

The Chronicle of Jia Li with Textual Criticism

【作者】 阮东升

【导师】 朱杰人;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《程敏政交道研究》封程敏政交遊进行尊题研究。全文除绪论、附录部分外,共五章。绪论部分回颇程敏政研究历史,归为道学思想、文献整理、文学创作、生平考證四方面。第一章考述程敏政之籍贯、家世、生平,述其一生之主要信息。第二章考述敏政交遊之师畏辈,针有吕原、彭时、刘珝等二十餘人。第三章考述程敏政交进之友朋辈,计有杨守隙、李东赐等一百三十馀人。第四章考述敏政交遊之弟子晚辈,计有颇清等二十馀人。第五章考述敏政交道之释道、内侍辈,计有释道深、蒋琮等十馀人。附录《著作概述》封程敏政三十餘部著作造行相关介绍。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on Cheng Minzheng and his social circles. The thesis is composed of seven parts. In the part of introduction, the dissertation gives a brief retrospection of Cheng’s philosophy, literature review, literary features and his lifetime. Analysis is also made of Cheng’s social circles. In the first chapter, it dwells on Cheng’s birth place, family, life and other important information about him. In the second chapter, identification of Cheng’s social circle of senior generation is verified, such as Lv yuan, Peng Shi, Liu xu and other twenty odd people. In the third chapter, the social circle of Cheng Minzheng’s friendship is identified, such as Yang Shouchen, Li Dongyang and so on, adding up to over one hundred people. In the fourth chapter, the thesis confirms the social circle of Cheng’s younger generation, including Gu Qing and other twenty people. In the fifth chapter, the paper identifies Cheng’s social circle of philosopher and eunuch, such as Shi Daoshen, Jiang Cong and other ten people. In the part of appendix, over thirty works of Cheng Minzheng’s are introduced in the book of A Brief Introduction of Works.

【关键词】 程敏政交遊
【Key words】 Cheng Minzhengsocial circle
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【下载频次】203