

Study on the Word yi(以) in Chinese

【作者】 張萍

【导师】 高小方;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “以”是古汉语中一个极其重要的虚词,其介词、连词用法在古汉语中丰富而复杂,且延续到现代汉语害面语中。本文以虚词“以”为中心,上溯“以”的勤词本羲及其近引申羲,繼而探究其虚化为介词、连词的遇程,再造而探究“以”经遇相关结构词彙化而成为构词词素的遇程,由古及今,最後探封现代汉语中“以”的用法及其是否是词缀的问题。全文由绪输、第一至第四章和结论六部分构成。主髓部分第一章至第四章总体上贯穿“以”的屋时发展线索。绪论部分介绍了本输文的遴题意羲及封象,封关於“以”的研究现状造行述评,指出尚存在的问题和不足,即是我们的研究重点所在;同时,也简要介绍了本论文的研究方法。第一章,输述“以”的本羲及其各项近引申羲,“以”的古文字字形为(?)(吕)(由(?)筒化来),“象人手提一物”,本羲为“提挈、携带”,引申为“致、致送、带来”、“带领、率领”,再由“致”羲抽象为“使”羲,“用”羲也是由“以”的本羲引申而来。本章也探封了“以”的“认焉”羲的来源,当是介词“以”在意谓语境中感染了双音节词“以为”的词羲,这属於我们提出的“反语法化”现象的一种。第二章,论述“以”虚化为介词、连词的问题。“以”由动词在连动式中虚化为介词,其基本功能是伴随格,由此扩展出引介憑事、因事、境事、施事、舆事和受事等多种语羲成分的功能。连词“以”的产生存在“多元语法化”现象,即由勤词直接虚化产生连词“以1”,由介词进一步虚化产生连词“以2”。前者表示并列关保、承接关係;後者通遇介词“以”省略賓语、賓语复杂化、带前賓语三种楼制分别崖生表示目的、因果关保、假设关係和修饰关系的功能(也存在由伴随格介词“以”直接产生并列连词“以”的可能性)。第三章,分颊封论“以”字结构的词彙化问题。分为“代词+以”(“是以”、“何以”、“所以”)、“以+X”(“以往”、“以上”;“以及”、“以期”)、“X+以”(“有以”、“无以”;“可以”、“足以”、“难以”;“加以”)三类,分别具体讨论其祠彙化歷时遇程,并侧重从“以”的角度封其机制加以解释。古汉语中有雨种“是以”,一种是“代词‘是’+连祠‘以’通过“鄰词粘合”而成的“是以1”,一种是“代词‘是’+介词‘以’”通遇“短语词化”而成的“是以2”;“何以”在东汉後成词,并由於类推作用,在佛经中用如“何”;“所以P”结构在判断句“S,所以P”中高频出现,表憑藉羲的“所以P”语羲弱化,舆表原因羲的“所以P”一起发展出结果连词“所以”;“以+X”原结构是“连词‘以’+动词‘X’”,“以往”、“以上”等双音節方位词是在“(介词+)名词+以+x”句式中,由於介词缺位,“x”勤作性弱化,“以”丧失连词功能,发生重新分析而成词;“以及”、“以期”等分别成为并列连词和目的连词,页词性舆所在句法位置有关,而语羲上则與“及”、“期”等词羲有关;“有以”、“无以”源结构为“有/无所以”,後於中古时凝固为一佃副词,表示一种可能性;上古汉语中“可以”、“足以”等静态形式可能包含持续发展的勤态遇程,即“可”、“足”等由寅词燮成助勤祠的遇程和“以”由介词虚化焉连词的通程:“难以”源结构中“以”是表修饰关系的连祠,而不是介词,更不是词缀;“加以”源结构为“加之以”,其中“以”是介词,成词楼制在於“加”的勤祠羲弱化,“以”因其後成分谓词化而丧失介词功能,束汉时期在韻律作用下凝固成词。第四章,考察了现代汉语中“以”存在的雨种形式,一是作为虚祠使用,延续了古汉藉中介词“以”和连词“以”最显著的功能;二是在双音節词中作为一个构词词素,但它不是词缀。“以”與一些单音箭词粘附性比较明显,这部分“以”呈现出“附缀化”趣向,但作焉一个文言词的“以”不大可能完成由虚词燮成词缀的转化。结论部分归纳了本文的主要结输二十条,大致均属本文的创新成果。

