

The Research on Health Thought in the Chu Area of the Pre-Chin Days

【作者】 熊常初

【导师】 邱明义;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 目的中国是最讲养生之道的国家。养生,在先秦时已被我国人们广为重视,其热爱程度尤以楚地为盛。可是长期以来,学术界较少在中华古代文化背景下去研究先秦养生思想,全面审视先秦楚地养生思想者更少。本文正是致力于这方面的一次初步尝试,对先秦楚地养生思想进行系统、深入的探讨,从而使我们对先秦楚地养生思想有一个全面、科学、深刻的认识。在养生问题日益受到重视的当代,本课题研究对实现中国古代养生思想的现代转型,使之能为人类生命健康提供更好的指导和借鉴。方法本课题研究方法有三:其一,文献分析方法。查阅先秦养生文献及后人关于先秦养生名人的研究资料。通过比较、分类,汇总先秦楚地的养生文献资料;其二,文献综合方法。该方法首先分析、归纳文献资料,然后得出先秦楚地的养生大家,养生文献,并进一步归纳出先秦楚地养生学发展的特点规律;其三,比较法。本论文分别两两比较了先秦楚地养生思想对《黄帝内经》养生思想的影响和先秦楚地养生思想对仲景养生思想的影响,并推古及今,提炼出先秦楚地养生思想的现代价值,建议科学对待先秦楚地养生思想,取其精华,去其糟粕。结果本课题通过对先秦楚地养生文献的研究发现:1.养生学的相关问题,强调了养生学研究的必要性,指出中医养生学是中华优秀文化遗产,是人类文明的宝贵财富,是中医学宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠。其中,重点阐述了中医养生学的应用价值,在疾病预防领域方面具有降低医疗费用、扩大服务范围、丰富服务手段和指导全民健身的作用。2.系统总结了中医养生思想形成的历史渊薮。分六个阶段回顾了中国传统养生学的发展简史,并在每个阶段分别介绍了各时代涌现出来的代表性的养生大家和代表性著作以及养生观点,建构出中医养生理论体系逐步完善形成的雏形,以帮助现代人能够熟悉我国古代养生理论和方法的发展轨迹。3.从源头上宏观把握先秦楚地养生思想形成的有关历史文化背景及其史实,然后根据战国时期,楚地学术思想空前活跃,形成“百家争鸣”的生动局面,分条缕析出先秦楚地养生思想繁荣的主要成因。4.对楚地的养生名人及有关的养生理论进行归纳分析。在先秦楚地就多有擅于养生的长寿之人,他们是我国古代养生理论的奠基者,如彭祖、老子、关尹、庚桑楚、庄子、孔子,孟子,荀子,墨子以及楚地隐士等。5.提炼总结了先秦楚地养生思想的特点,主要是以“致虚守静”为基础,以“道法自然”为原则,以“博采众长”为手段。6.初步分析了先秦楚地养生思想对《黄帝内经》养生思想的影响,说明先秦楚地养生思想是我国中医养生理论的基石。7.初步分析了先秦楚地养生思想对仲景养生思想的影响。体现了仲景养生学“上工治未病”、“防重于治,预防为主”的思想,强调防患于未然的重要性。8.从现实意义出发分析先秦楚地养生思想对现代养生学的启发。理论与思想的最终归结点应为现实服务,是我们发掘先秦楚地养生思想的根本出发点。先秦楚地的天人合一、清心寡欲和以静养神,以动养形的整体保健观以及顺应自然等养生思想都值得现代养生学借鉴,其思想分别对建立健康日常生活方式、预防心理亚健康、促进现代终身体育普及和保护生态环境都有启示。结论1.先秦楚地养生思想是以楚国历史文化为母体的,必然受到楚国历史文化这一特殊发展经历和重要特征制约和影响,故从总体上看,先秦楚地养生思想呈现出道家养生思想为主,儒、墨等诸家养生思想为辅的一主多元多层次结构特征。以“致虚守静”为基础,以“道法自然”为原则,以“博采众长”为手段,融儒、道、杂等诸家养生思想精华于一身,有力地推动了养生学的发展,为中医养生学的最终形成奠定了深厚的理论基础。2.先秦楚地“静以养神”、“动以养形”以及饮食养生等理论体系和学说,不仅奠定了中国传统养生思想的基本构架和发展脉络,而且成为中国传统养生思想得以滋养、传承、发展、创新的源头活水。3.先秦楚地养生思想不仅能够增进个人身心健康,还能有助于人们建立正确的人与人、人与社会、人与自然的和谐关系。

