

A Study on the Change of Interpersonal Communication Mode and the Reconstruction of Social Organization

【作者】 于凤贵

【导师】 刘铁梁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国民间文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在当代社会,旅游己逐渐成为人类最重要的社会活动之一,其所产生的时代影响力已不仅仅局限于经济产业领域,创设新的人际交往模式、启动社会组织的再建构,成为旅游影响社会整体生态的主要内涵。因此,针对旅游的旅游文化研究已成为当代学术的显学。旅游经济学、旅游社会学、旅游人类学与民俗旅游学是当前旅游研究的主体学科,但不同学科研究都有各自的不足。旅游经济学、旅游社会学失于学术研究的化约化、集权化,而旅游社会学、旅游人类学则倾向于认为旅游本身乃是“社会不同人群的互动建构”,体现了学术进路的深化。但在面对现代旅游所形成的复杂人际关系时,旅游社会学与旅游人类学却无法提供合适的、对当下旅游关系缔结契约的建构资源。因此,亟需发展出超越传统旅游经济学、地理学以及旅游人类学与旅游社会学的研究视角,以对旅游交往中“约定俗成”关系的深入研究为核心,建构旅游学与民俗学相交融的“旅游民俗学”。这样一方面实现对现代旅游之人际交往属性的确认,为旅游交往提供合适的契约结构;另一方面推动传统民俗学与时俱进、学科拓展。为实现上述研究目的,中西旅游发展史考察、旅游活动的深度阐释、旅游交往关系的模式建构与典型旅游个案解读是四个主要的研究主题。人类旅游活动存在古代与现代的差别,不管是在中国还是西方,古代旅游的社会特征是作为“神圣旅程”而引导人们通过旅游实现人格的升华与信仰的皈依。不过,古代旅游对“神圣”的追求与现代旅游对“自由”的向往,所包含的心理机制是相同的,这是古代旅游本身蕴含的向现代旅游转向的内在契机。现代旅游产生于产业革命所带来的人类经济结构的改变。产业革命为现代旅游的产生提供了经济结构、交通设施、可支配收入以及需求机制。就需求产生而言,现代产业革命所产生的异化劳动,使现代旅游成为人们可以暂时脱离现实秩序的一种“脱序”行为。而且,伴随产业革命所造成的人性异化日益深刻,现代人的“脱序”欲望也日益普遍、常态化,越来越多“在路上”的游客群体在失去对现实世界的美好期望后,倾向于借助日益发达的旅游基础设施与日益主流化的休闲价值观而构建具有自组织性的旅游社会认同,出现了现代旅游的社会自组织化特征。而旅游社会组织化的展开,是旅游休闲时代到来的显著特征。中国和西方发达资本主义国家相比,两者在进入休闲时代的节点时刻、发生契机等方面都是同中有异。现代旅游作为社会自组织行为与其他社会组织的构建方式有别,其核心组织方式是游客群作为“陌生人”与其他“陌生人”相遇。旅游人群在不可预测的旅游境遇中通过“约定俗成”的契约方式实现当下建构,在此意义上,现代旅游本身即是一种民俗。现代旅游的社会自组织形式,通过“约定俗成”的形式缔结了稳定的交际交往结构——“游缘”,其是现代旅游民俗化的典型形态。旅游的“游缘”交往结构包含六大交往主体要素和六大交往模式。旅游的“游缘”交往关系无法在既有的人际关系模式中得到安置,“约定俗成”的民俗交往模式才是容纳“游缘”的合适框架。“游缘”发生的内在逻辑包含三个顺次发生的阶段,即“游而匿名”、“因游生缘”与“因缘饰游”。“游缘”发生的外在契机是旅游活动中各种“中介”要素的存在,比如旅游活动中的特别人群、特定事象等。“游缘”最后所呈现出的民俗事象,与传统民俗事象在样态上呈现出“表演性模仿关系”。“游缘”人际关系的特征决定了其具有培养公民平等、合作的意识并重塑和谐人际关系的天然优势,是促进社会公平正义、优化社会结构、化解社会矛盾的有效途径。现代旅游的“旅缘”交往是旅游体验的核心,因此,现代旅游产业展开的关键,应是充分开发旅游活动中丰富的交际内容,而在可作为旅游开发资源的各种传统资源中,民俗传统的交际交往内容最为丰富,最适合将之加以旅游开发,所以,从“旅游本身即是一种民俗”到“民俗适合导向旅游开发”的转变是自然而然的。山东省旅游局推动开展的“好客山东贺年会”即是其中的一个成功案例,而其成功的关键,正在于通过精心设计而释放了人们在年节中通过年俗旅游而发生的交往需求,在传统深厚的年俗基础上产生了丰富多样的旅游游俗。激荡在年俗旅游中的丰富游缘使“贺年会”变成了游客与当代民众“共在”的体验盛宴,在对游客群体产生强烈吸引力的同时,也使得参与其中的游客群体成为了年节传统传承的活的个体,实现了旅游产业效益、社会效益与文化效益的同时发生。要之,现代旅游影响力的核心和内在逻辑,在于通过旅游创设全新的交际交往模式(“旅缘”)来引导人们实现最终认同,在此意义上,旅游本身是一种包含公共交往理性的现代仪式,这是旅游民俗学研究的最终指向。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary society, tourism activity has gradually become one of the most important human social activities. Tourism not only has great era influence on the economy industry, but also creates a new mode of interpersonal communication and reconstructsthe social organization, and the latter two have become the main influence content of tourism on the whole social ecology. The tourism culture researchhas become a very popular research subject in contemporary academic study.At present, the tourism economics, tourism sociology, tourism anthropology and folklore tourism study are the main subjects of the tourism studies, while each of these different subjects has its insufficient. Tourism economics and tourism sociology have some disadvantages in the reductionism and centralization of their academic research.While although tourism sociology and tourism anthropology are inclined to support that the tourism itself is the interactive construction of the different groups of people in society, which is reflecting the deepen of the academic access, but when they face the complicated interpersonal relationships formed by the modern tourism, they can provide no appropriate construction resources for the present tourism relationship to negotiate a contract. For this reason, we have urgent need to develop a research perspective which is beyond the traditional tourism economics, geography, tourism anthropology and tourism sociology, and look forward to construct the "Tourism Folklore" which has focus on the "conventionalized" relationships in the tourism association. Thus, on the one hand,we can confirm the attribution of the interpersonal association in modern tourism, on the other hand, we can promote the traditional folklore studies advance and develop with times. To realize those purposes, we have some research methods as follow: investigating the development history of Chineseand Western tourism, deeply illustrating the tourism activity, constructing the mode of the tourism associate relationships and analyzing the representative tourism case.There are some differencesbetween the ancient and modern human tourism activities. Whether in China or Western, the social characteristics of the ancient tourismas a "sacred journey" are guiding people to realize their personality sublimation and belief converts, overall are self-reclusive andanti-social organized, but the ancient tourism in pursuit