

The Empirical Study of Science Processing Ability Developing Process

【作者】 沈健美

【导师】 王祖浩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着时代的进步与社会的发展,科学教育不再以培养精英科学人才为主旨,科学教育的终极目标是提高全体公民的科学素养,而“科学过程能力”是科学素养的核心构成要素,也是科学素养获得与养成的重要能力,更是科学教育的重要内容。尽管,我国评价制度改革正逐渐从“知识主旨”走向“能力立意”,然而,由于相应的科学能力评价框架以及评价工具的滞后,与“科学过程能力”相匹配的活动表现性评价依旧未能落实,传统的能力评价方式难以提升评价的有效性,也难以发挥评价对学生能力发展的促进作用。基于以上现实,本研究审视了国内外课程一致性研究的现状与趋势,将“学习进程”概念引入“科学过程能力”的研究议题之中,在评价、教学和课程之间建立一致性基础,构建三者互动、互促的反馈系统,试图突破目前国内一致性研究的缺陷,设计学生“科学过程能力”发展进程的框架与实践地图,并付诸教学实践与评价实践,通过亲历其中的实证、互动、反馈机制,寻求一致性研究与学生“科学过程能力”发展的双向突破。基于以上思路,本研究的核心内容和拟解决的首要问题包括:“科学过程能力”的内涵是什么?“科学过程能力”由哪些要素构成?“科学过程能力”的发展进程是怎么样的?如何开展基于“科学过程能力”发展进程的教学干预?如何基于“科学过程能力”发展进程开发表现性任务试题并进行能力测评?“科学过程能力”发展进程的特征如何?围绕着这些问题,本论文进行了以下研究。第1章:研究概述。首先阐述本研究产生的背景,既是对研究大环境的交代,也说明了开展本研究的目的和意义所在。其次,探讨本研究的理论基础,分析了能力、知识、方法、素养等基本概念的内涵,并描述了它们之间相互作用的关系机制。在此基础上对“科学学科能力”、“科学探究能力”等相关概念进行辨析,梳理了“科学学科能力”的分类方法与研究取向,进而确定了本研究中的“科学过程能力”的本质内涵,即“学生在构建科学知识、探究科学问题的过程中形成并运用的具有科学学科特征的综合能力,其构成内核是科学思维,其显性表征是外部活动,属于特殊能力的范畴”。第三,确定了本研究视角及研究问题,即关注“科学过程能力”的表现性评价,体现活动性;关注“科学过程能力”的动态变化,体现发展性;贯穿“科学过程能力”发展进程的确立过程,体现实证性。第四,在此基础上,拟定本研究的技术路线,确定研究的基本方法,为研究提供方法论基础和手段支撑。第2章:“科学过程能力”框架结构研究。通过文献综述,确定了本研究的“科学过程能力”框架的构建方法:能力基本要素分析法,并以科学活动、科学内容为载体构建能力框架。进而,采用基本要素分析法研究国内外科学课程标准中的核心能力要素,并对三大国际科学评价项目的能力框架及其发展趋势进行研究。在文献研究的基础上,进一步采用深度访谈的调查方式对一线优秀科学教师和科学教育研究者进行调查访谈,最终确定了“科学过程能力”的四大核心要素,即“提出科学问题的能力”、“探究过程设计的能力”、“运用材料和工具的能力”、“基于证据解释的能力”,并对四大核心能力的内涵进行了界定。第3章:“科学过程能力”发展进程的构建。阐述并分析了“学习进程”的内容、要素与结构,深入分析了“学习进程”付诸于实践的两种微观路径:横向研究和纵向研究,并根据本研究的视角选择了“学习进程”的纵向研究作为研究路径。进而,根据学生能力发展水平、规律以及本研究的视角构建了“科学过程能力”发展进程和各个能力水平的行为表现,为本研究进一步开展实证研究的提供指导框架。第4章:实验研究的设计。第4章开始进入实证研究部分,实证研究是本研究的核心部分,它既是实验研究的过程,也是开展“科学过程能力”表现性评价的实践探索,它将本研究的前期理论构建、教学研究、测试任务开发等串联起来并融汇贯通。本章根据研究目的提出了实验研究的假设:基于“科学过程能力”发展进程的教学干预(简称SPADP教学模式)能够促进学生“科学过程能力”的发展,进而确定了实验研究中的自变量、因变量和无关变量。根据研究需要和实际情况选择了TMS中学六年级的四个班级作为研究被试,并进行了实验组和对照组的分配与安排。第5章:“科学过程能力”测评工具的开发与完善。根据“科学过程能力”征,并对能力发展特征的可能原因作出分析。第9章:学生“科学过程能力”发展进程的个案研究。从个案研究的视角,选择具有代表性的学生案例进行以质性研究为主的深度剖析。个案的前测结果分析发现,通过书本以及教师讲授获得的知识,不一定能转化为学生的能力;学生Y缺乏实践操作的锻炼;学生Y没有有意识地将思维与行为建立同步联系。后测结果发现学生Y在只需要较浅层次思维的能力上提升较快,在需要较高思维水平的能力上提升较为缓慢。最后是论文的研究总结,对研究结论、研究启示以及研究展望进行了阐明。虽然,本研究取得了一些有价值的研究结论和启示,但后续的研究还任重而道远,如“科学过程能力”发展进程的再优化研究、长期追踪研究以及相应表现性评价的试题库建设等。

【Abstract】 As the times progresses and the society develops, the fundamental purpose of science education is no longer in cultivating talents for scientific research, but in improving scientific literacy of all citizens."Science Processing Ability" is the core element of the scientific literacy, it is an important ability to develop and get scientific literacy, and also it is the important content of education science. Although, the reform of evaluation system in China is gradually changing from "Knowledge oriented" to "ability oriented", due to the lagging of the establishment of science ability evaluation framework and evaluation instruments, the performance assessment which match with the "Science Processing Ability" still fails to implement to the real place. It is difficult for the traditional evaluation methods to promote the validity of evaluation and students’ability development. Based on the situation above, this study examined the current situation and trends of consistency studies in domestic and overseas, and introduced the concept of "Learning Process" to this "Science Processing Ability" study to construct the consistency among the evaluation, teaching and curriculum, to build the interaction and feedback system of these three issues, to improve the shortcoming of the current consistency research, to design the framework and practice map of students’"Science Processing Ability "process of development, and put it into teaching and evaluation practice. Through the empirical experience, interaction, feedback mechanism, we seek the win-win situation of consistency research and the development of students’"Science Processing Ability" Based on the ideas above, the core contents of this study and the primary problems to solve are as follows. What’s the meanning of the "Science Processing Ability"? What’s the component of the "Science Processing Ability"? What’s the developmental process of "Science Processing Ability"? How to develop teaching intervention based on the "Science Processing Ability"? How to develop performance test and evaluation based on "science progressing ability" developmental