

The Inherent Mechanism of Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility

【作者】 刘建花

【导师】 杨蕙馨;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化的企业社会责任运动的兴起和发展,消费者的责任消费意识不断提升,企业是否积极承担社会责任甚至成为部分消费者做出购买决策的决定因素。在这种背景下,消费者对企业社会责任的感知和响应成了学术界和企业界的一项重要议题。但相关的实证研究仍然不多,已有研究也未达成一致结论。加之中国情境下,消费者的消费价值观、群体心理、社会规范认同等方面均与西方消费者存在差异,因此有必要对国内消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理进行探索。本研究以消费者对企业社会责任的感知特性与内在体验为切入点,研究消费者响应企业社会责任的作用路径与影响因素,对形成国内企业社会责任和责任消费的良好互动机制具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。在相关文献梳理和理论分析的基础上,本研究对34位普通消费者进行了深度访谈,运用扎根理论的探索性研究方法,构建了消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型,并通过对1080名消费者的问卷调查数据对该模型进行验证。主要探讨了如下三个问题:第一,消费者对企业社会责任及其相关情境的感知维度研究。本研究结合文献梳理、理论分析与扎根理论的探索性研究,明确提出消费者对企业社会责任及其相关情境的感知维度,并在此基础上开发消费者响应企业社会责任的量表。第二,消费者响应企业社会责任内在机理的探索性研究。本研究运用扎根理论的研究方法,对消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理开展探索性研究,挖掘消费者响应企业社会责任的心理图谱和反应链条。第三,消费者响应企业社会责任内在机理的验证和分析。本研究运用问卷调查法获得了一手数据,运用SPSS16.0和AMOS17.0软件对消费者响应企业社会责任的影响路径进行了验证和比较,并验证了企业社会责任—企业能力观念的调节作用。本研究综合运用质化研究和实证研究方法,就消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理取得了一系列的研究发现,具体表现在如下五个方面:第一,除消费者的个体理念特征外,企业社会责任感知和社会情境是消费者响应企业社会责任的主要影响路径。本研究根据扎根理论的探索性研究方法,构建了消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型。其中,消费者对企业社会责任的感知(包括利益感知、情感感知、企业社会责任期望一致性)是消费者对企业社会责任产生积极反应的内部心理归因路径。社会情境(包括社会参照规范、企业社会责任信息披露和企业社会责任第三方认证)是消费者对企业社会责任产生积极反应的外部情境归因路径。第二,在企业社会责任感知影响消费者响应的路径中,企业社会责任期望一致性和利益感知的影响较大,而情感感知的影响力度有限。当消费者感知到客观的企业社会责任信息时,会产生积极的内在响应,这一结论与以往的大多数研究达成了一致。与之不同的是,除了情感的感知和激发外,消费者对企业社会责任的感知中有很大程度上是基于自身利益和期望的考量,企业社会责任期望一致性和利益感知对消费者对责任消费的态度和主观规范都有显著的影响,进而影响到消费者的购买意愿。与情感感知相比,企业社会责任期望一致性和利益感知对消费者责任产品购买意愿的影响更大。这一结论在一定程度上可以解释责任消费意识难以转化为对责任产品实际购买行为的原因,即企业社会责任信息虽然激发了消费者的情感感知,却未充分激发消费者的利益感知和企业社会责任期望一致性。第三,消费者对企业社会责任的响应受到社会情境的显著影响,其中社会参照规范的影响最大。本研究验证了社会情境对消费者响应企业社会责任的影响,除验证前人研究中已考虑的社会参照规范的影响外,还加入了企业社会责任信息披露和企业社会责任第三方认证两个社会情境变量,并验证了它们对消费者响应企业社会责任存在的显著影响。在社会情境对消费者响应企业社会责任的影响路径中,社会参照规范影响程度最大,甚至超过了利益感知的影响。这一结论与中国人的文化价值观有关,更易因群体压力和社会情境而形成自己的消费选择。第四,企业社会责任—企业能力信念在企业社会责任感知影响消费者响应的过程中发挥调节作用。在扎根理论的深度访谈过程中,消费者对企业社会责任—企业能力信念表示了很大的关注。问卷调查的实证结果表明,利益感知对消费者态度和责任消费主观规范的影响都受到企业社会责任—企业能力观念的负向调节作用。期望一致性对消费者态度和责任消费主观规范的影响受到企业社会责任—企业能力观念的负向调节作用。即消费者认为企业社会责任与企业能力对立程度越大,会削弱利益感知和企业社会责任期望一致性对消费者态度和责任消费主观规范的影响。第五,不同人口统计特征的消费者在责任消费态度、主观规范和责任产品购买意愿方面存在一定差异。从性别看,不同性别的消费者在责任消费态度方面有显著差异,但在责任消费主观规范和责任产品购买意愿无显著差异;从年龄看,不同年龄组的消费者在责任消费态度、责任消费主观规范和责任产品购买意愿方面均有显著差异;从受教育程度看,不同教育程度的消费者在责任消费态度、责任消费主观规范和责任产品购买意愿方面均有显著差异;从职业分类看,不同职业的消费者在责任消费态度、责任消费主观规范和责任产品购买意愿方面均有显著差异;从个人收入水平看,不同收入水平的消费者在责任消费态度和责任产品购买意愿方面均有显著差异,但在责任消费主观规范方面却没有显著差异。本研究综合文献梳理、理论分析和扎根理论构建了消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型,并运用实证研究方法检验并对比了消费者响应企业社会责任的各个路径及其影响程度,旨在为实现中国情境下责任消费和企业社会责任的互动机制提供有益的启示与建议。主要从以下三个方面推动了这一领域的理论探索:第一,综合管理学、经济学和社会学的视角,构建了超越传统个体选择决策的消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型。本研究从期望理论、归因理论、理性理论和理性行为理论出发,运用扎根理论的探索性研究方法,构建了超越传统个体选择决策的消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型,由此识别了消费者响应企业社会责任过程中的两个关键感知范畴:企业社会责任感知和社会情境。开辟了企业社会责任培育机制的新研究路径,也是融合管理学、经济学和社会学理论的一次尝试。第二,结合文献梳理和扎根理论的研究结果,对引发消费者响应的解释变量进行了探索性拓展,并引入了企业社会责任—企业能力信念这一调节变量,更全面地考察引发消费者响应企业社会责任的具体路径,提升了理论研究的深度及其对现实的解释和指导作用。在本研究构建的消费者响应企业社会责任的内在机理模型中,企业社会责任感知变量除了前人研究中所提及的情感感知变量外,还考虑了消费者利益感知和企业社会责任期望一致性两个变量,社会情境则包括社会参照规范、企业社会责任信息披露和第三方认证,并加入了企业社会责任—企业能力的调节作用。通过实证研究验证的相关结论在一定程度上解释了前人研究中责任消费意识和实际的消费行为难以一致的问题,也解释了目前我国消费者和发达国家消费者在责任消费意识和行为方面存在差距的原因。第三,验证了中国情境下社会参照规范和利益感知对消费者响应企业社会责任的独特影响。在对消费者响应企业社会责任的影响路径进行验证的基础上,对比了不同路径的影响程度,得出了社会责任感知、责任消费观念和社会情境对责任产品购买意愿的影响强度基本持平的结论。其中,责任消费观念、社会参照规范和利益感知的影响较大,而且社会参照规范的影响要大于利益感知的影响。这一结论验证了中国情境对消费者响应企业社会责任的独特影响,为改善我国企业社会责任的现状提供了更具针对性和操作性的对策建议。基于本文的研究结论,很容易解释目前我国消费者和发达国家消费者责任消费意识和行为的差距,也为构建企业社会责任和责任消费的互动机制提供了思路。最后从企业社会责任策略和情境变革两个方面提出了建议:从企业层面来看,企业应以消费者响应为基点,有效推进战略性企业社会责任。第一,企业应将消费者响应作为企业社会责任战略关联的切入点:第二,企业应强化目标消费者对企业社会责任的利益感知;第三,企业的善因营销应重视市场细分策略;第四,企业应重视对消费者的企业社会责任—企业能力观念的引导;第五,企业应考虑通过社会责任与竞争战略的匹配来提升消费者的感知效果。从情境变革层面来看,政府和社会应承担企业社会责任和责任消费互动的催化剂和重要纽带。第一,政府应从标准导入和监督赋权入手,构建企业社会责任和责任消费互动的良好氛围;第二,推广责任消费理念,培育责任市场;第三,对消费者“赋权”,破除消费者的市场弱势感和责任消费的孤独感;第四,探索企业社会责任认证和信息披露的有效机制。

