

The Studies of Chinese Novels Criticism in the Joseon Dynasty

【作者】 权夽映

【导师】 谭帆;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 韩国与中国两国学术文化交流历史很悠久,韩国人自古以来一直喜欢看中国古代小说,这点从文献记录中也能看到。其中本论文进行了关于朝鲜时期对中国古代小说的评论研究。为了超越至今研究成果,本论文集中在搜集资料和分类。搜集资料后种类分为实录、序跋文、杂录、题小说诗、评点等五种,其中评点资料偏少,而且只有19世纪的相关资料。所以本论文以韩国朝鲜时期(15世纪到19世纪)的四种史料--实录,序跋文,杂录,题小说诗等为主进行分析。按照时间和资料种类进行研究,但18世纪和19世纪的杂录资料中在韩国古小说史和小说批评史上有意义的、分量还多些的《钦英》和《广寒楼记》分开研究。《山海经》、《洞冥记》、《十洲记》、《列女传》、《说苑》、《搜神记》、《世说新语》这几部非常有代表性的小说在当时的韩国比较流行是因为首先它们的内容生动形象,能吸引大量读者的兴趣,以《山海经》、《洞冥记》、《十洲记》、《搜神记》为例。其次,以《山海经》、《洞冥记》《十洲记》、《说苑》、《搜神记》、《世说新语》为例,它们通过栩栩如生的描写和一则则故事的表达,采用丰富多样的写作手法,刻画地理、人文、文化,让读者可以充分发挥想象,仿佛置身于未知的世界,尽情的探索感受,。另外,有些小说还具有崇高的教育意义,如《列女传》、《世说新语》,引古证今。最后,在某些特殊时期,如战乱、动荡的年代,演义类的小说又更加符合读者的需求,如《三国演义》、《水浒传》等。总而言之,生动形象的描写,深刻的教育意义,符合读者的需求是中国古代小说在韩国盛行的最根本的原因。15世纪主要对稗说类的攻防与传奇类批评,当时认为传奇即是小说。在15世纪实录中主要提到《列女传》、《太平广记》、《酉阳杂俎》。从史料可知到15世纪没有对小说之类的否定。16世纪对朝鲜传奇类和中国演义类的评论较多。相比之下,现在可以看出来在稗说类占优势之前,传奇类和演义类的盛行。也可以称16世纪是传奇类荣盛并分化的时期,其中《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》等中国长篇小说特别是演义类的小说在当时更加盛行,同时也预示了17世纪小说在文学的环境的的盛况。可是从16世纪开始,文人很激烈地反对接受小说文体。上面的记录上也可以知道对《三国志演义》、《楚汉演义》、《剪灯新话》和《太平广记》的评价都很低。但是16世纪中叶以后,首次记录了关于演义类的小说,从记事中可以看出在16世纪的中期中国演义类小说已经被广泛的受容。17世纪朝鲜遇到两个战争,实录批评很少。当时人还不知道‘虚构’和‘事实’的区别。所以有的会认为演义类小说是历史书或列传之类,还有,从这点开始小说排斥论和肯定论的攻防。18世纪是文体反正和相关小说的波动时期,同时也是中国小说的传入翻译以及韩文小说的发展,以及新型流通方式的发生和发展还有对小说的认识的变化等的有趣的时期。18世纪的实录上还有正祖的“文体反正”与“禁书令-下令禁止传入中国书籍”等记录。19世纪初,关于朝鲜后期小说的说法和前世纪看到的一样的情操是的小说排斥论一直延续着。朝鲜时期15世纪有《太平闲话滑稽传》、《笔苑杂记》、《详节太平广记》等作品的序跋文,这些序跋的主要内容都是从消极的立场支持稗说类,主要探讨《太平广记》。17世纪《芝峰类说》、《于于野谈》《旬五志》、《西浦漫笔》等都有序跋。18世纪的序跋文有请求写抄本等极其爱读小说的情况描写的得很明显的赵泰亿《谚书西周演义》(跋文>和当时流通的小说目录整理好的完山李氏的《中国小说绘模本》(序文>。19世纪小说评论的论旨在《三韩拾遗》的序跋文章可以找到。在《三韩拾遗》中收录了很多篇当时具有代表性的古文家们的序跋,与此同时19世纪也是韩国古小说评论史也是其他变化和发展的时期。朝鲜时期的杂录分量和内容都很丰富。15世纪杂录从内容上来看,《剪灯余话》、《太平通载》也谈到了稗官小说等,稗说考证的资料较多。16世纪各方面的书籍达数十种,其中,还挑选了和小说有关联的书籍,除了《剪灯新话》、《楚汉演义》,还有《太平广记》、《酉阳杂俎》、《列仙传》等记载。17世纪开始杂录多起来,和正史《三国志》相比通过阅读小说《三国志演义》能更多的了解到对历史事实进行的批判,金时习对通俗小说也有了肯定的认识。对小说评价最重要的基准就是和历史事实的符合与否,同时小说大量的流入,翻译,创作并被广泛的阅读,其过程中历史和小说,事实和虚幻,已经到了难以分辨的境地,这就是18世纪当时的状况,通过展示的内容可以让我们对小说有着更好的理解。而且这18世纪有俞晚柱的《钦英》,从此记录可知当时的小说观和小说批评内容,值得研究。19世纪杂录史料上除了攻防小说排斥的问题,还一起探讨体裁的问题,其中有金圣叹文章特别受朝鲜文人的欢迎的记录。整理的题小说诗中出现的小说评论的特征如下:15-16世纪代表性的批评就是金时习的评论,17世纪的题小说诗批评汉文传奇小说,使汉文传奇小说评论得到验证,特别是精彩地评论出各个篇章的重要部分。大部分针对古代小说的韩诗评论记录了比喻性的鉴赏或是抽象地表达大体印象,或是包含了小说的见解。然而李健在题小说诗中集中于主题批评,尤其是属于最核心的组成部分。18世纪李相璜虽然平时阅读小说,但被正祖发现以后展现了《诘稗》和“斥稗诗”等露骨的小说排斥论。19世纪的金云淳的题小说诗批评阐述了“感愤诗”,以对其中人物进行批评而令人瞩目。