process? What’re the characteristics of "Science Processing Ability" developmental process? Concentrating on these problems, we carryed out the following study.Chapter1is the summary of the study. Firstly, described the background of this study, and also pointed out the purpose and significance of this study. Secondly, we discussed the theoretical basis of this study. And analysed the meaning of the basic conceptions of this study, such as, ability, knowledge, method and literacy, and described the interaction relationship among them. Based on this, we analysed the relevant conceptions, such as "science inquiry ability","science discipline ability", and clarified the classification method and research orientation of "science discipline ability", and then defined the essential connotation of "Science Processing Ability" in this study as follows,"the comprehensive ability with scientific discipline characteristic that cultivates in the process of constructing scientific knowledge, exploring scientific problems, its inner core is the science thinking, its dominant representation is science activities, it belongs to the category of the special abilities. Thirdly, we ensured the research perspectives and the focus problems in this study. That is focus on the performance assessment of the "Science Processing Ability" to reflect the characteristic of active, focus on the dynamic changes of the "Science Processing Ability" to reflect the characteristic of Developmental, through the establishment of the "Science Processing Ability" developmental processs to reflect the feature of empirical. Fourthly, based on these above, we proposed the technical route and basic method of this study.Chapter2is the construction of the framework of "Science Processing Ability". By the literature review, we determined the construction method of "Science Processing Ability" framework, that is Primary Trait Analysis (PTA) method, and used scientific activities and scientific contents as the supporter to construct the framework. Then, using the PTA method to study the elements of core competence in science curriculum standards of domestic and overseas, and studied the framework of three projects of major international science ability evaluation and its developmental trend. On the basis of literature research, we put forward depth-interviews of excellent science teachers and education researchers about the framework of "Science Processing Ability", eventually, we get four core elements of the "Science Processing Ability", that is "ability to put forward scientific problems","ability to design the process of exploration","ability to use materials and tools","ability to explain based on evidence", and then defined the connotation of these four core competence.Chapter3is the construction of the "Science Processing Ability" developmental process. We described and analyzed the content, elements and construction of the "Learning Process", and then deeply analyzed the ways "Learning Process" put into practice, there are cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies two ways. And according to the perspective of this study, we chose the longitudinal study as the research path. According to the level of students’ability and the perspective of this study, we builded the "Science Processing Ability" developmental process and defined the performance behavior of every ability level. This is the guidance framework of the following empirical studies.Chapter4is the design of the experimental study. From chapter4, it begins to enter the empirical part of this study, and the empirical part is the core part of this study, it is not only the process of experimental study, but also the practice exploration to carry out the "Science Processing Ability" performance assessment, it joins the preliminary theory construction, teaching and development of testing tasks together. According to the purpose of this research, we put forward the assumption of the experimental research, that is teaching intervention based "Science Processing Ability" developmental process (can be called for short as SPADP) can promote the development of the students’"Science Processing Ability", then we confirmed the independent variable, dependent variable and irrelevant variable of this experiment. According to the