

Study on Professionalization of Adult Learning Professionals

【作者】 陈辉映

【导师】 黄健;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人力资源开发与教育, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着“终身教育”理念的不断践行,促进成人进行持续学习与发展的重要性也日渐凸显。与日益增长的成人学习需求不匹配的是,为成人学习提供教学以及相关服务的工作者们的专业水平却参差不齐。成人学习工作者专业化作为成人学习质量的重要保障,尚未受到足够的重视。我国成人学习工作者主要面临着地位边缘化、能力界定不清、教育培训不足、缺乏专业标准与资格证书制度等问题,而这些问题也是实现其专业化的巨大阻碍。本文选取欧洲在成人学习工作者建设方面具有典型代表意义的六个国家和超国家层面的欧盟作为研究案例,分析它们在推进成人学习工作者专业化方面的理论研究成果与实践进展,以期对我国成人学习工作者专业化建设有所启示。不可否认的是,成人学习工作者具有复杂性、集合性等特征,在不同国家的不同政治、文化、经济背景中的意涵也存在差异,从而各个国家对成人学习工作者的界定以及推动其专业化的措施也都有所侧重。本文将六个国家与超国家层面的欧盟整合在一个成人学习工作者专业化建设的框架中,探索能力档案与专业标准的制定、教育与培训的开发、资格证书体系的构建、能力认定的实施、质量管理的运用这“五大”专业化建设举措以及六个国家中政府、专业组织、大学及社会这“四大”专业化建设主要力量如何推动成人学习工作者的专业化进程,期望为我国成人学习工作者专业化建设提供有益借鉴。整体而言,本文有两条主要的研究线索贯穿其中,构成了本文的研究框架:一是呈现在推进成人学习工作者专业化建设的具体措施层面上,本文就六个欧洲国家以及欧盟超国家层面推进成人学习工作者专业化建设的具体举措进行解读、分析与比较,试图从中提炼出值得借鉴的经验。二是呈现在推进成人学习工作者专业化建设的主要力量层面上,本文认为政府、专业组织、大学和社会(市场、顾客)是推进成人学习工作者专业化建设的重要主体,并且这四大主体在成人学习工作者专业化建设中扮演不同的角色、发挥着不同的作用。本研究分为十一章:第一章对成人学习、成人学习工作者、专业化、标准及能力等概念进行界定、对国内外的相关研究进行综述、选择研究案例、确定研究关注操作层面的具体举措及内容和顶层设计的宏观把握这两个方面,根据专业社会学的理论确定研究框架与思路。第二章通过半结构访谈的方法初步调查在上海开放教育、社会教育、企业教育、社区及老年教育和高校继续教育领域从业的成人学习工作者的职业现状,明确我国本土成人学习工作者专业化建设的主要困境与挑战以及当前专业化水平与专业化建设目标。第三章至第九章,分析欧洲六国以及欧盟在成人学习工作者专业化建设的理论研究成果与实践经验,并在案例中初步探索主要推动成人学习工作者专业化建设主体的作用。第十章首先提炼七个案例中促进成人学习工作者专业化建设的“五大”举措和内容以及这“五大”举措之间的关联性。这五大举措包括:制定能力档案与专业标准、完善教育与培训、构建资格证书体系、实施能力认定以及运用质量管理。其中,构建资格证书体系是成人学习工作者专业化建设的重点举措。接着,通过四个主体的框架来分析政府、专业组织、大学与社会在专业化建设中的作用。其中,政府与专业组织在专业化建设中的作用尤为重要。最后,对欧洲国家成人学习工作者的专业化建设进行反思。目前,欧洲国家已经普遍形成专业组织,但自治程度不高;社会培训机会多样,但高等教育普及率不高;专业准入初见雏形,但政府呼应不足。第十一章结合国际经验和现实国情,描绘我国成人学习工作者专业化建设的“全景图”,提出我国成人学习工作者专业化建设三大主要措施和两条推进重点。三大措施为制定基于能力的专业标准、开发健全的教育培训模式、构建完善的资格证书体系。两条推进重点为加强政府对成人学习工作者专业化建设的顶层设计、充分发挥专业组织在推动成人学习工作者专业化建设的作用。

【Abstract】 With the spread of the idea of lifelong education, it is becoming more and more important to motivate adult learning and development. However, different from the increasing demand for adult learning, the quality of the adult learning professionals is not at the high level. Professionalization of the adult learning professionals as the important factor to promote adult learning is still lack of attention. Chinese adult learning professionals are facing the several challenges, such as lacking f of professional identity, lacking of professional education and training, lacking of professional standards and qualification system. Those problems stop adult learning professionals from going towards to professionalization. This study chooses six European countries and European Commission as seven cases and analyses the theoretical results and practices in terms of professionalization of adult learning professionals in order to give some examples for the professionalization of Chinese adult learning professionals. Since the diversity of the adult learning professionals, and they have different meanings in different countries, therefore, different countries have different way to define adult learning professionals and different ways to promote the professionalization of the adult learning professionals. This study tries to analyze these six countries in the framework of professionalization system and explore the actions such as building competence profile, making professional standards, developing training and education opportunities, implementing validation of competence and using quality management. Furthermore, this study intend to explore how the government, society, university and professional organization as four important actors to promote the professionalization of adult learning professionals,Generally, this study has two research lines across the whole paper and builds the research framework of this study. Firstly, it presents at the concrete implement level. This paper choose six European countries and European Commission as seven cases to explore the ways and contents which they use to promote the professionalization of adult learning professionals and try to summarize some important experiences. Secondly, it shows at the macro design level. This study believes that government, professional organization, university and society are the important actors in terms of the professionalization of adult learning professionals. In the professionalization system, there four actors play different roles and show the different effects. In fact, there two research lines interact with each other. The concrete implement ways need the corresponding actors to take the actions.This paper has11chapters:Chapter1defines the related concepts, such as adult learning, adult learning professionals, professionalization, standard and competence. And conducts literature reviews, chooses the research cases, defines the two research levels and builds the research framework based on the sociology of the professions.Chapter2presents the results of the survey of the state of professionalization of adult learning professionals (take Shanghai as an example), using semi-structure interviews to explore the state of professionalization of professionals who work in the field of open education, society education, company training and elderly&community education. The aim of this chapter is to define the problems and challenges of the professionalization of Chinese adult learning professionals.From chapter3to chapter9, the paper analyzes the theoretical results and practical experiences of seven cases and tries to define the effects of the four actors.Chapter10summarizes the five key ways to promote the professionalization of adult learning professionals and explores the relations among the five ways. The five key ways include:making professional profile and professional standards, completing the education and training system, building qualification system, implementing validation of competence, using quality management. Furthermore, the most important way is to building qualification system. Moreover, this chapter uses the four-actor framework to analyze the effects of government, professional organization, university and society in the system of professionalization.Chapter11combines the international experience and local contexts, trying to illustrate three key ways and two key suggestions to the professionalization of Chinese adult learning professionals. The three key ways includes making competence-based professional standards, building training and education model and developing qualification system. Two key suggestions are focusing on the design of adult learning professionalization system and making professional organization play a key role in promoting the professionalization of adult learning professionals.

  • 【分类号】G720
  • 【被引频次】1
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