

A Study on Chinese Creation of Modern Mongolian Writers

【作者】 杨晓敏

【导师】 孟昭毅;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文探讨的是现代文学时期几位蒙古族作家的汉语写作情况。这几位作家是一个特殊群体,他们在母语文学与汉语文学的中间地带尴尬的生存着。他们的作品既有中国现代文学的共性,又有其独特性。在多元文化充分交融的现代社会,关注第二母语写作的群体有着特殊的时代意义。文章首先对现代文学的分期以及作品的现代性进行了探讨。综合考察现代性的内涵、社会政治文化背景、文学自身的发展规律、蒙古族现代文学的特征等因素,得出“晚清发生论”的结论。蒙汉文化之间交流的空前繁荣,造就了一批蒙汉兼通的文人知识分子,蒙古族文人的汉语写作、汉语典籍的译介、蒙汉文学文化交流也在古代的基础上加快了发展的步伐,一直处于边缘状态下的少数民族文学随着中国文学的现代化紧随其后。对于蒙古族母语文学和汉语文学来说,其现代性特征的出现,也是必然趋势。从晚清到新中国成立期间,这几位作家用他们的文字书写了对社会的认知和审视,抒发了对文学的执着和感悟,他们用作品唤醒了沉睡中的蒙古族人民,振奋起了蒙古民族萎靡的精神,以其启蒙性和现代性推进了蒙古族汉语文学的现代化历程。其次,文章对作家进行了研究。从作家的民族认同心理、个人经历、教育背景、现实身份以及对西方文化的接受等方面对几位作家逐个进行了梳理和分析。虽然受条件所限,他们对西方世界的认知和接受是模糊和片面的,但是,他们作为少数民族的知识分子,能够敞开胸襟,坦然面对异域文化对本土文化的冲击,已经是非常大的突破了。浓郁的民族认同情结、丰富的人生阅历、多元文化的兼收并蓄促成了他们进行文学写作的可能性。他们穿行于传统与现代、蒙古族文化与多元文化的交叉地带,以其开放的视野、现代化的思想理念、包容的宽阔胸襟彰显了现代公共知识分子的先进性。再次,文章对几位作家的作品进行了细致而深入的分析。这部分是整个文章的重心所在。通过文本细读,从民族性与世界性、人文关怀与民本思想等方面对作家们的代表性作品逐个进行分析研究,将这些不为人知的作品的内在价值和对蒙古族文学的重要意义揭示出来。它们既有民族文学的传统,又有外来文学的因素,汉语文学较母语文学能够更好的做到兼收并蓄,在当今跨文化研究的背景下,更能体现出文学、文化的多元性与复杂性。尤其是作品在反帝爱国、批评时政、同情民生疾苦、学习西方文化等方面的进步思想,以及五四以后新文学形式的采用,都给蒙古族文学注入了新生元素,全方面的推进了蒙古族母语文学和汉语文学的现代化进程。最后,文章引入了霍米·巴巴的后殖民理论,阐释了他们的边界写作特征:多重文化的冲突与糅合、多种语言的杂糅、文化身份的模糊与尴尬。蒙古族汉语作家游走在多元文化、多民族文学的边缘交叉地带,他们的创作理念、写作过程、文本内涵、艺术形式解构了汉民族文学与少数民族文学的二元对立关系,体现了在世界多元文化杂糅的大背景下蒙古族文学的边界性。他们的写作行为模糊了民族的边界,为各民族文化的沟通提供了一个特殊的空间。这个群体的出现显示出越来越大的社会意义,但并不会重蹈殖民时期霸权话语的覆辙,他们只是在认同文化差异的基础上,促进不同文化之间的对话和协商,以期达到相互理解和尊重的目的。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is concerned with several modern Mongolian writers who, as a special group, living between Mongolian (mother tongue) literature and Chinese literature, created works in Chinese. Their works wore not only the common characters of Chinese modern literature, but also their specialties. With the literature diversity, the focus on unique works-creating in second mother tongue has some time significance.Firstly, the periods and modernity of modern literature works are discussed. Considering the connotation of modernity, the social and political culture background, the developing principles of literature, the characters of Mongolian modern literature, a conclusion has been made that modern literature was born in late Qing dynasty. As the culture exchange between Mongolian and Chinese was flourishing as never before, a group of bilingual scholars occurred. Works-creating in Chinese from Mongolian scholars increased; translations of Chinese classics increased; the pace of the culture exchange between Mongolian and Chinese, which could be traced back to the ancient times, increased too. With the Chinese modern literature flouring, national minority literatures followed. It is a necessity for the birth of modernity both in Mongolian literature and Chinese literature. From late Qing dynasty to the founding of the People’s Republic of China, these bilingual scholars expressed their perceiving and understanding in their writing, which aroused and excited the Mongolian, whose enlightenment and modernity enhanced the development of Mongolian Chinese literature.Secondly, these scholars are studied and analyzed in the aspects of sense of national identity acceptance, personal experience, education background, identity status and their acceptance of the western culture. Although their perceiving and acceptance of the western culture are vague and one-sided because of condition limitation, their openness to the impacts from the exotic culture is a big break-through. Full-bodied national identity, rich experience, and diversity acceptance contributed to their writing. Going through tradition and modern, Mongolian and multi-culture, they showed the modern scholars’advancement with their openness, modernity, and tolerance.Thirdly, their works are studied and analyzed. This part is the heart of this dissertation. According to nationality, globalism, humanistic care and the thought of the people in works, the unknown internal value and enlightenment are exposed. With both national literature tradition and exotic literature factors, their works-creating in Chinese is more all-embracing than Mongolians, which embodied more multicity and complexity. Especially, the advanced ideas of anti-imperialism, patriotism, criticizing the politics, sympathizing the public and learning western culture, and the new literature form adopted after the Fourth of May Movement are completely new in Mongolian literature, pushing forward both Mongolian and Chinese literature towards modern stage.Finally, post-colonialism of Homi K Bhabha is introduced. Multi-culture impacts, multi-language combination, culture identity vagueness and embarrassing boundary writing are all their common features. The boundary theory gave the minority scholars courage and confidence in boundary writing. Self-centre and subject disappeared among these minorities. They fused minority culture with Chinese and even the world. Culture difference and the third space were presented in the special room where culture exchange took place without the boundary of nationality. The occurrence of this group has more and more social significance. They enhanced the communication and negotiation among different cultures based on culture difference acceptance, against hegemonic discourse in colonial period, in hope of achieving understanding and respecting among them.