requirements of the research and the reality, we chose four classes of sixth grade in TMS middle school as the research subjects, and arranged the experimental groups and the control groups.Chapter5is about development and improvement of the evaluation instruments of "Science Processing Ability". According to the framework of "Science Processing Ability" developmental process, Wilson’s theory of "Four Building Blooks" and RASCH model, we developed students’"Science Processing Ability" assessment tasks, and conducted two trial tests, then used RASCH model to test the quality of this instruments, the results showed that the overall quality of the test instruments met the requirements of the RASCH model, after amendment of marks scale of some specific items, the test instruments can be appropriate for testing students’"Science Processing Ability". Afterwards, we gave some descriptions and explainations about the pretest instruments, items and its scoring criteria to illuminate the design intent of the test instruments.Chapter6is about the initial level of students’"Science Processing Ability" According to the results of the pretest, we analysed the initial level of every sub-layer "Science Processing Ability", compared the level of internal components of "Science Processing Ability", analyzed students’ability level of different classes, and had a qualitative analysis about the ability performance of some specific students from the micro perspective.Chapter7is about the teaching intervention based on the students’"Science Processing Ability" developmental process. We explored the issue about how performance assessment and "Science Processing Ability" developmental process promote science teaching. We put forwards the teaching intervention model based on students’"Science Processing Ability" developmental process (can be called for short as SPADP teaching model). We described the characteristic, structure, teaching intervention tools, selection of teaching contents of the SPADP teaching model, and described the process of teaching intervention by the way of case study. Chapter8is about the developmental level of the students’"Science Processing Ability". The results of the pretest and the posttest of "Science Processing Ability" demonstrated that students from four classes all had a promotion in "Science Processing Ability", and the results of the pretest and the posttest had a significant difference. The experimental groups had a bigger rise in SPA than the control groups. The posttest results of experimental groups and control groups had significant difference. In the control group, the improvement of ablity of advanced class students is is much smaller than regular class students. The boys had a better performance than girls in the whole and part of "Science Processing Ability". However, there was no significant difference between them. SPADP teaching intervention can effectively improve the "Science Processing Ability" of boys and girls equally. Besides describing the performance of overall and sub-layer of "Science Processing Ability", we analyzed the developmental characteristics of "SPA" from the micro perspective at the same time, and put forwards some possible reasons.Chapter9is the case study about students’"Science Processing Ability" developmental process. From the perspective of case study, we selected the typical case of the whole, and mainly used qualitative research methold to study. The pretest results of the case study found out that the knowledge that books carrying or teached by teachers are not always translated to students’ability. Student Y lacks of exploration practice in science. Student Y has not established conection between thinking and behavior consciously. Posttest results found out that student Y had a greater improvement in the abilities that only need low-level of thinking than that need high-level of thinking.Finally, we proposed the conclusion of this study, it clarified the conclusion, the enlightenment and the prospect of the research. Although, this study has made some valuable conclusion, but there is still a long way to go in the subsequent research, such as the refinement of "Science Processing Ability" framework and its long-term longitudinal studies, as well as construction of item bank of performance assessment etc.
