

The Study of Visual Simulation Technique of Interactive Stand Management in Plantations

【作者】 李永亮

【导师】 鞠洪波;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 提高林业信息化管理水平服务现代林业建设,是当今林业科学研究与管理实践领域面临的重要工作。分析研究森林生长变化、森林结构特征以及森林经营措施,对于最大限度地发挥森林多种效益意义重大。以森林经理学理论为指导,适应现代林业建设需求,将可视化模拟技术应用到森林经营管理当中,以期利用可视模式提高森林生长模拟精度、增强对森林结构的理解和认识以及提升森林经营决策能力。由此,可为解决现代森林经营中面临的问题、实现森林信息化高效经营提供新方法,进而提高林业信息化管理水平。本研究将林分经营理论及实践与计算机可视化模拟技术相结合,提出了人工林林分交互式经营可视化模拟技术,并研发了面向经营者的可用定量化方法实现林分经营目标的人工林林分交互式经营可视化模拟系统,以期为经营者能够实时掌握林分动态变化,实现林分实时监管提供技术支持。试验数据(3块杉木人工林样地,1块杉木马尾松人工林样地)全部来自于湖南攸县黄丰桥国有林场,所做的主要工作和取得的成果有以下几个方面:(1)自定义生长模型参数下的林分生长可视化模拟方法首先,构建常用的含有未知参数的模型库,封装模型变量计算方法;其次,在构建图形化林分生长活动的基础上,结合参数自定义接口实现了模型的存储;最后,提出了模型的读取与解析方法,并将其与林分生长可视化模拟方法相结合,为后续开展林分生长可视化模拟提供了基础。此种方法将估算模型从程序代码中解放出来,支持经营者人机交互式定义模型参数,为经营者自定义适用于当地林分生长规律的数学估算模型提供了技术支持,保证了模型的估计精度,为提高林分生长可视化模拟精度提供了新思路。(2)林分生长、林分结构与林分经营交互过程可视化模拟技术首先,结合林分经营实践,参照经营措施技术指标确定方法,在提出7个采伐木决策因子的前提下,利用WF技术创建了21个图形化相关活动(6个经营措施活动:人工整枝、抚育间伐、择伐、渐伐、皆伐和更新采伐,1个林分生长活动,1个林分结构分析活动,7个采伐木决策因子活动和6个其他相关活动),并由此构建了经营措施条件判断可视化模型与3类采伐木决策可视化模型;其次,通过定义工作流运行时引擎与自定义活动跟踪服务,实现了林分生长、林分结构与林分经营交互过程可视化模拟流程的解析与流转;最后,利用GDI+与MOGRE技术,以2维3维图形图像的方式对经营前后的林分状况进行了可视化模拟。以杉木人工林生长伐为例,开展模拟试验。结果显示:在面向经营者的可视化工作流设计器中,此种方法支持经营者利用拖拽、定义的方法构建林分生长、林分结构与林分经营交互过程流程模型,可对此交互过程进行可视化模拟。(3)林分交互式经营措施方法决策可视化模拟技术归纳林分经营目标,选择方法决策准则(采伐量、郁闭度、平均胸径、混交度等),并将其封装为经营措施方法决策活动的属性,以此构建林分交互式经营措施方法决策活动。分析经营措施方法决策活动执行过程,建立了林分交互式经营措施方法决策模型并实现了可视化模拟。以杉木人工林生长伐方法决策为例,开展了择优试验。结果表明:此种方法可按决策准则(采伐量),从多种具体方法中选择更加贴近经营目标的方法进行可视化模拟,整个过程可适应林分经营实践的要求。(4)基于林分虚拟环境的交互式林分经营措施活动可视化模拟技术基于Direct3D绘制技术,利用几何体建模方法,以两个圆台模拟树干、两个成一定折合角度的四边形模拟树枝,以冠形曲线控制树枝空间分布,构建了基于胸径、树高、冠高、冠幅、活枝下高与冠形等参数的参数化林木个体模型,最后将所建模型存储为mesh格式的文件(含78个submesh)。在利用MOGRE渲染引擎构建的林分场景中,通过利用射线查询算法和可查询到面片级别的查询算法,实现了交互式林木采伐过程与林木整枝过程的可视化模拟。以杉木人工林为例,开展了模拟试验。结果显示:利用参数化林木个体可视化模型建模方法,可以快速构建反映多个测树因子信息的林木3D模型;交互式林木采伐过程与林木整枝过程得到了形象直观的可视化模拟。在虚拟环境中经营者可精确选择采伐木与整枝对象,增强了经营者与林分虚拟环境的交互能力,为开展经营措施活动提供了另一种可行的途径。(5)人工林林分交互式经营可视化模拟系统设计与应用在已提出的技术方法、模型和算法的基础上,开发了人工林林分交互式经营可视化模拟系统。以杉木马尾松人工混交林单株择伐为例,进行了系统应用。结果表明:此系统可在保证林分生长模拟精度的情况下,以图形图像的方式对林分生长变化、林分结构特征分析、林分经营措施开展与林分环境进行可视化模拟,并将林分实时状况呈现给经营者。整个系统具有很强的人机交互能力、可视性、可操作性与适用性,可用于建立林分经营流程可视化模型,可视化模拟林分交互式经营,以及提高林分经营自动化能力和真正指导林分经营实践。整套技术方法的提出及实现,可为林分经营提供科技含量高的技术方法和应用平台,可实现林分实时监管,并显著提高林分经营管理水平。

