

A Comparative Study of Thai and Chinese Negative Address Terms

【作者】 林胜倩(Lertjirawanich Monrada)

【导师】 胡范铸;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 称谓语是语言的重要组成部分,不仅具有系统性,也具有民族性。称谓语可涉及说话者与受话者的性别、年龄、职业、地域、人种、民族,甚至还可以看出说话者与受话者的关系。交际双方选择的称谓语是语言交际活动中最先显现的文化信息,直接影响跨文化交际能成功与否。跨文化交际的核心问题是文化理解,文化沟通。文化的核心概念是价值观,而价值观不仅意味提倡什么的问题,还有否定什么的问题,借助语言分析阐明一种文化“提倡”什么的论述相当丰富。但借助语言分析阐明一种文化是什么的研究却很少见。本文就从否定性称谓语的语言角度来考察,我们在日常生活交际当中对中泰社会最深刻的否定和最重要的否定是什么?由此,不但有效地减少跨文化交际功能,更帮助我们全面的理解中泰文化的异同。中泰存在相似的文化背景,但在语言的使用和理解方面,有时却完全不同。两种语言对称谓语的运用有很大的差异,而且还带着各别浓厚的文化礼仪色彩。称谓语中的否定称谓语,又是称谓语系统中较为复杂和敏感的部分。任何言语行为都是在“你、我、他”的人际构架中展开的,否定性称谓语的语义实现同样要受到这一架构的制约。本文主要研究的目标是探讨汉泰否定性称谓语的词汇形式、语义特征、语用功能等,并由此展现中泰文化心理的联系与差异。首先,从否定性称谓语的词汇形式对比并分析汉泰否定性称谓语的词法结构、造词形式,得出汉泰语构词的重要手段,主要有联合式、偏正式、重叠式、简略式、附加式。根据我们对大量否定性称谓语的考察,汉语否定性称谓语的修辞造词形式主要有以下几种:比喻法、借代法、谐音法、仿词法等修辞方法创造。泰语否定性称谓语的修辞造词主要有:比喻法、借代法、谐音法、反拼词语方式等。从汉泰否定性称谓语对比结果发现,汉语简略构词法比较丰富多彩(合称、并称、省称),而泰语简略构词法比较单向(省称)。从修辞造词形式上看,泰语修辞造词中反拼词语方式比较特殊,是反映泰国语言文化的现象。人类学家发现,表示称谓语系统的词语在不同语言中有不同表现。这些不同的词汇形式背后隐含着不同的民族价值观和文化特征的词汇系统。其次,将汉泰否定性称谓语的语义特征,和系统中的使用功能进行对比分析。从语义分析汉泰否定性称谓语的否定项,如生理否定、性格否定、性别否定、年龄与社会等级否定、民族否定、宗教否定等,通过研究发现泰语否定性称谓语的语义特征中的宗教否定、生理上的否定、伦理道德的否定、职业否定,在汉语否定性称谓语中也都体现出来。有些汉语否定性称谓语的语义项在泰语里没有表示出来,如性别否定、民族否定、国籍否定、社会等级的否定、地域否定等。汉泰语言对否定项存在浓厚的语言文化、风俗、思想的内涵,甚至对汉泰否定性称谓语行为指向分析,本文发现汉泰语否定他人包括对称、背称、他称,有些否定本质是否定他人(第三者),但是理由是否定对方(第二者),有些否定本质是否定对方(第二者),但是理由是否定他人(第三者)这就是隐性对称。另外行为指向还包括自我否定形式,汉泰语自我否定不仅暗含否定评价的态度,而且还可以表示讽刺对方,“我”+蔑称(讽刺:我们土包子)。泰语使用第一人称代词+指示代词“(?)”(这):(?)(我这),(?)地(我这),(?)(我这),(?)(我这),(?)(女性(我这))表示自卑或自蔑表讽刺。汉泰语自我否定还表倨称,“我”+尊称(骄傲:我就是朱大太爷),而泰语使用人称代词“我”:(?),晶,(?),表示骄傲。以往的研究通常会认为否定性称谓语是比较强的攻击行为。本文从分析非礼貌原则与否定性称谓语的否定度入手,指出非礼貌言语行为中的某一类可以作为间接否定或者讽刺否定,并且其指否定度比较弱,并由此将指否定度分为三种:一、弱否定。中泰的弱否定作用的称谓语,都属于非直接表达的语言形式,很多属于委婉语,反说法。反说法是以说反话的方式加强表达效果,使用的话语可以比原话夸张或美化。因为两国都是注重礼貌尊卑的国度。二、强否定。中泰的强否定表示强烈愤怒或厌恶的侮辱性称谓语。汉泰语拟禽兽类词语,即把人当禽兽以表示对被称者的蔑视和憎恨之情。另外在交际过程当中对对方称呼为妖怪、恶鬼、恶魔、妖鬼就是蔑视对方,所以宗教信仰的观念也影响造成强化否定性称谓语。三、佯否定。“佯否定”的界定就是假否定,所以假否定表示肯定。其动机和作用一般为:亲切亲昵、自嘲、戏谑、嘲弄等。对于汉泰否定性称谓语的语用研究,无论是在汉语还是泰语中都有表示不同情感色彩的称谓语,从尊称、爱称,刺称,蔑称,贬称,骂称的各种称谓方式。在一定的文化背景下产生的称谓语在反映文化的同时也起到了满足社会功能的作用。泰国与中国相比,前者受佛教的影响较大,而后者中国则是以儒家思想为主流思想的国家。所以在称谓语的文化心理差异上角度我们会发现,一个否定性称谓语的产生必然受到一种主流思想的引导:礼教思想,汉泰民族在称谓语中不能正面表现自己的热烈情感,不得已走向反语来宣泄情感或者贬义褒用。接着汉泰人际关系的心理,交往中存在特定的礼仪,如谦虚心理,用抬高对方的身份的方式以示尊重。汉泰称谓语的使用过程中起到了否定性称谓语的施事功能是指否定性称谓可以用来实施讽刺、调侃、威胁等多种有效的否定。甚至也有保护以及反射文化教养的作用。最后,否定性称谓语在不同时代中的语用环境中,词语的褒贬色彩依然不同。使用的时效性、社会性、民族性主要体现为某些否定性称谓语的褒贬色彩的变异,增加、减少、消亡、泛化等。探询其背后的文化因素和掌握汉泰否定性称谓语并促进汉泰的跨文化交际活动中达到预期的效果。总之,否定性称谓语是语言交际活动中的重要组成部分,是语言交际中使用最广泛、最频繁的词语。因此深入研究汉泰否定性称谓的内涵和外延,透析其内在的文化内涵,对于不同民族之间进行顺利的交际具有铺平道路的重要意义。

