic, was released; research value, replacement of thelogical framework; and the text this paper cited "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" and its annotation,necessary instructions. Secondly, the existing research results on the "Shi Shuo XinYu" research, analyses the theory; related to the main thesis combs the mainland,the master, Dr. Taiwan area, as well as the representative works. Thirdly, this paperresearch methods and chapter explain the key questions, architecture.The first chapter, on the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the living conditions of people, asthe overall inspection. This chapter covers the "living world figures" of the typicalaspects, of course the discussion scope is limited, is to "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" contentsdescribed as the main material base. On this chapter, related natural demand level,social level, spiritual level and the content, is a comprehensive research. This chapterfocuses on the "the people living conditions in Shi Shuo Xin Yu". From "Shi Shuo XinYu" in the human survival characteristics, are:"hardship and extravagant" materialsurvival data,"violence" survival "individual anomie survival of the state","said thecharacters spiritual poverty","said characters between fighting ","not absentLeisure," the characteristics of. Then, the paper expounds the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" inthe figures of the survival status of the causes, mainly has:"man-made" and"natural", resulting in "predicament and the luxury world figures" substances; lack ofbalance force "social relations","said let survival character" full of violence;ideological pluralism the individual, highlighted "anomie" survival of the state; individual persons, their deep sense of insecurity, resulting in “Shi Shuo Xin Yu” incharacter the spirit of the difficulty; the interests of disputes, causes between thecharacters "infighting";"to relieve spontaneous Shishuo characters" inner depression,"living leisurely". Finally, this chapter discusses the meaning of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"characters involved in survival "show", can be summarized as follows: first, for thereceiver depth understanding of the connotation of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"; second, therecipient survival status caused by reflection on their own, constantly improve theindividual survival experience.The second chapter, mainly from the social attributes of people to talk about"Shi Shuo Xin Yu" human ethical issues research involved. This chapter focuses on theethical problems of human studies from the perspective of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu". From"Shi Shuo Xin Yu" involved in human relations, mainly has the followingcharacteristics: pay attention to Kings ethics; advocating human parents; family ofmating of ethics; ethics; couples "affection" and "love" human relations; betweenfriends "Lutheran" relations are "anomie"; human relations. From "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"in human relations and the causes, can be summed up as: on the basis of the society,the social development; second, individual initiative maintenance of humanrelationships, which are the two basic causes of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" construction ofhuman relations style. Finally, this chapter discusses the Enlightenment of "Shi ShuoXin Yu" in the "show" human relations: first, human relations as the human life better,to construct a good barrier; secondly, the need to build the social harmony of humanrelations, there is positive significance.The third chapter, on the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the figures "style", to explore thehuman nature. On the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the content of humanity, to explore thehuman content, inclined from the nature of the level to explore. Of course, this partof content is not entirely "natural level", this part of the overall framework of humannature, human nature content among the attributes of the proportion of larger. Thischapter focuses on the "Shi Shuo character" of human nature. The "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"from the content point of view, the book for the recipient has a complicated humanpicture, including "show brilliance" humanity,"dark human nature writing". From "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the relevant figures "brilliant" human characteristics, are:"human nature is good","noble character","willing to praise others","the humannature", all kinds of features. And "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the "glorious" human causes,mainly has:"consciousness and character" and rational, promote the goodness ofhuman nature; noble character, the good nature; seeking the spirit "benchmarking",appreciation of others; beauty of nature, and promote human beauty. This chapteralso discusses the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the "glorious" humanity "show" theenlightenment, the human nature glory,"said the characters", improve the survivalstate; second, the glory of humanity,"said people" sharing environment harmony;third, the glory of human nature, in line with the "fundamental Shi Shuo figures" ofinterest. This chapter also discusses the characters involved "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the"dark" human nature.“Shi Shuo Xin Yu” in character "grey" human characteristics,can be summarized as hatred, jealousy, cunning, cruel, indulgence, greed, all kinds offeatures. From "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the cause of dark humanity, for the followingreasons: first, the specific social living reality nature; secondly, the complex socialrelations network "entanglement"; thirdly, personal profit driven self nature. Finally,this chapter also discusses the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the "dark" humanity "display"meaning, mainly: first, as the bearer of true humanity ancestor text "fossil"; secondly,revelation of individual "rethink" human nature weakness itself; third, expand the ZhiRenwen science development. Can say,"human nature" to open a window of ShiShuo Xin Yu "deep" to us, we are also exploring and studying the classics, but alsodeepen the thinking of their own human recipients.The fourth chapter, aspects of "Shi Shuo Xin characters" outlook on life, arediscussed. Of course, in this paper, the contents of the chapters discuss, or a cross,which is also related to the content of the involved caused. This chapter focuses onthe "life of those involved in Shi Shuo Xin Yu" concept."Shi Shuo character feature"outlook on life, a kind of "Shi Shuo Xin characters" actively sought official posts,admire "comfortable" state of life; also in time for the music of life, they have a senseof nothingness, trying to get a life in the "pleasure" of pleasure."Shi Shuo Xincharacters" claim "into the world", make something of his life, has confirmed the significance of individual life,play the value of life."Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the figure alsoadvocate a "comfortable" survivors, their strong sense of self, are very concernedabout the human and natural beauty, often plaint of lifes impermanence, short life,trying to make this life had plenty of life, increase the width, thickness. And "Shi ShuoXin figures" timely and relevant factors of optimism, individual, or otherwise"hidden"; they advocated or temporarily addicted to enjoy pleasure in good time, isthe resistance to life. Of course, various types of life "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the view ofthe display, but also permeated with the concept of complex life editor Liu Yiqing.The fifth chapter, the conclusion, the full text research, carries on the overallsummary. In general,"Shi Shuo Xin Yu" human study ", showing the world people"living state, investigates "said character" human condition,"said figures reveals"humanity "style","Shi Shuo Xin characters" explores the outlook on life. In the study,we answer a lot about the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu","Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the figure, compilers,recipient related questions; research on related issues, still larger space, the richvalue, full of temptation.