【Abstract】 Object:China is good at keeping good health. Health, in the early QinDynasty in China has been widely attention, especially in the Chuarea. But for a long time, the academic circles seldom haveconducted a comprehensive review on the health thought of the Chuarea of the pre-Chin days in ancient Chinese culturebackground.They also ignore the influence on health thoughtdevelopment and penetration from China ancient culture. This paperis a Preliminarily try in this field. This topic is about a system,in-depth study of the health thoughts of Pre-Qin chu. So we havea comprehensive, scientific, deep understanding of it.Healthproblems are becoming more and more attention in the contemporary.The research on the modern transformation of ancient China healthidea, can provide better guidance and reference for the human lifeand health. Methods:This thesis has three research methods: Firstly, theliterature analysis method. Refer to the pre Qin literature andthe celebrity research data from later generations. I havecompared,classified,collected information on the health of pre QinChu literature. Secondly, the literature synthesis method.By themethod we first have analysised, summed up literatures, then drawedthe characteristics of health celebrities and health thoughts fromthe Chu area of the pre-Chin days. Thirdly, comparison.In this studywe have compared the influence of pre Qin Chu health thought on"Huangdi Neijing" health preservation. We also have compared theinfluence of pre Qin Chu health thought on Zhang Zhongjing thought.From ancient times to the present we have made, refined the modernvalue of pre Qin Chu health ideas.The paper suggests that thescientific treatment of pre Qin Chu health thought.We should takeits essence and go to its dregs.Result:The first part, first introduced the related problems ofregimen, emphasizing the necessity of health research, pointing outthat the traditional Chinese medicine is the Chinese excellentculture heritage, is the valuable wealth of human civilization, anda bright pearl in the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine.Among them, focusing on the application of traditional Chinesemedicine, can reduce medical costs, expand the scope of services,rich service means and guide the role of fitness in diseaseprevention area.The second part, summarized the formation of TCMthought historical origin. It was reviewed the development historyof Chinese traditional health-preserving in six stages, and eachstage in the introduced the era have emerged from the representative of the health people and representative works and health point ofview, constructing of TCM healthy living theory system graduallyformed the embryonic form, improving the theoretical system oftraditional Chinese medicine.The theories and methods can helppeople to be familiar with ancient Chinese regimen.The thirdpart,about grasped of the Chu thought the formation ofhistoricaland cultural backgrounds and historical facts from the source, thenaccording to the Warring States period, the Chu academic thinkingis active unprecedentedly, the formation of "vivid situation ofcontention of a hundred schools of thought", the analysis of thethoughts of pre-Qin Chu propagation causing the glory.The fourthpart, analyzed Chu health celebrities and related health theory.According to historical records, in the Qin and Chu there will havegood health and longevity. They are the founders of health theoryin ancient China, such as Peng Zu, Lao Zi, Guan Yin,Geng Chuang-tzu,Confucius, Meng Zi, Xunzi, Mo-tse and hermit in the Chu area ofthe pre-Chin days.The fifth part, summed up the processcharacteristics of thoughts of Pre-Qin Chu, mainly in the form of" Empty yourself Keeping stillness" as the foundation,"followingnature"as the principle and " learning widely from others’strongpoints"as the Methods.The sixth part, preliminarily analyzed theinfluence of health thought in the Chu area of the pre-Chin dayson"Huangdi Neijing" health preservation. It shows that healththought in the Chu area of the pre-Chin days is the foundation ofChina’s traditional Chinese medicine theory.The seventh part,analyzed the effects of health thoughts of the pre-Qin Chu on thethought of Zhang Zhongjing’s. Emboding the Zhongjing Health Scienceof "preventive treatment of disease" and "prevention before cure, prevention first", emphasizes the importance of nip in the bud.Theeighth part, embarked from the realistic significance of Pre-QinChu thought inspiring the modern science of health preservation.Theory and thought of the end nodes should serve the reality andthen we explore the idea of health of Chu’s fundamental point.Pre-Qin Chu of the harmony between man and nature, in a static repose,with overall health raised the concept and adaptation to naturalhealth thought worthy of modern health science for reference, hasthe enlightenment on the thought of a healthy lifestyle, theprevention of Mental Subhealth, the promotion of modern lifelongsports popularization and the protection of the ecologicalenvironment.Conclusion:Firstly,the paper has summed up the process characteristics ofthoughts of Pre-Qin Chu, mainly in the form of"Empty yourselfKeeping stillness"as the foundation,"following nature"as theprinciple and " learning widely from others’strong points"as theMethods. It combines the Confucian, Taoist, miscellaneous and othervarious health thought essence in a body. It is a strong impetusto the development of science of health preservation. It laid asolid theoretical basis for the final formation of traditionalChinese medicine.Secondly, thoughts of Pre-Qin Chu established the basicframework and development for Chinese traditional healthpreserving thought. It has also become the springhead of Chinesetraditional health preserving thought,which can be nourished,inherited, developed, innovated. Thirdly, thoughts of Pre-Qin Chu can promote physical andmental health of the individual.It can also help people establishthe correct, harmonious relationship between man and man, man andsociety, man and nature.
