

Study on Migration of Rice Two Migration Pests and Population Dynamics of Important Natural Enemies in Xiang-gui Corridor

【作者】 齐会会

【导师】 程登发;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪以来,水稻两迁害虫(稻飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟)在亚洲地区暴发频繁,已成为水稻安全生产的巨大威胁。“湘桂走廊”作为我国水稻两迁害虫南北往返迁飞的重要通道,明确两迁害虫在本区域的发生情况及迁飞行为对我国北方稻区及至全国稻区水稻害虫的预测预报都具有重要意义。研究水稻上重要天敌的季节性种群动态,可为利用天敌防治害虫提供技术支持。为了明确“湘桂走廊”两迁害虫的迁飞行为及重要天敌的种群动态,提高迁飞性害虫的监测预警水平,减少防治迁飞性害虫带来的农业损失和药剂残留等一系列问题,本文利用自动分时段取样的探照灯诱虫器、毫米波扫描昆虫雷达等多种设备对以兴安为代表的“湘桂走廊”稻区的水稻两迁害虫的迁飞行为及重要天敌的种群动态进行了系统观测,明确了多种昆虫夜晚的扑灯节律,并分析了扑灯节律对轨迹模拟的潜在影响,阐明了褐飞虱在华南稻区的季节性空中迁飞规律。通过比较“湘桂走廊”三个地区灵川、兴安和全州白背飞虱的迁飞动态,运用GrADS、Hysplit、GIS等图形模拟与轨迹分析软件,研究了白背飞虱在“湘桂走廊”不同地区的迁飞特性。最后探讨了稻纵卷叶螟大发生的原因。本研究主要获得了以下几方面的结果:1.探照灯分时段诱捕数据表明,稻飞虱和黑肩绿盲蝽在2012年和2013年前期迁入时扑灯节律有所不同,晚上各个时段都出现过扑灯高峰,后半夜出现的扑灯高峰频次较多,稻纵卷叶螟迁入期两年内均是以03:00~05:00时段出现扑灯高峰频次最多。四种昆虫迁出期和本地活动期的扑灯节律具有稳定性,迁出期的扑灯高峰主要集中在19:30~21:00和21:00~22:30时段,本地活动期扑灯高峰主要集中在前半夜。当轨迹模拟时加入根据扑灯高峰时段确定的降落时刻,能得到更为精确的迁飞轨迹途径。2.广西兴安探照灯和佳多灯下比较常见的三类天敌昆虫:瓢虫、草蛉和隐翅虫在探照灯下的季节性变化比较明显,瓢虫和草蛉2012年和2013年的平均诱集数量差异不显著,隐翅虫两年内的平均诱集量差异显著。瓢虫两年内的季节性变化趋于一致,隐翅虫和草蛉两年内的季节性变化不太一致。瓢虫、隐翅虫和草蛉在佳多灯下的季节性变化也比较明显,瓢虫和隐翅虫在探照灯和佳多灯下的种群动态趋于一致,草蛉在两灯下的种群动态有所不同;三类天敌昆虫在探照灯下的诱集量均远远大于在佳多灯下的诱集量,隐翅虫在两灯下的诱集量极显著正相关,瓢虫在两灯下的诱集量相关性较弱,草蛉在两灯下的诱集量没有相关性。3.黑肩绿盲蝽与褐飞虱有明显的伴迁现象,黑肩绿盲蝽在灯下的始见期迟于褐飞虱,在始见期后,其在灯下的种群动态基本同步于褐飞虱,两虫在灯下的高峰期一般在7月下旬至8月下旬,两虫在灯下的诱虫量显著正相关。两虫在田间的发生动态存在同步性,发生量显著正相关。佳多灯下6月份的蝽虱比大于1:1.1时可能对褐飞虱的种群发展产生一定的控制作用。不同年度间黑肩绿盲蝽的性比有所不同,两灯下黑肩绿盲蝽种群整体上雌性多于雄性。4.使用毫米波扫描昆虫雷达对褐飞虱的空中迁飞进行了季节性观测,首次分析了褐飞虱的定向现象,并发现褐飞虱在华南稻区具有“晨昏双峰”的迁飞规律,黎明的起飞数量低于黄昏的起飞数量。夏季迁飞高度主要在400-1800m,有时能达到2000m,秋季的迁飞高度主要在300-1100m,有时能达到1700m。褐飞虱具有聚集成层的现象,成层现象与风速有极大关系。夏季迁飞时褐飞虱雌虫多于雄虫,秋季迁飞时雄虫多于雌虫。秋季一些飞行能力极强的个体能到达安全越冬地。5.“湘桂走廊”白背飞虱迁入高峰期主要集中在5月下旬至6月中旬,处于“湘桂走廊”南端的灵川地区灯下白背飞虱始见期较早,2007年灵川、兴安和全州三个地区诱集量之间存在明显差异,2008年诱集量之间差异不显著,第三代的诱集量决定着年度诱集量。三个地区迁入种群虫源地分布较一致,主要分布在广西西南部、越南北部和老挝北部稻区。高空西南气流偏多、偏强的年份,白背飞虱迁入峰次多、迁入量大,并且虫源地分布范围更广。6.稻纵卷叶螟在广西兴安4月中下旬开始迁入,一般是第四代诱虫量最高,个别年份会出现第三代或第六代诱虫数量最高,不同年度间诱集数量差异明显,降雨可促进稻纵卷螟的降落,高温干旱抑制稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的发育,前期迁入虫量大是稻纵卷叶螟大发生的主要原因。秋季种群数量一般较少,个别年份第六代和第七代的种群数量会较高。稻纵卷叶螟雌性迁飞能力较雄性强。

