

Restructuring Industrial District in Wenzhou:Space, Evolution and Networks

【作者】 徐剑光

【导师】 魏也华; 宁越敏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自马歇尔产业区被重新发现,产业空间集聚的各种好处被大量关注,而集聚的负面效应却被忽视。产业区具有结构上的不稳定性,变化是其本质。厘清产业区重构概念和分析框架,梳理国内外各种产业区重构的案例,有利于深化对产业区的动态演化和重构过程的认识。温州是中国工业化先行地区,中国地方经济发展遇到的问题往往会在温州先行显现。研究温州产业区重构问题对于转型期的中国区域经济发展具有现实意义。产业区重构理论应当从多学科汲取营养,包括非均衡发展理论、集群(产业区)生命周期理论、制度变迁理论、演化经济地理理论、技术学习及创新理论、全球化下的地方发展理论等。产业区重构源于西方对集聚优势的质疑和对衰退产业区的解释;应当在新国际劳动分工及区域生产体制变化的背景下建构产业区重构理论体系;从演化的角度讲,产业区重构可以理解为对地区负锁定的一个“响应集合”,是产业区生命周期的一个特定阶段。产业区重构主导机制的核心是“易于变化”,如“产业区适应力”、“弹性”等。欧美老工业区、高技术产业区、马歇尔产业区、新兴工业化国家的产业区重构呈现出不同特征。中国的产业区重构在东北老工业区、东部沿海地区表现较为突出。上世纪末开始,温州经济进入调整重构阶段,本文基于案例调查,从空间、演化过程和对全球生产网络的嵌入三方面探讨了温州产业区的重构,主要的发现是:(1)温州产业区重构是一个多尺度的空间过程,区域内的空间重构呈现出企业从发源地向更高层级区域扩展的路线图。上海、广州、四川、重庆、江西等地是温州国内迁移的主要目的地,特别是生产性迁移;而研发性和总部性迁移集中于上海、广东;多元化迁移分布广泛。样本企业平均外迁年份为2003年。8个样本行业的迁移特征存在差异。美国、阿联酋、俄罗斯是温州企业对外投资最多的三个国家;鞋革是对外投资项目最多的行业。温州产业区空间重构是劳动空间分工演进的结果,在2005年前后,产业区的继续分工演进放大尺度到国内甚至全球范围。温州产业区寻求低成本的空间扩散、生产网络转换、学习空间的重构是值得关注的三种空间重构模式。(2)温州水头皮革产业区的重构案例,展现了“适应性重构”的过程机制与构建“弹性产业区”的重要性。在出现“环境锁定”后,水头皮革产业区以皮带和宠物用品两个新产业对老的皮革制革产业进行了替代。新产业的出现有其触发与机会的偶然性,但也离不开企业、政府、本地厚制度的“选择环境”作用。水头皮革产业区的适应性重构伴随着“路径依赖创新”。通过与瑶溪合成革产业区的比较,本文发现区域适应力和产业区弹性是解释“哪些产业区可以成功应对冲击、保持活力”的关键;而制度、相关多样性和行业特性是“弹性”差异的主要来源。(3)温州汽车零部件产业区是典型的“社群市场”,通过售后服务市场起家。其重构的主要模式是从售后服务市场走向全球整车配套市场,实质是地方产业区在新的国际劳动分工背景下,摆脱相对封闭的本地生产网络,谋求对全球汽车生产网络的镶嵌,以获取更多价值。通过社会网络分析及结构洞分析发现,在纳入了全球汽车跨国公司后,样本企业生产网络的“群体权力”增强,但GPN的领导企业(其次是本地大企业)拥有最大的公司权力。在嵌入GPN时,地方零部件企业容易陷入“强关系锁定”,产业区的企业一般会增加配套品牌,减弱与整车厂关系的强度,实现在GPN中公司权力地位的提升。产业区重构过程中出现了生产网络分异,本地大企业在融入GPN过程中,逐渐脱离了本地网络,他们的“技术看门人”角色并不明显。

