

Research on Laoism in Pre-Oin

【作者】 陈成吒

【导师】 方勇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 先秦老学主要包含老子其人其书及其思想的原始面貌,以及先秦哲人对相关问题不断研习所形成的学术发展进程等两个层面的内容。老子为春秋时宋国彭城人,幼时学道于商容,历任甘国礼官、周柱下史、周征藏史等职,最终告老归沛讲学。老子传道甚广,为子学时代正式开启的标志性人物;《老子》原始面貌为五千余言本,分篇为二,上“德”下“道”,其分章、文字则皆需重新勘定。《老子》为老子亲述、关尹子整理而成。此从文献记载、老子与《老子》思想的重合现象,以及《老子》成书方式、年代等特征可证;老子思想是指老子个人对其所关注问题的思考。老子继承了春秋时期盖天说知识,以及“太一”宇宙观,发展出了独特的“道”理念。在面对社会现实时,强调“用道”——以“天道”指导“人道”,从而建构出了系统的修身齐家治国平天下体系,其最终目的是令世人法“道”行“德”,天下平和。春秋时期,老学即获得了极大发展。孔子为现在所知老子弟子中最早入室者,其坚守了老子早期的礼乐思想;关尹子除整理老子后半生的思想外,也传有《老子》“太一生水”注本,其发展了老子“太一”、保身、藏身等思想;文子,即文种,与阳子居、伯矩等皆是明王论老学的代表;壶丘子、亢仓子、南荣趎等则分别从“道”的独立、不显、完满等理念中,发展出“游”、“藏”老学。老莱子则接受了柔舌之理,并发展为隐士治国论,为无政府主义老学先声。除老子亲传弟子开创老学发展先河外,其他春秋诸子以及老子再传弟子等也为老学的发展奠定了基础。邓析子开创“刑名”老学;伍子胥、孙子添翼“兵道”老学;范蠡为老子再传弟子,推进了老学在治国、兵道思想方面的发展;孔子弟子也为老子再传弟子,颜回、子贡、公孙尼子、子夏、曾子等对老学皆有不同的发明。战国前期,天下进入无霸时代,心性老学仍为主导,刑名老学则继续蓄势待发。子思老学仍遵从心性论与明王论;墨子则吸收老学基本观念,形成其“天”、“鬼”思想体系;列子为老子再传弟子,发展了“游”、“梦”老学;魏文侯庭下贤能汇聚,田子方、段干木等续守养生老学,李克、吴起则推进刑名、兵道老学发展;周太史儋则为黄帝学派老学先驱;此后,子思弟子郭店楚墓主人高尊老子,改造其书,试图建立全面儒家化的老学。战国中后期,梁惠王、齐威王称王,王霸理念荡然无存,诸侯彻底走上争并天下之路。一方面心性老学仍继续发展,如告子、杨朱老学即是典型代表。另一方面,刑名老学开始大放异彩,如惠施、申不害、尸子、商鞅等对老学的研习即是其例。在新的时代条件下,黄帝学派也应运而生,其核心内容多源于对各种老学思想的吸收转化:宋鈃、尹文子继续发展心性老学,慎到使黄帝学派帝道老学系统化,《黄帝四经》则为黄帝学派老学的集大成之作,对后世刑名老学发展产生了深远影响。与此同时,庄子在黄帝学派直接影响下,走出了一条独特的老学路径,也极大地改变了老学的基本特质。在黄帝、庄子等学派老学的直接影响下,屈原接受了相关老学的修仙、治国理念,荀子则明确分野儒道,对老学进行了全面批判,并吸收转化相关思想,且具有刑名倾向;韩非子老学则是上述刑名老学洗礼下的产物,它将先秦刑名老学推向了新的高度。《吕氏春秋》对老学的研习转化,颇具杂家特点,体现了战国晚期统和派老学的最终登场。

【Abstract】 The pre Qin Laoism mainly includes two aspects about the original appearance of Laozi、 his books and his thoughts, and its academic development process formed by pre Qin philosophers’continuously studies.Laozi was a person of Peng Cheng in the state of Song in the spring and autumn period. He once learned from Shang Rong when he was young. He had successively held the posts of Etiquette officials of Gan, the official of Zhou, the national books manager of Zhou, and finally gave lectures in Pei. He preached widely and open the Zhuzi age as the iconic character. The original appearance of the Laozi book had been more than5000words, which were divided into two parts. In fact, all of these chapters and text needed to be revised. The Laozi book was dictated by Laozi and finished by Guan Yin. It was the concentrated reflection of his life thoughts. Laozi inherited the early Chinese knowledge of astronomy calendar and developed the concept of DAO. In the face of social reality, he emphasized on "heaven" guidance "humanitarian", thus to construct the system of the self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country and even the world. Its aim was to make people imitate DAO to do something, for the world peace.During the spring and autumn period, the Laoism had been great developed. Confucius, who was one of his earliest disciples, stuck to his early ideology. Guan Yin also developed his "Tai Yi" theory in addition to finished his life thought. Wenzi、 Yang Ziju and Bo Ju are all the representatives of moral prince theory; Hu Qiu、 Kang Cang and Nan Rongzhu developed "wandering"、"hide" theory from his system of DAO. Lao Lai accepted his soft tongue principle, and was the herald of Anarchism school of Laoism.Except Laozi’s disciples develop his theory, some others also preached his theory and lay the foundation for its development. Deng Xi created the logic and law school of Laozi theory. Wu Zixu> Sunzi developed the military school of Laoism; Fan Li and Confucius’ disciples were all of his disciples’disciples, they also developed his theory in different directions.In the early stage of the warring states, the world had entered the age of no overlord, the mind school of Laoism was still in the dominant position, logic and law school of Laoism was gaining momentum. Zisi’s study of Laozi complied with the theory of mind and the monarch. Mozi also absorbed Laozi studies’basic idea and formed the ideological system of " heaven " and "ghost". Liezi was the disciple of laozi’s disciple and developed the theory of "wandering" and "dream". When Marquess Wen of Wei was in power, many people get together with him in Wei. Tian Zifang and Duan ganmu continued to keep the health school of Laoism. Li ke and Wu qi promote the development of the logic and law school of Laoism. Zhou Dynasty historian named Dan was the Pioneer of Huang Di school of Laoism. Since then, Zisi’s disciple, who was the master of chu tomb in Guo Dian, tried to establish one Laoism of Confucianism.In the late Warring States period, the monarch of Wei and Qi got the title of Wang, princes completely on the road of fight for the world. On the one hand the mind school of Laoism continued to develop, such as Gao zi and Yang Zhu were the representatives. On the other hand, the logic and law school of Laoism began to shine, such as Hui Shi, Shen Bu hai, Shizi, Shang Yang were the examples. Under the condition of the new time, the Huang Di School also emerged as the time required, it also absorbed into a lot of Laoism’s ideas. Song Jian, Yin Wen continued to develop the mind school of Laoism; Shen Dao made the huang di school of Laoism systematize. The "Four Book of Huang Di" was the masterpiece of the Huang Di school and it had exerted a far-reaching influence on the later development of law school on Laoism. At the same time, Chuang-tzu walked out of a unique path under the influence of the Huang Di school of Laoism and had greatly changed its basic characteristics. Huang Di School and Chuang-tzu Schools directly affect Qu Yuan, he accepted the related theory of being immortal and governing. Xunzi who distinguished between Confucianism and Taoism, conducted a comprehensive critique about it. Han Fei pushed the pre-Qin Laoism to a new height. Lv Shi Chun Qiu book which turned to study the Laoism, embodied the miscellaneous school of Laoism finally appear on the stage.