【Abstract】 Rice planthopper and rice leaf roller (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis), have frequently broken out inrecent years in Asia and cause serious damage to rice production. Xiang-gui Corridor is the majorpathway for the seasonal northward and return migration of rice two migration pests. Studies on theoccurrence and migratory behavior of rice two migration pests will be beneficial for the prediction andsuppression of these pests in China and beyond. Studies on population dynamics of important naturalenemies will provide key guidance for the biological control of rice migratory pests. This study aims toelucidate migratory behavior of rice migratory pests and population dynamics of natural enemies inXiang-gui corridor and improve the level of monitoring and forecasting on rice migratory pests andbenefit integrated management, and also to prevent losses in agriculture and reduce many socialproblems caused by chemical control. The rhythm of flapping light on migratory pests during the wholenight and related potential effect on the trajectory analysis were studied from catches by the searchlighttrap with automatic time-switches. The seasonal aerial migration of Nilaparvata lugens was observed bya millimetric scanning entomological radar. We integrated the catch data of Sogatella furcifera in lighttraps from Lingchuan, Xing’an and Quanzhou located in the Xiang-gui Corridor and used theatmosphere and trajectory analysis sfotware such as Grads, Hysplit and ArcGIS to study the migratorycharacters of S. furcifera in different places of Xiang-gui Corridor. In the last, we analysed the reasonsto cause breakout of C. medinalis. The results were as follows:1. During spring immigratory peak periods of2012and2013, the flapping light peak time of riceplanthopper and Cyrtorhinus lividipennis were different, appearing every time intervals with mainlyafter mid-night. The flapping light peak time of C. medinalis was mainly in03:00~05:00in2012and2013. During emmigratory peak periods, the flapping light peak time of insects was mainly in19:30~21:00and21:00~22:30. During local action time, the flapping light peak time of insects wasmainly before mid-night. When limiting the landing time to the flapping light peak time, the trajectorysimulation showed more precise results.2. The seasonal changes of ladybug, lacewing and rove beetle in searchlight trap and Jiaduo lighttrap were obvious. The average trap numbers of ladybug and lacewing trapped in searchlight trap weresimilar in2012and2013. The average numbers of rove beetle trapped in searchlight trap were differentsignificantly in2012and2013. The seasonal changes of ladybug in searchlight trap were consistent in2012and2013. The seasonal changes of lacewing and rove beetle in searchlight trap were different in2012and2013. The population dynamics of ladybug and rove beetle were the same in searchlight trapand Jiaduo light trap, with the variousness of lacewing. The population numbers of three naturalenemies in searchlight trap were significantly more than in Jiaduo light trap. Population numbers ofrove beetle in both light traps were significantly positively correlated, with low correlation of ladybugand no correlation of lacewing.3. The phenomena of accompanying migration by C. lividipennis with N. lugens was obvious. Theinitial migration period of C. lividipennis obtained by both light traps was after that of N. lugens, then population dynamics of both insects were consistent. The peak period of trapped was from the late Julyto late August and there were more females in C. lividipennis catches.The peak period of trapped wasfrom the late July to late August and there were more females in C. lividipennis catches. Populationnumbers of both insects were significantly positively correlated. N. lugens could be controlled by thepredator when the population ratio between C. lividipennis and N. lugens reached or more than1:1.1.4. The seasonal aerial migrations of N. lugens were observed with a millimetric scanningentomological radar. The common orientation was analysed first. N. lugens took off at dusk and dawn,and the number of take off at dawn was low. In summer, planthopper-size targets generally flew at400-1800m above ground level, although some insects reached2000m above ground level; in autumn,they flew lower, generally at300-1100m although some insects reached1700m above ground level.Multiply layer concentrations were seen every night. N. lugens flew in strong winds. Femalesoutnumbered males in the summer migrations, and the males were more numerous in autumn. Inautumn, emigrants with strong flight capacity would have reached overwintering areas.5. The immigratory peak periods of S. furcifera in Xiang-gui Corridor lasted from the end ofMay to the mid-June. The initial immigration period was first appeared in Lingchuan at south ofXiang-gui Corridor. Population size was significantly different in three places in2007, and wassimilar in2008. The population size of3rdgeneration determined the population size of the year. Thesource areas of S. furcifera were mainly in the southwest of Guangxi, the north of Vietnam and the northof Laos. The southwest airflow stream of high altitude with more frequently and strong caused more S.furcifera’s migration, and the widely source areas.6. C. medinalis started to immigrate into Xing’an from mid-April. The number of4thgenerationwas the most, sometimes3rdgeneration and6thgeneration. Population size was significantly different indifferent years. Rainfall will promote landing of C. medinalis. The high temperature and droughtclimate will prevent larva’s growth. Population size was low in autumn, sometimes6thand7thgeneration increased. The flight capability of female was stronger than male. A large number ofimmigrant moths during spring migratory period was the main reason to cause C. medinalis bigoccurrence.