【Abstract】 Improving the ability of forestry informatization management in order to serve modernforestry is important work in the field of forestry science and management practices nowadays.The analysis and research of forest growth changes, forest structure characteristics and forestmanagement measures have a significant role of maximizing the multiple benefits of forestecosystem. Based on the theory of forest management and adapting to the needs of modernforestry construction, the visual simulation technology is applied to the forest management soas to improve the forest growth simulation accuracy, enhance the understanding and awarenessof forest structure and promote the forest management decision making ability by using thevisual mode. As a result, it can provide a new method for solving problems in the modernforest management and achieving forest informatization efficient management, and thenimprove the forestry informatization management level.Combined the theory and practice of stand management and computer visualization andsimulation technology, the visual simulation technique of interactive stand management inplantations and a visual simulation system that was faced the managers and could achieve standmanagement objectives using quantitative methods were proposed in this study in order toprovide the managers with technical support of grasping stand real-time and dynamic changesand managing stands. All test data that included three Chinese fir plantations and one mixedplantation of Chinese fir and masson pine were collected in Huangfengqiao state-owned forestfarm of Youxian, Hunan. The major work and results are as following.(1) Visual simulation method of stand growth based on self-defined growth modelsparametersFirst of all, the model library with unknown parameters was build and the calculationmethods of model variables were packaged. Secondly, based on developing graphical standgrowth activities, growth models were stored successfully by using the interface of custom parameters. Finally, the reading and analytical methods of models were proposed andcombined with the visual simulation method of stand growth so as to provide the basis for thefollow-up visual simulation of stand growth. By using this method, managers can definemodels parameters by human-computer interaction. So, this method can provide technicalsupport for defining mathematical models that apply to the local law of stand growth, canensure the precision of models and can provide a new idea for improving the accuracy of visualsimulation of stand growth.(2) Visual simulation technique of the interaction process among stand growth, standstructure and stand managementIn the first place, after combing stand management practices, referring to determinationmethods of main technical indexes, and proposing7decision making factors for removingtrees, we developed21graphical related activities by using WF, which contained6management measures-pruning, thinning, selection cutting, shelterwood cutting, clear cuttingand regeneration cutting,1stand growth activity,1stand structure analysis activity,7decisionmaking activities for removing trees and6other related activities, and then the visual model ofthe condition judgment of management measures and3types of decision making visualizationmodels for removed trees were build. In the next place, by defining the workflow runtimeengine and adding tracking services of user-defined activities, the visual simulation of theinteraction process among stand growth, stand structure and stand management was executed.In the end, using GDI+technique and MOGRE rendering engine, the visual simulation ofstand status at2-dimension (2D) and3-dimension (3D) was implemented before and afterstand management. A case study of accretion cutting in a Chinese fir plantation was carried out.The results showed that in the manager-oriented visual workflow designer, this method enabledmanagers to create the flow model of the interaction process among stand growth, standstructure and stand management by dragging and defining activities, and that the interactionprocess could be simulated visually. (3) Visual simulation technique of decision making of interactive stand managementmethodsSummarizing stand management targets and selecting decision making policies-cuttingvolume, crown density, average DBH, mingling, etc., which were packaged the attributes of thedecision making activity, we developed the decision making activity of interactive standmanagement methods. When the implementation of the decision making activity ofmanagement methods was analyzed, the decision making model of interactive standmanagement methods was built and the decision making of interactive stand managementmethods was simulated visually. The decision making of accretion cutting methods in aChinese fir plantation was taken as an example in order to select the better method. The resultsshowed that this method could select one specific method closer to the management target froma variety of methods according to the decision making policy-cutting volume and then itcould be simulated visually, and that the whole process could meet the demands of forestmanagement practices.(4) Visual simulation technique of interactive stand management measures activities basedon a stand virtual environmentBased on direct3D rendering techniques, the geometric modeling method, the trunksimulated through two truncated cones, branchs simulated through two quadrilaterals with afolding angle and the spatial distribution of branches controlled by the crown shape curve, theparameterized model of individual trees was developed, which included the parameters-DBH,height, crown height, crown width, under-branch height, crown shape, etc., and then the modelwas stored as a mesh file which contained78submeshes. In the stand scene built by using theMOGRE rendering engine, the interactive tree cutting process and the interactive pruningprocess were simulated visually based on the ray query algorithm and the ray query algorithmthat can detect the triangular surface. The Chinese fir plantation was taken as an example tocarry out the simulation test. The results showed that the tree’s3D model that included multipletree measurement factors could be built fast by using the parameterized modeling method of individual trees, and that the processes of interactive tree cutting and interactive pruning weresimulated vividly and intuitively. In a stand virtual environment, managers can accuratelyselect the removed and pruned trees, so interactive capabilities between managers and the standvirtual environment are enhanced. Meanwhile, this method can provide another feasible way ofcarring out stand management measures.(5) Design and application of visual simulation system of interactive stand management inplantationsOn the basis of the technical methods, models and algorithms proposed in this study, thevisual simulation system of interactive stand management in plantations was developed. Thesingle tree selection felling was taken as an example in a mixed plantation of Chinese fir andmasson pine in order to apply the system. The results showed that this system with ensuring thesimulation accuracy of stand growth could visually simulate stand growth, analysis of standstructure, implementation of stand management measures and stand environment by usinggraphics and images showed to managers and that this system with strong human-computerinteraction capability, visibility, operability and applicability could be used to establish standmanagement process visualization models, visually simulate interactive stand management inplantations, improve stand management automation capabilities and authentically guide standmanagement practices.The proposal and realization of a set of technical methods can provide methods withhigher technology and an application platform for stand management, supervise the stand inreal time, and significantly improve the stand management ability.
