

With the Meaning of Class Analysis Perspective Finds Chu Bamboo Slips Ancient Literature Corpus Nature and Related Research

【作者】 羅曼

【导师】 劉志基;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 先秦出土文献材料自面世以来,学界从不同角度对其展开了深入地研究,硕果累累。但对这些材料所承载的语言是否可以代表与其对應时代的实际语言等问题,存有不同的看法。我们认为一种断代文献语言中,真正具僃断代属性的语料,只可能是其言语热点部分,而不能将其非热点或是盲点之语言内容等同於相关时段真实的语言状况。基於此种研究背景,本文以楚简古书文献作为研究对象,对文献内容的建构基础——文字在文献语境所表逹的实际意义(简称“语境字义”)进行窮盡分析认定,并将文献用字“语境义”整理结果置於一个基於学界相关研究而建构的先秦出土文献语义分类系统中。然後,以这个体系为考察标尺,通遇比较楚简古书文献与其他不同时期、不同载体或是同时期、同载体文献之间在义类分布上的异同之处,客观地揭示每一种文献内容中语言的聚焦点、盲点所在,进而从话语热点、盲点、盲点边缘三个层面为楚简古书文献的语料性质作出科学且客观的认定,明确其在整个先秦出土文献中的历史文献地位以及语言研究价值。本文共分为五个部分,共六章。第一部分是“绪论”。介绍了本论文的選题缘由以及研究材料,论述了本文的研究思路与方法,并对楚简文献在语言文字层面的研究现状作了简单的说明,明确了本论文的研研究意义价值所在。此外,还对研究材料作了细致地整理与修订,有效保证了研究材料的相对正确性。第二部分是第一章。在系统描述文字的语境字义的基础上,整理出了楚简古书文献的语境字义频率字典。对楚简古书文献中的全部用字逐一作意义描述,然後按照《说文》540部首的排列顺序,对所有文字所包含的每一种意义的出现频率、意义归属尖别情况皆作了处理,形成了一个楚简古书文献的语境字义频率字典,这也是後续其他研究工作展开的基础。第三部分是第二章,適用於先秦出土文献语言单位的语义分频体系构建。在回顾既有分类体系的基础上,总结概括了构建汉语语义分类体系的五个要点,分别是:分类体系需全面、完備;分类需要科学、合理;分类体系的稳定性和灵活性;分频原则的明确界定;义类名称的選取与界定,从而在这基础之上构建了一个比较適用於先秦出土文献的语义分类体系。该体系为三级义类体系,它包含有11个一级义类、46个二级义类、74个三级义颊,为进一步研究奠定了基础平台。另外,还对本文的归类对象及兼类问题作了重点分析,进一步明确了分类的原则。第四部分是第三、四章,从宏观层面对楚简古书文献的语料性质及内部差异情况作了深入地探讨。一方面从纵向、横向两个角度分别将楚简古书文献与其他先秦不同时期、不同载体文献以及同时期、同载体文献的义类分布情况进行了比较、分析,在这基础上揭示了各种文献的话语热点、盲点、盲点边缘区、用字义类单位数等方面分布的异同性,进而对楚简古书文献的语料性质作了判定,并且确定了楚简古书文献中具有研究价值的语言点。另一方面则基於以往研究中封楚简古书文献各篇章之间语言层面异同性关注的相对缺乏,文章立足於分类视角,考察了各篇章在义类分布上的异同之处,并且根据话语热点的分布情况,对楚简古书文献各篇章之间的关系重新作了梳理,其中31篇文献是以“虚字”、“人类”两类为话语热点相联;8篇文献是以“虚字”、“性质状态”两类为话语热点相聊;4篇以“虚字”、“抽象行为动作”相联;4篇以“生物行为”、“人类”相联;3篇以“生物体”、“人类”相联,等等。同时,从各篇章在语义分类体系中的分布情况,也造一步锁定了具有语言研究价值的相关内容。第五部分是第五章,从微观角度深入探讨楚简古书文献中具有研究价值的语言点。基於前文的宏观研究结论,本章节落实到微观研究上,从具有语言研究价值的语言点中挑選了“语言心理”类中的几类词群作了深入地分析,主要是从语义特征、语法功用方面雨方面进行的,以此印证下楚简古书文献的语言研究价值。本论文的创新点主要集中反映在三个方面:一是第一次较为系统地对楚简古书文献作了逐字的意义描述,且按照意义的不同对所有文字分类标注,为上古汉语断代史乃至整个汉语史的构建提供了有价值的材料;二是历时、共时角度的分类比较,明确揭示了楚简古书文献在整个先秦出土文献中的文献地位,且从数据分析的角度对楚简古书文献的语料性质作了科学的历史定位,对进一步锁定文献材料中具借语言研究价值的相关内容有著重要意义;三是从文献内部差异研究的角度入手,细致考察了楚简古书文献各篇章在义类分布上的异同,通遇话语热点分布的异同系聮相关篇章,弥補了以往楚简文献内部差异研究在语言层面的相对缺乏。

