

Modernity Contextual "Youth Discourse"

【作者】 高在媛

【导师】 陈子善;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学(专业学位), 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文考察1900—1920年代中国与韩国被塑造为现代化主体的“青年”以及与其相关的“青年话语”,还对中韩现代小说中再现的“青年”的意象进行比较分析。本文的主干内容分为四个部分。首先,比较分析1900年代中韩形成“青年”阶层的社会制度条件与可视为青年话语起源的中韩现代民族国家话语。1900年代梁启超的“少年中国”和崔南善的“新大韩少年”,都有在亡国危机中把青年称为新国家主体的特点。但由于历史条件的不同,梁启超较为注重作为现代国家主体的“少年”,而崔南善注重的是作为民族主体的“少年”,因为1910年朝鲜沦为了日本的殖民地。第二部分,比较分析被视为1910年代现代性核心要素的“个人”与“科学”观念和青年话语的联系。先以1910年代中国具有代表性的《新青年》杂志与在日朝鲜留学生创办的《学之光》杂志作为分析文本,探究作为青年话语的个人话语与“自我发展”及“自我修养”之间的联系。第三部分,考察对现代主体“青年”形成与传统世界观不同的新世界观起到核心作用的中韩科学话语的形成过程,进而提出关于科学主义世界观的问题意识。最后,中国与韩国都在1920年代开始进入大众社会,作为新文化的环节,现代文学无疑成为了青年阶层主要的沟通思想的方式和审美对象。本章先分析1920年代初期在中韩社会发生的“恋爱热”现象的意义,同时还以郁达夫和廉想涉的小说作为分析对象,探讨现代恋爱小说中再现的“青年”的意义。1920年代初郁达夫与廉想涉小说中再现的“青年”否定了1910年代塑造的“青年”意象,提出了另一种“青年”意象。1920年代初出现的社会主义运动对“激进青年”的形成起了很大的作用。这种“激进青年”接受社会主义思想,对现代社会及本国的现实具有批判意识。随着1920年代初社会主义思想与运动的兴起,在中韩现代文学中,具有社会主义倾向的文学及无产阶级文学逐渐出现,其中有另一种“青年”意象开始把“激进青年”形象化。本章就以茅盾的《幻灭》与李箕永的《贫穷人们》作为分析对象,探究1920年代中、后期所出现的文学中的“激进青年”的意义。

【Abstract】 This study considers the "youth" as main agent of modernization and the "youth discourse" related to the concept in China and Korea, from1900s to1920, and compared and analyzed the image of ’youth’ presented in modern novels of China and Korea.This study consists of four main parts. First, the study compared and analyzed the social institutional conditions which enabled people to form the youth class as well as the modern nation statehood, which was the origin of youth discourse in China and Korea in1900s. In1900s, Liangqichao’s "Young China" and Cuinanshan’s "The New Korean Boy" illustrate youth as the new agent of a nation under the ruination of their countries. However, due to the historical difference between China and Korea, Liangqichao put an importance on "Youth" as the agent of a modern nation, while Cuinanshan did as the agent of nationality. This is because Joseon became colonized by Japan in1910.Secondly, the study compared and analyzed how the concepts of "individual" and "science", which are the core of modernization in1910, were combined with youth discourse in China and Korea. Most of all, the study analyzed the ((New Youth(新青年)》, the Chinese typical magazine in1910s, and 《Hakjigwang(学之光); The Light of Learning》, which was published by the Association of Joseon Students in Japan, to analyze the point where the individual discourse as youth discourse was connected to "self-development" and "self-discipline."Thirdly, the study contemplated the process of formation of Korean-Chinese scientific discourse which played an important role for the "youth", the main agent of modernization, to form a new world different from the tradition. Lastly, China and Korea have entered the mass society since1920s. As a part of the new culture, the modern literature became the communicational media and the object for enjoyment of youth. Therefore, the study considered the meaning of ’syndrome’ which happened in the early1920s and of youth presented in Yu Da-fu and Lianxiangshe’s text. The youth presented in the two novels denied the image of youth formed in1910s, suggesting another kind of image for youth.The socialism movement which had begun in early1920s had great influence on the formation of "radical youth". The "radical youth" means the youth who has accepted the ideology of socialism and has criticism on the modern society and the reality of his own country. With the ideology and movement of socialism rising, socialism tendency literature and proletarian literature have increased in the field of Chinese and Korean modern literature. The socialism and proletarian literature formed an image of "radical youth" as another image of "youth". In conclusion, this study searched for the meaning of "radical youth" in1920with the texts, Maodun’s 《Disillusion》 and Lijiyong’s ((The poor))

【关键词】 青年青年话语现代性中国韩国
【Key words】 youthyouth discoursemodernizationChinaKorea
  • 【分类号】I106-03
  • 【下载频次】131