

A Comparative Study of the Education Reforms of China and Vietnam

【作者】 阮克雄(Nguyenkhachung)

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在现代社会中,高等教育对社会发展的作用尤其是对经济增长的作用不断增强,日益成为国家发展战略中的一部分,相应的,高等教育的发展也日益受到时代、国家的发展战略与发展理念的影响。中越两国均在20世纪50年代初期,以苏联高等教育为蓝本对高等教育进行了深入的改革,建立了适应计划经济体制的高等教育制度。其后几十年,直至八九十年代进行改革开放之前,两国的高等教育都有着惊人的相似之处,即高等学校均受到政府的集中管理,高等教育的发展具有计划性,高等学校教学体系的组织和计划相似等。这些适应计划经济体制的共同特征也成为了两国高等教育在这个时期发展的绊脚石,因此中越两国高等教育必然要寻求新的突破和发展。80年代之后中越两国先后进行了改革开放,终结了计划经济、走向市场经济。因此,八九十年代之后,中国与越南高等教育所面临的主要课题即是逐步改变计划经济体制时期的高等教育制度,逐步建立与市场经济体制适应的新高等教育制度。本论文以高等教育比较的研究方法为主,再以文献分析法、横向比较研究法、历史研究法以及求同比较与求异比较相结合等研究方法为辅,揭示越南和中国高等教育改革背景、动向、目标以及改革历程、改革动力基础、改革策略的相同点和异同点。在这些研究的基础上,本文继续去探讨越南和中国高等教育在改革和发展的过程中所取得的成就以及所存在的问题。这些成就及问题主要表现在高等教育体系、人才培养模式以及高等教育各方面的。最后,本论文就越南和中国高等教育发展走向进行了详细地分析。通过比较发现中越高等教育在以苏联为模版存在本质的不同。首先,尽管两个国家均是刚刚获得民族解放和独立,但两国在教育发展的自主选择权上确实截然不同的。在国家刚独立后的教育改革和发展过程中,中国是经过权衡和研究,自主的选择苏联作为高等教育乃至社会建设的模版,这一选择结合了中国社会的现状和社会性质,出发点和落脚点都是经过深思熟虑的。而越南由于种种原因,在当时还尚未有机会自主选择教育改革的方式,越南只是在苏联的精心策划下获得了苏联的援助,接受了苏联有目的的调整建议,是被动的。其次,在建国后的国家建设中,中国和苏联由于各种原因没能继续友好睦邻关系,甚至后来中国像苏联学习随着两国政治关系的变冷而中断,继而把眼光投向其他更多的西方先进国家,从而走上了新的探索之路,即学习苏联的时间相对较短,但是越南在革新开放之前基本一直都受到苏联模板的影响,相较中国而言,学习时间更长、学习内容更广泛、学习效果更深刻,因此,苏联对越南的影响较中国而言是全方位的、深远的。第三,正是由于中国较早的开始向西方发达国家学习、发展高等教育事业,因此,中国高等教育有更多的时间、空间和可能性吸取西方高等教育发展的有效经验,运用于改革实践,而越南由于在时间、深度和广度上受到苏联的影响都较中国深刻,因此这成为越南高等教育改革的一块绊脚石,需要越南政府和学校投入更多的决心、时间和精力解决越南高等教育的改革问题。

【Abstract】 In modern society, the role of higher education in social and economic development, especially in economic growth, has become more and more important and it is gradually incorporated into a nation’s developmental strategy. Correspondingly, the development of higher education is also affected by the concepts and decisions in a nation’s development strategy.In the early1950s, China and Vietnam both reformed their higher education systems according to the blueprint of Soviet Union’s system, in order to adapt their systems to the planned economy system. In subsequent decades until the opening up policy of China in1980s and the similar policy of Vietnam in1990s, the two countries’ higher education systems shared a striking resemblance:their colleges and universities are subject to the centralized management of the goverrnment; the development of higher education has been strictly planned; their college teaching systems are similar in terms of their organization and planning. These legacies from the planned economic system have become hurdles for the development of higher education in two countries in the era of market economy. Therefore, it is natural for the two countries to seek new breakthroughs and developments in their higher education systems.After1980s, the two countries have carried out the reform and opening up policy one after another, which drew an end of the planned economy and headed for the market economy. Therefore, the main challenges faced by Chinese and Vietnamese colleges and universities are how to gradually reform their obsolete planned systems, in order to establish a new agile (? dynamic?) system in the era of market economy.We compared the background, course, motives, strategies, confusions (why confusion?) and problems during the higher education reforms in China and Vietnam. Thus, we are able to present a panorama of the higher education reforms in China and Vietnam and draw a conclusion from their gains and losses. We hope to learn from some precious experiences in our conclusion for the future reform. We think that the higher education reform in Vietnam should focus on the following aspects:using more innovative ideas and adapting to the developmental trend; strengthening management and keeping up with the time; expanding the source of investment and utilizing the funding more efficiently; enhance the construction of curriculum and focusing on professional training; improving the quality of faculty and realizing the goal of education; building more tertiary education institutes and boosting the viewpoint of quality education.Through comparison, we discovered that the higher education system in China was fundamentally different from the system in Vietnam, although both of them were based on the Soviet Union’s paradigm. Both China and Vietnam fought a hard battle to win their national liberation and independence, but the degree of their autonomies was different in the development of their higher education system. First, during the development process, China chose the Soviet Union’s paradigm for its higher education system and even social development through careful deliberation and consideration. The choice of China took into account the status and features of Chinese society. However, due to a variety of reasons, Vietnam didn’t have to chance to autonomously choose its way of higher education system development. It just got the assistance from Soviet Union to adapt and adjust its higher education system. The reform was very passive and under the Soviet Union’s careful planning.Secondly, in the process of nation construction, China and Soviet Union didn’t keep their rapprochement for always. The movement of learning from Soviet Union was interrupted in China due to the cold political relationship between two countries. Then China started to learn from the advanced western countries and blazed its new path of exploration. Compared to China, Vietnam learnt from Soviet Union much longer. It was subject to more profound and deeper influence of Soviet Union’s paradigm than China until it carried out its own opening up policy.Third, due to China’s early start of learning from the developed western countries, its higher education system had more time, space and possibilities to absorb the effective experiences of these countries and was able to practice while learning. Nevertheless, Vietnam had a much wider rift to cross due to the profound and deep influence of Soviet Union. In order to reform its higher education system, the Vietnam government and schools have to devote more time and resources to solving the problems from the reform.

【关键词】 中国越南高等教育改革比较研究
【Key words】 ChinaVietnamUniversity educationreformcomparative study
  • 【分类号】G649.1
  • 【下载频次】674