

Research on Influence Factors in CSL Novice Teacher Professional Development

【作者】 刘弘

【导师】 徐子亮;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 第二语言教师研究是应用语言学的一个重要研究领域,对外汉语教师研究也是对外汉语教学研究的重要门类之一。随着汉语国际推广工作逐渐深入,针对对外汉语教师所进行的研究已成为对外汉语学科研究热点之一。但以往的研究多着重于探讨对外汉语教师应具备怎样的知识结构和能力结构,对于如何培养对外汉语教师的能力、其受到哪些因素影响和制约等问题论述较少。本文将就对外汉语初任教师实践能力发展的影响因素进行研究。对外汉语教师实践能力是指对外汉语教师运用所学知识技能,完成各种教学任务和工作的能力。它是对外汉语教师素质中的核心组成部分,对对外汉语教学质量有着决定性的影响。初任教师是指独立从事教学工作的教龄在三年之内的教师。作为对外汉语教师中一个数量庞大的群体,他们的实践能力发展状况对于目前正在全球开展的汉语国际教育非常关键。研究影响对外汉语教师实践能力发展的相关因素对于我们今后有效开展教师教育和培训工作具有重要意义。目前对外汉语教学界已有部分学者开始关注影响对外汉语初任教师实践能力发展的相关问题,但缺少系统研究。本研究以实证研究的方式,通过深入的访谈和调查,对影响对外汉语初任教师实践能力发展的各种内外因素进行了深入、细致的考察和研究。在综合梳理相关理论和文献的基础上,提出从内部因素和外部因素两个角度来分别考察对外汉语初任教师影响因素的研究思路。为此,本研究分别选择了发展需求、教学内容知识、外语使用观念和关键事件作为研究的切入点,深入分析了各种因素对于初任教师实践能力的影响过程和特点,尤其探讨了跨文化的教学环境对于教师实践能力发展的影响作用。本研究的主要结论有:(1)对外汉语初任教师的实践能力发展是一个渐进和突变交替的曲折过程,而对外汉语教师所处的特殊社会文化环境对他们实践能力发展的影响尤其显著。(2)不同的影响因素对于对外汉语初任教师实践能力发展的作用并不相同。在面对这些内外影响因素时,教师主体并不是盲目和被动的。各种影响因素都是建构性地作用于教师实践能力发展过程中。在这一建构过程中,教师自身对于教学实践活动的反思是推动其实践能力发展的重要媒介。(3)影响对外汉语初任教师实践能力各种因素并非孤立存在,他们之间存在着互相影响和作用的复杂关系。这使得对外汉语初任教师的实践能力发展呈现出动态性的特点。

【Abstract】 Second Language teacher research is an important research fielld of applied linguistics. Study of Chinese language teachers is one of the major categories in Chinese language teaching. With the gradual deepening of the international promotion of Chinese language, study conducted for Chinese language teachers, has become one of the hot topics in the subject of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Few previous studies focused on exploring how to cultivate the ability of Chinese language teachers, what factors influence and restrict their ability. However, previous studies focused on exploring what kind of knowledge structure and ability structure Chinese language teachers should have. This paper will study the factors affecting the beginning Chinese language teachers of practical capacity development.The practice ability of Chinese language teachers is the ability to apply the knowledge and skills to complete a variety of teaching tasks and work. It is the core component of Chinese language teachers’ quality, which has a decisive impact to Chinese language teaching quality. Novice teachers mean those who engaged in teaching the independent work within three years. As novice Chinese language teachers are a huge number of groups, whose development practical ability play a critical role in Chinese language international education in the worldwide. Related factors affecting the development of Chinese language teachers’ practical ability is important for us to effectively carry out the future of teacher education and training. At present Chinese language teaching profession has some scholars began to focus on relevant issues affecting the practice of Chinese language novice teacher capacity development, but the lack of systematic research.Various internal and external factors in the way of empirical research study, through in-depth interviews and surveys affecting Chinese language novice teacher practice capacity development conducted in-depth and detailed study and research. Comprehensive comb foundation theory and literature on the proposed internal and external factors from two angles were investigated research ideas Chinese language novice teachers influencing factors. Therefore, this study were chosen development needs, pedagogical content knowledge, attitudes and language use as a research starting point of critical events, in-depth analysis of the various factors for beginning teachers the ability to influence the process and practice characteristics, in particular to explore the cross-cultural teaching environment influence the development of teachers’ ability to practice.The main conclusions of this study are:(1) Chinese language novice teachers practice capacity development is a gradual process and mutation turns alternately, while affecting Chinese language teachers of special social and cultural environment in which to develop their practical ability is particularly significant.(2) Different factors are not the same for Chinese language novice teachers to practice the role of capacity development. In the face of these internal and external factors, the teacher is not blind and passive subjects. Various factors are constitutive act on teacher practice capacity development process. In the construction process, the self-reflection for teachers teaching practice is an important medium for promoting the development of their practical ability.(3) Impact of Chinese language novice teachers practical ability of various factors not exist in isolation, there is a complex relationship between the impact and role of each of them. This makes the practice of Chinese language beginning teacher capacity development presents dynamic characteristics.