【Abstract】 Appellation is an important component of language communicative effect, which has the systematicness and nationality. Appellation may relate to the speaker and the listener’s gender,age,occupation,region,race,nationality, even could show the relationship between speaker and listener. Appellations chosen by the communicating parties shows the first culture information. The core concept of intercultural communication is the cultural understanding and cultural communication. Meanwhile, values is also the core of culture which also includes negative something, not only promoting something. Currently, seldom people study negative appellation. This Paper is to study what the deepest negative appellations are between China and Thailand and what the most important negative appellations are in our daily life in order to avoid the phenomenon of culture conflict and to advocate the idea of values.Although the cultural backgrounds of China and Thailand is quite similar, some cultural aspects such as language usage and several cultural etiquette can be different. The negative appellation is one of the most complicated and sensitive parts of appellation system. Other language actions are extended from pronoun ’you’,"I" and ’he or she’; however the negative appellation is not limited by such actions. The purpose of this Paper is to discuss the lexical form, semantic features and language function of negative appellation.Firstly, the meaning of the words "negative""appellation" and "negative appellation" should be taken into consideration. Then the lexical form of negative appellation can be understood. By comparing lexical structure and word form, one can understand similarities and differences of lexical internal meanings. It is obvious that the negative appellation has different forms in different languages. Those lexical forms reflect diversity of national values and cultural features. Next, we will compare the semantic features of negative appellation and the systemic function, and obtain the connotation of the strong language culture, customs and thoughts which are existed in negative appellation. Even through analyzing a negative appellation’s behavior, see the phenomenon of others deny and self deny in thai and chinese language. Previous studies for negative appellation treated it as a strong aggressive behavior. This paper will point out types of non-polite language and behavior that can be treated as indirect negation or satire negation by analyzing non polite principles and the levels of negative appellation. Then, the researcher will sort out the negation into three kinds; strong negation, weak negation, and disguise negation.Moreover, the pragmatic research for negative appellation of Chinese and Thai words helps explain the differences of word function in society in details by using the points of static state and dynamic state. The negative appellations are diverse and mixed judgments in different ages and environment. The time-based languages, social languages, and national languages show variation, increase, decrease, extinction and generations of negative appellation. This Paper will compare the negative appellations system and demonstrate the differences of these appellations and their variations in detail.Finally, this paper will meticulously study cultural factors behind negative appellations, so that the researcher can understand these cultural factors clearly and use the knowledge gained from the study to promote the cross cultural communication between Thailand and China.In conclusion, Chinese and Thai negative appellation is one of the most important parts of Chinese and Thai languages and is widely and frequently used in communication. Therefore, doing the research on the intention and the extension of negative appellation in depth, and analyzing the cultural backgrounds of negative appellation will loosen the communication barriers between Chinese and Thai people.

  • 【分类号】H13;H412
  • 【下载频次】404