【Abstract】 With the development of CSR globalization, the consumers’social responsible conceptions become higher and higher. Whether a company overtakes CSR behaviors even become the determinant of some consumers. In this Context, the consumer reactions to CSR becomes an important issue of academic circles and enterprise people.But the empirical studies about the inner reactions of consumers to CSR are not enough, and consistant conclusions haven’t reached.In addition, there are some different facors in our country, such as consumer conceptions and so on. So it is necessary to carry out a study on the Chinese consumer reactions to CSR. This study begins with the perceived features and inner experiences of consumers and researches the acting paths and influencing factors of consumer reactions to CSR, which is meaningful to relieve the deletion of CSR and elevate the competition strategies.On the basis of literature review and theoretical analysis, this study constructs the mechanism model of consumer reactions to CSR through in-depth interviews with34common consumers, and tests the model through questionnarie datas from1080consumers. The main issues argued are as follows:First, the perceptional aspects about consumers to CSR and context are proposed. This study combines literature review, theory analysis and the exploring study based on grounded theory, proposes the perceptional aspects about consumers to CSR and context, then develops measuring items about the consumer reactions to CSR.Secondly, the inner mechanism of consumer reactions to CSR is proposed through exploring study. In order to dig the mental atlas and reaction chains of consumer reactions to CSR, this study tries to explore the the inner mechanism of consumer reactions to CSR based on grounded theory.Thirdly, the test and contrast of the inner mechanism of consumer reactions to CSR is carried out. Based on the data through queationaire investment, this study tests and contrasts the acting paths through SPSS16.0and AMOS17.0, and verifies the moderate effect of CSR-CA conceptions.Combined qualitative research methods and empirical research methods, this study obtains five conclusions:First, in addition to the concepts of responsible consumption, the CSR perceptions and social contexts are the main paths that induce consumer reactions. Based on the grounded theory, this paper tries to construct the inner mechanism model of consumer reactions to CSR through in-depth interviews. CSR perceptions consist of benefit perception, emotional perception and expection consistency of CSR, which are the inner pycological attribution paths. Social contexts consist of social norms, the information broadcast of CSR and the third party appraisal of CSR, which are the outer context attribution paths.Secondly, in the influencing paths of CSR perceptions on consumer reactions to CSR, expection consistency of CSR and benefit perception has bigger influence, emotional perception has smaller influence. Facing with objective CSR information, consumers will produce positive inner reactions, which are coined with former conclusions. Different from formerly conclusions, expection consistency of CSR and benefit perception is important to the CSR perceptions addition to emotional