

Multicultural Elementary Education in Kindergarten

【作者】 曾莉

【导师】 李生兰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 多元文化启蒙教育是一种理念,其基本主张是通过民族文化的教育让幼儿了解民族文化,增强对民族文化的自豪感;通过他国文化的教育让幼儿学会尊重、欣赏与理解他国文化。节日不仅是文化的重要组成部分,还蕴含了丰富的多元文化教育资源。以幼儿园节日教育为窗口进行多元文化启蒙教育研究具有重要的意义。本研究旨在探讨幼儿园节日教育的特点,分析幼儿园节日教育存在的问题和影响因素,尝试构建以多元文化教育理念为引导的幼儿园节日教育体系,以促进教师、家长、幼儿的共同进步。论文梳理了国内外文献关于多元文化教育与幼儿园节日教育的研究成果,并评析了这些成果的特点和不足以及对本研究的启示。论文还对多元文化教育理论、生物生态学理论以及社会建构主义理论进行了简要介绍,并阐明了这些理论对幼儿园节日教育研究的启示。本研究首先采用问卷法、访谈法、观察法、文献法考察了S省三个城市的24所幼儿园的节日教育是否反映了多元文化教育的情况。研究结果不仅反映出幼儿园节日教育在目标、内容、方式、途径、评价等方面未能完全反映多元文化教育理念的问题,还在一定程度反映出了幼儿园内部、家庭、社区以及社会大环境对节日教育的影响因素。针对幼儿园节日教育调查研究结果和问题,探索并尝试了以幼儿园节日教育为平台构建多元文化教育的行动研究框架。通过对教师进行理论学习、文化素养的学习为前提,在节日教育的实践中尝试探索包括节日教育的目标、内容、实施与评价在内的较为系统的幼儿园节日教育体系。结果表明,同未进行行动研究相比,教师、家长、幼儿均在各个方面有了明显的进步和提高。本研究还综合分析了行动研究中幼儿园节日教育的影响因素,探讨了包括教师教育信念、教师的文化素养、教师的节日教学准备、幼儿园管理、家庭、社区、社会等方面对节日教育的影响。最后,本研究提出了关于幼儿园方面、家庭方面、社区方面和社会方面的教育建议,并指明了研究的特点和不足,为后续研究提供了思考的方向。

【Abstract】 Multicultural education is a philosophy of Enlightenment. It asserts that children should be exposed to national culture education in order to enhance their ability of better understanding and appreciating national culture, and learning to respect for other culture, thus their senses of pride on their own national culture are greatly heightened. As an important part of culture, holiday also contains educational resources for multicultural education. It has great significance to do research on multicultural education, by means of holiday education in kindergarten. After investigating the characteristics of holiday education in Kindergarten, and analyzing its problems and influening factors, this study aims to build a system of holiday education in kindergarten, which is guided by multicultural educational philosophy, thus promotes common progress of teachers, parents and children.The dissertation reviews the literature on the theme of multicultural education and holiday education in kindergarten, and analyzes the characteristics and shortcomings of these studies and interprets its enlightenment for the study. The paper also introduces the theory of multicultural education, Bio-ecological theory and the theory of Social constructivist. and expound its enlightenment for this research.The research using questionnaire-survey, interviews, observation, literature investigates whether holiday education of the24kindergartens in three cities of S province reflects the situation of multicultural education. The result not only reflects holiday education of kindergarten on goal, content, methods, approaches, evaluation and other aspects not fully reflecting the concept of multicultural education, and also to some extent reflects the factors affecting holiday education from internal kindergarten, family, community and social environment.The study, based on the result and problems explores and tries to build action research framework by using holiday education of kindergarten as a platform for multicultural education. Through theoretical study, literacy learning for teachers as a precondition, try to explore the Systematic system of holiday education including objectives, content, implementation and evaluation of holiday education. The results showed that compared with not conducting action research, teachers, parents, children have been significant progress and improvement in all aspects. This study also analyzes the influencing factors of holiday education in action research, and explore these aspects, including educational belief of teachers, literacy of teachers, preparations of holiday teaching, management of kindergarten, family, community, and society affects holiday education.Finally, the research puts forward educational proposals for kindergarten, family, community, society, and specifies characteristics and lack of the research and provides direction for future research.
