

Toward a Chinese Language Curriculum Based on the Phenomenological Perspective

【作者】 杨澄宇

【导师】 崔允漷;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究从现象学视角观照语文课程,通过现象学方法,将语文课程“还原”到纯粹而丰富的语文生活,进而展开理论探索,以期有所洞察与启示。只有将语文课程放置在更纯粹、更丰富的生活基石上,语文的生命与意义才能得以彰显。第一章试图厘清语文课程的走向与位相。经过百年的现代化努力,语文课程改革在理论与实践方面结出了许多珍贵的果实,但语文课程的科学化进程也遭遇到诸多问题。就其内在理路和外部影响而论,语文科都已经到了需要更高意义上“科学”转向的时候。在简要探寻发展“路标”与存在问题后,本文将语文课程放置在“生活——科学”视角下,这为接下来的现象学还原明确了方位、奠定了基础。第二章是从现象学还原的视角来“看”语文课程,它是本文的核心章节。还原的第一步,必然是“还源”。本文先回到生活维度的语文:首先是语文学科之外的日常生活语文,再回溯到前科学化时代的语文。但是,这还远不是还原的终点,还原的最重要目的在于秉承现象学理念,面对语文的本真,让语文的本来面目开显。它的本真部分已经被一些现代理念所“遮蔽”,或是被一些传统的语文观念所“挟持”。所以,还原的第二步是还原出纯粹的语文生活。在纯粹的凝思中,语文生命与意义的四个位相“身、道、意、境”自由地彰显出来,它们构成了生活视角下的层蕴叠加模型。语文不仅是存在的家,还是生活与存在本身,人置于其中追求的是一种“比邻而居”的内在境界。第三章关注这种视角下新的语文知识观,这是连接课程哲学与课程实践的桥梁。现象学视角下的语文提供了对应“身、道、意、境”的“具身”、“道德”、“意义”与“境界”知识,它们组成了新的意义上的“科学”知识,为课程实践提供了丰厚的质料。在第四章中,本文将视线转向课程目标,在对中国百年语文课程目标进行简要梳理,和举例介绍欧、美课程目标后,本文给出现象学视角下的课程目标:学生能够享受高品质的语文生活。这一目标是由语文生活的特征所赋予,且应当成为整个语文课程所秉承的宗旨。在第五章中,本文首先对课程内容的掌握方法进行探讨,这主要涉及到意义如何被意向性把握的问题,本文以“兴象”与“道说”提纲挈领地加以说明。接着,对教科书这一重要的课程内容,如何在现象学视角中显现进行阐述。其内容的“具身性”、“道德性”、“意义性”与“境界性”正是现象学还原视角下四个位相的具体展现。语文课程实施,特别是教学实践,在第六章中被论及。面对纯粹而丰富的语文生活,语文教学的基本理念应当是面向生活、投入生活与超越生活,具体的教学策略也应当基于“身、道、意、境”四位相,本文以“亲历”、“喻道”、“理会”与“入境”这四种方法进行概括。最后,本文关注现象学还原视角下的语文评价,它必须与语文课程目标的宗旨所一致。在具体评价方式上,它首先是基于丰富生活的评价,评价应是多元的;其次,它应该是基于纯粹生活的评价,所以本文提倡语文的审美评价,只有在这一维度,才能实现“超越生活”的旨趣,学生才能够真正享受高品质的语文生活。本文的研究是一种洞察而非建构,让语文“成其所是”。在这一视角的观照中,纯粹而丰富的语文生活,从片面科学主义与传统功利主义的“遮蔽”与“挟持”下开显出来。当然,只有在课程实践中能够得到体现与印证,这一视角的确立才不算是“空中楼阁”。走向纯粹而丰富的语文课程,是语文科未来发展值得努力的方向。