facors. Expection consistency of CSR and benefit perception influences the consumer purchasing intentions to responsible products through the mediation of consumer attitudes and social responsible consumption reference criterions. Contrast with emotional perception, expection consistency of CSR and benefit perception has bigger influence.These conclusions offer interpretations to the gap of social responsible consumption perception and real purchasing behaviors.That is, CSR information could inspire emotional perception, but couldn’t inspire expection consistency of CSR and benefit perception fully.Thirdly, social contexts have significant influence on consumer reactions to CSR, among which the influence of social norms is the biggest. This study verifies the influences of social contexts on the consumer reactions to CSR. Except the influence of social norms that former study has referred, the influences of the information broadcast of CSR and the third party appraisal of CSR have also been verified. In the influencing paths of social contexts on consumer reactions to CSR, social norms has the biggest influence, even supass the influence of benefit perception. These conclusions are due to the Chinese cultural axiology, in which Chinese people make consumption choices by taking group pressure and social context into accounts.Fourthly, CSR-CA conceptions moderates the influnces of CSR perceptions on consumer reactions to CSR.In the in-depth interview, consumers pay much attention to the concepts of CSR-CA. According to the empirical study results, CSR-CA conceptions moderates the influnces of benefit perception and expection consistency of CSR to consumer attitudes and the social responsible consumption reference criterions negatively.That is, if consumers think that CSR and corporate ability are opposed to each other, which will weaken the influnces of benefit perceptions and expection consistency of CSR to consumer attitudes and the social responsible consumption reference criterions.Fifthly, consumers of different demographics have some differences in consumer attitudes, social responsible consumption reference criterions and the purchasing intentions to responsible products. For gender, male and female are different in consumer attitudes, but not different in social responsible consumption reference criterions and the purchasing intentions to responsible products. For age, different groups are different in consumer attitudes, social responsible consumption reference criterions and the purchasing intentions to responsible products.So are different education groups and career groups. For income, different groups are different in consumer attitudes, and the purchasing intentions to responsible products, but not different in social responsible consumption reference criterions.In order to offer useful suggestions for realizing the interactions of responsible consumption and CSR, this study constructs the inner mechanism model of consumers’reactions to CSR combined literature review, theoretical analysis and the grounded theory, and tests influencing power and mechanism of each path and influencing factor with empirical study. This study improves the reaseach from three aspects:First, from the perspectives of management, economics and socialology, this study constructs the inner mechanism model of consumers’reactions to CSR surpass traditional individual choices. This study starts from expectancy theory,attribution theory,rationality theory and the theory of rational behavior, constructs the inner mechanism model of consumers’reactions to CSR on the grounded theory,which