

Research on the Cultural Perspective of Hu Shi

【作者】 马艳玲

【导师】 樊志辉;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个时代的集体记忆,胡适及其研究越来越引起人们的关注。胡适面对新旧思想更替和社会转型的特有“局势”,主张文化救国。胡适一生服膺实验主义,他创造性地将进化论、实验主义与乾嘉朴学结合起来,形成自己独特的研究方法。作为新文化运动的文化先锋,胡适提倡新文学,反对旧文学;提倡新道德,反对旧道德。胡适以文学革命,进行现代文化启蒙,开启了中国历史上一次空前的思想解放运动;以“整理国故”来“重新估定一切价值”,进行传统文化批判重建;以“科玄论战”塑造“新民”,主张科学主义人生观与自然主义宗教观构建;以“问题与主义”论战,强调渐进主义的文化改良;以与“中国本位文化”论战,宣扬“充分世界化”观点,确立自由主义文化宗旨;以“民主与独裁”论战,抨击专制主义,倡导民主主义的文化构想。胡适一生所参与的论战,可以说就是当时中国文化转型的缩影。胡适的成败得失,在一定意义上,可以帮助我们管窥到中国近代化进程中的文化选择的成败得失与艰难跋涉。

【Abstract】 Hu Shi is a representative of collective memory in his times. Hu Shi and hisresearch have attracted more and more attention of people. In face of the uniquesituation of the transformation from old thoughts to the new thoughts and socialtransformation, Hu Shi advocated cultural salvation. Throughout his life, Hu Shifollowed the principles of experimentalism and creatively combined evolution theory,experimental principles and Qianjiapuxue to form his own research methods. As apioneer and leader of the New Cultural Movement, Hu advocated new literature againstthe old one and new moral against the old one. Hu Shi led the modern literaryenlightenment in the form of literary revolution and opened an unprecedentedideological liberation movement in Chinese hisroty. Traditional culture has beencriticized and reconstructed by means of rearranging the national heritage andreevaluating all the values. Scientific outlook on life and naturalistic view of religionhave been constructed by debate of science and metaphysics of democracy. The"problem and doctrine" debate, emphasize the cultural improvement gradualism. Thedebate of Chinese culture standard has advocated the idea of globalism and promotedthe establishment of liberal culture aim. The debate over democracy and dictatorshiphas attacked despotism and advocated democracy.All through Hu Shi’s life, the debates he took part in is an epitome for Chinesecultural transformation. We can see the difficulty Chinese culture selection encounteredin Chinese modern society through Hu Shi’s success and failure.

【关键词】 胡适文化观实验主义自由主义
【Key words】 Hu ShiCultural perspectiveExperimentalismLiberalism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期