【Abstract】 Korea and China have maintained a long history of academic and cultural exchanges, and documents show that Korean people are always keen on reading Chinese ancient fictions since ancient times. This dissertation has made a research on Chinese ancient fictions critics and reviews during Choson Dynasty. In order to make further progresses in respect to current research findings, this dissertation particularly focuses on gathering and categorizing information. Based on the results, all materials are categorized into five genres:Memoir, Preface and Postscript, Miscellany, Novel Poetry, and Commentary, while relatively limited resources can be found regarding Pingdian, and relevant information available today would be the resources of the19th century. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on a time range of Choson Dynasty (15th century to19th century), and the analysis is based on four genres of historical materials-Memoir, Preface and Postscript, Miscellany and the Novel Poetry. This research is conducted in accordance to time and genres. As Miscellany at the period between the18th century and the19th century has an important role in the history of Korean Ancient Fiction and Commentary, this dissertation pays more attention to QinYing and stories in Guang Han Lou Ji respectively.Shan Hai Jing(山海经),Dong Ming Ji(洞冥记)Shi Zhou Ji(十洲记),Lie Nu Zhuan(烈女传),Shuo Yuan(说苑),Sou Shen Ji(说神记),Shi Shuo Xin Yu(世说新语)are typical popular novels in ancient Korea with regard to their lively and vivid delineation, which can be very attractive to a large number of readers, and this is particularly true when talking about Shan Hai Jing(山海经)Dong Ming Ji(洞冥记),Shi Zhou Ji(十洲记)and Sou Shen Ji(说神记)Secondly, take Shan Hai Jing(山海经)Dong Ming Ji(洞冥记),Shi Zhou Ji(十洲记)Lie Nu Zhuan(烈女传)Shuo Yuan(说苑),Sou Shen Ji(说神记),Shi Shuo Xin Yu(世说新语)as examples, the lively and vivid delineation of these stories and the detailed description of humanity, geography, and culture indeed let readers imagine freely and enjoy being thrown into an unknown world while explore their deeper feelings. Apart from that, some novels were embedded with lofty educational meanings. Lastly, under some special circumstances like war times or the era of turbulence, novels of performing arts are in great demand, for example: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义),All Men Are Brothers(水浒传),and so on. All in all, lively and vivid description, profoundly educational meaning and conformation to readers’needs are the main reasons to explain Chinese Ancient Fiction’s popularity in Korea.In the15th century, there was critics of Bai Shuo(稗说)amd Legendries, and people believed that Legendary is exactly a form of novel. Lie Nu Zhuan (列女传),Tai Ping Guang Ji(太平广记),and You Yang Za Zu(酉阳杂俎)were mentioned in the15th century Memoirs. According to historical materials, there had been no disavowal of novels until the15th century. During the period of the16th century, large number of comments on Choson Quasi-tale type and Chinese historical novels emerged. Through comparison, we can see that the popularity of Legendary Novel and Historical Novel appeared before the advancement of Bai Shuo(稗说)In other words,16th century was the time when Legendary Novels becoming prosperous while processed differentiations. The popularity of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义),All Men Are Brothers(水浒传),Story of a Journey to the West(西游记)also predicted the grand development of the cultural environment in the17th century. However, since the16th century, scholars started to severely criticize novel regarding its writing style. