

A Study on Chinese Aid to African Countries in Cold War Era (1960-1978)

【作者】 蒋华杰

【导师】 陈兼; 沈志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文重点探讨1960年到1978年间,参与全球冷战的中华人民共和国如何通过规划和实施涵盖军事、工交基础设施、农业、教育和医疗五个领域的一系列援助项目,力图在制度和观念层面上以自身民族国家解放和社会经济重建经验影响非殖民化进程中的非洲国家。文章主体共分六个部分。第一章分析冷战背景下中国对非洲国家的援助政策的演变脉络。第二章探讨中国对非洲国家的军事援助,以中国军事专家培训赞比亚国防军为案例,分析中国军事专家如何在非洲利用毛泽东军事思想将非洲国家的“资本主义军队”改造成“人民军队”。第三章叙述的重心是中国如何在对非洲国家的工业、交通成套项目的援建中实践和传授自身工业化过程中形成的“大庆”经验,并以此让非洲国家工业发展实现“多快好省”和“自力更生”,重点分析的案例是坦赞铁路。第四章关注1960年代到1970年代中国对非洲国家的农业援助,并以1970年代顶替台湾在非农耕队为个案,考察中国通过农业援助力图将大寨农业模式移植到非洲的过程及结果。第五章探讨中国对非洲国家实行的教育援助,重点围绕中国培训非洲留学生和实习生的过程和结果展开论述,并以此检视毛泽东教育模式在非洲学生身上的成败及其原因。第六章的内容集中于上世纪六七十年代中国通过派遣医疗队对非洲国家进行的医疗援助,中国医疗队通过派遣赤脚医生、设点、巡回医疗、宣传毛泽东思想、培训当地医生等方式实践了以社会主义合作医疗为基础的“革命卫生道路”,但最终的结果喜忧参半。中国对非援助的行为与通常所定义的发展援助有很大的区别。作为中华人民共和国参与全球冷战的诸多对外政策行为中的一个组成部分,对非援助行为不仅是中国所执行的国际反帝反修统一战线的政策工具,它还具备了输出自身社会经济发展道路这一冷战行为特征。输出中国的政治、经济乃至军事发展模式、并扩大中国在非洲的政治影响,让非洲国家学习中国的道路,以此巩固中共在国内的执政合法性并与美苏等冷战对手在非洲进行角逐,乃是中国对非援助中的核心利益。中国对非援助因此构成了有关冷战时期大国在第三世界地区的干涉和活动的历史叙述的重要内容。中国关于自身社会政治经济发展的经验并未最终被非洲国家接受和实践,其背后原因是复杂的,既有政治、国际关系因素造成的阻碍,也有社会制度、种族、文化差异带来的挑战。

【Abstract】 My dissertation centers on how People’s Republic of China,as a participator of global Cold war between1960and1978,exported its experiences on national liberation and social economic reconstruction by provding a series of assistances which covering education,argriculture,military,industry and health care. Mainly based on newly declassified documents from Ministries and provincial archives,as well as private collections,oral history materials and partly US archives,This dissertation is consist of six parts.The first chapter puts insight into China’s changing foreign aid policy and the narrative of its cold war background.following the second chapter discusses China’s military assistance to African countries, within this chapter,One case study is offered by a group of Chinese military experts.In early1970,they were sent to Zambia to train The Zambian National Defence Army,During the three-year long training peorid, The Chinese Experts tried to transform Zambian National Defence Army which was regarded as "Captalism Army"into"People’s Army"by providing Chinese Weapons and teaching with Mao ZeDong’s military thought The third chapter focus on how China experted its experience on industrialization named "Da Qing"in process of providing industrial and traffic aids to African countries. By learning "Da Qing"experience, China hoped that African countries could achive"greater, faster, better,more"and"self independence" in their own way leading to industrialization, the Tanzam Railway become a snapshot.The fourth chapter traces China’s agricultural asissitance to Afraican countries in1960s and1970s, with ayalizing PRC’s repalcement of Taiwan agricultural aid mission in1970s, this chapter maps how China exported its"Da Zhai"experience to African countries and the effort of this program.The fifth chapter focus on China’s education aid to African countries, with highlighting African students training project which was conducted by Chinese government,this chapter discusses the failure of test of Mao Zedong’s education model on African students,as well as the reasons behind it.Lastly,China’s medicial assistance during1960s and1970s comes to the center stage of the sixth chapter.By sending barefoot doctor,building medical posts and launching medical tours in rural area of African countries, carrying out propaganda of Mao Zedong Thought and traing local doctors,China was willing to export its "revolutional health care" which based on socialism cooperative medical system,however,it became a mixed blessing finally.There are huge differences between China’s aid activities in Africa and the deveploment assistances which are multiply defined and accepted by western scholars.As a critical part of PRC’s entirely global cold war strategy,China’s aids to African countries not only had become a policy instrument for a international united front construction which aimed to defeat imperialism and revisionism, it also had the characteristic of cold war activities whose purpose was to export the model of social and economic development.In short,The most important interest that China planned to gather by providing aids to African countries are as following:first,to push African countries to follow China’s road in national liberation and social,economic reconstruction.second, expanding China’s political influence,to defeat US and Soviet Union in African area.last,The aids were also for propaganda and mobilization in domestic. Thus,China’s aids to African countries had become a unnegligible part of a whole narrative of the third world interventions by great powers during cold war era.China’s experience on self independence and social economic reconstruction wrer not acceptabled or carried out by African countries eventually,the reasons behind were very complicated,the abstacles created by political factors,innstable international relations between China and African countries, and the divergences origanl from different social systems, racial conceptions and culture,contributed to the failture.

【关键词】 冷战非洲援助革命发展
【Key words】 Cold WarAfricaAidRevolutionDevelopment