

The Study on Fox Spirit Stories of Ancient China

【作者】 任志强

【导师】 刘宗迪;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国民间文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 狐狸是一种行动敏捷、聪明狡狯、生性多疑的犬科动物,在漫长的历史岁月中,狐超越了本身的生物性,形成了一种独特的内涵极为丰富的文化现象。在中国,狐狸精不仅是民间故事的重要角色,也经常出现在文人的笔下。狐狸精故事是中国精怪故事中数量最多、质量最高的,且历时久远,成为我国文言小说中一个重要的题材门类。论文围绕中国古代狐精故事,在前人研究基础上,着重分析狐狸成精的缘起,历代狐狸精故事的历史演变、主要类型,狐狸崇拜与狐狸精故事的关联以及狐狸精故事背后的文化意涵等学界关注不够或研究不够深入的问题,从历时、共时的不同维度,以民间文学、古代文学、民俗学、文化人类学等多重视角对狐精故事进行了全面解读,以期能够透彻了解狐狸精故事的历史流变、狐狸精怪的文化内涵、指涉意义。关于狐狸成精的缘起,作者认为狐狸能从百物中脱颖而出成为精魅,除了与秦汉时期盛行的“物老成精”的观念和求仙思想有关,更与狐狸昼伏夜出、性格多疑、机智多诈的特点及其与人若即若离,暖昧不明的关系有很大关联。狐信仰及狐精故事随着历史的发展在不同历史时期呈现出不同的面向。先秦时期,狐狸在人们眼中还主要是一种自然动物,到了汉代,古人对狐狸的看法有了重大转变。狐狸与人事吉凶、祥符瑞应有了联系。魏晋六朝时期神仙长生、物老成精等思想兴盛,狐狸能成精幻化为人的情况正式出现。也就是这一时期,狐狸精故事作品正式诞生。这一时期的故事篇幅短小,情节简单。但风气既开,此后的狐狸精故事便一发不可收。到了唐代,百姓事狐成俗,狐俨如一家一户的保护神,当时有“无狐魅,不成村”的说法。这一时期的狐狸精故事十分繁荣,《太平广记》中收录此一时期的狐精故事高达70多篇。宋代,在唐代房中祀狐的基础上,又广建狐王庙。狐对祸福的支配能力似乎扩大了许多,狐的神性进一步升格了。宋明时期,理学发达,狐狸精故事创作锐减,且多为改编、综合之作。在宋明文人的笔下,狐狸却被普遍丑化,狐狸精的形象一落千丈。清代,对狐仙的信奉达到极盛期。人们称狐多用大仙、狐仙,一般不敢直呼其名,对狐的祭祀也很普遍,其祠甚至设到了官府衙门。清人笔记小说的狐狸精故事大量涌现,不可胜数,狐狸精的形象千姿百态,性格复杂多样。《聊斋志异》使狐狸精故事达到登峰造极的境地。紧随其后,《阅微草堂笔记》、《子不语》等笔记小说也收入大量狐狸精故事。古代狐精故事作品林林总总,浩如烟海,十分难以把握。作者依据故事主题及人狐关系,将这些故事主要归纳为狐博学、狐作祟、狐报恩、狐抱怨、狐媚人、人狐恋、狐仗义等八个主要的故事类型,为我们把握古代狐精故事的主题提供了极大便利。狐精故事文化意涵十分丰富,仔细阅读狐精故事,可以发现狐精形象与胡人、妓女、鬼、流民、官员有着紧密的关联。早期,尤其是在唐代,狐精是对入居中土的西域胡人的隐喻。二者在体貌、服饰、发型、习俗、姓氏、文字、信仰、职业等诸多方面,存在彼此相通之处。这一现象与唐代中西交流、胡人大量来华的社会背景不无关系。这些故事实质上反映了入居中土后胡人作为文化他者在汉人社会中的生活遭际及其边缘身份。狐与妓二者在性淫和媚人上有着惊人的相似,这也是二者能相互比附的根本原因。早在唐宋时期,狐精已有娼妓化的的倾向,故事中这些狐精所化的娼女往往卖淫赚钱,或者以歌舞乐妓也就是“散乐子弟”身份媚人。到了宋代,狐精娼妓化现象更为明显。到了清代,这种妓即狐、狐即妓的观念尤为突出,并以非常明确的形式多次出现于文人笔下。狐与鬼的关系也十分密切,在古人的观念中,狐与鬼同住墓地,同在夜间出没,二者在故事中常常扮演同中有异的角色。在晚期的狐精故事中,狐精有时被赋予流民的角色。乞丐、雇工、杂技班子等出身低贱、没有土地、缺乏家庭或社区纽带的流民,往往被认为是引发社会动乱的源头。因为他们看起来难以控制,当发生政治动荡或集体恐慌的时候,很容易成为被猜忌的对象。有关狐与官员的故事,呈现出官员与地方社会之间的合作、冲突与妥协。狐精从官府衙门的不速之客逐渐演变为“守印大仙”,象征着官员深处异地,屈服的不只是一个被视为淫祀的妖魅崇拜,而是屈服于其背后所折射的地方势力。狐狸介于人类和物怪之间,介于明暗之间,介于仙妖之间,界限模糊,令人难以捉摸,处于范热内普所说的“边缘状态”和特纳所阐释的“阈限”状态。这种状态往往会被人们视为危险的、令人难以控制的,甚至会给现存社会秩序带来威胁的。透视狐精故事呈现的狐精形象,可以发现不管是胡人、妓女还是乞丐、雇工、杂技班子等流民,都是古代社会中的边缘群体。狐精所象征的这些群体,通常被认为是为危险的,边缘的,官方难以控制的。狐精的特性,推翻了古代主流社会的文化规范,但往往又是古人日常生活中所不可或缺的。这些群体,代表了中国社会中受到社会规范抑制的声音,受到文化制约的欲望,以及官方政治力量压制的力量。