【Abstract】 Since the Qin material from excavations unearthed literature, academia expanded research from a different perspective, and more achievements. However, these materials can be carried by representatives of the corresponding language is the actual language of the times and other issues, there are different views. We believe that a break-generation language literature, with its real property dating corpus, may be the only hot part of speech(话语热点),rather than its non-language content can blind hot(话语盲点)or equal to the corresponding period of the real language situation. Based on this background, this paper Chu Jane ancient literature(楚简古书文献)as research subjects, from literature to construct the basis of content-start with the actual meaning of the text in the context of literature expressed (referred to as "contextual meaning"(话境字义)carried out an exhaustive analysis finds, and literature with the word "contextual meaning" Finishing the results placed Qin academic research documents unearthed a construct based on semantic classification systems. Then, the ruler of this system was investigated by comparing Jane Chu and other ancient literature in different periods, different carriers, or in the same period, at the similarities and differences in the distribution of justice between the same carrier class literature. Objectively reveal the contents of each document in the language of the focal point (话语热点),blind spot (盲点),then from the words hot, blind, blind to the edge of three levels of scientific and objective nature clearly identified as Jane corpus of ancient literature, which clearly unearthed throughout Qin status of historical documents as well as the value of language study in the literature.This paper is divided into five parts, a total of six chapters.The first part is the "Introduction."This paper introduces the topic and research material reasons, research ideas and methods discussed in this paper, and the status of research in the literature Jane Chu language level briefly described, a clear sense of the value of research and study of this thesis lies. In addition, the study of materials and meticulous finishing with amendments made, effectively ensuring the relative accuracy of research materials.The second part is the first chapter. In the system described in the context of the text on the basis of the meaning of words, sorting out the ancient literature of Jane Chu contextual meaning frequency dictionary.In this paper, Jane Chu ancient literature to make sense of all the words one by one description, then follow the arrangement,"Shuo wen(《说文》)," the order of540radical, and the frequency of occurrence of all the words, meaning, made a deal with the classification of all, the formation of a Jane Chu context of ancient literature frequency dictionary meaning, which is the follow-up work to start on the basis of other research.The third part is the second chapter, apply to documents unearthed language units Qin semantic classification System.In reviewing the existing classification system, based on the summary outlines the construction of Chinese semantic classification system of five elements, namely: Classification system needs a comprehensive, complete; classification requires a scientific and rational; stability and flexibility of the classification system; clearly defined classification principles; selection and definition of justice class name, build on this foundation so that a more suitable Qin unearthed documents semantic classification system. The justice system is a three class system, which includes11one-defined classes,46two-defined classes,74three-defined classes, laid the foundation for further research platform. In addition, this paper and to classify objects and class issues were the focus of analysis to further clarify the principle of classification.The fourth part is the third and fourth chapters, from the macro level of the ancient literature of Jane Chu corpus internal differences in the nature and circumstances have been explored in depth.On the one hand from the vertical and horizontal angles, respectively, both ancient literature and other Jane Chu Qin different periods, different carriers literature and the same period, with the distribution of carrier class justice literature were compared, analyzed, On this basis, the literature reveals the discourse of hot, blind, blind marginal zone, with the literal terms of the number of other units of the class distribution of the similarities and differences between, and then made a judgment on ancient literature corpus Jane Chu nature, and to determine the ancient Chu Jane literature research value of language points.On the other hand, based on previous studies of the relative lack of attention to the similarities and differences between the language level of each chapter Chu Jane ancient literature, articles based on the classification perspective, examines the similarities and differences of each of the chapters in the class distribution of righteousness, and according to the words hotspot the distribution of ancient literature on the relationship between Jane Chu between the various chapters were re-sort.31documents which are "virtual character","human" categories of discourse hotspots associated;8literature is "virtual character","state of nature" categories of discourse hotspots associated;4with "virtual character","abstract behavior action "associated;4with" biological behavior"," human "associated;3of organism "," human "associated, and so on. Meanwhile, from the semantic classification of each chapter in the distribution system, but also to further lock the relevant content with language research value.The fifth part is the fifth chapter, the language from the microscopic point of depth points with Kan Chu ancient literature research value.Based on the macro conclusions of the foregoing, the implementation of this section to the microscopic studies, the selection of the "psychological language" class group of several types of words from the language point has a value of language study in depth analysis, mainly from the semantic features, syntax two aspects of the function areas, in order to prove the value of language study ancient literature Jane Chu.The main innovation of this paper has focused on three areas:Firs, for the first time systematically Jane Chu literally meaning ancient literature were described, and in accordance with the significance of the different categories of all text annotations to build ancient Chinese dynastic history and the whole Chinese history provides valuable material;Second,the last of the angle when comparing classification, clearly reveals the ancient literature Jane Chu position in the pre-Qin literature unearthed literature, and data analysis from the perspective of ancient literature corpus Jane Chu made the historical position of the nature of science, further clarify the literature on language study materials have value content is of great significance;Third, from the perspective of the internal differences in the literature study start, detailed study of ancient literature Jane Chu similarities and differences in the meaning of each chapter class distribution system linked by similarities and differences related to the distribution of hot words chapters make up the previous literature Jane Chu internal differences in language studies relative lack of level.

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