

Journey to the West in the Context of Popular Culture of Thailand

【作者】 张充

【导师】 孟昭毅;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《西游记》是中国古典文学四大名著之一,自问世以来在中国及世界各地广为流传,前后曾被翻译成多种语言。随着《三国演义》在泰国的成功翻译与广泛传播,《西游记》等一批中国古典文学名著也相继传入泰国,但与《三国演义》相比,中国四大名著中的其他三部在泰国的研究则要落后很多。本论文以《西游记》在泰国大众文化中流传最为广泛的五种方式——文本、电影、电视剧、寺庙和佛牌为切入点,对泰国大众文化接受《西游记》的情况加以详细说明,并对每种接受方式都进行了深入分析,从而广泛探讨了随着时代的变迁《西游记》文化与泰国文化的融合及其现实意义,并深入探究了泰国文化对中国古典文化的继承、发展与变异。本论文的绪论介绍了中国、泰国、日本、韩国现有的《西游记》在各国大众文化中的传播及研究现状,并对《西游记》在泰国民众中被接受的情况进行了调查问卷,以此为基础初步分析了泰国大众了解《西游记》的渠道、喜爱《西游记》的人群以及对《西游记》的喜爱程度,其中重点突出了《西游记》最易得到泰国民众接受的两种方式——电影与电视剧。第二章通过分析《西游记》作品在泰国最大的外文书店——纪伊国书屋的销售情况,系统地整理了截至2013年5月纪伊国书屋正在销售的中英文《西游记》作品,并通过统计出版社、图书类别、作品语言以及销售方式等,说明了泰国图书市场的《西游记》作品由中国大陆出版发行的甚少,而占主导地位的均为台湾和美国出版的作品。同时,从语言学的角度详细分析了《西游记》中女儿国与铁扇公主部分的泰译文,对译文中的内容删减、泰式用词等细节加以说明,从而得出了泰译本中阻碍经典接受和利于经典传播的各种因素。第三章集中整理分析了泰国播放过的《西游记》影视作品及其播出情况,其中包括泰国本国拍摄的与《西游记》相关的影视作品,以及中国和港台地区、其它国家拍摄的与《西游记》相关的影视作品。同时,还分析了随着时代变迁,与《西游记》相关的影视作品由传统形式向后现代改编、无厘头等形式急剧演化的状况。第四章介绍了伴随着泰国最大的华人居住群——潮汕人的移民进程,盛行于潮汕地区的扶鸾活动以及对《西游记》中神祗的崇拜也被带到了泰国,并从与《西游记》相关的寺庙以及佛牌入手,对20余座与孙悟空、猪八戒、唐三藏和沙僧相关的寺庙和20多块佛牌进行了分析,以追溯《西游记》作为中国文化的渊源和一种信仰,在泰国得以推广和被接受的过程,以及《西游记》文学内容与包括泰国古典文学在内的当地文化的融合情况。《西游记》经历了唐宋元明时期,经过戏文、说书等多种形式的发展、加工,最终从一部“取经记录”发展成为古典名著,不仅成为中国的经典,更成为了全世界人民宝贵的文学财富,在佛教盛行的泰国,其作为经典的含义更应得充分的体现。因此,中国的学术界完全有必要在一个华人占有相当数量的国度提回归经典经典和尊重传统的口号。本论文希望能为中国经典文学在泰国被接受的过程中做出应有的一点贡献。

【Abstract】 Journey to the West is one of the four great works of Chinese literature classics and has been translated into many different languages and disseminated across the whole China and the world. Followed the popularity of the translated Romance of three Kingdoms in Thailand, another one of the four great works of classical Chinese literature, Journey to the West with other excellent Chinese classical literature works were imported to Thailand and translated. Compared the fruitful studies of Romance of three Kingdoms in Thailand, other three great works Chinese literature classics were less concerned academically. This paper is, therefore, to start with the examination how Journey to the West received through five channels:texts, movies, TV dramas, temples and amulets in the Thai popular culture, and to locate the features of each disseminated way. So, this study is designed to shed light on the background of Journey to the West in Thailand and also to provide the deep discussion on it’s association with Thai culture and society. This thesis also suggests that the adaption process applies to the stories and the concepts derived from Journey to the West in the five easily accessible way heavily influenced on the inheritance, development and variation of China’s traditional culture.In the preliminary of this paper, the research statues of Journey to the West in the popular culture among the countries of China, Thailand, Korea and Japan are summarized. Through the questionnaire investigation, the analysis based on the reception channels, groups of recipients and the popularity of the stories of Journey to the West the Thai people reached is illustrated and concludes the two easiest accessible ways:movies and TV drama.In the chapter2, the survey of sales of Journey to the West in the bookstore of Kinokuniya, the largest foreign languages bookstore in Thailand, demonstrates the mainland of China is not the major publisher country for this classic literature; Taiwan and US are still in the leading position for publishing the relevant works of Journey to the West based on the classifying of available books of Journey to the West (until2013May) by the publisher houses, genres, languages and sales channels. What’s more, the comparison of retroversion stories of The Land of Many the Perfumes and The Iron Fan Princess extracted from of the Thai language Sai-You with the original texts of Journey to the West authored by Wu Chen’en also releases the elements of obstacles to the adaption of the essence of Chinese masterpiece and of the facilitation to the dissemination of the stories of Journey to the West from the linguistics aspects of contents omission and the words selection.In the chapter3, the movies and TV dramas in relation to the Journey to the West played in Thailand and made by China, Hangkong, Taiwan and other countries are organized and evidenced by posters or VCD/DVD covers in a systematic way. Through looking at the contents and the backgrounds of the collected movies and TV dramas associated that current social situation, as consequence, the revised stories of Journey to the West in a post-moderation and unreasonable style instead of the classics-oriented are widespread prevalent in Thailand.The chapter4introduces the beliefs of unique deity " Dai Xia Hu Zhou”(大圣佛祖), the cults and ritual practices of Sino-Thai communities associated to those deities initiated by the Teochew(潮州人)and other main characters of Journey to the West as the deities in Thailand. Focus on more than20temples and amulets related to the stories of Journey to the West visited and collected by the author, the stories of classic literature of Journey to the West have evaluated into the part of religion-like beliefs, disseminate in a distinctive way and exerts the significant role to a great degree than other models on the retains of Chinese culture identity and adaption of Chinese literature in Thailand.Journey to the West evolved from the play scripts and storytelling texts based on Buddhism scripts seeking story in the past long history through the Dang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties into a literature masterpiece for the whole word. The generations’efforts on this great work deserve the meaningful adaption, in particular, the philosophies expressed in this novel, by the Buddhism prevailing country-Thailand. As the root of Chinese literature classics, the academia should have the sense of duty to call the return of Chinese classics and the respect the tradition. This thesis is expected to make tiny contributions to the study on the receipt of Chinese literature classics in Thailand.

【关键词】 《西游记》泰国大众文化潮汕佛牌
【Key words】 Journey to the WestThailandPopular CultureAmulet