of "holy" and the modern tourism of "freedom" contains the same psychological mechanism, it is the internal opportunity in which the ancient tourism turn to modern tourism.Modern tourism generated in the change of the human economic structure brought about by the industrial revolution, which provide it the economic structure, transport facilities, disposable income and demand mechanism; in terms of demand, the alienated labor caused by the modern industry revolution made people initiatively ask for the "Anomie" moment in which they can temporarily get away from the reality life and value order. The modern tourism just is the "Anomie" act of people to be out of the reality order tentatively. And, with the increasingly profound alienation of human nature caused by industry revolution, the "Anomie" desire of modern people is increasingly general and normalized. More and more tourist groups "on the way" are tend to construct the self-organized tourism social identity by the increasingly-developed tourism infrastructure and the mainstreaming leisure value, after they lost the happy expectation to the real world, thus modern tourism presents its social self-organization feature, and the tourism leisure era has come. Compared to the west developed capitalismcountries, China has some difference in the time point and opportunity for entering to the leisure era.As a social self-organization behavior, modern tourism differs from other social organizations in its construction way, its core organization mode is that the tourist groupsas"strangers"meet with other"strangers".Tourists construct their instantly organization through "conventional" contract way atunder unpredictable circumstances, in this sense, the modern tourism itself is a kind of folklore. Society Modern tourism’s social self-organization can establish stable communication structure through the "conventional" mode, which is called "Tour-Relation";"Tour-Relation"is the typical form of the folkloric modern tourism.The associate structure of the "Tour-Relation" contains six subject elements and six communication modes.It’s the "conventional" folklore communication mode instead of the existing interpersonal relationship mode is the framework to hold the communicational "Tour-Relation". The internal logic of the "Tour-Relation" contains three stages occurring in sequence:"anonymity","acquaintanceship", and "relationship"; the external opportunity of the "Tour-Relation" are the various "medium" factors in the tourism activities such as the special people or some specific things in the tourism; and at last, the folklore image which the "Tour-Relation" presents, has some common ground with the traditional folklore image in the so-called "performing imitation relationship". The interpersonal feature of the Tour-Relation" decides it has some natural advantages in cultivate the civic awareness of "Equal" and "Cooperative",it’sa efficient path to promote the social equality and justice, to optimize the social structure, and to resolve the social conflicts.The interpersonal "Tour-Relation" is the core of modern tourism experience, thus the key point to develop the modern tourism industry is to fully develop the rich interpersonal communication content in tourism activities, and the most appropriate one in the various traditional tourism resources is the folklore interpersonal communication. The transformation from "folklore tourism" to "folklore-oriented tourism development" is natural. For example, the key to success of the "New Year Celebration of Friendly ShanDong" which is promoted by Tourist Administration of ShanDong Province, just lie in releasing people’s communication demand generating in folklore tourism on Spring Festival holidays, and producing various tourism folk customs on the basis of traditional Spring Festival customs.The "Tour-Relation" in the Spring Festival custom tourism makesthe "New Year Celebration" an experience feast in which the tourists "get-together"with local people, realizing the tourism benefits in industry, society and culturesimultaneously.In brief, the core and inner logic of modern tourism influence is to guide people to realize their ultimately self-identity through creating a brand new interpersonal communication mode in tourism which can be called "Tour-Relation". In this sense, tourism itself can be seen as a modern ceremony which contains rationality of public communication, and this is the ultimate point of the Tourism Folklore research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期