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义),The Romance of Chu and Han(楚汉演义)Jian Deng Xin Hua (剪灯新话)and Tai Ping Guang Ji(太平广记)were not welcomed at the time. After the middle of the16th century, Historical Novels were firstly taken into record. It can be concluded that Chinese historical Novels were generally accepted at the time.In the17th century, two wars hit Choson Dynasty and critics of Memoirs were rare. At the time, nobody could find the differences between ’fiction’ and ’fact’. Therefore, some people regarded Historical Novels as history textbooks or collected biographies. The18th century was the changing period of Restoration Policy and the relevant novels, and it was an interesting period of the development of Korean novels. Also there were new ways of communication and new recognition of novels. Memoirs in the18th century recorded Zheng Zu’s edict of ’Restoration Policy’ and ’Forbidden Edict import of Chinese books were forbidden.’In the early19th century, there had always been comments that Choson novels were same as before.In the15th century (Choson period), there were Prefaces and Postscripts such as Tai Ping Xian Hua Hua Ji Zhuan(太平闲话滑稽传),Bi Yuan Za Ji(笔苑杂记)and Xiang Jie Tai Ping Guang Ji (详节太平广记), all of which supported Bai Shuo from a negative perspective with a focus on Tai Ping Guang Ji(太平广记)Prefaces and Postscripts can be found in Zhi Feng Lei Shuo(芝峰类说),Yu Yu Ye Tan (于于野谈), Xun Wu Zhi(旬五志)Xi Pu Man Bi(西浦漫笔)completed in the17th century. Prefaces and Postscripts in18th century tell us things about how people asked for copy books and how they loved reading novels, such as Yan Shu Xi Zhou Yan Yi(谚书西周演义)(Postscript) by Zhao Taiyi, Zhongguo Xiaoshuo Huimo Ben(中国小说绘模本)(Preface) by Wanshan Lishi which listed full categories of the then popular novels. Comments to novels of the19th century can be found in the Preface and Postscript of San Han Shi Yi(三韩拾遗),which collected many Prefaces and Postscripts by typical classical litterateurs, and the19th century was the period of transformation for the history of classical novel critics in Korea.There were plenty of Za Lu with abundant contents in Choson period. Regarding contents of Za Lu in the15th century, Jian Deng Yu Hua(剪灯余话)and Tai Ping Tong Zai(太平通载)mentioned about Baiguan Xiaoshuo, and there are plenty of Baishuo Kaozheng materials. There are dozens of books in various areas in the16th century, among which some are related to novels, such as Jian Deng Xin Hua (剪灯新话),Chu Han Yan Yi(楚汉演义),Tai Ping Guang Ji(太平广记),You Yang Za Zu(酉阳杂俎),Lie Xian Zhuan(列仙传)More works of Za Lu started to emerge in the17th century. Different from reading the official history records of San Guo Zhi(三国志),reading novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国志演义)could help to understand comments and critics on facts of history, and Jin Shixi had a positive view of popular novels. The most important standard for critics on novels lies in whether they are based on facts or not. Meanwhile, large number of imports, translations, and writings resulted in the fact that it would be difficult to differentiate the truth and fiction. That was the situation in the18th century. Through context we may have a better understanding of novels. Furthermore, Yu Wanzhu’s Qin Ying(钦英)in the18century provides people’s views and critics of novels at the time. Za Lu in the19th century discussed not only issue of Gong Fang novels, but also the issue of format and context, among which we may find records which tell us that Choson literati particularly welcomed works by Jin Shengtan.The follows are characteristics of novel critics in Ti Xiaoshuo Shi. Critics by Jin Shixi were among the typical pieces. Ti Xiaoshuo Shi in the17th century criticized Chinese legendries, which proved the critics of legendries, and particularly highlighted the most important parts in each chapter. Most Han Shi Critics to classical novels made records of metaphorical reviews, abstracts, or understandings of the novels. However, Ji Jian made his critics on subjects in Ti Xiaoshuo Shi, especially with a focus on the core parts. Though Li Xianghuang in the18th century read novels, he composed very strong critics on novels such as Jie Bai(诘稗)and Chi Bai Shi after he was caught reading novels by Zheng Zu. Critics of Ti Xiaoshuo Shi by Jin Yunchun in the19th century commented Ganfen Shi, which was regarded as famous for its critics on characters.

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