【Abstract】 Fox is an intelligent animal. In the course of history, the fox form a rich cultural phenomenon.In China, the fox is not only a major role in folk tales,but also the protagonist of the literary works.Fox story is the largest number and the the highest quality of chinese spirit story.This dissertation analyzes the origins of fox spirit, the historical evolution of fox story, the main types of fox story,the worship of fox spirit and the cultural implications of fox story.The dissertation comprehensively interpretates the fox spirit story from multiple perspectives of folk literature, ancient literature, folklore, cultural anthropology and etc.The author believes that,the fox becoming fox pirit is mostly related the feature that the fox is suspicious and cunning of,and the connection of the fox and the human being.The fox showes a different face In different historical periods.The fox was still mainly a natural animal in people’s eyes in the pre-Qin period.In the Han Dynasty,.the fox began to connect with personnel good and bad,auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity.In the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties, Fox could be turned into a man.At the same time, the works of fox story was born.In Tang Dynasty,people worshiped fox as if the fox is a God who can protection the family. Fox story of this period was very prosperous,"taiping guangji" included the story of fox more than70articles. In Song Dynasty, the divinity of fox enhanced furtherly. The number of fox story drastically reduced and the image fo the fox spirit was widely vilified.In the Qing Dynasty, the worship of the fox reached reached its apogee. Fox story appeared in large numbers,and "liaozhai zhiyi"marked the peak of the fox story.The story of the fox spirit could be classified eight main story types.that is fox learned, fox haunting, fox gratitude, fox complained, fox glamour,love Between human and fox, fox gallant and etc.This provides great convenience for us to grasp the essence of the ancient story of fox spirit.Cultural meaning of the fox spirit story is very rich.Through carefully reading the story fox spirit, we can find that the image of the fox spirit is closely related to barbarian, prostitutes, ghosts, displaced persons, officials.The fox spirit symbolizes the western barbarian in the early stage especially in the Tang Dynasty.Both are similar in many respects such as physical appearance, clothing, hairstyles, customs, surnames, character, beliefs, career. This phenomenon is related to the background of the exchang between Tang Dynasty and Western areas.These stories reflect the marginal identity of the barbarian in the Tang Dynasty.Both Fox spirit and prostitutes are similar in the lust and charming. From the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the concept that the fox spirit is Prostitute is increasingly apparent.The relationship between the fox spirit and the ghost is also very close. Both of them lives in the grave and comes out at night In the concept of the ancients,In the fox spirit story of late stage.,the fox spirit sometimes been given the role of displaced persons.who is considered to be the source of social unrest.The story of the fox spirit and the officials, showing cooperation, conflict and compromise between officials and the local community.The fox lie in between human and thing,between the darkness and lightness, For the Chinese,the fox has long been "betwixt" and between".This is the margin of Arnole van Gennep and liminality of Turner.Liminal situation and roles tend to be conceived as dangerous and inanspicious.They are likened to marginal group,such as barbarian, prostitutes and displaced persons.Fox spirits signifies outsider who were usually perceived as dangerous and marginal and were difficult to control by the official. These groups represent the socially suppressed voices,culturally repressed desires and politically proscribed forces in Chinses society.

【关键词】 狐精历史流变类型边缘
【Key words】 Fox spiritHistoryEvolutionTypeMarginal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期