

Study on Civil Law Protection of the Credit Right under the Network Environment

【作者】 赵博

【导师】 申建平;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着互联网和移动互联网技术的普遍应用,信息流通的范围和效率都大幅提高,互联网已经成为社会经济发展的重要组成部分,特别是随着网络购物、网络交易等电子商务产业的发展,网络经济无论从经济规模还是经济总量在整个国民经济发展中所占的比重也日益提升,信用是市场经济发展过程中降低交易成本、提高交易效率的重要手段。推动经济社会发展的同时,也为损害信用利益信息的散布提供了新的传播媒介,这也是近年来利用网络实施损害信用利益案件频发的一个主要原因。这一现象一方面反映出了网络时代信用权益保护所面临的新问题、新特点,另一方面也反映出了我国现行法律法规在实践中对于信用权益保护的不足,在法律适用上的障碍。尽管网络环境是虚拟的,但是侵害信用权的损害后果却是现实存在的,利用网络以诋毁、诽谤方式,捏造和散布损害他人信用的问题也日益凸显。侵害信用权的行为不仅会对权利主体的人格利益造成损害,更为重要的是会造成间接的、财产性利益的损害,财产性利益的损害则主要包括期待利益损害和信赖利益损害。并已经严重影响了市场经济的健康有序发展,如何建立和完善网络环境下信用权保护制度,也成为当前社会发展所亟待解决的突出问题。信用权是民事主体就其经济能力和履约意愿在社会上获得的客观评价和信赖所享有保有、支配和维护的人格权。侵害信用权的违法行为会导致社会公众对特定主体经济评价水平的降低和经济能力信赖的损毁,从而导致权利主体财产性利益上的损失。一些大陆法系国家和地区已经先后在《民法典》中将信用权确立为一项独立的民事权利,对信用权采取直接保护方式。而我国立法上并没有将信用权作为一项独立的权利予以保护,实务中采取名誉权保护方式对信用利益进行间接保护,但这一保护方式目前显然已经不能适应我国经济社会发展的需要。本文认为,我国立法上对信用权应采取直接保护的方式,并在《民法典》人格权编中明确规定信用权为一项具体人格权,并以此为基础,对单行法的立法也具有指导作用。作为一项兼具财产性利益的人格权,对侵害信用权的民事救济应采取以金钱救济方式为主,非金钱救济方式为辅的救济原则,而金钱救济方式包括财产损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿。全文从民法视角对信用权和网络侵权相关理论进行研究,分析了网络环境下侵害信用权的责任构成与责任承担,并在对大陆法系和英美法系比较法考察的基础上,对构建网络环境下我国信用权民法保护提出建议。

【Abstract】 With the widespread application of Internet and mobile Internet technology, thescope and efficiency are greatly improved the flow of information, the Internet hasbecome an important part of social and economic development, especially with thedevelopment of the network shopping, network transactions, e-commerce industry,network economy from economic scale and economic output in the whole nationaleconomy proportion is increasing, the credit is an important means to reduce thetransaction cost, the process of development of market economy and improvetransaction efficiency. To promote the economic and social development at the sametime, provided a new media for information spreading damage credit interest, one ofwhich is the main reason in recent years the frequent cases of injury to credit interest.This phenomenon shows that the new era of network problems, credit rights andinterests protection in face of the new features, on the other hand also reflects China’scurrent laws and regulations for the protection of the rights and interests in the practiceof credit deficiencies, in the application of the law obstacle.Although the network is virtual, but the infringement of credit right damageconsequence is in reality, using the Internet to slander, libel, false and spread harmothers credit issues are also increasingly prominent. The infringement of credit rightbehavior will not damage the interests of the subject of right of personality, moreimportantly will cause indirect damage of property interests, property interests damageis mainly include the expectation interest and reliance interest damages damage. Andhas seriously affected the healthy and orderly development of market economy, how toestablish and perfect the credit protection system in the network environment, but alsobecome a prominent problem needed to be solved in current social development.Credit right is civil subject evaluation on its economic capacity and performancewill have in society and maintain trust enjoys, control and maintenance of the right ofpersonality. The illegal acts against the right of credit will cause the public to thespecific subject of economic evaluation and reduce the economic ability to trust thedestruction, which leads to the subject of rights and property losses. Some civil law countries and regions have successively in the "Civil Code", the right of creditestablished as an independent civil right, take the direct protection of the credit right.But our country legislation did not credit right as an independent right to protect, inpractice to take the protection of right of reputation of indirect protection of creditinterests, but this protection mode at present obviously can not meet the needs of oureconomic and social development.The article thinks, China’s legislation on the credit right should be protected in adirect way, and in the "Civil Code" personality right encoding specified in the creditright is a concrete right of personality, and on this basis, the specific legislation also hasa guiding role. As a has property interests of right of personality, of violating creditrights civil remedies should be taken to relief money means mainly, supplemented bythe principle of non monetary relief way of relief, but relief money means includeproperty damage and moral damage compensation. This paper from the perspective ofcivil law right of credit and network tort theories, analyzes and responsibility constitutethe infringement of credit right under the network environment responsibility, and in thecivil law and common law, comparative law on the basis of the investigation, putforward suggestions on the protection of our credit right in civil law construction undernetwork environment.

【关键词】 信用权名誉权网络侵权
【Key words】 Credit rightThe right of reputationNetwork tort
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期