【Abstract】 This study theoretically explores Chinese language curriculum from a phenomenological perspective. Through the process of phenomenological reduction, this paper would like to toward a kind of curriculum on the basic Chinese language life, drawing some insights and inspirations. The study puts the curriculum on a purer and richer platform of life, therefore, the life and meaning of the curriculum can be revealed.Chapter one attempts to identify the trends and phases of Chinese language curriculum. Centuries of modernization has brought about many fruitful results to the curriculum reform both theoretically and practically. However, it has encountered many problems along its path of scientific development. In terms of internal logic and external influence, the curriculum needs scientific steering from a greater sense. After discussing its trends and problems, the author puts it under the light of "life—science". Thus provides the following phenomenological reduction with a clear direction and solid foundation.The second chapter examines the curriculum from the perspective of phenomenological reduction and is the core of this whole thesis. The initial step of reduction has to be "reducing straight to the source". Thus, the author first brings the curriculum back to dimension of real life: the everyday use of language other than its role in the classroom, and, one step further, the language before the times of scientization. However, this is far from the end of reduction. The primary purpose of this process is to reveal the very original picture of the curriculum in its truest sense based on phenomenological ideas. Nowadays, the nature of the curriculum has been "obstructed" by some modern ideas or "abducted" by some traditional ones. Therefore, the second step of reduction is to reveal the purity of the Chinese language life. Only in pure contemplation can the life and meaning of the curriculum manifest themselves in "body, ethics, meaning, and realm", the four dimensions that constitute the superimposed model of layered meanings from the perspective of life. Chinese language curriculum is not only an existing home, but also life and existence in their literary sense. The curriculum craves for a kind of internal realm, being "living next-door".In this light, the third chapter focuses on the new view towards Chinese language knowledge. This is the bridge between philosophy and practice. Chinese language in the view of phenomenology, is able to provide the knowledge of "embodiment","ethics and morality","meaning", and "implicit realm" respectively for the four dimensions mentioned above and thus forms a series of "scientific" knowledge in a new sense, offering abundant material to the curriculum practice.The fourth chapter turns to discuss the curriculum objectives. After a brief introduction of our curriculum goals through the ages in China as well as drawing on European and American counterparts,the paper proposes the curriculum objective from the perspective of phenomenology, and claims that students should enjoy a Chinese language life of higher quality. This objective or direction is determined by the characteristics of the Chinese language life and ought to be an aim the curriculum should strive for all the time.In the fifth chapter, the author tries to explore how to master the content of the curriculum, which mainly involves the way to intentionally grasp the meaning. The paper provides a concise explanation for this through "introducing the image" and "commenting on the morality." Then, the author deliberates on how to present the content of textbooks, one of the most important parts of the entire content of the curriculum, from the perspective of phenomenology. The "embodiment","morality","meaningfulness", and "sense of realm" are exactly the concretions of the four phases of Chinese language life from the perspective of phenomenological reduction.The sixth chapter touches upon the curriculum practice, especially in the field of pedagogy. In face of the pure and rich life of language, the most basic idea of Chinese language teaching is "facing towards the life, devoting to the life, and transcending beyond the life." The specific teaching strategies can be concluded as "to experience personally,""to understand the morality,""to comprehend the meaning," and "to enter the realm," based on the four dimensions.The last chapter is concerned with Chinese language evaluation, which should be in line with the curriculum objective. The specific evaluation criteria should first of all be based on the richness of the Chinese language life. Evaluation should not be single-faceted. Then the criteria should be based on the purity of the Chinese language life. In this respect, the author advocates the aesthetic evaluation of Chinese language, the only dimension in which "transcending beyond the life" can be realized and students can truly enjoy a high-quality Chinese language life.The nature of this study is to draw insights and inspirations but not structure, allowing Chinese language "to be what it really is." From this view, the Chinese language life, pure and rich, can be revealed without "obstruction" or "abduction." Of course, this perspective would somewhat be a "castle in the air" unless it is represented and proved in the real practice. Pure and rich curriculum is what deserves our efforts for the development of the Chinese language curriculum in the future.