verifies two crucial perception domains in the process of consumers’reactions to corporate social responsibility:CSR perceptions and social context. This study explores a new path researching the cultivation mechanism of CSR, which is also a try combined theories of management, economics and socialology.Secondly, combined literature review with the research results of the Grounded Theory, this study tries to expand the interpretion variable that reduce the reactions of consumers, and adds the role of CSR-CA conception, which deepens the theoretical study and strengthens the explaining and guiding role to reality.In the influencing paths of CSR perceptions, except emotion perception, benefit perception and expection consistency of CSR has been considered. Social contexts consist of social norms, the information broadcast of CSR and the third party appraisal of CSR. The role of CSR-CA conception has been considered, too. These conclusions verified by empirical study offer interpretations to the difference between social responsible consumption perception with real purchasing behaviors,and give reasons to the gap of social responsible consumption perceptions and behaviors between Chinese people and western people.Thirdly, this study has reached the conclusions verfying the unique influences of social reference criterion and benefit perception to the consumers’reactions to CSR in the Chinese context.Based on the verification of the influencing paths of the reactions of consumers to CSR, the influncing role of each path has been contrasted, which reaches the conclusion that there are no apparent differences among the influencing extent of the CSR perceptions, the concepts of responsible consumption and social context perceptions. The concepts of responsible consumption, social norms and benefit perceptions influence more. Particularly, the influences of social norms are even bigger than the influences of benefit perceptions. These conclusions verify the unique influence of Chinese context, and offer more targeted and opertational suggestions to improve the CSR situation in China.The conclusions of this study translate the gap between responsible perceptions and behaviors easily, and offer ideas for the interaction mechanism of responsible consumption and CSR. So we propose suggetions from CSR stategies and context reforms.Corporations should improve strategic CSR based on consumer reactions.First, Corporations should combine CSR and corporation strategies according to consumer reactions; secondly, corporations should strengthen the benefit perceptions of targeted consumers; thirdly, corporations should emphasize the market segmenting strategies when using cause-related Marketing;fourthly, corporations should guide the CSR-CA conceptions of consumers;fifthly, corporations should improve the perception effect of consumers by the match of CSR and competitive strategies.In addition, government and society should play an important role in the interaction CSR and responsible consumption as catalytic agents and ties. First, government should construct good atmosphere to abtain interaction between CSR and social responsible consumption; secondly, government and society should popularize the perceptions of social responsible consumption and cultivate the social responsible market; thirdly, consumers should be given rights to abolish the vulnerable sense in the marketing, and the lonely sense of social responsible consumption; fourthly, the effective mechanism of CSR identification and information disclosure should be explored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期