

Space,Power and the Transmutation of Culture:the Cultural Studies of Shanghai People’s Square

【作者】 钟靖

【导师】 雷启立;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文学与传媒, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在我们生活的社会中媒介无处不在,它对人的重要性毋庸置疑。也因如此,将媒介作为环境研究逐渐成为传播学重要的研究范式。同时,近年对于“空间”的研究在学界受到越来越广泛的重视。空间实则为媒介。从媒介环境的视角研究空间,不但能发掘空间作为信息载体的特点,并且更能专注于探讨空间与社会的关系。由此,本文以“空间”和“权力”为逻辑起点,以上海人民广场作为空间媒介文本,将其作为研究城市文化传播的典型代表,针对它展开文化研究,重点在于研究广场空间的生产,空间中各种社会关系的建构,进而探究广场空间的文化政治、文化实践与差异变化,以此解读人民广场的文化嬗变。并期待从一个侧面关照上海这座城市不同时期空间的生产和再生产的特点,折射出上海政治变革、经济发展,城市民众生活与文化水平变化,进而从一个特定的角度把握不同时代上海城市空间的文化特征。并且期盼通过对上海人民广场的解析,揭示全国同类型城市中心广场的变迁特点、规律及广场文化嬗变的深刻原因。研究发现人民广场空间媒介的风格经历了由人为主导到物为支配的转变。新中国成立后兴建的人民广场,作为群体而出现的人构成了广场的主体;九十年代以来的人民广场,标志性建筑组成的符号取代了散落于广场的个体建构出了广场的主要媒介景观。人民广场空间媒介生产或编码存在政治性和意识形态性。其前身跑马厅长久持续性地传递着殖民者的权力话语,并且不断以此固化人们对跑马厅功能的认知。建国后的人民广场被打造成为巩固和强化政党合法性权力的政治空间,被重塑成为符合社会主义意识形态的政治符号。九十年代改建后的人民广场,由上海博物馆、上海大剧院、人民大厦以及城市规划展示馆等风格不一的标志性建筑拼贴共同组建的人民广场整体空间,被作为集中传播与展示上海改革开放、经济发展和城市建设新形象的窗口。广场空间传播呈现支配性(及主导性)、协商性和对抗性三种不同解码方式,以支配性和协商性为主要解码特点。支配性和协商性的解码行动总体上都可以归为符合权力编码的空间活动,占广场空间消费、传播与实践的绝大部分。而挑战性的解码行为则是对空间控制权的逾越与背反。人民广场的空间再现是处于支配地位的空间,但由于存在着不同的空间解码实践,由此会产生多维度的再现空间。其中由支配性解码空间实践活动建构而成的再现空间属于正式、主流的空间,符合权力的构想与定位。反之,挑战或对抗式的空间解码形成的再现空间则是边缘化的空间,并且仅有狭小有限的空间余地。人民广场的空间实践活动呈现由多元趋向于单一再回归多元的特点。权力控制力强化时,各种社会关系趋于组织化,被规范、整合,空间中的各种社会活动就趋于单一。权力控制减弱时,各种社会关系更加多维,空间消费、传播和实践的活力才会被真正释放,呈多元化特点。权力具体作用于人民广场空间(涵盖跑马厅时期),管理风格不断变化,体现出规范化——行政化——规范化的转变特点。在广场的整体空间-权力运作中,体现出从政治化到去政治化的风格转变,但去政治化并不意味着权力作用的减弱,权力是以一种更加隐而不显的方式进行着潜藏化运作,实则是去政治化的政治。

【Abstract】 In our daily life,media is everywhere.it’s no doubt media is important to people.Also for this reason, the research of making media as ecology gradually becomes important researchful paradigm of communication.At the same time,in recent years,"space"got more and more widely attention in Academia.Space is for media.From the perspective of media ecology,we can not only explore the characteristics of the space as the information carrier, and are more likely to focus on to discuss the relationship between space and society.Thus,In this dissertation,"space" and "power" as the logical starting point,Shanghai People’s Square space as a medium of text,which I try to carry out cultural studies aiming at,and treat it as a typical representative to study the communication of urban culture.The dissertation focuses on the production of square space, space to construct all kinds of social relations, and thus explore the cultural politics,cultural practices and differences in the square space,to interpret cultural transmutation of the people’s square.I look forward to care for the city of Shanghai’s characteristics of the production and reproduction of the space in different periods,and can reflect the changes of Shanghai’s political change, economic development,urban public life and cultural level,and then from a particular perspective to grasp different era Shanghai Urban Space cultural identity. And I hope through the Shanghai People’s Square analysis,to reveal the characteristics of the changes of the same type city’s central square,the rules and the profound reason of the cultural transmutation of the square.The study found the style of the People’s Square space has experienced the transition by human leading to construct domination. After the founding of New China,the people as a group is the subject of the People’s Square; since the nineties,the landmark buildings replacing the scattered individuals become the subject of the People’s Square.The production or coding of people’s square space media possess political nature and ideology.Its predecessor Racecourse long continually conveys the colonists’ power discourse, and constantly to cure people’s perception of Happy Valley Chamber functions. After the founding of New China, the People’s Square was built a political space to consolidate and strengthen the legitimacy of the political party’s power, remodeled a political symbol in line with socialist ideology.In the nineties,after alteration of the People’s Square,the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theatre,People’s Building,Urban Planning Exhibition Hall and other different styles’ landmark buildings collage together and form the People’s Square integral space.the People’s Square space becomes a media centralized disseminating and displaying Shanghai’s reform opening up,economic development and urban construction of a new image.Square space communication presents dominant, negotiated and oppositional three different decoding methods,dominant and negotiated decoding are the main decoding characteristics. In general,dominant and negotiated decoding action can be classified as in accordance with power coding space activities,square space consumption,the vast majority of communication and practice.Decoding operation and consultation between the dominant overall space activities can be classified as consistent with the power-coded, both of which occupy the vast majority of square space consumption,communication and practice.The oppositional decoding behavior is beyond the control of space and back reversed.Space representation of the People’s Square is the dominant space,but because of the existence of different spatial decoding practice,which will produce multi-dimensional reproduction of space.Which decoded by the dominant practice space constructed by the reproduction space belongs to a formal,mainstream space,in line with the idea and location of power.On the contrary,the reproduction space formed by oppositional decoding is marginalized,and only a narrow room with limited space. Spatial practices in the People’s Square presents multivariate tending to be single and returning diversification again. Strengthening the power of control,all kinds of social relationships tend to be more organized,be regulated,integrated,tend to be more homogeneous space in various social activities.When power control weakened,more multidimensional social relations,space consumption,communication and vitality will be freed practice,with diversified characteristics.People’s Square space(covered Racecourse period) management style constantly changing,reflects the standardization-administration-standardized transition characteristics.The overall space-power operation of square,reflects the transition from political to de-political,but that does not mean to. weaken the political power of the role,power is implicit rather than explicit in a more significant way potential operation,but in reality is depoliticized politics.

【关键词】 空间权力人民广场媒介空间生产
【Key words】 [space][power][people’s square][media][the production of space]
  • 【分类号】G127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1487