

Research on Reliable System of Agro-extension Data Colleciton Based on Android

【作者】 尹国伟

【导师】 王文生;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物信息科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的快速发展和农业生产经营方式的转变,农技推广工作面临巨大的机遇和挑战,从推广主体到推广对象,从思想认识到现实需求,方方面面都在快速渗入现代化因素。农技推广数据采集作为农技推广云平台的核心功能之一,是平台的重要数据来源,为推广管理和服务提供数据支撑,同样面临着艰巨的考验:如何充分发挥基层农技员的机动性优势,快速进行数据采集,彻底改变之前数据采集不及时的状况;如何保证现场数据采集真实性,最大限度的杜绝欺瞒现象,为农技体系管理考核提供数据支撑;如何在无线网络还处于发展阶段的广大农村,通过技术手段实现数据交互,打通数据传输通道,保障数据通信质量等问题亟需应对解决。移动通信技术和配套设备飞速发展,无线网络加速覆盖,Android智能设备的快速普及和人们信息意识的提高,都为解决上述问题提供了便利条件。基于Android的农技推广数据可靠采集系统围绕核心用户基层农技推广人员所涉及的数据采集工作,从数据内容、数据传输交互、应用软件三个层次来保障数据采集的可靠性,实现数据采集内容准确及时、完整一致;传输渠道通畅;功能模块易用,软件安全有保障。基于Android的农技推广数据可靠采集系统通过用户实名制、专家参与审核、来源标注等来保障数据内容的准确性;通过服务器与客户端数据格式同步来保障数据内容的完整性;通过采集数据的文字描述、附带照片、地理位置、采集时间等属性来保障数据内容的一致性;通过发挥Android智能设备的移动无线、灵活便携等特性保障数据采集的及时性。数据传输交互可靠重点考虑网络环境及通信带宽对数据交互质量的影响,通过数据交互技术,实现数据实时交互、延迟交互、安全交互。结合项目管理思想,采用敏捷开发方式,进行快速迭代、短周期版本更新及时响应用户需求,依据移动设计理念,友好的界面设计、简易的功能操作、版本的自动升级等能够提升用户体验。Android程序级和配置级的安全保障机制增强移动应用的防破解能力。农技云平台通过“平台上移,服务下延”,使农技推广组织管理“扁平化”,农技人员真正成为农技推广工作的主体,工作从被动接受转向主动参与;农技员通过基于Android的农技推广数据可靠采集系统提交农技推广工作日志、发布农产品价格、上报农情灾情、上传农技处方、进行经验交流、相互答疑解惑等,为更好地了解和掌握农技员的工作情况、农产情况、市场行情以及基层的关注点和需求点提供了数据支撑,便于改善农技推广管理、提供更加本地化和有针对性的信息服务,进而提升用户粘度;农技员及本地专家通过基于Android的农技推广数据可靠采集系统可以参与农技推广云平台的资源建设,丰富平台内容,增强基层农技推广服务功能,促进平台运营的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information technology and the production management mode ofagriculture, agricultural technology extension work is facing great opportunities and challenges, fromthe promotion of the subject to the object, from the thought to the real demand, rapid infiltration ofmodern factors in every aspect. Agricultural extension data collection as one of the core functions ofagricultural technology promotion cloud platform, is an important source of data, provides the datasupport for the promotion of management and service, also faces the difficult challenge: how to give fullplay to the advantage of grass-roots farming mobility to achieve high speed of data collection,completely changed the condition of untimely data collection; how to ensure the on-site data acquisitionauthenticity, to prevent deception maximumly and provide data support for the agricultural managementsystem assessment; how to make through data transmission and realize the data exchange, even toguarantee the communication quality through technical means under the rural development stages of thewireless network.The mobile communication technology and the supporting equipment develop rapidly, wireless networkis covering all over the country, Android intelligent equipment rapid popularization and peopleinformation awareness, provide convenient conditions for the solution of the above problem. Datacollection system based on Android around the core user of agricultural technology extension worksinvolved, to guarantee the reliability of data collection from the three level of data content, dataexchange and application software to achieve data collection accurate and timely, complete andconsistent; transmission channel patency; function module is easy to use, and safe software.Data accuracy of content ensured by the user real name, experts to participate in the review, sourcetagging, the integrity of the data content guaranteed by data synchronization of server and client, dataconsistency checked with text description, photos, geographic location and acquisition time attributes,timely data collection realize by making full use of the mobile wireless, portable, flexible characteristicsof android intelligent equipment. The data transmission reliability considering the effect of interactionon network environment and the bandwidth of communication on the quality of data exchange, datareal-time interactive, delay interactive and secure interactive finished by the data exchangetechnology.Timely response to customer demand by the rapid iteration, short cycle version updates ofthe agile development, combined with project management idea. User experience improved accordingto mobile design, friendly interface design, simple function operation, version of the automaticupgrade.The mobile application’s ability of anti crack enhanced by the security mechanism of androidprogram level and configuration level etc. Reliable system of Agro-Extension data collection based onandroid constituted by all of the aboves.The agricultural workers become the main body of agricultural technology extension work from the passive acceptance to active participation, and the agricultural technology extension organizationmanagement "flat" made by the principle "platform upward, downward continuation service" ofagricultural cloud platform. Reliable system of Agro-Extension data collection based on android can beused by agro-technique extension worker to submit promotion log and price of agriculturalproducts,report agricultural disaster and prescription,exchange experience and q&a to form data supportto better understand and master the condition of agro-technique work, agricultural production, marketand the primary concern and demand point in order to improve agricultural technology extensionmanagement, provide more localized and targeted information service, even then enhance the userviscosity. Resource content construction of agricultural technology promotion cloud platform can beexecuted by agro-technique extension workers and local experts through reliable system ofagro-extension data collection based on android to enhance the function of grassroots agriculturalextension service and promote sustainable development of platform operation.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2;S126
  • 【被引频次】1
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