

Study on the Design Method of Product Usability of Typical Technology

【作者】 刘和山

【导师】 李剑峰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 科学技术日益成为经济社会发展的驱动力,一方面要提高自主创新能力,另一方面还要提高典型技术的转化能力。可用性研究是将科学技术转化为具体产品的重要工具。产品可用性是指在特定环境下,产品为特定用户用于特定目的时所具有的有效性、效率和主观满意度。现有的可用性研究主要集中在可用性评估方面,一般用于产品设计的后期,而本文将可用性的内涵进行了扩展,认为产品设计的全过程都应考虑可用性的问题,即:在设计初期发现“这些问题会对谁是可用的”;在设计中期找出“怎样才能使之成为可用的”;在设计后期确定“哪一个是可用的”。本文以典型技术为例,研究将其转化为可用性产品的设计方法,强调在产品设计过程中要紧紧围绕用户出发,在设计的各个阶段要有用户的参与,以便及时获得用户的反馈并据此进行改进。针对典型技术的生命周期不同,本文围绕以人为中心的设计理念,致力于研究不同的设计策略,将对我国的设计研发和技术转化提供有益的参考。本文首先从可用性研究、产品设计创新方法、产品可用性设计应用等三个方面分析了国内外研究现状,发现了存在的问题,提出了本课题的目标和研究框架。接下来,本文提出了基于用户研究的产品设计程序,并结合产品设计中的可用性因素和方法,提出了不同生命周期的产品在可用性设计时应采取的不同方法,并进而建立了典型技术可用性设计方法模型。研究发现:当一种成熟期技术被用于新的领域,则可能衍生为新的萌芽期产品或成长期产品,这种技术转化的方式具有开发周期短、见效快等优点,具有更广阔的应用前景。本文将产品设计分成三个阶段,并选取三种典型技术作为研究对象,进一步阐述了可用性设计方法的应用。在产品设计初期,主要应用设计调查和需求预测进行用户研究,进而锁定产品的使用对象,并发现他们的需求。设计调查常用的方法包括故事板、深度访谈、焦点小组和文献调查,主要是从主观角度对用户进行研究,而需求预测则是通过输入相关知识和信息,建立数据库,从中发掘用户的需求信息,是一种相对客观的方法。本文认为:将用户研究的主观方法和客观方法相结合,用设计调查的结论验证需求预测的结果,能够更好的提高产品设计的可用性。本文还应用以上设计方法研究了“榨油技术”在家庭中的产品化应用,发现了该类产品的潜在需求。产品设计中期是体现设计创意的主要环节。围绕设计定位和目标,通过设计创意,能够将设计概念可视化,让设计对象变得更加具体可行,而可用性设计研究的目标就是发现尽可能多的创意线索并找出相对合理的解决方案。因此,本文运用奥斯本检核表,针对“家用净水技术”,对50名工业设计专业大三学生进行了对照实验,发现了该方法的有效性。然后,从形态设计和功能设计入手,阐述了产品设计创意的不同案例。另外,本文还提出了基于产品基因的设计创新方法,丰富了产品设计创意的手段和技巧。在产品设计后期,以往的研究常通过试生产和试用来验证设计的可用性。本文把可用性研究延伸到了设计评价阶段,提炼消费者、生产者和设计者的不同需要,提出了通过灰色统计方法与DEA方法相结合,建立一种定性与定量相结合,科学有效的多指标评价方法,并通过某品牌空调产品设计方案的评价进行了验证。本文引入了新的技术手段,丰富了产品设计方法,同时将可用性设计方法用于典型技术的产品设计,扩大了可用性的应用领域,又解决了设计质量评价的问题。还提出了对于可用性内涵的新的理解,将可用性分解成“为谁可用”、“如何可用”、“哪个可用”三个层面,并进而确立了以用户为中心的设计分析方法、以用户需求为导向的设计创意方法、以用户体验为核心的设计评价方法。本文选取典型技术作为研究对象,研究将技术转化为具体产品的机制和设计方法,根据用户需求开发新产品,有助于提升我国制造业的自主创新能力。

【Abstract】 Science and technology is increasingly becoming the driving force of economic and social development, which means people need to improve the ability of independent innovation and the transformation ability of typical technology as well. The usability study is an important tool for transforming science and technology into specific products. The usability of products refers to, in specific environment, the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of a product for a specific user for a specific purpose. The existing study of usability is mainly in the usability evaluation which is generally used in the later period of product design, while this project expands the connotations of usability, and holds that usability should be considered during the entire proceeding, namely to find "Whom is it usable for" in the early stages, to find "How to make it be Usable" in the mid-term, and to identify "Which One is Applicable" in the later period. Taking typical technology as an example, this project will study the design method of transforming typical technology into usable products. The study stresses that user’s demand and participation should be closely concerned in the process of product design, so as to get the user’s feedback timely and to make improvement. According to the life cycle of different typical technology, around the user-centered design, this project is devoted to the study of different design strategies, will provide a useful reference for the product design and development, and the technology transform of China.Firstly, from the three aspects of usability research, product design innovation and product usability design application, this paper analyzed research situation, discovered the existence question, proposed the research goal and framework. Then, this paper presents a product design process based on the user research, combined with the usability factor and method in product design, proposed different methods in different product life cycle should be taken in the usability design, and then establish the typical technology usability design method model. The study found:when a mature technology is used in a new field, may be derived for the budding period product or growth of new products, the technology transformed the way has the advantages of short development cycle, quick, has wider application prospects.In this paper, the product design is divided into three stages, and three typical technologies are selected as the research object, which further elaborates on the application of the usability design method:In the early stage of product design, carry on the main application of design research and demand forecast of user research, then lock products use objects, and discover their needs. Survey design commonly used methods include the story board, depth interviews, focus groups and a literature survey, is mainly on the research of the user from the subjective point of view, and demand forecasting is the establishment of database by inputting the relevant knowledge and information, from which to explore the user’s demand information, is a relatively objective. This paper thinks:combining subjective user research methods and objective methods, verify the demand forecast with design research conclusion, to better improve the usability of the product design. This paper also using the above design method to study the "oil-mill technology" product application in the family, find the potential demand of the products.Product design is the main link to reflect the middle of creative design. According to the design position, through the creative design, will be able to design concept visualization, let the design object become more feasible, and the search on the usability design goal is to find as many as possible creative clues and find a solution relatively reasonable. Therefore, this paper uses Osborn checklist,50industrial design professional Junior conducted a controlled experiment, found that the effectiveness of the method. Then, by studying the shape design and functional design approach, described the different case product innovative design. In addition, this paper also puts forward innovative design method based on product gene, rich product design and creative means and skills.In the late product design stage, previous research often use trial production and trial to validate the usability design. In this paper, the usability research extends to the design evaluation stage, different needs refining consumer, producer and designer, put forward by combining the grey statistics method and DEA method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, multi index evaluation method of scientific and effective.This paper introduces the new technology, verifies product design method, at the same time, applies the usability design method to the product design of typical technology, enlarge the application field of usability, also solves the problem of design quality evaluation. And puts forward the new understanding of the connotation of usability, the usability is divided into "who can","how to use","which can be" in three aspects, and then establishes the user centered design method to evaluate the design, creative design method, user oriented to the user experience as the core of the method. This paper selects the typical technology as the research object, research and technology into the mechanism and design method of the specific products, according to user needs to develop new products, will contribute to the ability of independent innovation of China’s manufacturing industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期