【Abstract】 Being a vitally important function word in ancient Chinese, yi(以)is quite complex with its usages as a preposition and conjunction, which partially come down to the written language of modern Chinese. Centered on the function word yi(以), this dissertation traces to its origin as a verb, discussing its original and derived meanings, and then probes to its grammaticalization process from a verb to a preposition and conjunction, on the base of which, we study the lexicalization of yi-related structures. With this diachronic study, we finally come to the usages of yi(以) in modern Chinese and the problem whether it can be called as an affix.The dissertation constitutes of six parts:the introduction, Chapter1to Chapter4, and the conclusion.The introduction part presents the significance of our study and its objects, makes a review of current researches about yi(以), points out the problems left in previous studies, and briefly introduces the methods applied in this dissertation.In Chapter1, we discuss the original and derived meanings of yi(以).The ancient character pattern of yi(以) was "(?)(?)", which was simplified from "(?)", like a person carrying something in his hand. So the original meaning of yi(以) should be "to carry", and it comes to the meanings of "to send, to bring about" and "to lead". Form the meaning of "to send", it develops to express "to make sb. do sth." The meaning "to use" is also developed from the original meaning. As is known, yi(以) also has a usage of expressing one’s opinion on a certain thing. We especially study the way how it came into being and draw out that it might have infected the meaning of the disyllable word yiwei(以爲), which we call a kind of "anti-grammaticalization" phenomena.In Chapter2, we focus on the grammaticalization of yi(以), that is the transformation process of yi(以) from a verb to a preposition and conjunction. The verb yi(以) became a preposition in the multi-verbal form. The fundamental function of the preposition yi(以) is comitative, from which other functions were produced, introducing various semantic components, such as instrument, material, manner, resort, criterion, cause, location, time, condition, agent, patient and oblique. The conjunction yi(以) was generated by poly-grammaticalization. The verb yi(以) came into the conjunction yi1(以1), while the preposition yi(以) came into the conjunction yi2(以2).The former one indicates coordinative and successive relations, and the later indicates purpose, causal, suppositional and modifying relations, which were produced by different mechanisms—by leaving out the object of yi(以), by making the object complicated to be a sentence, or by locating the object in front of yi(以).In Chapter3, we study the lexicalization of structures related to yi(以), which we divide into three types and try to describe the process of their lexicalization and the mechanism playing roles during the process. The first type is "Pron+yi(以)", including shiyi(是以), heyi(何以), suoyi(所以). In ancient Chinese, there were two kinds of shiyi(是以). One is shiyii(是以) composed of "Pron shi(是)+Conj yi(以)", the other is shiyi2(是以2) composed of "Pron shi(是)+Prep yi(以)". heyi(何以) came to be a disyllable word after the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was used as the word he(何) in Buddhist sutras by analogy. With high frequency of structure "suoyi(所以) P" in judgment sentences, when its semantic meaning of "resort" became weak, it developed to be the conjunction suoyi(所以) with the semantic meaning of "cause". The second type is "yi(以)+X" whose original structure date back to "Conj yi(以)+Verb X". The disyllable nouns of locality like yiwang(以往), yishang(以上) firstly showed in the structure "(Prep+) Noun+yi(以)+X", and because of the absence of the preposition, the weakening in the semantic meaning of verb X, yi(以) losing its function of a conjunction, the structure consequently became a word by reanalysis. The lexicalization of yiji(以及), yiqi(以期) and so on is resulted from its syntactic status and the semantic meaning of the verb. The third type is "X+yi(以)". The original structures of youyi(有以) and wuyi(無以)were you-suoyi(有所以) and wu-suoyi(無所以), and later became a adverb meaning a kind of possibility. In ancient Chinese, the static form of keyi(可以), zuyi(足以) and so on might include a dynamic process of continuous development, where ke(可) and zu(足) became a auxiliary verb from a verb or an adjective, and yi(以) became a conjunction from a preposition. In the original structure of nanyi(難以), yi(以) was a conjunction indicating modifying relation, but not a preposition or an affix. jiayi(加以) came from the structure jiazhiyi(加之以) with yi(以) as a preposition and was formed into a word in the Eastern Han Dynasty under the mechanism of two-syllable change.In Chapter4, we study the two main forms of yi(以) existing in modern Chinese. One is used as a function word which goes on with the most remarkable functions of the preposition and conjunction yi(以) in ancient Chinese. The other is as a morpheme being part of a disyllable word. Though there is a certain kind of tendency that yi(以) is turning into a clitic as it seems tightly adhered to other monosyllable words, yi(以) is unlikely to become an affix since it is used as a learned word in the writing language of modern Chinese and correspondingly has some stability.The conclusion part summarizes the conclusions we have drawn from this study and makes a list of the innovations of this dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】H141
  • 【下载频次】568