【Abstract】 Since Marshallian Industrial District (MID) was rediscovered, the benefits of industrial agglomeration have been highlighted while its negative effects almost neglected. Considering that industrial district is unstable in structure and change is its essence, to clarify the conception and analytical structure of its restructuring and to learn from various kinds of domestic and foreign industrial restructuring cases will deepen our understanding on the dynamic evolution of the industrial district as well as its restructuring process. As the problems that local economy in China may encounter during its development always emerge earlier in Wenzhou, the industrialization pioneer in China, the study on restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou will have great practical significance on China’s regional economy in transformation.Theoretical research on restructuring industrial district should integrate many disciplines, such as uneven development theory, cluster life-cycle theory, institutional change theory, evolutionary economic geography theory, technical innovation theory, local development theory under globalization, etc. Restructuring industrial district originated from query on agglomeration advantages and interpretation on declining industrial districts in western countries. The theoretical system for the restructuring industrial district should be constructed in the context of the new international division of labor and regional production regime transformation. From the perspective of evolution, the restructuring of industrial district can be understood as a response gather of negative lock-in on a region and it is a specific phrase in the life circle of an industrial district. The core feature of dominant mechanism for industrial district restructuring is "an inclination to change", exemplified by regional resilience. There are various features of restructuring for old industrial bases in Europe and America, high-tech industrial districts, Marshallian Industrial District (MID) and industrial districts in newly industrialized countries. Restructuring industrial district in China is most prominent in north-eastern rust belt and coastal areas in the east. Since the end of last century, Wenzhou has entered the phrase of adjustment and restructuring. Based on case study and investigation, this paper conducts research on restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou from the aspects of space, evolution and the embeddedness in global production networks. The key findings are as follows:(1) Restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou is a process of multi-dimension spatial transference, and the route of the intra-regional spatial restructuring shows that the enterprises move from their places of origin to regions in higher hierarchy. To make it more specific, regions such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and Jiangxi are the main domestic destinations for the relocation of Wenzhou enterprises, production sector migration in particular, while Shanghai, Guangdong are the main destinations for R&D sector and headquarter migration and multi-purpose migration is scattered more extensively. The average migration year of sample enterprises is2003and samples from eight industries are different in migration features. US, UAE and Russia are the top three countries that Wenzhou enterprises conduct foreign investment in and shoe leather industry boasts the most foreign investment programs. Industrial district spatial restructuring of Wenzhou was the result of spatial evolution of the division of labor, which has scale up to the national even globle range around the year2005. The three spatial restructuring modes in Wenzhou, including low-cost oriented spatial diffusion, production networks transfer and the restructuring of learning space, deserve more attention.(2) The restructuring of Wenzhou Shuitou leather industrial district represents the process mechanism of adaptive restructuring and embodies the importance of constructing resilient industrial district. As environment lock-in emerged, traditional tannery industry in Shuitou leather industrial district was gradually replaced by two new industries--leather belt and pet products manufacturing. The development of these new industries was inevitably related to the contingency of trigger and chance, but the effects of selection environment of enterprises, government and local institutional thickness also played a vital role. The adaptive restructuring of Shuitou leather industrial district was along with path-dependent innovations. By making a comparison between Shuitou leather industrial district and Yaoxi synthetic leather industrial district, we find that the adaptability to the region and resilience of the industrial district are the key elements deciding which industrial districts could successfully cope with shocks and stay vibrant; institution, related variety and industry characteristics are the sources of resilience difference.(3) Wenzhou auto parts industrial district is a typical communitarian market. As the industrial district stemmed from after-market, the main mode of its restructuring was to expand its business scope from after-market to global vehicle accessories supply market. And the essence is that, in the context of new global division of labor, local industrial district endeavors to get rid of the relatively closed local production network with the purpose to blend in with the global production network and get access to more values. Thanks to social network analysis (SNA) and structural holes analysis, author find that the group power of sample enterprises in production network has been strengthened after they integrated with global automakers, but the leading enterprise of global production network (followed by local leading enterprise) still hold the most power of the enterprise. After blending in with global production network, local auto parts enterprises are easily trapped by strong relationship lock-in. Therefore, enterprises in industrial district tend to increase supporting brands and lessen their dependence on vehicle manufacturers so as to elevate their standing and powers in global production network. The separation of production networks would take place in the process of industrial district restructuring. After blending in with global production network, local leading enterprises would gradually get rid of local production network and their role as technology gatekeeper becomes diminished.
