

Comparative Study on China-US’ School Evaluation Organization, Standard and Practice

【作者】 徐昌和

【导师】 王斌华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 教育是兴国之本,也是关系民族复兴和国家富强的千秋伟业。对中小学学校教育督导评价,是现代教育行政管理不可或缺的重要组成部分,是一种行之有效的行政管理和监督机制。但是我国在教育行政管理中存在重决策与执行,轻监督与评价的倾向,对学校的评价缺少科学性、权威性和系统性。有效的学校评价文化远没有形成。作为一种学校评价方式——美国区域性学校认证委员会对学校的认证是世界上独一无二的教育评价制度,其效果也是非常显著的。本论文以中美两国学校评价比较为主要目标,研究以中美两国学校评价的组织机构、评价标准与实施过程等三个维度为线索,综合运用文献分析法、历史分析法、案例分析法、比较分析法等多种方法,全面探索中美两国学校评价制度的不同特点和成功经验,为我国的学校评价理论和实践提供借鉴与启示。本论文研究内容:(1)中美两国学校评价组织的特点比较,分析其形成和发展的政治、经济、文化传统等影响因素;(2)中美两国学校评价标准比较——案例分析;(3)中美两国学校评价实施过程比较——案例分析;(4)通过中美两国学校评价比较研究,对中美两国学校评价的未来发展趋势作出展望,总结中美两国学校评价相互可资借鉴的经验和启示,并提出建立有中国特色的学校评价制度的若干政策建议。本文拟解决的关键问题:(1)中美两国学校评价组织的异同;(2)中美两国学校评价标准的异同;(3)中美两国学校评价的具体实施过程异同。(4)我国学校评价的未来展望。论文首先用历史分析法,梳理中美学校评价组织特征,分析其形成和发展的政治、经济、文化传统等影响因素。其次用文献分析法,详细梳理关于学校评价的基本理论和思想,综合论述国内外关于学校评价的现状和主要研究成果,从而为本研究奠定理论基础。对中美两国学校评价组织的比较,旨在探讨教育质量组织保障问题。再次用案例分析法,详细分析中国吉林省2008年公布的《吉林省中小学教育评价方案实施意见》与美国WASC (Western Accreditation of Schools and Colleges)公布的学校认证评价标准,并且通过比较法,分析中美两国学校评价指标体系内容和实施过程的不同特征和成功经验。最后通过中美学校评价比较研究,对中美两国学校评价的未来发展趋势作出展望,总结中美两国学校评价可资借鉴的经验和启示,提出建立有中国特色的学校评价制度的若干政策建议。

【Abstract】 Education is the basis for the rejuvenation of a country. It is also of vital importance for the prosperity of the nation. The evaluation of the inspection system in primary and secondary schools is an effective mechanism for administrative supervision and management, which is also an irreplaceable part for modern education. However, at present our nation tends to emphasize more on the formulation and implementation of policies rather than to underline the inspection and evaluation process in the education administrative management. The culture of conducting effective school evaluation in our country is far from being complete. In contrast, the school evaluation implemented by regional Accrediting Commissions for Schools in American is a unique educational evaluating mechanism, which has achieved outstanding result.The dissertation mainly tries to compare the school evaluation systems in China and America from three aspects, i.e. school organization, evaluation standard, practice process. Research methods adopted include documentary analysis, historical analysis, case analysis and comparative analysis, aiming to figure out various features and rewarding experience of the present Chinese and American evaluation systems in a comprehensive way, which might also shed light on the theory and practice of school evaluation in the two countries.The main content of the dissertation can be shown as follows:(1) Comparison of features of school evaluation system in China and America. Political, economic and cultural factors that would influence their formation and development are figured out.(2) Comparison of evaluation standards in Chinese and American schools-case analysis.(3) Comparison of practice process in the two countries-case analysis.(4) Prediction of future development and summary of the experience in both evaluation systems are made based on the comparative research. Suggestions for construct evaluation systems with Chinese characteristics are put forward as well. Key problems to be solved are mainly concerned with similarities and differences between (1) school evaluation organizations in China and the US,(2) indicators and standards used in Chinese and American school evaluation systems,(3) practice in conducting the evaluating process, as well as (4) the new treads of school evaluation in China in the future.In the dissertation, organizational features of evaluation systems are stated in details first by historical analysis, aiming to discover political, economic and cultural elements that may influence their formation and development. Then the fundamental theories and statements are shown in the essay. Present situation and major research achievements at home and abroad are presented in a comprehensive way, laying the theoretical foundation for the whole research. The comparison of organizations of school evaluation systems in the two countries is made to discuss problems about how to guarantee the quality of education from its way of organizing.In the following section, the standard for school evaluation are presented in details by analyzing cases in Advices on Practice of Education Evaluation in Primary and Secondary School of Jilin Province which is publicized in2008, and in standards of school accreditation publicized by WASC (Western Accreditation of Schools and Colleges), American. Comparisons are made from several aspects, including content of evaluating indicators, distinctive features shown in practicing processes, as well as the successful experience. In the end, tendency for future development in Chinese and American school evaluation is predicted through the comparative research. Suggestions on building up school evaluation systems with Chinese characteristics are put forward on the basis of summarizing experience and inspiration of the two countries’ practice.

  • 【分类号】G639.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1452